No More

Sherif finally comes home.. seemingly at the same time writer.. was about to leave.. which was strange because writer never left the house

s = " Writer...what are ya doing? "

Their was no respons.. writer just stared before trying to leave again.. from the lookes of it.. lamp almost seemed pissed..

s = " Where the hell are ya going..?! " 
" you... dont need to... know " 
" of course.. i do.. youve never gotten out.. why are you- "
" shhh... sh.. do not worry... i just need to teach an old "Friend" a lesson...ok? " 

Their was no response.. and with that Writer was about to leave and close the door.. that was untill lamp looked back for a second.

s = " Hey.... Make sure Blossom's... alright when he wakes up... he seems to need support... please" 

Writer finally closed the door.. Of course Sherif went up to blossom, worried and a bit paniked. He was passed out.. he almost seemed stress yet he slept soundly.. what.. what the hell happend..?

Pub: 01 Feb 2023 02:34 UTC
Views: 73