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total: 614 (last counted december 23)

songs/albums (405) -7782X-7289 100baddays 22century-girl 22ndcenturygirl 3435 365fresh 19candles actmyage acupofcoffee afterthebloom afterweride after-we-ride allnightdiner allnightparking americanoxygen anding armyofone a-signanonymous asongformatilda astarrysky athleticgirl auroraboreale back-in-vogue backinvogue backtodecember barbarbar battleborn bbbboo beautifulliar bedivine be-honest beok be-ok bestforlast bestmistake bettedaviseyes bicyclebuiltfortwo bigstar bingbing blackandgold blackpetrol bloomingblue blowyourmind blueday bodysoulmind bossbitch boulevardofbrokendreams boxofpandora bravenewgirl breakitoff breakmysoul breaktheice breatheonme bringitback bubble-pop burnwithlove busyboy candyjellylove california-dream californiaking cartoonhead cartoonheart cashmeout castlescrumbling catch-n-release catchnrelease causeitsyou chasingpavements chimatbaram chi-mat-ba-ram christmastreefarm churchgirl circlethedrain coastofazure coldshoulder coloroflove colourspectrum corneliastreet crazy-like-you crownjewel cry-for-me cuff-it cuffit dancing-queen darkbluetennessee dbdbdib dearjohn diaryofme diawings dieinyourarms dirtsledding dontcallmeangel dontpanic dontstartnow dowhatwelike dreamcarrier dreamtrip dreamyourdream dressinup dropsofjupiter dropthebeat drunkinlove drunkonlove dyingbreed e-mailmyheart earlymornin easyonme emailmyheart electricfeel eleventhday endingpage enterlude escape-room everyglance express-moon exitlude eyeofthestorm eyeseyeseyes faded-love faithwontfall fallbackonyou fallinlight fear-not feverseason fireinbone foolishone flowerbud flippingacoin followsaturday four-walls fourwalls freakumdress frozenaquamarine funkyglitterchristmas futurenostalgia geekyland geeminy ghostlight giftfromvirgo gimmemore girlsinvasion godisawoman goldenslumbers grapefruitmoon girls-on-top growingpains gxxdboy hackensack halazia halfofmyheart halfwaytotexas handslocked happymoment harleysinhawaii hearthewindsong heartlight heartofagirl heartonfire heavenonearth heavycloud hide-and-seek higherpower highwildandfree hislies holidaytalk hometownglory hot-as-ice hotasice hotplace hot-summer hotsummer houstonrodeo hurtslikeheaven hushhush ice-chu idrinkwine i-got-a-boy ikissedagirl ikyk immortalflame inbetweendays infinitysign into-the-new-world intoviolet inyoureyes iridescentopal ironboy iwillbethere i-yah joyland justlikemagic justluvme kidinthecrowd kingofmyheart kissandmakeup la-di-da laceandleather laddersong lapampam la-pam-pam lavishnight lastfantasy leavingneverland legendsneverdie lifeisaparty liftmeup lil-touch lip2lip lipslikesugar longtimegoing losingyou lostinparadise lostinyourlight lovedrought love-foolish loveisagame love-is-around loveiseverything loveistheway lovemedown lovemeharder loveohlove loveonthebrain loversinjapan love-so-sweet lovetolose manonthemoon madeupyou meltingpoint midnightonyx midnightshow mindmaze miseenscene missatomicbomb misspingpong mmmpapi mmookjjiba mmook-jji-ba mrbadboy mrblue mrmr museonmusic musicofthesun mybrokenheart naughtyhands needyounow nekopunch neontiger nightaviation nobodynocrime noneoftheabove notearslefttocry not-friends notmyjob nu-abo number9 numbernine oceanicfeeling ohmysummer ohsayitditto one-shot-two-shot onlytheyoung oopsididitagain ouryouth outfromunder overandover overlap1-1 overprotected partofme perfectlover perfectplaces perfect-world permanentmarker pieceofme piecesoflove poisonlove pondereplay preciouslove prettyb0ys prettyhurts prettypsycho prettywords privateshow pushpush putaringonit putyourheartsup queenisna rainsong reallyreally realmiracle recipeforsimon red-light redlipstick redwedding rememberforever ringthealarm riverlea roomofmirrors roseblossom royl rude-love rum-pum-pum-pum rumpumpumpum run-devil-run saveasdraft scaryfairytale secret-recipe secretrecipe secretstory setfiretotherain shadygirl shockvalue silencia singleladies skipskip smokeyblacknights snowincalifornia songofthesirens spacesymphony spinningaround stairsinthenorth starringrole staystaystay sunnysummer sweeterthanfiction sweet-witches sweetwitches thirteenblocks timeforthemoonnight time-for-the-moon-night the-aerialist theaerialist thebeatgoeson the-boys thebirthofemotion theblueroom thebutterfly theeleventhday theescapist thehookup theparkinthenight tiatamera tiktikboom tonsdeazul touchnmove touchofmyhand towardsthesun trala tra-la triptoyourheart troubleforme truevalentine tuktok tweettweet twentyfourseven twinkle-twinkle undermyhead unusualyou up-and-down upanddown upinflames vavigirl vavi-girl ven-para venpara videophone virgosgroove wa-da-da wagzak waterflower we-fresh weride we-ride wheeloftheyear whenimove whereareyounow whitebaccharis whiteshadow whiteshadows whywhy wideawake wildbeach wildwildwest wildthoughts windyday windywindy wineponyou wjplease wjstay wonderfulthings wonderingstar workbitch worldwidewoman worrydoll wrappedinred yeppi-yeppi yes-or-yes youdrivemecrazy youngandwild youniverse youremyboy yourpicture zerotohero

people/groups (94) 009soundsystem aigel ae-giselle ae-ningning ae-spa ae-winter amoyamo aoablack aoacream araknofobia ariana_grande astyplaz ayumikurikamaki bebeyana camelliafactory checkpoint303 chobom choerryfromloona choevi choerrybias choiyeyoung coedschool chuubias cnblue davichi dazzledreams dazzlevision doja_cat echoimage geodesium gogogirls hajin haseulbias haseulfromloona heejinbias heejinfromloona heehye heejinist heerry heeseul heeyeo huyetao hu-yetao hyejubias hyejufromloona hyeme hyunhye hyunjinbias hyunjinfromloona hyunlip hyunrry hyunseul hyunyeo icebird icecreamz ironbunny jinsoulbias jinsoulfromloona junvernon kimlipbias kimlipfromloona lipves lipwon loona-verse magnoliafactory maximumlove moontower poshgirls queensclub queenzeye seeya seulvi silverdaggers sistar19 spacegirls speedcaravan sriya sunnyhill uhsn vihye visoul vivibias vivifromloona viwon vernonjun yeochuu yeohee yeojinbias yeojinfromloona yeosoul yvesbias yvesfromloona

words (37) aequinoctium aionia alunissage apprivoise atravesar blaireau calimera carpe-noctem carpenoctem diadema debater eleutheria elpida endingcredit eonia esperer flamma flaner golfer hadron ianua imber magnopere multivisti mysa novaturient ovation parakalo primordium sentimentalism silversmith sommelier statistician supercollider thalasso wayfare xenomorphs

media (19) 5thwave 10cloverfieldlane boysplanet999 cloverfieldparadox fifthwave fimagazine fragments-of-horror independenceday infinitesea laststar mimas-room the5thwave thedayaftertomorrow theplatform themist the-mist venus-in-the-blindspot waroftheworlds

miscellaneous (59) 2100 acegikmoqsuwy acanicat alcifu amenes americandoll atlantica attrakt bayessen bdfhjlnprtxz burnbbc cinatro docciati edens-garden eigame goldenarrow hajounur holarin honeysilk hyopha hylecti inquisto iothro juniongo jupeca kencera lagenesi lavitiol loonie luckysevens meganu mintcream mistyrose moccasin oldlace pacifica peachpuff pionth planetperfect plokmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsamnbvcxz poppyfield popupbepop pychnes qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp quenesau red-panda saros soacen speedoflight sprinklecookie syrolim thehorse thehorseishere vivista wafers wednesdaygirl wekiling xoa zapipau

wishlist you'll have to ask.

Pub: 17 Dec 2022 22:52 UTC
Edit: 24 Dec 2022 02:11 UTC
Views: 2340