Combined Fleet OOB at the start of the Great Siege, 1144.

C-in-C: Admiral Dražen Pavlović, Comte de Bellecombe

Not all ships listed will be used, specialized ships will not be listed nor will unrated ships for the Kanarucan and Zetan Fleets.

Royal Kanarucan Navy

Heavenly Sea Fleet

C-in-C: De jure Admiral Dražen Pavlović, Comte de Bellecombe / De Facto Vice Admiral Béla Hadži-Vasiljević

Fleet Flagship: BVD Pobeda (104), attached to 1st Division, 4th Battle Squadron.

4th Battle Squadron

Commander: De jure Vice Admiral Carthalo Hadži-Vasiljević / De Facto Rear Admiral Raimond, Chevalier de Clerambault

1st Division

BVD Pobeda (104), BVD Princ de Rusadir (94), BVD Dostojanstven (84), BVD Osveta (74), BVD Uništenje (74)

2nd Division

BVD Hannisa (84), BVD Utique (74), BVD Sxe (74), BVD Cape Moni (74)

5th Battle Squadron

Commander: Vice Admiral Jean-Jacques de la Harpe

1st Division

BVD Kunna (94), BVD Kernisa (84), BVD Commerce de Didomit (74), BVD Nika (74)

2nd Division

BVD Duc de Prisna (74), BVD Bolero (74), BVD Theveste (64), BVD Tas-Slig (64)

8th Frigate Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral Henri de Rochefort

BVD Mercury (50), BVD Armin (50), BVD Svift (40), BVD Nerviranje (40)

16th Frigate Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral Adonibaal Macrinus

BVD Cassenti (36), BVD Chevalier de Tellier (36), BVD Teret (36), BVD Izdajnički (36)

Attached Ships

16 unrated warships


17 Ships of the Line
8 Frigates
16 Unrated Warships


Augusta Force

C-in-C: Vice Admiral Ottokar Kolarov

10th Battle Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral Vitomir Baxa
BVD Silovanje (80), BVD Correction (74), BVD Grom (74) BVD Osvajač (64) BVD Admiral Gisgo (64)

20th Frigate Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral Antxon Desjardins

BVD Gmizati (36), BVD Diana (36), BVD Admiral Vučić (36), BVD Zoltán (36)

Attached Ships

7 unrated warships


5 Ships of the Line
4 Frigates
7 Unrated Warships


Dominica Force

C-in-C: Vice Admiral Draško Mrvaljević

12th Battle Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral László Ugron de Ábránfalva

BVD Izmail (74), BVD Odissei (74) BVD Genocid (64) BVD Admiral Opsenica (64)

21st Frigate Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral Adonibaal Palazuelos

BVD Zenta (32), BVD Sikarbaal (32), BVD Massa (28), BVD Eshmounhilles (28)

24th Frigate Squadron

Commander: Rear Admiral Joseph Badeaux

BVD Voiager (32), BVD Chasseur (32), BVD Admiral Hamil (28), BVD Perseus (28)

Attached Ships

13 unrated warships


4 Ships of the Line
8 Frigates
13 Unrated Warships



26 Ships of the Line
24 Frigates
34 Unrated Warships


Republic of Zeta

Magnae Classis

C-in-C: None (Technically the Magister Equitum)

Thebais Classis

C-in-C: Praefectus Classis Lucius Pompeius Strabo

Fleet Flagship: Vindicatio (44)

VI Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Gaius Sollius Apollinaris

Vindicatio (44), Prosperitas (36), Defensio (32), Ultor (32)

VII Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Lucius Acculeius Abascantus

Perditor (36), Albinus (32), Iphigenia (28), Velox (28)

VIII Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Marcus Junius Pera

Praeclarus (32), Medea (28), Andromeda (24), Nymphe (24)

Attached Ships

7 unrated warships


12 Frigates
7 Unrated Warships


Vestia Classis

C-in-C: Praefectus Classis Marcus Fabius Maximus

Fleet Flagship: Zeta (80)

I Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Marcus Junius Silanus

Zeta (80), Superator (74), Indomitus (64), Veritas (64)

III Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Lucius Porcius Licinus

Intractabilis (32), Intrepidus (32), Nemesis (32), Delphinus (32)

IX Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Lucius Licinius Sura

Resistentia (36), Triumphus (36), Cyclops (28), Vulpes (28)

X Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Gaius Caepasius

Inceptum (28), Cyclops (24), Zeno (24), Unicornis (24)

Attached Ships

19 unrated warships


4 Ships of the Line
12 Frigates
19 Unrated Warships


Lepidia Classis

C-in-C: Praefectus Classis Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus

Fleet Flagship: Victoriae (74)

II Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Publius Valerius Poplicola

Victoriae (64), Domitor (64), Imperator (64), Vindex (64)

IV Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Sextus Quartius

Aurora (28), Splendide (28), Hussar (24), Furens (24)

V Squadron

Commander: Nauarchus Gaius Paccius

Serapis (24), Camilia (24), Galatea (24), Narcissus (24)

Attached Ships

5 unrated warships


4 Ships of the Line
8 Frigates
5 unrated warships



8 Ships of the Line
32 Frigates
31 unrated warships


Royal Lunar Navy

Eastern Seas Fleet

Commander: Admiral Philippe de Carpentier

Flagship: HMS Royal Sovereign (100), Attached to 4th Battleship Division, 3rd Naval Squadron

Eastern Seas Battlefleet

Commander: Vice Admiral Hubert de Givenchy

3rd Naval Squadron

Commander: Vice Admiral Thibault d'Arenberg

4th Battleship Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Julien-Joseph Desruisseaux

HMS Royal Sovereign (100), HMS Princess Royal (80), HMS Dreadnought (74), HMS Leviathan (74), HMS Audacious (64)

13th Cruiser Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Thierry de Villiers

HMS Galatea (44), HMS Dido (36), HMS Crescent (36), HMS Diomede (28), HMS Adventure (28), HMS Pearl (28)


5 Ships of the Line
6 Frigates

4th Naval Squadron

Commander: Vice Admiral Lucien de l'Aubespine

5th Battleship Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Alexis de Sanhard de La Fressange

HMS Warspite (74), HMS Colossus (74), HMS Sceptre (64), HMS Defiance (64), HMS Vengeance (64)

12th Cruiser Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Alexandre Lafrenière

HMS Mystica (40), HMS Olympia (38), HMS Orpheus (38), HMS Success (28), HMS Glory (28), HMS Alarm (28)


5 Ships of the Line
6 Frigates

Eastern Seas Cruiser Fleet

Commander: Vice Admiral Louis-Pierre van Damme

8th Cruiser Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Jacques Petit-Didier

HMS Iris (24), HMS Ajax (24), HMS Castor (24), HMS Swift (24), HMS Brazen (24), HMS Mermaid (24)

10th Cruiser Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Charles Gagne

HMS Leander (26), HMS Argo (24), HMS Orpheus (24), HMS Arethusa (24), HMS Arrogant (22), HMS Seahorse (22)

11th Cruiser Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Antoine de Charbonnier

HMS Amphion (26), HMS Phaeton (24), HMS Maingon (24), HMS Caroline (22), HMS Pallas (20), HMS Kizuna (20)


18 Frigates

South-Eastern Division

Commander: Vice Admiral Paul de Tabouillot

Olympias Naval District

Commander: Rear Admiral Charles-Philippe du Cos de La Hitte

HMS Sora (28), HMS Suisei (24), HMS Force (18), HMS Crash (16), HMS Steady (16), HMS Risu (16), HMS Bellevue (12), HMS Growler (10), HMS Gallant (10), HMS Attack (10)

Lunaris Naval District

Commander: Commodore Thomas Lièvremont

HMS Lucius (12), HMS Lamy (12), HMS Perfect (10), HMS Fury (10), HMS Zebra (10)

Dominica Naval District

Commander: Rear Admiral Charles Taugourdeau

HMS King (28), HMS Aqua (24), HMS Shion (24), HMS Meteor (18), HMS Hasty (16), HMS Kobo (16), HMS Reine (16), HMS Kaela (16), HMS Brick (12), HMS Firebrand (12), HMS Anger (12), HMS Aetna (10), HMS Charles (10)


5 Frigates
23 Unrated Ships

North-Eastern Division

Commander: Rear Admiral Jacques

Galatea Naval District

Commander: Commodore Jean

HMS Polka (24), HMS Nene (24), HMS Anya (16), HMS Tartarus (12), HMS Tigress (12), HMS Hardy (10), HMS Fearless (10)

Livisia Naval District

Commander: Commodore Lothaire

HMS Pekora (24), HMS Zeta (16), HMS Ollie (16), HMS Daring (12), HMS Sigma (10), HMS Livia (10)

Mercuria Naval District

Commander: Commodore Claude

HMS Iofi (16), HMS Rattler (12), HMS Aggressor (10), HMS Conflict (10), HMS Mallard (10)


3 Frigates
14 Unrated Ships


10 Ships of the Line
38 Frigates
37 Unrated Warships



44 Ships of the Line
94 Frigates
102 Unrated Warships


Pub: 27 Mar 2023 00:17 UTC
Edit: 04 May 2023 13:06 UTC
Views: 577