A Investigation

Me and one of the newer decective were told to investigate a dead body found in a abandond building. it was going well for a few hours.. we found footprints, bitemarks, broken bones, and some missing organs.. it was werid and disgusting but it wasnt to most brutal one ive seen. That was untill the Culprits showed up.. their were objects.. im not even sure if they were objects.. things covered in a werid moss.. they tired to kill us both. i somehow manage to fight them off and get the FUCK out of there

Of course i'm going to have to tell this to my boss.. it had to be delt with ,tho im sure he wont beileve us anyways

I'm just worried about the new decective Evelyn. She seems shaken up about this whole thing, ill make sure to check up on her when i can

Pub: 13 Oct 2022 20:25 UTC
Edit: 13 Oct 2022 20:42 UTC
Views: 53