this page contains nsfw content. mostly explicit language and pixels of genitals & intercourse and also blood, gore, bloody weapons & flashing



freeguitar chain1 chain2 chain3 chain4 chain5 chainmace fire1 warning1 warning2 warning3 chainskull blood1 b&w b&w1 skulls machine bones1 bones2 glitterheart lightning1 lightning2 bats1 bats2 roseblood roseblood1 blackstars hacker droopyblood ants chainblood thx godzilla rowcards boytoy bloodytools swordgoround axe bigteeth better drops&knives bloodsaw policeline glitterskulls barbedwire elegantheart longfire horses damnassgay underco doubleswords badassbats metalwork bonespine chainmacehq bah blooddropz tamagotchi


beat horrorchat braindead twisted1 shit aaa1 bf asuka idie bats biteme1 <3site hellraiser violent kissme bitchadjust vampires halloween friday13 bored stupid sexysingle biteme2 hell devilish1 naughty paypal pirate bite evilbitch makeout paranoid1 xoxo twisted2 apocalypse revenge behindme mischievous hotstuff devilicious dumbmen aaa2 idc haunting <3horror dontmess abysmal paranoid2 silenthill da2 bloodyummy fuck suckdick diet brain bastard eatyou bloodborne money fake&gay 0genders silly enemies toofunny 2trucks eatmyass cisrights doilook neverseen attitude1 attitude2 evilwicked cyberbully xxx skullonline numbers wantfangs homobehaviour mf yeehaw grr hanging googleit werewolfkiss carecause? terfseatnuts whoareu possums ilyasshole issues redrules nohomo adhd punky dangerous addictive poison unique rocker dark insane hatelove oops raver no1 vip halloweenmovie chaospanic metalrulz beetlejuice carrie horrorfan horrorweb sw tlb evildead reanimator attached startrek vamponline coochie homicide eatgod demonbf screammovie pulpfiction godzilla 3skulls bttf vampkiss candyman rabies clowns matrix biohazard ttcm caution likehell vamplover killbill feed carnivore chamber gimmeblood ilyhubby die unknown viewer ibite overreacting monsterboy cruelnasty crasher feral 3hands decisions ily damned ilyfuckoff 0tobitch fangssexy eternally devilish2 sharpteeth sadistic nerfed leave1 vengeance pissing proudinsane leave2 strange lovemonsters sinner iamdemon vamprights hahaha sentfromhell rhps bitchesloveme sexydevil nopreps
stfu no kids EYES


pills1 guts1 gun1 gun2 meat1 tv1 visitor tveye meat2 floppydisk1 susbag dice1 gboy seeyou phone1 guts2 cards jojotv guitar1 dragon firetrash handheart chainsaw star1 big<3 bigknife skeleton organs bigheart danger hellraiser testtube bigfire bigcross bigcoffin bigchain coke pepsi cd floppydisk2 pslogo ps1 fireskull skullcross angryemote cardice lavalamp crimescene welcome tiredemote asukarun pirateskull heartdropblood surgicalheart 2reddice surgicalbrain vhs1 trident goregalore vhs2 fangs werewolf dmc zippo bigguitar1 bigskull summer car dice asuka angry 8 ball <\3 cd cartridge butcher knife EYEEE inuyasha bite tamagotchi


  • hobbies: baseball1 guitar1 hockey1 lacrosse bike2 bike3 volleyball hockey2 baseball2 bike4 rugby bike1 guitar2 card2 card3 card4 card5 guitar3 basketball dice2 card1 guitar2 bike card
  • animals: worm cockroach2 bug1 spider beetle cockroach1 cat1 cat2 cat3 cat4 fly cat5 bug2 batty1 batty2 battys snake kitty batty spider cat cat bats spider
  • weapons: bomb1 gun3 gun4 grenade bomb2 machinegun2 scissors1 knife3 scissors2 knife4 machete machinegun1 knife5 scissors4 bat2 bat1 bomb3 swords gun5 knife knife2 scissors3 weapon2 weapon3 weapon4 scissors weapon weapon weapon weapon
  • horror: bloodsplash bloodyhands blood2 scratch blood3 blood4 blood5 bloodyorz boo1 boo2 eye5 deaded evil coffin2 blooddrops1 blood6 teeth1 teeth2 coffin3 coffin4 skull1 skull<3 eye1 eye4 tomb coffin1 lildemon1 skull2 lildemon2 ghost lildemon3 bloodstain blooddrops bloodstain spiderweb batw1 batw2 guro horror horror horror horror
  • words, symbols, etc: misc misc misc no! !!1 J U D E + t y n !!3 ok !? !!4 dont1 !!5 ... laugh !!2 dont2 ?? angry6 wow warnsign smoke !?!? ↓↓ ??? &&& warning !!! dia dia dial !!!
  • dialogue: angry4 wrath angry3 angry5 angry2 face1 face2 angry1 orz face face sick sick face face angry kitty bloody nose face face face face dia angry cat dia dia face angry kit face
  • medical: syringe pill pills2 bandaid1 heart1 heart3 heart4 brain1 heart2 eye2 guts3 eye3 mask brain 2bandaids mask1 blood bag bloodjar fingerprint
  • things: crown rosary wheel helmet key mask2 cuffs1 sun cig1 ciggy cig2 lighter cuffs2 emoshit drawing pad pendant bag thing thing ship thing
  • food: food food food pocky lollipop meat3 ramen cake ramen food food meat meat beer
  • tech: cd ds phone2 nds walkman dvd tamagotchi tamagotchi headphones nds pc phone phone phone xray tv a/c pc phone 777 777 ipod phone pc pc
  • crosses: cross10 cross11 cross9 cross5 cross6 cross7 cross8 cross13 cross14 crossheart1 cross4 cross1 cross3 wingcross cross2 cross15 cross12 crossheart2 cross cross cross cross cross cross cross
  • stars & circles: star star star star stars2 star2 stars1 star4 circle1 circle2 circle3 circle circle circle circle circle circle circle circle circle
  • misc: <31 <32 <33 </31 fire2 winged<3 fire4 biohazardicon fire3 <35 wingedheart tongue lightning3 </32 heart sun little star star :P winged devil heart left arrow right arrow mess hearts misc fire misc heart heart hearts
  • fandom: sharingan ngetrident tinyasuka sharingan asuka sharingan2 devilman kirby tinygodzilla resymbol saw jason
  • flags: pride pride pride trans nb agender genderless aboy aroace agender aroace aroace angled aroace hypers aroace ace hypers ace aro hypers aro placiosexual butch nb lesbian Halloween lesbian bambi lesbian goth lesbo egogender apagender platonicflux
  • nsfw:
  • to sort: dog collar dog cute ♪ tamagotchi ac food cat paw cat paw console wii nds crown crown cat face cat react hamster cat dance face orange cat paw heart cat paw ac stars chevy kkk tiger skull cat react dia cat react !!! crown hamster cat react heart sunglasses cookie crown crown hearts heart crown coins stars chameleon watermelon circle cauldron circle flower sun star star psp skull bandaid moth roach scissors guitar pawprint → lollipop stars < > pawprint pc pill end→ flower madoka madoka vhs stars tv eye lil bun videocam tv wolf pawprint bug envelope batty face face cat collar animal sea nds cat cat dia cookie flower face cherries diamond mymelo smoking heart heart screaming skull horned heart phone star skull copyright ♪ twinkles cherries diamond coffin cat doll eye heart ! cat hamster mess bug pen hearts star calcifer warning sign egg flower cherries bat cat batty bug cat paw ??? bug bug heart fight meat +18 guitar url sanji pikachu flower hurricane palmeras spray face machine blush boxing bag zoro medic thing crown ily cat paw cat cat paw cat paw beach mario cat scratch meat cat dog bug bugs cake pancake !!! bag heart cupid food hearts worm petals makeup bow pokemon bag shark heart stars skitty flower asuka pills drums shin shin shin shin shin shin berry pendant burger toast asuka tiger biscuit cookie lollipop cat face face dog $ cake cookie bug cage mantis bug star sewing machine cat paw gengar dvd phone guitar player milkshake beach doll heart skull pizza berry bomb mess pmmm skulls eva angel boxing cat star flower radio heart boxing micro onepiece heart flower crown hearts money makeup hurricane crown pawprints heart crown heart boxing cat cam makeup heart pants face food food kuma doll skull food ilyrock skull bunny bug flower heart coin gold money swirl bug paper cdplay scalpel tooth
Pub: 17 Dec 2021 15:24 UTC
Edit: 06 Oct 2024 09:27 UTC
Views: 2397