Grand Principality of Hoshiyomia


Official Name: Gran Principato degli Astronomi
Government Type: Elective Monarchy (Elected by the Nobles of Council for life)
Language (s): Cosmosia (Official) Stellite (Common Tongue)
Religion: Astronomerity
Demonym: Hoshiyomi, Hoshiyomite, Hoshiyomians
Grand Prince: Constantinus III Paleologus (r. 1133 to Present)
Parliament: Concilium Astrorum
Capital: Cometapoli
Notes: Hoshiyomi is a mix of the local language, holoimperial and Tsukinode which means Stargazers.


An Elective Monarchy, where candidates run for office upon the death of the previous Grand Prince for one year before being elected to this executive office for life. The Concilium Astrorum is made up of landed nobles. Nobility can be earned through merit. While the coastal regions are mostly under direct control of the Grand Prince, the interior is made up of various noble lords that hold sway over local politics.

Culture and Religion

Singing and Dance are important, festivals have a large amount of these. Apple juice is the national drink. High focus on astronomy and science within the nation. Comets that are observed are interpreted as omens by the religious figures, as they are considered signs from Suisei herself. Astrology is important part of religion. Star watching is a religious event. Major holy site in a crater.


National Map
Climate Map


From the eastern and southern mountains can be great mines filled with high-quality iron ore, anthracite coal, gold, zinc, lead and copper. These precious and high-quality metals have made the Principality rich and prosperous; furthermore, giving high quality steel and other metal products that are used in many different things, from weapons of war to scientific instruments to luxury goods.

Agriculture in the rough terrain of the nation is highly concentrated on the coast, where staple crops like wheat, potatoes and barley are grown along with grapes, and the famous Starlight Apples. Fishing is also an important part of this area of the economy, and many people rely on fish as food. Cattle, horses, and hogs are commonplace in the interior where farming is less suitable.

Logging is a vital part of the economy and the practice of replanting trees instead of clearcutting was adopted several centuries ago. Without the lumber industry, the economy would be ruined due to the lack of wood for ships, houses and fuel.


The armed forces are what keep the nation safe from other threats.


The Army, while modern and able to defend the state is second fiddle to the navy. Advanced knowledge of ballistics and military science. Professional Army augmented by Conscripts in the event of war. Excellent Artillery.

The Hoshiyomite Navy, called the Marina Stellare, is one of the most powerful fleets in the world and has a long tradition of excellence dating back to the foundation of the state. Hoshiyomi are renown as expert navigators, having perfected the craft earlier on and being one of the first nations to explore the world.

It specializes in navigation, night fighting and gunnery, being top class and arguably the best night fighters in the world. Night fighting was a dangerous way of fighting that few navies would embrace, but the Marina Stellare saw as a way to give them an upper hand over their rivals.

Goals and Mission Statement

The Marina Stellare, as per the directive of Prince-Admiral Ludovicus d'Falco, has published its goals and objectives.

  1. The defense of the Grand Principality; It's people, and it's land
  2. The protection of the interests of the Grand Principality across the globe.
  3. The protection of the Grand Principalities trade globally
  4. Ensuring that the prestige and honor of our people and state are upheld.
  5. To project our power to all of those who stand against us worldwide


Fleet Map

Role within Society

The Navy is the most prestigious branch of the military, and it is the pride of the nation.


Long term rival of the Tsukinode Empire, dating back to the Age of Discovery. A love-hate relationship between the two nations as whenever they go to war, they conduct it like Gentlemen. Comes down to that there can only be one dominant naval power in the Heavenly and Kizuna Seas.

The same can be said of the Retro Reich for that matter, as they are the other major power in the Kizuna Sea

Pub: 28 Aug 2022 11:28 UTC
Edit: 01 Dec 2022 12:55 UTC
Views: 565