
hi!!! i'm miya aka navi aka any navia related name bc she's the most miya-coded character of all time. i interchange between a few labels, but i typically go by he she, straying away from they them, and i'm a sapphic chinese girl who's happily taken by my girlfriend. i'm her biggest fan, hence the url /fangirl. i'm also alright with any terms, but preferably masculine. unrelated, but have i mentioned my crazy obsession with navia? i own nearly every obtainable url of hers, i've started a merch collection in my bedroom, and i talk about her daily (minutely.. even..). everyone around me, especially my best pals, know her as my #1. i've been insanely fontaine fixated since it's release; i've dreaded natlan for months, but alas, it's here and genshin's become a snoozefest #takemeback. i'll never get over genshin's crazy downfall i'm afraid.

i'm only an insane gatekeeper over my navia ID (though i also selfship with her), but there are other characters i particularly connect with. they're much weaker than the connection i hold with navia, with the exception of her, so if you ID or connect with them as well you are more than free to interact, if you're okay with it as well. people competing or separating me from them would result in an ignore (<- click that).. do not impersonate or steal bits from my identity or personality, that is just weird. i'm talking about the jobless clorivia rentry enjoyers; what business do you have copying large sections from my main pastes? find something better to do. id also like to add that it's really obvious when you copy text off this paste in specific oop- hey ####-

i have some interests; some i'm more insane about than others. most are veeryyyy casual interests, with only a handful i'd actually go crazy over. unfortunately, i'm fixated on honkai star rail & genshin (or like, a handful of characters. fuuckk genshin), making them my main interests. oh shoot me dead i'm working on fixing myself too. if i could pull navia, clorinde & guinaifen out of their respective games and make them my ocs, trust me, i would. i've also been getting into your turn to die lately, watching jihyorge's gameplay, as he's hilarious ^_^ anyways, please don't befriend me for edit tutorials, urls, graphics, or anything of the sort, because trust me, it's happened in the past 3: crazyyy, i thought this was common sense GUESS NOT!.

please do not send me a friend request, or attempt to start conversation if you fit my dni (scroll down. i'm disorganised). on that note, i'm awful at holding up and making conversations, especially if we are near strangers, so if i ghost you or go inactive while we speak, i'm probably too overwhelmed from the DM. zero hard feelings towards you, the pandemic killed my ability to socialise, even through a chatbox !!!!!!

i sometimes like putting myself on a pedestal, especially when it comes to graphic making. i like the feeling of being complimented because unfortunately both myself and my ego thrive off it. i have awful physical and mental health, so it's totally possible that it'd affect my personality in the long run, and my ability to respond to a message on time. i try my best to limit the amount of beef i have with people online, though often times i fail miserably, because i do things very carelessly. sorry rentrycord (unless you're.. yknow, You....). if i upset you somehow, i'd appreciate it if you let me know, and we can sort it out in dms without involving random bystanders. COOOUUGGGHHH.

i love my friends ^_^ especially my gf, ganyuplushies (mari, pringle, bonk, bins, neud, rach, ar, mahi), my privoomfs (kiara, eden, natalie, keo, quels, lolo, rae), sextape (suki, haven, yura, faith, ver, aili ++), rentrycord (nico, yua, xen, till, ynna, yau, blushingtons, and so so many more..)

this is in no specific order i promise you ^^ i love all of you the same. mfw all the people i've talked to disappear from my head when i'm writing one of these.

Pub: 06 Jun 2023 12:18 UTC
Edit: 07 Dec 2024 12:10 UTC
Views: 2082