House Edelweiss

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Affiliations: /Nasfaqg/, /Risu/
Culture: Nasfaqgian
Language(s): Kat Nol, Risuner
Religion(s): Rushia (Primary), Risu (Secondary)
Type: Private Company, Merchant House
Specification: Technically a holding company
Current leader(s): TBD
HQ location: City of Aggaya, The Serene Republic
Industry: Shipping, Shipbuilding, Investment
Products: Ocean-going vessels, Nuts, Lumber, Incense
Subsidiaries/Members: Edelweiss Co. (First-tier subsidiary)
Wealth Level: 3rd Level

House Edelweiss
House Edelweiss is a relatively young merchant house which conducts business through the Edelweiss Co., a "subsidiary" company of the house. The house owns a small estate on the main island of the Serene Republic, about an hour's travel inland from the city of Aggaya. This estate functions as the home of House Edelweiss, as well as the HQ of Edelweiss Co.

Edelweiss Co.
The Edelweiss Co. itself has two divisions, one dedicated to building ships, and another dedicated to shipping goods. Shipbuilding division operates a total of 4 operational shipyards in the Serene Republic, with a 5th one being under construction in /risu/, and the shipping division company operates a trading fleet of 6 ships, not including the personal ship of the house head, the Chrysalis, which is owned directly by the House Edelweiss.


House Edelweiss & the Edelweiss Co.

Pub: 15 Jun 2022 18:10 UTC
Edit: 18 Jun 2022 10:40 UTC
Views: 983