How To Add Recovery Email In Gmail App

The use of an email address that is a recovery address allows password resets. It is necessary to provide a recovery email address every time you sign up for the brand new Gmail account. If you have forgotten your password or blocked from accessing your Gmail account for any reason, this email will allow the user to reset their password. The mail address is usually used for sending security messages. This is why you should provide information for recovery to ensure that you are able to log back to your account. Let’s look at how you can include a recovery email within the Gmail application.
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Add Recovery Email In Gmail App In 8 Steps

1: Open Gmail First you must start the Gmail application. The option will be present in the app icons.

2: Click on Profile: Once you have opened Gmail You will see your profile photo to the right of your homepage. Click it.

3: Tap on Manage Your Google Account: Next, select the Manage your Google Account option.

4: Click On Security: Once you’ve clicked”manage” on your Google Account option you’ll be able to see the option “Security“. This is next to the option to protect your data.

5. Tap on Recovery Email under the Security option there is an option called “Recovery Email” option. Then, you can click on it.

6: Enter Gmail Password In this step, you must enter an authentic Gmail password.

7: Enter Recovery Email: Then, enter your email recovery address into the box.

  1. Enter the Verification Code: Finally you must enter the verification code to confirm your account.

After having read this article, let’s look at the following frequently asked questions. You can also connect another email account to your Gmail application. Further details

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Pub: 31 May 2023 06:06 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2023 06:10 UTC
Views: 131