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Before You Interact . . ;

01. We are a OSDD system and diagnosed with RSD or Rejection Sensitive Disorder and Abandonment Issues. If you aren't sure what that means and you're looking forward to befriend us, please educate yourself on it at least to the bit that you know the definition! There is a lot of false information on the internet, so if you have any questions feel free to ask us instead.

02. We would appreciate it if you use tonetags with us, since it's quite hard to catch tone over texting. Oh and please remind us if we forget to use them, this happens quite often!

03. *Were bodily a teenager. We have some boundaries regarding age such as 21+ bodily DNI or -16 bodily DNI (Unless we interact with first). We don't mind friends older than us, just keep in mind that we're still a minor!. *

04. If your going to platonically marry us. Please make sure your not married to one of our kids we will refuse. If your married to us then marry one of them we will divorce you. It makes us extremely weirded out.

05. If we don't answer back that doesn't mean we don't like talking to you/are ignoring you. We are most likely sleeping, having a hard time or busy with work and school.

06. We suffer from mild dissociative amnesia, wich causes us to forget a lot of things from time to time. Not just small things such as characters name or their birthday, sadly we do forget about people in our life. Things often get forgotten and shoved aside, so please don't be mad if we forget you or anything about you. We don't mean to do so. /gen

07. Keep in mind not everyone talks or is a phone person. We are all individual on our own and have our own interests, so some might not respond to you as fast! Oh and don't worry about re-pinging or re-sending the message to us!

08. Please note that due to past trauma, We are reserved and do not trust people immediately. It takes time for us to feel comfortable and to build trust.

09. Have patience with us. We might need some time to respond or are simply too dissociated to do so. But as already mentioned a point above, you are free to re-send the message or re-ping us!

10. Please read our ships carrd so you know what we our comftorable with and what were not comftorable with for ships.

11. And lastly the most important; Please always have an eye out for our interaction status if we're online. It can be overlooked easily and don't worry if you do by mistake, that can happen. But if you see that we are either on 'DNI' or 'DNIUID' then PLEASE do not interact first. Specifically do not DM. There's a list below of what our interaction statuses mean. Please respect them!

Pony Town Players. . ;

01. Please don't cover us. We dont like being covered.

02. Dont start insulting our alters. If you dont like the source there from then dont interact with them. Alters dont equal there source and some even hate there source.

03. Cuddling/Hiding is allowed unless if were with friends.

04. DO NOT copy or take inspo off of our ponys. Especially ones with intrj/sys those are our self interpertation of ourselves in our system.

05. DO NOT Interact if we have DNIUCF. ONLY exception is Funk, Ares, Minx, Kiv, Murcy, and Soapie , If were friends and you want to ask.

06. DO NOT Interact if we have DNIUP. ONLY exception is our marriage partners , If were friends and you want to ask.

Interaction Statuses . . ;

OTI - okay to interact
IWC - interact with caution/care
IWEC - interact with extreme caution/care
DNIUC - do not interact unless close
DNIUVC - do not interact unless very close
DNIU persons name - do not interact unless persons name
DNIUP - do not interact unless partner
DNIUPA - do not interact unless party
DNIUID - do not interact unless i do
DNI - do not interact
NV - nonverbal
SV - semiverbal

Guide ;

- okay to do
- ask to do
- only if close
- only partner(s);
- do not do

General boundaries . . ;

. . Ping ? -
. . Friend rqs ? -
. . Nicknames ? -
. . DM's / PM's ? -
. . Platonic flirting ? -
. . Romantic flirting ? - /
. . Cuddle/Hide ? -
. . Vent/Rant ? -
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Pub: 15 Jun 2024 03:35 UTC
Edit: 19 Jun 2024 03:29 UTC
Views: 652