pppuri on Tumblr!


<3 Ranb: RANB!111 :D you're so silly I'm never gonna regret being friends with you. I'm abti scared to tell you this upfront but you've changed my life SO MUCH and for the better, you're an amazing person and I love hanging out with you. Never apologize for being annoying or talking too much I love listening to you /P <33 I'm so so sorry for every time I mess up, I promise you I'll fix every mistake I make.
<3 Charlie: CHARLLIEE you're so awesome I love talking to you <33 im so sorry if I ever get too annoying, you're genuinely an amazing person and I'll never regret being friends with you no matter what. You and Ranb and the only reason I still roleplay and I'm so glad I still do ( even though you both cause me despair every time. /J ). You're one of the only people I feel like I can really talk to about my problems and im sorry if it's too much <33

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Pub: 28 Sep 2023 22:48 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 06:47 UTC
Views: 341