Hyprland controversy link list
This is a full link list about all the controversy surrounding the maintainers of hyprland.
Vaxry has sent CP to people.
Note: please do not debate what you do or do not count as cp anywhere in this server
Arguments against maintainers:
https://drewdevault.com/2023/09/17/Hyprland-toxicity.html - drewdevaults blog post about the toxicity in the hyprland community
https://fosstodon.org/@TheEvilSkeleton/109587658504727925 - theevilskeletons rant about the bigotry of hyprlands maintainers (second-hand through a friend)
https://fosstodon.org/@drewdevault/111363547103465966 - info about drewdevaults failed attempt at addressing the toxicity with vaxry
https://imgur.com/a/uCMb5CT - owner of hyprland and community members saying t slur
https://web.archive.org/web/20231117190759/https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/3775 - vaxry saying that they are more inclusive for nazis being included (issue now deleted, take this whole thing with a grain of salt until further edits)
Vaxry's attempt to address it:
https://blog.vaxry.net/articles/2023-hyprlandsCommunity - response to drewdevaults blog post
https://blog.vaxry.net/articles/2023-hyprlandCommunityChanges - post about changes to the community in light of this
Vaxry could also be seen here to back peddle from it here:
freedesktop(.org), aka FDO, recently banned Hyprland maintainer Vaxry from the FDO