From Agra with Love

The Calm Before the Storm

September 19th 1119 VTE, Aboard the Avengeronii, Port of Ceres, Protectorate of Risu

Vice Admiral Lockclock stood aboard his Steam Frigate ready to sail out and subdue those pesky rrats in Agra once and for all. After what he presumed was the total destruction of the Agravani Fleet off Ceres on September 14th, where the city state lost 30 galleys without even one Kronie dying (only 5 wounded), the blood was in the water and he was prepared to strike. Thus, he had gathered with him 4 Ships of the Line: Victoronii, Courageronii, Audacironii and Indefagitaronii and 5 other Steam Frigates: Pleasuronii, Braveronii, Rapideronii, Rainboronii, and Unicoronii. He was confident in the victory that was about to come, and believed that it was only a matter of a few shots into the city to get it to capitulate. The time had come to end this pest forever, thought Lockclock over some Kronii Milk. At 500 hours, he ordered his squadron to set sail to Agra.

Fort Nidar, Agra

VII was an invaluable asset for the Agravani during this struggle to come. They had warned Prince Demetrius of the planned attack scheduled for this day, and the whole city was ready for perhaps their greatest test since the 4th Dakshinee Daavedaar Kayuddh (War against the Southern Pretenders). The mighty fleet had been crippled by it's costly attempt on Ceres, but as all Agravani know, never count out the Fleet even during times such as these. Fort Nidar, given its place on the south west edge of Agravana, was certain to be the centre of the maelstrom to come. The garrison of Nidar was fully prepared however for the task to come. It's commander, Seleucus Lodi, had all of the guns and rockets ranged properly. If the Kronies wanted to take Agra, they would have to over the bodies of Seleucus and all of his men.

Grand Harbour, Agra

Meanwhile, at the Grand Harbour, what was left of the war fleet was being readied by Admiral Timur Shah. The brother of the ill-fated Rukh Shah, who led the failed attack some 5 days before, Timur was not only determined to defend the city with his life but avenge his brother. He also heard an interesting report that the Berlayarmatahari, the greatest fools in the known world, were planning their own action today to join in the glory. When he heard this, Timur simply replied "Interesting." but deep down, he couldn't wait to send them flying again.

Aboard the Ikan Besar, Approaching Agra from the Southeast

Dwi laughed as he thought of the glory that awaited him. "Those damn Agramen, they will cower behind their stupid walls again... But we are prepared and by Risu, we will finally have our glory over them this day." starts to tear up thinking of it "It will be the Glorious.. uh 19th of September or whatever those Tsukinode call their special day... but ours will be even grander!" 36th Rihadi would surely bring his clan to the top where it belonged, and his 35 Galleys loaded with men would tear down the walls of Agra once and for all!

Agra vs. the World

Aboard the Avengeronii, Approaching Agra from the Southwest

Lockclock spotted Agra and its ring of forts in the distance. He calmly signaled for the sailing vessels to form their own line of battle while he took the faster Frigates into their own. The plan was simple. The Frigates would avoid the gunfire of the outer forts and try to dash for the Grand Harbour itself and put it under cannon fire. While this was accomplished, the Ships of the Line would subdue the outer forts with their sheer amount cannon fire. It was now 900 hrs and after 15 minutes of forming up, the plan was launched into action. The steam pressure was built up to sufficient levels, and now it was time for the mad dash to catch these damn hubristic tribals off guard. "By the Kroniissiah, FULL STEAM AHEAD!" screamed Lockclock.

His squadron was making good progress, as it came into the range of Fort Nidar. Fort Nidar was known to the Kronies for being probably the biggest obstacle in their dash, followed by the Forts at the Grand Harbour itself closely. Nidar was known by local to be the spot where "fleets died", and the Kronies fully understood that this reputation was will deserved but believed their superior technology and equipment would over come it. After all, how many times had these Agravani ever seen a ship sail as fast as the steam frigates. However, Nidar refused to open fire. What on earth was going on? Well, clearly the Agravani were asleep on the watch or something, as the Frigates blew past them and now only started to take ineffective fire from the other forts. The Grand Harbour was 7 minutes away, and the time was right for a death blow!

It was then that it happened.

Aboard the Vijayee

Agra had spotted the Kronies around the same time that they were spotted by them, but even they were shocked by the speed of the Steam Frigates. Fort Nidar didn't even get a chance to open up in time thanks to Seleucus' overly cautious approach. Timur Shah, however, was not going to be timid at all. He had already placed his 20 Galleys and 4 Galleasses just in front of the harbour. At 943, it happened.

"The Steamers are here, Admiral!" shouted a watchman.

"Very well, let us all determine to die here today and we shall win victory! FOR AGRA!"

Shouts rung out across all the ships as the Frigates came within range of the "Agravani Death Organs" as they were known. More shouts about the damned Berlayarmatahari being spotted rang out, but these were soon drown out by the fire, weeping and wailing of perhaps hundreds of rockets flying off at the Steam Frigates.

Back on the Avengeronii

The Kronies watched in horror as the sky was turned black by the smoke and flames approaching them. They knew about these rockets but had never guessed their would be so many of them and that they had this kind of range!

"RETURN FIRE AND HOLD STEADY, THEN HARD TO PORT!" was shouted across the decks as payload of the Death Organs came down onto their targets.

The sounds of the explosions, both aboard the ships, in the air and on the water surrounding them was deafening. The Admiral himself was left with his ears ringing. This wasn't war, this was utter chaos. He was totally dazed and stumbled around, and was thrown nearly overboard when his ship made its hard port turn at Flanking Speed. The Avengeronii had been hit by two rockets, one smashing the paddle wheel and the other blowing off the smokestack. Numerous dead and wounded lay on the decks and men were going insane from it. One man jumped overboard and was sucked into the propeller. Gruesome and inhuman was this weapon that so deserved its name.

Behind him, the Pleasuronii was listing heavily after taking several hits below the waterline and was starting to take on water rapidly, she had to pull out of line and would be beached. Braveronii was hit hard and had numerous fires on deck, but was still going on. Rapideronii had her engines knocked out and was reduced to sail power, but Rainboronii emerged unscathed despite numerous killed and wounded on the deck. The same could not be said of Unicoronii. She had been hit by 6 rockets, and one of them set alight her gunpowder magazine. She went up with a tremendous explosion that saw her funnel land right off the bow of Vijayee. A total loss.

As Admiral Lockclock regained his composure, to his horror, he spotted yet more Galleys approaching from the southeast.


The Avengeronii, Braveronii, Rapideronii, and Rainboronii all opened up on these mysterious ships and they blew up like match boxes.

Aboard the Ikan Besar

Dwi couldn't believe what was happening to the Kronies and quickly order his ships to go support. As usual, all plans went to shit for him and this was no different. He sincerely thought he would be able to show up and claim victory for his people but with the Clocks taking devastating hits, he had to do something. Unfortunately, the Clocks didn't know of Dwi's plans this whole time. Instead of posting them about him waiting nearby, he had failed to even communicate this to the Kronies and now he would pay the blood price as the Kronies opened up with devastating fire onto his 12 galleys. 3 were blown to the heavens, and 6 were crippled thanks to the point blank fire.

Panicking, he ordered white flags to be shown and the sails to be cut in order to communicate the message. This had its intended results but also would seal the fate of Dwi and his Rihad...

At Fort Nidar

Seleucus was fuming about missing the opportunity for glory, but another one in the ships of the line present themselves. He didn't have near the Rocket Power that he used to, with most of it having been transferred to the Harbour Forts given the dual threat, but he still was determined to not let the Kronies escape without some blood. A brutal firefight between the ships and the fort erupted that saw the one of the fort's magazines explode but also saw the Kronies fought off after sustained fire and rocket barrages sank the Courageronii and heavily damaged the Indefagitaronii.

The Aftermath

Aboard the Ikan Besar

Dwi's fate had been sealed by his own actions, and the approach of the Agravani Fleet's "Ship Chasers" ended any hopes. After they fired one warning salvo at him, he decided to surrender rather than send more of his men to an inglorious fate. It was a total humiliation for the Berlayarmatahari clan and solidified their hatred of the Kronies for ruining their glorious victory! Damn Agramen and their damn tricks, he thought!

Back at Ceres

When the squadron arrived without three of its ships, and in tatters, it was a complete shock to everyone who believed that today would break the back of the wicked Agravani forever. The wounded were carried off to hospitals as quickly as possible, and the dead were tallied up as Lockclock was still trying to grasp what happened. How on earth did this happen?

The Captain of the Braveronii reported of the firing of rockets from the region that other squadron of galleys was, and when it was found out that these ships came from Sabatangan, the blame was shifted directly at these "idiot squirrels". He wasn't wrong about the firing of the rockets, but the rockets fired were directed at the Grand Harbour, not the Kronies and was after the Agravani fired.

Regardless, this was absolutely humiliating for the Kronies, especially after the high on the 14th.

Grand Harbour of Agra

The repulse of the Kronies by Agra was immediately recognized for the greatness that it was but the greatness grew with each report. The news of the sinking of the Ship of the Line, then the capture of the Berlayarmatahari, and the icing of it all: The capture of the Pleasuronii, solidified this day as perhaps the greatest day in the history of the city, only days after one of her greatest defeats! The Prince proudly declared this day to be "Greatest of All forever be celebrated and remembered as when Agra stood against the whole world and defeated it!" in a speech before his people, and hailed all of the men that bravely defended the city as "Immortal Heroes". The construction of an column, which would bear the name of all the brave defenders of Agra, would soon be raised as a monument of the "Immortal Victory". A bronze statue of the Prince, Timur Shah and Seleucus each holding a torch sat on top of it.

But nothing can compare to the cities reaction at the very sight of the steam frigate being brought into the harbour on the 21st after repairs. The streets were filled with onlookers awaiting the beast and the cheers could be heard as far away as Castra when it arrived. Not only had they got the ship in good working order, but had the men who understood the ship at their disposal now in chains. "It was Agra vs. the World", as the poets wrote, "But Mighty Agra, Strong and Brave, would have the day and turn its oppressors into slaves."

The Letters

TO the vain Clocks who dare to call themselves protectors of peace. To the paper victors, who Risu torn asunder. To the glass jawed and lily-livered fools who dared to threaten Mighty Agra. To the laughing stock of the whole world whole lost to a "pest" of a city. If Agra was the size of your island, Agra would conquer the whole world. It seems that a clock is only right twice a day, for any triumph you had over us was mere luck. You will continue to fear the pain we will continue to bring to you, day after day, and soon we will drive you from these lands. Ceres will burn, and its people will become footstools for our glorious race.

From Agra with Love

TO the foolish pretenders, who long struggle against mighty Agra but never win. You fools beat your heads against our walls and failed once more. Aren't you feeling kind of sore? All the Clocks steam and all the Clocks men couldn't put you losers on top of us yet again. You will never beat us, you will always fail. Isn't it embarrassing that your trophies of glory are mere fragments of our forts and not even our walls? The whole world stood against Agra and the whole world was slain. What hope do you have?

From Agra with Love

Pub: 28 Dec 2022 17:39 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2022 21:03 UTC
Views: 354