Previous part:

Heaven, Hell and the USDA 3: Fall and Rise

"Ugh..." Towa slowly opened her eyes. She found herself lying on Coco's bed, covered in a fresh blanket.

"There you are! Hey, listen!" Coco, now in shorts and a loose T-shirt (without a bra underneath, which was easy to notice at her size), whispered into Towa's ear.

"Wha...what happened? What did the angel-"

"Shhh! This is important! When Kanata asks if I knew that you were a devil, say no. Got that?"

Towa didn't answer, only half-listening to what Coco said, as she tried to piece together what happened. She had never heard of an angel tickling a devil into unconsciousness...even in the best cases she was aware of, a devil who had their Evil purged ended up with minor injuries and a changed personality, but Towa didn't feel any different. Was she really so good at being not bad? Well, it had still led to problems in any case.

"Sorry for getting you into this mess, Coco. But you really should have told me that you were living with an angel, for us devils it's dange-"

Coco interrupted Towa loudly, forgetting to whisper. "I know, sorry! But please tell Kanatan that I didn't know you were a devil, it's important becau-" The bedroom door opened, causing Coco to get away from Towa and sit up straight. Kanata, back to her regular form, entered with a rest of burger in her hand and with a smile on her face.

"Come on Coco, I know you messed up. Don't let Towa take the fall, especially now that I know just how unfallen she is."
Kanata finished eating, sat down on the bed and removed Towa's blanket; that she was now fully exposed again escaped Towa's attention, being overwhelmed by Kanata lying down on top of Towa before giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm sorry for doubting you. You might be a devil, but you're less sinful than most humans! Well, apart from sins concerning lust...but we have looser policies on those nowadays." Kanata winked and caressed Towa's cheek as she looked into her eyes from only a few inches away.

"T-thank you, K-kanata. I'm glad that you, as Coco's roommate and a respectable servant of God, took a liking to me...?" Towa stopped talking as Kanata let out a short laugh.

"Oh, I did take a liking to you...Coco and me have similar tastes, you know. Your looks are even better than your morals, and you behave like someone who would be most happy at my mercy as well as Coco's." Towa couldn't help but blush as Kanata rolled over and sat up on the bed, her hands and eyes shamelessly exploring Towa's naked form once more.

Seeing the angel distracted, Coco tried to escape once again. But Kanata also grabbed her again, though only by the base of her tail this time.

"Just a moment! I'm getting to you, you bad dragon." Kanata pulled the beginning of Coco's tail towards her and then shifted it upwards, forcing Coco into a bent-over stance.

Coco let out a sigh in place of fighting back, not even bothering to keep her shirt from sliding down her upside-down torso. "Screw it, you're right. I messed up, so do what you have to."

"As I said, just a moment. Be a good girl and stay bent over, hm? No rest for the wicked." Kanata kept Coco's tail in her grip as it was, but turned her attention back to Towa. "I don't want to be rude, but it's quite late already. Would you mind sleeping at your place and coming back tomorrow? I have to unpack my stuff and relax after all the excitement, and as you can see me and Coco have some business to attend to."

On one hand, Towa was in the mood for more - especially with Kanata now in the mix, so different from Coco and yet no less exciting. Towa could barely begin to imagine how Kanata would look naked or how she would torture Towa to heaven and back, but those beginnings were plenty enough to make Towa want to stay. But Towa was still feeling overwhelmed by all that had happened, and how she should feel about it. And changing Kanata's mind would probably be a fruitless endeavour, anyway...

"That's fine. I'll come back tomorrow in the afternoon! I regret sparking conflict between you and Coco. I know it's what typical devils do, but it was an accident!"
Towa glanced over at Coco, still forced to stick her head down and her ass up by Kanata, awaiting her punishment. "I'm sorry, Coco. If I would have known that-"

"Hey, no worries! I should have texted Kanata and asked for permission before taking you home, but even if I had remembered the rule - you would have been too hot to risk a no. And it's not like my punishment is going to be that bad now that you turned out to be a fine devil...right?" Coco gave the small angel next to her a pleading look.

"It's not going to bethat bad, Coco. You know how to buy yourself clemency at this point, don't you." Kanata released Coco's tail, sat up straight on the side of the bed and tapped her thighs thrice.

Towa stood up, collected her stuff and started to get dressed, trying to seem uncaring about what took place next to her. But she couldn't help but look at the unfolding scene.

"Well, I guess there are worse fates." Coco smirked as she pulled up her shirt inch by inch, forcing her magnificient mammaries to stay in it until they went straight up and almost touched her chin. Coco enjoyed the mesmerized looks on the faces of her two lovers for a few more seconds before she finally dropped her titties out of the shirt, making them bounce in a way that both Kanata and Towa felt between their legs.
Coco continued the striptease by pulling down her shorts and panties, weaving in multiple seductive poses while shooting her lecherous spectators all kinds of lusty looks; both angel and devil were definitely breathing more heavily once Coco had finished. Smirking at the effect her bombshell body had on the two little lesbians, who could only dream of having assets like hers, Coco slowly lay down on Kanata's lap - with her panties and pants around her ankles and her shirt around her shoulders, fully exposed otherwise. Her arms and legs hung down limply and her tail rested on her back as the dragon girl surrendered herself to her angel.

Towa had been standing there with her panties in hand for a long time now, but she didn't even care. It was almost more comical than sexy how this large delinquent dragon was submissively lying across the legs of the tiny, underdeveloped-looking angel making the rules...but it also caught Towa's attention, in a new way.
Coco, who had turned Towa into her slave and sex toy so effortlessly, looked like a meek schoolgirl about to be punished by her teacher. And it seemed like the big schoolgirl was both afraid than excited...this was a side Towa had never expected to see from Coco.

Kanata groped Coco's ass with her right hand, her left busying itself with kneading Coco's tits.
"You know what I'm about to do to you, and why?"

"Yes, Ka-Miss Amane. I brought a devil home, even though you forbid me to do so. Now you're going to spank my ass sore until I learned my lesson."

"Correct. And don't forget to count!" Kanata tried to maintain a serious tone, but her face gave away how much fun she was having.

"Yes, Miss Amane."

Just as Towa was ready to go, the first spanks started to impact the dragon's asscheeks (each almost as large as her teacher's head). When Coco had spanked Towa's tits and crotch it had been a like a drizzle of quick slaps, but what unfolded now was more like a meteor shower - Kanata hit the dragon's behind at a slow pace, but with great force behind each stroke. Between making pained noises and awaiting the next impact, Coco obediently counted the number of spanks received.

"Ow! One....Ow! Two....Oww! Three....Oww!!! Four, fuck me..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, NoOOWW!! Five!"

Towa caught herself staring at Coco's violated butt and the reactions on her upside-down face, barely visible below her breasts, for way too long - luckily neither Miss Amane nor the schoolgirl was really looking her way anymore.
"Goodbye, you two! I hope we can play a lot tomorrow!"

"See ya, Towa! Me and Kanata will pull out all the stops to- OOOOWWWW!!! Six! We will make sure that- OW! Seven! OW! Eight! OWWW! Nine!"

"Coco means to say that we will torture you in ways you never knew you loved. Goodbye."

"Yeah, that's what I mea- OWW!!! Ten!"

Towa gave a quick smile and wave before leaving the house of the surprise angel, and the red-butted dragon whose reactions to each divinely ordained slap could still be heard outside, heading home. She, for her part, was a lot more excited than afraid when thinking about what Kanata and Coco might do when teaming up to put her through a gauntlet of sex, submission and torture.

But even as Towa took a seat on the train home, her thoughts lingered on the last moments of her visit. Towa loved the idea of herself getting spanked by Kanata, of course - but what she couldn't get out of her head was the memory of Coco's submissive posture, her butt rippling and reddening as Kanata's palm imprinted itself on it, her screams, her submissive attitude...what was that about? Towa shook her head and, to play something on her own terms, grabbed her Nintendo console.

Pub: 21 Dec 2023 14:56 UTC
Edit: 27 Dec 2023 20:31 UTC
Views: 332