the deity's dni / byi . .

do not interact if : racist , homophobic , transphobic , ableist , anti neos / xenos , call irls ' delulus / delusional ' , joke about being delusional to ' make fun of irls ' , reality checkers & fakeclaimers , believe alters can't be different ages , think fictive = irl , think fiction doesn't affect reality , call fictives ' personalities ' , fake disorders , proshippers , comshippers , loli/shotacons , darkshippers , support pedophilia / sexualisation of minors ( real OR fake ) .

before you interact : splitroject , NPD , BPD , autistic , dyslexic , double spaces ( typing quirk ) , schizoaffective , tourettes syndrome , will block you if i feel uncomfy , i say slurs i can reclaim , i make ' kys / kms / die ' jokes , i talk abour my interests ( don't say you like them more than i do ) , will not always be fronting .


Pub: 13 Sep 2023 18:33 UTC
Edit: 13 Sep 2023 20:04 UTC
Views: 61