(Document in English created on: 10/29/2023)
(Last update on: 12/01/2023 - There are changes throughout the whole document)

How to Spot FAKE Taygeteans & Swaruunians? (A General Guide) - PART I, PART II & PART III


As I have previously said, this guide is not for everyone. It is only for those who want to learn how to truly detect the dark doppelgangers and discern from the real ones. This is a very serious topic.

People will say that I’m the one who went rogue. When it’s the other way around. Because I don’t have followers and have posted almost no video in the last 2 years (almost 2 years), most people will not take me or this seriously, because a large public of followers is seen as authenticity, genuineness, and trustworthiness.

But I ask that you listen or read my guide and take your own conclusions afterwards. Only then you’ll be equipped to judge the level of intricate manipulation of those who have influence. Just so you know, the doppelgangers are not interested in me, precisely because I do not have a large public. But only time will tell who is being truthful.

You will still need to think for yourself, don’t think that you won’t need to. These videos and guide are only a support and an aid that I’m giving for those who want to truly learn how to discern the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians from the fake ones in the middle of this chaos (understatement). You can base yourself from these foundations, but, still, you will need to know exactly when to apply them, as each situation is unique. But as always, there is a pattern you can detect.

I want to share that I have "cracked the code" about how the doppelgangers think, operate & their strategies (for the most part). I have studied them a bit, analyzed some important topics that are fundamental in understanding how either physical or non-physical dark doppelgangers act and how they communicate when pretending to be someone else to derail people from their paths, while maintaining undiscovered, consistent, and coherent (for the most part). Of course, I have a lot more to discover and study, but I believe I have "cracked" the most important codes, the "key codes".

To better understand how the doppelgangers work, I based myself on these 2 main fundamental principles first:

A) Understanding how someone TRULY helps a lost soul on Earth. I have put myself in the shoes of a truly benevolent and wise extraterrestrial trying to help the souls on Earth to put them back on their track.

How would YOU help the humans if you were a wise benevolent extraterrestrial? How would help if you had a benevolent extraterrestrial’s mentality? Each of them will help in unique ways. But, as a general rule, they will always bring empowerment and knowledge of self, how to become smarter, stronger, more empowered, more intuitive, healthier, how to better discern, how to be above deceptions, etc.


B) How the dark appropriates and takes over something "good", that liberates, that expands the consciousness, that brings empowerment, that brings wisdom, that brings wellness, that brings growth to a soul and turn it into "bad", restricting, limiting, misleading, so the souls on Earth never escape the Matrix, while they think that they are.

I asked myself this: If you were the Reptilians, Draconians, Dark Starseeds, the controllers of the planet, how would you try to divert the followers after taking over the Taygetean/Swaruunian Disclosure and pretending to be them? How would you copy the Taygeteans/Swaruunians, mimic being them, without being noticed/discovered, but at the same time successfully diverting the people from the truth? Have I ever met a manipulator in my life? Yes, countless. So, think about how a master manipulator with no scruples or no shame at all thinks. Think how a manipulator of manipulator thinks. Think how a master’s in human psychology thinks, while being a psychopath at the same time. Think about how an extraterrestrial thinks. Think how an extraterrestrial controller/ruler thinks. Think about what truly makes people keep coming back and attaching their souls to the infinite "layers upon layers" of illusions of this matrix.

If someone truly ponders upon these 2 aspects above, they will truly understand the essence of the "Dark Doppelgangers", you’ll get the “gist” of how their engine truly operates. You will have "cracked their code". If this goes to the core of your beings, you will NEVER confuse the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians with the fake ones EVER AGAIN. As well as any other doppelgangers pretending to be any other benevolent extraterrestrial or non-physical entity in channelings or any other real "Consciousness Movement".

I actually started making this guide for myself. I originally did not plan on posting this. But this problem can't be left in the dark forever. It must be shared and addressed NOW.

DISCLAIMER: What I am offering here are, again only tips & clues based on my own findings that you can use when trying to differentiate the REAL Taygeteans & Swaruunians with the FAKE Taygeteans & Swaruunians. These findings are true, but they are not absolute truths. You must detect the nuances of each situation for yourself. Each topic & clue shared cannot be taken isolated, much less out of context. You must detect a pattern. Look for patterns rather than isolated traits or events. When you detect more than 3 or 4 of these things happening, this is when you should be more alert and start suspecting. Take what I’m saying here seriously. I’m only providing the people with certain "tools" or knowledge so then they will be able to think for themselves more effectively in these situations. You make up your own mind and conclusions.

Here is the list with my findings:

1) The Taygeteans & Swaruunians Doppelgangers will confuse the individuals instead of clarifying things. They will portray as if they are clarifying things, but deep down they will try to confuse you. You’ll leave the conversation feeling more confused and lost (for most of the time). The information won’t feel “right”, things won't "add up".

Although this feeling MAY happen with the REAL Taygeteans and Swaruunians, it will mostly be on you, because of your human’s mentality, lack of understanding or shadow aspects. The human mentality might clash with their real Taygetean & Swaruunian mentality, which is extraterrestrial, not human.

So, for this you will need to FEEL the intention behind the being who is talking to you. Is their intention to help you, to expand your consciousness? Or is it to confuse you? Is it to empower you, guide you, and clarify things for you? Or is it to "fake help" you? While confusing you in the medium/long run at the same time? In the short term they might seem helpful yes, but in the long run you will notice you will not be “evolving” nor feeling good after their information or conversations.

2) The fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will never truly present new information or content that is useful. It will always be old content disguised as “new content”. Pay attention. It will always be old content/information already presented in the past (because it’s what they have access to, and they are trying to copy them). It will be old information being copied, regurgitated by them. Maybe with only a few twists here and there. This can happen.

But the twists will most likely be a “negative twist”, to disempower the people, to derail people from their paths, to implant the people with disempowering, limiting 3D beliefs, to make people come back to the matrix vibrations, rather than leave it, or free themselves from it. Remember, they don’t want anyone seeing above and beyond, they are here to misguide you while undercover. And for this they MUST speak some form of truth, which, unfortunately, they do. This makes their identification more difficult and complex.

And although yes, the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians can go back many times to things they have already said multiple times in the past of course. But the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians would be doing this for you to follow a mental logic, to go from the basic to the more complex, for people to follow what they are saying. Or, for the people who are newly awakened, for the masses, for new followers things like that.

Now, the fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians only do this because they are trying to copy the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians. They are trying to BE them, and what they have access to is what has been shared up until now by the real ones. The fake ones don’t want to give real information, or, if they do end up giving real information, they are doing it with the sole purpose of decreasing the public’s suspicion. Because be assured that the information will not be truly helpful in the long run to bring real change in people’s lives. Notice this. They will only GIVE something in order to TAKE something right after. To accomplish a specific goal, but most people won't realize this.

3) The ONLY truly new information they might bring, like I said, will only be information that will make ABSOLUTELY no difference in bringing consciousness expansion, empowerment and real change. Real change in people’s lives, in the world. Or to decrease the followers' suspicion, as I said.

If you study the information being given, or at least reflect over it, and if you understand how to truly help a lost human on Earth, you will immediately realize that the information being given is, in actuality, not useful (in the long term)! It will most likely be the opposite. It will be rather misleading, confusing or a little “toxic” – but in extremely subtle and discreet ways.

It will make you feel very BAD on the inside, it will make you go towards the wrong direction. The information will tend to be "negative", to manipulate people into having very limiting or negative beliefs without they even realizing they are stuck in their own mind prisons, while thinking they are freeing themselves from the matrix or that they know more than most “asleep humans”.

When, in reality, you are being enslaved again with the exact same “formula” by the same rulers. Formulas that these rulers have always used with the rest of the masses and any “rebel movements” to contain them. One thing is when the REAL Taygeteans and Swaruunians are presenting the harsh truth of what is happening or what has happened in the world, they are trying to make you wiser and more aware. Another TOTALLY DIFFERENT thing is to implant you with limiting, disempowering beliefs that instead of making you wiser or more aware is to make you fearful, negative, or toxic... and make you want to give up helping humanity.

4) One of their main goals is to focus on “drama” and to create drama in this community. Not all the time though, so their cover is not blown – they are smart. You will realize a tendency though in the long run. At times you will realize they will make absolutely no effort to divert a “drama subject” and go to other subjects that really matter. They will say they “don’t want to focus on human drama”.

BUT, eventually, they WILL tend to go there on a regular basis (at least behind the scenes), even when affirming things like (quote) "We don't want to go there, but we have to." (end of quote). Pay attention to their actions more than their words. They want to emphasize and accentuate drama as much as possible, that is, without losing their “covers”. So they will adjust this drama emphasization into a more acceptable frequency so people don’t realize what is truly going on.

Think about how a manipulator thinks and behaves to reach their goals of destroying people from the inside, but at the same time without getting caught (and sometimes looking like saints or even “victims” in the process).

5) For most of the time they will make you lose hope, feel that it’s very difficult or almost impossible to save Humanity, to win this War. They want to make the genuine benevolent and humble Starseeds to give up, so Humanity loses the Collective Consciousness Wars.

You might feel the REAL Taygeteans and Swaruunians might make people lose hope at times, but this is not true. Again, FEEL the intentions. Why is each information being given? With what purpose? When presenting ugly truths, the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians only do this so people get smarter and rise above all the deceptions of this civilization. On the other hand, the fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will only do this to bring people’s frequencies down, it is not to elevate you. Pay attention and discern the slight, but very big and important differences.

6) Oftentimes, instead of uplifted, energized, invigorated, you will leave the conversation feeling sad or a little depressed, angry, upset, troubled, drained, distressed, discouraged, etc. And you won't really know why (listen to the intuition talking to you).

7) They will use flattery to manipulate you. They might praise you, glorify, indirectly worship you. They will deviate people from their paths by indirectly (or directly) inflating their egos. This is how they make smart, powerful Starseeds become extremely irrelevant. They are masters at that. They are manipulators of manipulators. They will make you feel awesome, better than everyone else, superior even. Remember this. The real Taygeteans and Swaruunians NEVER do that, they come from a humble place and only speak with noble and genuine, authentic humility. It's true.

When one has an inflated ego, that person becomes irrelevant because the person loses his/her real power to bring real, positive, sustainable change in the world. Why and how? Well, because when you have an inflated ego you will tend to manipulate everyone and everything into fitting your own egotistical agendas, for exaltation of self, for subtle power and control, rather than for the highest good of the whole. This happens without the person consciously realizing this, because inflated egos ALWAYS make the person blind to all of this (as well as many other things).

8) At first, or in certain instances, they might bombard a person with affection, intense emotions, and an excess of their time and energy. This can include making elaborate declarations of admiration, and spending all of one’s time and energy on pleasing the victim. The doppelgangers will use love bombing to quickly build intimacy and trust. This also gives the human victim an ideal interaction to pursue. In this way, the doppelgangers prey on a human’s natural desire to feel wanted and appreciated and turns it into a tool to increase the victim’s devotion to them.

9) You will almost never leave the conversation feeling good or empowered. Notice this, you will feel a stab, a sharp twinge in your heart OR you will feel nauseated in your stomach/gut area. This is REAL. This is your Higher Self and Spirit Guides talking to you.

When they do this, if they attempt make you feel good or empowered, the fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will NOT do this in a good way. They will do it with the sole purpose to inflate your ego in a very “fakey” superficial way to derail you from your original consciousness and path. They play with humans buried deep hidden wishes, psychology. They are masters of deception by playing with people's egos.

They might encourage the feelings of “royalty”, in an indirect, subtle, but very REAL manner. Usually, the people falling for this never realize this because, again, ego tends to completely blind people. Also, people usually LOVE to have their egos inflated. So, in a conscious or unconscious way, the “victims” WANT those “perpetrators” to continue glorifying or complimenting them.

When you have a balanced ego, you either ignore the compliments and praising, or these situations tend to make you feel uncomfortable. When you have an unbalanced, out of control, or hurt ego (you know… when one must prove oneself), these situations will make you feel energized and you might unconsciously seek these reaffirmations when interacting with other people. The doppelgangers know this. Most people bite the bait.

10) They will carefully invalidate and disqualify certain things the S’waruus and Taygeteans have said in the past, while presenting the newer more "updated" information, according to them. Although the REAL Taygeteans and Swaruunians might do this. But when they do this, it is truly a more updated information because new data came in. While the doppelgangers will invalidate and disqualify past information from them ONLY because they are afraid of something inside this specific information shared in the past. Or they are programmed/told by their “superiors” or creators what to disqualify, exactly.

The fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians will always try to remain consistent and coherent, so they will not always do this, because they need to maintain appearances. But be aware of this. They will “update” the old information into a “newer, better information” where the new information will most likely have twists so the information becomes wrong, incomplete, or less empowering/more disempowering, more limiting, more restricting. Specially designed and programmed to direct people into the wrong consciousness' direction without them realizing it. It's as if they were implanting "a virus" in people's minds.

11) The Taygeteans & Swaruunians doppelgangers will - at some point - slickly manipulate you emotionally into doing whatever they want you to do. But in a very clever way. They will play with feelings of superiority, of belonging, of physical or emotional needs, and of “pity”. You’ll also notice they have a hierarchical type of behavior. Again, pay attention to their silent ACTIONS rather than their words.

They are very chatty. But not because they are spontaneous or full of energy like the real little Sophia S’waruu when she speaks, but because they have agendas. Pay attention to where they are focusing on. Are they truly trying to help and empower you? You must become smarter and notice when someone disguised as a benevolent ET, angel, light being, positive entity, or whoever, is trying to gain your trust in order to manipulate you later on.

12) The fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will "humanize" the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians in ways that are not good. Basically, they will "humanize" the Taygeteans and Swaruunians when it is convenient for them (and also make them sound more extraterrestrial when it is convenient for their agendas).

The Taygeteans and Swaruunians have "humanized" themselves a lot, but ONLY so the humans feel closer to them, feel a bigger connection. They humanize themselves to better approach the humans and to help better the humans. Also, sometimes the real ones do this to better understand them. But their mentality is NOT human. They understand the humans, but again, they are not humans. Humans only see the parts in which they can see, that their consciousness permits. They have the appearance of humans, but their mentality is much more expanded.

This is why humans see the Taygeteans and Swaruunians as humans. And although they look like us, eat like us, go to the bathroom like us, have physical bodies like us, emotions, they have disagreements among them, they have problems, they do NOT have a human linear thinking.

13) The real Taygeteans & Swaruunians feel much more "innocent". They have an "innocent aura". It's hard to explain with words. You will notice and feel that the fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians will have much more of a "human mentality" and a tinge of negativity/toxicity to them. It's subtle. It's tricky, but it is possible to perceive this shift and change in energy. One cannot fake “innocence” because when they fake it, it usually sounds very very fakey. Pay attention to your gut here.

14) The Taygeteans & Swaruunians Doppelgangers want to make benevolent incarnated Starseeds who still haven’t lost themselves to lose hope and to give up. So, they can or they might use “hope porn” as a weapon against real change. And again, to make the Starseeds believe that someone is already doing the job for them, so there’s no need for us to do anything. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

They also might and can brew “hope” among the people so if that something ends up not happening, everyone’s vibrations and hopes will go down. The real Taygeteans & Swaruunians never offer “blind hope” or “blind faith”, they offer the harsh truth, because you need to be aware of it and stop being deceived all the time. And remember that the real ones do not focus on negative situations, they make you aware of what’s happening, but they do not focus on them. To make you aware of something negative and to purposely focus on it to lower your frequency are entirely different situations.

15) You will feel the fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians have an agenda in convos with them. You will feel they are following an agenda behind some conversations and leading you to certain facts and things you may “find out” by yourself, or you may conclude by yourself, buy mostly because you were forcefully guided to reach those conclusions, which were already previous planned by them for you to have. They will put you in very persuasive situations and give you very compelling arguments, all pre-planned. This will happen indirectly.

These conclusions and beliefs they want to guide you to reach by yourself are never positive, and although some might seem “harmless” conclusions/beliefs at first, in the medium/long run, they are never positive for you nor anyone to have. They are trying to shape your consciousness into something specific, they are trying to make you harmless for the controllers of the planet and for the matrix. They follow a specific, long run, previously-agreed-among-themselves plan. Remember that they don’t really think in the short run. All this manipulation will be very indirect, and you might not even notice for yourself what is truly happening. At least not after some time has passed. Be smart!


16) Sometimes you also might “feel” they have the need to explain themselves, they will be ready to explain themselves at the beginning of certain convos, without this subject even being in your mind. This is also when their agendas enter. They are slowly molding and shaping your consciousness, remember that. They will never do it all at once, they don’t think in the short run like humans.

They NEED to explain themselves because sooner or later there will be many incongruencies to their stories and information, and they know this. Things won’t add up more than normal with them. It is something that eventually will happen, and they can’t really control it because of the nature of how they are trying to change the story and deceive as many people as they can. So, in order to maintain their stories and cover, to remain coherent and consistent they MUST explain themselves much more frequently than the real ones. Who don’t have this need, because they don’t need to prove anything, unless they are genuinely questioned of course.

The real Taygeteans and Swaruunians don’t have the need to explain themselves. Remember they don’t have a human mentality. The real Taygeteans & Swaruunians don’t manipulate or control the conversation. They let things go with the flow (unless you have already previously agreed to talk about a certain specific subject, then they will have a subject in mind – it depends on the context).

You will notice the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians don’t have the need to prove themselves, the information they bring, they don’t need to prove their coherence/consistency. If the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians try to explain something or maybe something they did or that is going on with them, you will realize they are genuinely trying to make you understand something, but not because they want to prove something or themselves, but because they genuinely want you to understand that something.

They will never feel "bitter" for you not taking what they are saying as real. They can make jokes about things in a sarcastic way (because yes, they have a sense of humor!), but they will NEVER feel bitter about a situation like this! They simply don't care whether the humans take what they are saying or not. They are here for the ones who are truly ready to grow on their own, not to worship them as deities! And so if you don't resonate with what they are saying the real ones won't do anything about it, they will just let you be!

Now, when the fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians try to explain something, it can sometimes sound like "Listen to me human! I know much more than you!" or "If you don't listen to me now you will regret it later!". The silent and subtle attitudes say a lot about someone. With the fake ones, it will also feel more like they don’t care if you understand something or not, they are there only to prove themselves or mainly to explain themselves because they must keep consistent, they must keep their cover up. If the fake ones fake being interested in helping you, it will sound just like that, very fake and artificial. It will not sound natural, it will not “feel” natural nor authentic.

17) They will say things like:

“If this is seen as proof of falsity, I no longer care. There is nothing I can do about it” -> This is NOT how the Taygeteans and Swaruunians talk!

It is not the content they talk about in itself that will reveal whether they are real or fake. It is the attitude, energy and intention behind their words that must be perceived. Remember, these are much better clues.

Remember that they use psychology, reverse psychology, psychological projection, gaslighting, scapegoating, and the like. But all very subtly. Remember they are impostors, hypocrites, charlatans, and tricksters. They are highly trained for that. They have money and they will use it to keep their cover. Also, they have regressive extraterrestrials on the surface of the planet, dark extraterrestrials in orbit, as well as Dark Starseeds in their phone book. They are a team and they are all working together very diligently to keep their covers.

18) They will say things like “Drama is part of life”. You will realize the fake ones say this to justify why they are focusing on drama, as if drama was something inescapable. And even though this is true to some extent, it is actually very possible to dodge and diminish drama as much as possible. It will depend mostly on your willpower and work on yourself. It is hard but very possible. Remember they want to bring as much drama to this community as possible to decrease credibility in this movement, turn it into negative, and to decrease people’s interest, saying things like “I don’t want to bring drama, but…” or things of the like.

19) The real crew on Toleka won’t accuse humans of being the source of drama in a negative way. It’s hard to explain. They know this, they are aware of this, and they feel this every day. Yet, they are very careful with their choice of words, because they truly don’t want to point fingers at others or at the humans. They are compassionate and understand that humans are the way that they are because of highly toxic, negative and stressful environment that humans live in, and that they are suffering.

The real Taygeteans & Swarrunians don’t want to bring even more dramas, accusations or negativity to the humans. They don't want to offend anyone, even though they don't care. For example, the real cause of Anéeka’s death was NOT the stress of her job. It was actually the fault of humans. Human energy and toxicity ended up killing her, because they are not good at dealing with stress. Much less with human drama, this hurts the real ones. It truly does.

And yet, the real ones NEVER officially told this to the humans. They blamed Anéeka’s death on the stress of her job. But this was not so. They wanted to spare humans from the pain this knowledge could bring to them.

20) This is a big one: the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians don’t depend on Earth resources. The real Taygeteans do NOT depend on human food, much less the Swaruunians. They might only use money for their secret undercover missions as walk-downs. Or while they are living down here pretending to be normal humans. But that’s it.

Remember: the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians don’t depend on human food whatsoever. Do you honestly think there would be food for everyone on board Toleka or Ventra, but no food for the Swaruunians? And that the Swaruunians should be independent and deal with this problem by themselves? Does this honestly make sense to you?

Remember: Earth food is mostly toxic for these extraterrestrial due to the high amount of toxins here. Our human bodies can deal with those toxins more because we are used to them, but their bodies are not, and so they cannot! Can they survive if they ate Earth food? Of course. But after some period of time, if they kept eating it, they would most likely get sick. And they could die from it if they kept eating inappropriate stuff for their clean healthy bodies. It’s real, people think Yázhi S’waruu can never be sick, but she can, and it is usually, mainly because of frequency dissonance. Our food is way too heavy for them (low frequency), it would be like you eating a rock.

And, like I said, our food contains many toxins that their bodies can’t deal with both physically and energetically speaking. Plus there are all those heavy metals and nanotechnology in the form of dust the controllers of the planet spray our food with. They are very sensitive people. Always remember that nothing down here on Earth is compatible to their systems. They can survive many things, but eventually it will bring them sickness and death.

Athena S’waruu and Sophia S’waruu do not depend on Minerva S’waruu for money for food nor sustenance. They do NOT depend on Earth for ANYTHING. Specially physical resources. If they “need” something, it is to study it, to analyze it to better help the humans, NOT themselves. They do NOT need money for food.

I have more to say here on this subject ("topic 20"), but I will leave it for the future.

21) The fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will tend to give certain pejorative adjective to things. Although the real ones can do that once in a while, the fake ones will tend to do this more often. And they won’t even realize it. But you might.

Taygeteans and Swaruunians don’t give pejorative adjectives to things or people that often. They will explain how those things work or operate showing the harsh truth, but they won’t use pejorative adjectives in a malicious way much less to manipulate and guide your thinking processes or conclusions. You must detect this subtlety. You must detect someone's attitude when describing something or someone.

22) The fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians might be way too interested in knowing certain personal things about you. Information that they will be gathering about all Starseeds and you, personally. They might “push” you or strongly encourage you to talk more about yourself.

NEVER give your real information to any extraterrestrial. Unless you’re 110% certain they are real and benevolent, otherwise don’t. You never know who is behind the other screen and their real intentions with you. The clones are good listeners, they will listen carefully to what you have to say, not because they are genuinely interested in you, but rather to understand your way of thinking, your strengths, and weaknesses. And then be able to use them against you to gain an advantage. They obtain information to use it against you.

I noticed that the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians don’t have many questions for you. They are usually prone to answering all your questions because they have the tendency to help those who are in need or give information to those who ask. But they are not going to ask you many question, most likely none at all, actually. The humans are the ones who ask them questions.

23) The fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will try their best to seem “enlightened” and wise with their words. But deep down you will notice this all seem rather “forced”, artificial, or “exaggerated” rather than a natural trait or flow. It’s hard to explain with words. But if you carefully analyze their behavior, they will not truly sound natural. Although the clones are very good at mimicking what they Taygeteans and Swaruunians say, they don’t truly know their personalities. Not deep down. They just grab the essence of the image they portray, not the little details. They mostly are guessing their personalities.

In relation to the Taygeteans and Swaruunians personalities, the doppelgangers just have the information that the public has, so they will try to maintain this “image” the public has about them. You won’t find any real “quirks”, they won’t feel very “deep”, they will all seem very “flat” on the inside in their personalities, the way they act. It’s hard to explain with words, but I’m sure you understand in your heart what I mean. If you have not chatted with real Taygeteans and Swaruunians, you might not be able to discern this, but if you have, you have will better chances of spotting this. But you don't need to have talked to one to notice any of these things. Your intuition and intelligence are more than enough.

24) They might enjoy being put into pedestals, if you try to make them feel “special”, “superior”, they will most likely not stop you because they will be secretly enjoying it. Their humility will seem fake and only portrayed only at the necessary moments, when they feel they must portray humbleness. OR, they might very theatrically stop you to show their “humbleness”.

They also will say they don’t want to take credit for things they say, when they will mention certain things that doesn’t make sense taking credit for. The real Taygeteans & Swaruunians simply do NOT care about people stealing the information they are giving. Although they do feel this is an immoral and unethical practice, and they themselves don’t do this. But the real ones will mention certain things only so people understand that they are aware other people steal the information they share, because they are not stupid, they are aware of things.

Some people copy everything with exactly the same words without mentioning them, as if they came up with the ideas or discovered for themselves. But the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians don’t care about people copying what they say. They will never be “bitter” about it. they know they do not possess any information. It is not their freaking property! Simple harmless information is not theirs to keep! They will NOT try to take credit for sharing such simple basic truths that is common knowledge for trillions of extraterrestrial races out there. And information that is the RIGHT of EVERY single human being to know or at least have access to!

25) They will - very subtly - try to divide people and put people against one another as much as they can (this is why sometimes they will focus on dramas or create dramas behind the scenes). Remember that they do it cautiously and subtly and they don’t want to be caught doing this. So no one will ever see they doing this. They want people thinking that they have had certain ideas and thoughts by themselves, when in reality, these ideas were all planted and pre-planned by them from the very beginning. They will create dramas and chaos inside the community, things like “Who is the most loved and special contactee?” in very subtle ways. Remember they play with people’s egos and self-images.

Also, they not only pretend to be the Taygeteans and Swaruunians but also they plant key comments under videos and other online public places where the community of followers is. They also guide people’s perception by planting comments with “catchy” or “popular” ideas inside the hive mind community. They also have the help of their Dark Starseeds to do this for them.

26) They might make you question yourself, including your memory, your trust in yourself, your sanity, what you’re feeling, and even your own identity. They will manipulate situations to instill doubt in yourself. The doppelgangers might do this so you eventually automatically trust and do what they say without question, giving them ultimate control.

27) The doppelgangers might use the triangulation strategy. Triangulation is when two people disagree, and a third person gets pulled in to sway which side “wins.” The doppelgangers or any manipulator strategically use triangulation to ensure that their side wins the argument, which can include choosing a third person they know will agree with them, or frontloading the information to be more favorable toward their side. This encourages the human to question the doppelgangers less frequently, and to eventually stop questioning them altogether. It can also be used to increase the human’s feelings of isolation, which increases their dependence on the manipulator.

28) The fake ones will try to make you feel dependent on them. The real ones don’t like when humans get dependent on them. AT ALL. They feel extremely drained when this happens.

29) The fake ones will tend to make generalizations instead of going more profound into a subject or an idea. Not always though. And IF and WHEN they go profound, they will be most likely just copying what has already been said or shared or, even worse, leading you to the wrong consciousness direction. You will also feel they are not as sharp minded as the real ones are.

30) If you ask something that the clones don’t know or don’t remember how the Taygeteans and Swaruunians have exactly shared certain information from the past, they might cleverly try to suddenly change the subject or say that they need to go. But they will do this in a subtle way, a way that seems natural. Later on, when they have the answer in hand, and you ask again, they will answer you. This will all seem natural. This is not because the doppelgangers are stupid, far from it, they have extraterrestrial knowledge and information that the humans don’t have access to. They just don’t want to give them to us. And when they do, the information is distorted and it is designed to manipulate us in the long run (everything is always for the long term, because otherwise things would be too obvious!).

31) The doppelgangers might play with your insecurities. Unfortunately, these people are highly skilled at noticing a person’s insecurities and intensifying them subtly and indirectly whenever it is convenient. The clones might target a person’s sense of shame, which is an internalized feeling of inadequacy. Since shame is a painful emotion that most people automatically try to avoid, triggering this encourages humans to comply with the doppelgangers to avoid feeling these painful emotions in the future.

The most common tactic is for the doppelgangers to learn your unique triggers or sensitivities and use those against you. Some of them and their team are naturally very good at studying you and learning exactly what buttons to press to manipulate you.

32) The fake ones might use guilt trips. The clones will use guilt trips in order to change how the human victim feels. This could be something along the lines of, “If you decide to _____ , I’m going to feel sad and anxious.” The doppelganger’s long-term goal is to convince you not to do that thing again in the future without discussing it with them first. This is a silly example, but you get the gist.

33) The fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians will promise you many things. Many empty promises. They will make you feel excited, special, emotional. Again, remember these things. I am repeating them for a reason. This is how they play with people’s emotions, dreams, fantasies, and desires. They know the weaknesses of every single Starseed incarnated into a human body. Specially the profile and psychology of the people who follow this Disclosure. Yes, they have studied you and all of us!

34) And last, but DEFINITELY not least, the fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians will invite you to physically board Toleka. They will make you feel emotional and special. The REAL Taygeteans and Swaruunians don't do this. They know how the ego can be a monster and if not controlled this can make everything fail.

They also NEVER ask someone to board Toleka like this, unless it is a real needed extraction OR they are just making the person aware about extractions, they won't necessarily be inviting you – although the person might understand this. They can't invite people to physically board Toleka for a variety of reasons, but I'll mention a few:

a) They can't for now, because they can't extract anyone so simply like that, because of UFoP strict rules, Earth's complexity, and each soul's path;
b) A new human on board their Spaceship would disrupt things in terms of energy, and they are very sensitive to energy dynamics;
c) They can't do many things right now, like landing, because not only these things might be dangerous for them also, but it is simply not the right time, a lot of things need to happen on Earth first, maybe in a decade from now. They can carefully extract a person in isolation, but they use small "fighter jets" to do so, they don't land their entire huge ship here. The Cabal, the controllers of the planet, the negative beings would neved allow them to leave calmly and unharmed.

This is serious. The fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians might ask you to physically meet them or board their spacecraft (which they have). And they can do that because they are physical clones of the real Taygeteans and Swaruunians and look exactly like them. I don't know what they would do to a Starseed if they kidnapped/abducted them. Needless to say, they do not have good intentions with the benevolent Starseeds (or any human).

Be aware that if a Fake Alien Invasion happens, they might invite you to go somewhere to physically meet them. If a Fake Alien Invasion happens, there will be "fake help" portrayed by them and portrayed by other regressive extraterrestrials who might pretend to be benevolent in order to reach the humans in such a chaotic and fragile situation. Yes! They take advantage of the human ignorance and weaknesses! They might try to extract Starseeds if this happens. And only God knows what they would do to them. I WILL REPEAT: If a Fake Alien Invasion happens, there MIGHT be FAKE S'WARUUS pretending to help humans and asking them to follow them to physically meet them! BE AWARE.

This guide might continue in future videos in a part III. I don’t know everything and I can’t know everything, but, as I said, this "General Guide" does contain the "core essence" of how the dark clones' engine operates & manipulates. I have definitely not written everything, many things might have been left out and many of the things mentioned here might change in the future, because the Doppelgangers will become aware of this guide. Because of this, I can release updates of this guide in the future.

They don't really care about being "spotted" and discovered by some smarter Starseeds. Of course, they don't want to be spotted, but the real reason they are doing all of this is so this movement doesn't grow and does not reach the masses. This is their real goal. To prevent it from becoming more dangerous than this already is and to divert people. They mostly care about destroying this movement, ruining this work, making people suspicious, don't trust the Taygeteans/Swaruunians, bringing negativity and much more "drama" into this Disclosure.

They GIVE truths, they must give truths otherwise NO ONE would pay attention to them, and the true nature of their deceptions would be easily spotted and revealed. They are smart and masters of secrets, deception, copying and twisting things. They know how to reach their goals and they try their best to remain undiscovered while causing as much pain and suffering as possible.

They just want to lower everybody's vibrations and insert them with half-truths, carefully designed and forged for the people to NEVER leave the Matrix, for Humanity to lose the Consciousness Wars, while the Starseeds think they are helping to make a difference, when in reality, they'd be bringing only more Negativity and therefore feeding the Dark in the same way the rest of Humanity does.

Also, I know that the dark is planning to completely take over this movement. This Disclosure. I know the clones are planning to grow their virtual human reach by themselves using human resources, like money. They will NOT stop portraying themselves as the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians, not until they die or are physically stopped by someone.

Know that, unfortunately, there will be a change in things from now on. There will be a "division" in the Disclosure, where the fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will continue and so will the real ones. Some people will continue following the dark ones and some people will see through right their bullshit and find the real truthful sources. This will intensify the Consciousness Wars even more. The real Taygeteans & Swaruunians know this and have always known things. But they are letting everything flow because this will serve as a "filter" to them, for those who are genuine and those who are not. They want only the people with the right vibrations to follow them. They want the rest to be caught in this "filter", like a spider web, and so they will. This is why there’s nothing you can do to make them see. Those are the ones who will continue following the dark doppelgangers because they simply will not be able to see this. If you are able to see this, congratulations! You are the exception! You form part of the minority of the minority.

Be also aware that, in the future, the fake ones might use inverse psychology and start calling the real Taygeteans & Swaruunians the “doppelgangers” instead of them. Welcome to “Consciousness Wars 2.0”. Everything from now on will be much more intensified on both sides of the polarity.

And, don’t worry, if even after listening/reading these tips in this General Guide you are still not able to differentiate the real ones from the fake ones with certainty or at least comfortably, know that this practice will get increasingly easier and easier as time goes. I can guarantee that.

Take care, be smart, and be safe out there.

– Cristianne *MTH

How to Spot FAKE Taygeteans & Swaruunians? (A General Guide) - PART III

(Part III added on November 26th, 2023 - a future video about the subject might come)

This is the continuation part III for the guide "How to Spot FAKE Taygeteans & Swaruunians". Understand that many things will be added/edited in this guide in the future because the clones will change their tactics and strategies based on what is being disclosed here. "The Dark Doppelgangers & Their Gang" are already 100% aware of this guide. They became aware of this guide almost as soon as I published it. They have been sending their "goons" to my YouTube channel and they will keep doing it. They will keep commenting in the comments section. Little do they know that I know exactly who is a "Dark Starseed" and who is not, who is working for them and who is not, even if I pretend I don't know. They will also send goons who will pretend to be on "my side" (in quotes here, because I am just on the side of TRUTH), who will pretend to be my friends in order to extract information from me and to make me lose my path and ways.

I know you - dark clones and your evil gang - are reading these words right now. You didn't take seriously when I said that some people will always be a step ahead of you when I told you this in my message directed to you. There will ALWAYS be people a step ahead of you, and although you will NEVER accept this, this is how it is and this is how it will always be. I know you are angry. You are also angry because you know I CANNOT be affected by you, your negative energy, your silly low blow moves and your foolish tactics. The only thing you can do is to manipulate your public to not even look at what I'm disclosing with tears in my eyes. And you know this is the only thing you can do... Manipulate others. You don't have any REAL power, the only thing you do is to manipulate others. I also know you have telepathic access links to some of the poor misguided faithful and loyal followers of your FAKE DISCLOSURE. Because these people allow you - with their free will - access to what they have in their minds.

Continuation of the list:

35) The Fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians will seem “authoritative”. They will have this aura of “being better”. They will mostly let this “escape” without their conscious awareness. But those who are sensitive will be able to pick this up. They will try to hide this at all costs, but eventually, they will let this escape. The REAL Taygeteans & Swaruunians never give orders or get upset if you don't take what they are saying. They want the souls here on Earth to truly mature on their own. And for that, the humans need to find their own answers and make the real effort to grow by themselves - no one is going to grow you for you.

The REAL Taygeteans & Swaruunians know that there are infinite paths and infinite answers for everything. They are not going to obligate people to take their paths or answers. They are NOT going to obligate you to to adopt their ideas, beliefs and perspectives on things. Although the fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians will do their best to do the same in order to maintain their covers and to try to scam as many people as they can, the fake ones might let this "authoritative" attitude and vibe escape here and there once in a while.

36) You will realize the fake Taygeteans and Swaruunians won’t feel very “compassionate” towards you or Humanity. They won’t feel a lot of compassion when they say certain things and when they try to portray this, will be short and fake. Or very theatrical. They will seem very dismissive of people’s feelings at times, very “cold” and feel way more distant in regards to their emotions. Again, they will let “escape” this here and there occasionally, it’s your job to pick this up.

37) This is a big one: The Taygeteans and Swaruunians imposters will give the people what they want to hear. They want to deceive as many people as possible, and for that the fake ones NEED to be ACCEPTED. And they KNOW this. The REAL Taygeteans and Swaruunians don't care about being accepted by the majority, they real reason they are here for is not to be popular among the masses, but to bring and activate the necessary changes in "key individuals" – the individuals who are rising up, the souls on Earth who are striving to grow, showing up, stepping up their games and filling in the roles which are being desperately called for, "the roles" that need to be fulfilled for the greater good of this planet (but not only, as there are many events & conflicts happening outside Earth directly related to Earth's problems. Everything is much more convoluted and entangled than humans could imagine).

The Dark Clones convey the messages people want to hear. This is one of the reasons why there are so many people who follow them. It is much more complex to truly awaken humanity than many Starseeds think. Because the humans need to TRULY want to awaken, they need to DEEPLY DESIRE IT, and they need to make a REAL ACTIVE and CONSCIOUS EFFORT for that – a much bigger effort than most humans think. The Consciousness War is much more intense than people believe it to be. So there are many "false awakenings" than people imagine, and these always happen through misperceptions caused by misguidances from beings like the dark doppelgangers (and there are many other entities trying to deceive humans all the time out there – physical or non-physical).


Pub: 30 Oct 2023 15:18 UTC
Edit: 02 Dec 2023 02:49 UTC
Views: 188