IRC Stuff

IRC is completely anonymous if you want it to be, but accounts are also available if desired. I can recommend the "Hexchat"clients for desktop, while using IRCCloud on mobile works well for me personally. There are many other options, though, so feel free to search online and explore other options:

Content Link Description
/vt/ IRC (General Vtuber Discussion Channel) Link #/vt/ at irc.rizon .net
Recanon IRC (Archival Channel) Link #recanon at irc.rizon .net
IRC Info to put into your client (/vt/) Link #/vt/ at irc.rizon .net
IRC Info to put into your client (Recanon) Link #recanon at irc.rizon .net
Hexchat IRC Client Link Desktop IRC Client
IRCCloud Android Link Link the the Mobile version of IRCCloud
IRCCloud IOS Link Link the the Mobile version of IRCCloud

You can check the available options using the "/NickServ help" command, as shown. To register a Username, use "/msg NickServ REGISTER enterpasswordhere entermailhere" and it should register your account. Be aware that if you do not log in within 90 Days, your account will be deleted. If you need more help with register an account, simply use the following command: "/msg Nick Serv HELP REGISTER" which should display the available options for registering your account.

Pub: 15 Aug 2023 00:28 UTC
Edit: 09 Jan 2024 10:34 UTC
Views: 2644