Head pointer demo with Judith - Video transcript

Narrator: Head pointer demo with Judith

Visuals: Head pointer demo with Judith is displayed on screen in yellow text on a blue background, Vision Australia, Blindness. Low Vision. Opportunity. Logo is displayed in bottom right hand corner

Judith: My name is Judith and I have Cerebral Palsy.

Visuals: Judith is sitting in front of her computer and iPad in her home. There frames with art on the wall and a TV behind her. She has grey hair and light skin. She is wearing a grey top and tinted glasses. She has a fluffy pink fabric headband on her forehead with a stick and a pointer coming out of it.

Judith: I have a full time job that I've had for the last 54 years. I enjoy doing, doing and trying may things in my life, and I've been sky diving twice, I've travelled the world with carers, I am a solo sailor, and I still do that every second Saturday down at Manly, I have a Yacht.

I wear this Head Pointer on my head and this is the only way I have of using a computer, TV, or anything else. The Head Pointer liberates me because without my Head Pointer I would be unable to do anything, and I mean anything. Because if I read a book I can turn the pages over or if I want to do a CD or TV, I can press the buttons. I tap they keys of the keyboard with my head piece.

I use sticky keys, they hold down one key, while you press another key, a combination, but you would probably do that with your two hands. Well because I can't, I have got two heads, I can't do it (laughs) so I use sticky keys.

Visuals: Judith is sharing her screen as she browses the Vision Australia Website. There is a small thumbnail of Judiths video in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Judith: There are 4 arrows, so I press the up arrow to go up and the down arrow to go down.

Visuals: A photo of a keyboard with the 4 arrow keys circled in red appears on the left hand side of the screen. Judith scrolls down the home page of the Vision Australia website

Judith: So, on the nu... the number key, I press the 4 cause it's a mouse and on your num key you have got a right arrow. So, I press it, you see that? Or to go the other way, I press back.

Visuals: A photo of a keyboard with the 4 number keys circled in red appears on the left hand side of the screen each number key that is circled has a smaller arrow symbol on it as well. Judith's mouse moves to the right of the screen and highlights "2024 Calendar Artwork" then back to the left hand side of the screen and highlights "Join 100K your way"

Judith: And when I highlight it, I then press enter. Yep, there you go.

Visuals: A photo of a keyboard with the enter key circled in red appears on the left hand side of the screen the page reloads from the home page to a new page titled "Enter our 2023 calendar artwork competition"

Judith: I go 'alt', 'arrow' in the four arrows [beep] see? that takes you back with out having to move my mouse up to the corner and press the backwards arrow, it saves me using my head to go up there.

Visuals: A photo of a keyboard with the 'alt' and 'left arrow' keys circled in red appears on the left hand side of the screen the page reloads from the page titled "Enter our 2023 calendar artwork competition" back to the home page

Judith: Normally I use 'tab' if I want to the next item. Now see up the top of the screen? See, that every time you tab it, it goes along to the next button.

Visuals: A photo of a keyboard with the 'tab' key circled in red appears on the left hand side of the screen the page is showing the top navigation of the home page. The magnifier icon for the search bar is highlighted, Judith presses tab and it highlights the phone number as the next item.

Judith: And then to go backwards I press [beep] 'shift', 'tab' [beep, beep]

Visuals: The screen shows a page with multiple tile links on the screen. The first tile is highlighted and Judith presses tab to highlight the next tile. A photo of a keyboard with the 'tab' and 'shift' keys circled in red appears on the left hand side of the screen. Judith clicks 'tab' and 'shift' which highlights the previous tile to the left.

Judith: I go page up [beep, beep], press the page up key go to the top, or page down.

Visuals: The screen shows the technology and products screen. A photo of a keyboard with numbers 9 and 3 circled in red, they have small letters next to them which say 'p.g up' 'p.g down', this appears on the left hand side of the screen. Judith clicks page up to scroll up the page and down to scroll down the page


Visuals: The screen shows the technology and products screen. Judith is typing the word "classes" into the search bar and then presses enter. The page reloads to search results for classes.

Judith: Saves me going over and pressing the magnifier that most people probably do. Well I wish they would keep all the information either at the top of the screen or at the bottom. Like contact telephone numbers they are not all in the same place so you gotta go looking around to find out where that website has put that information.

NARRATOR: Prepared by Digital Access Vision Australia

Pub: 20 Apr 2023 05:30 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2023 07:24 UTC
Views: 757