Cecilia Immergreen's Important Videos
- Preview:
Let this ensemble begin! đś #holoJustice - Debut Stream:
[DEBUT STREAM] It's wind-up time!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice - First Cover:
{COVER} Forgotten Words | ĺżăăăŽč¨ăŽč #ćăŁăŚăżă #cover - Monetization Stream:
ăMONETIZATION RELAYăJustice hit monetization YAY let's celebrate! #holoJustice #hololiveEnglish - Monetization Otomo Book:
The otomo book(s) - Thank you!!!
Otomo Finder - Membership Opening Stream:
ăMEMBERSHIP OPENINGăThe doors are open! Come on in! - First Member Stream [Note: Requires membership] :
ăMEMBER STREAMăHi it's me, welcome in! - First Karaoke:
[2024/08/11 4:00AM JST] ăUNARCHIVED KARAOKEăFirst time! Cecilia (me!) edition! - First Member Watchalong [Note: Requires membership] :
ăMEMBER WATCHALONGăI love video game movies! - First Otocrank ASMR [Note: Requires membership (Otocranks)] :
Audio Log 1 - ASMR (or more like I tried ASMR but I just ended up rambling for 10min! hehe) - 2nd Karaoke:
ăUNARCHIVED KARAOKEă It's time to sing with 2% less nerves this time!!! [2024/09/30 4:00AM JST] - ăOktoberfestă 1st Oktoberfest stream:
- ăHalloweenă Justice Haunted VR Investigation (CC POV):
ăJUSTICE'S HAUNTED VR INVESTIGATIONăIt's Halloween! Time do dress up! hehehe
#CCWeek 2024
- First Birthday Stream:
BIRTHDAY STREAM!!! Reveals!!! Hololive cameos! SPECIAL THINGS! - Top 100 Tier List:
Tierlist ranking top 100 anime but you can't disagree with me because it's my birthday (week)!!! - Justice Q&A Doodling:
ăJUSTICE Q&AăAnswering your questions while creating an artful masterpiece! #hololiveenglish - First Violin Karaoke Stream:
ăUNARCHIVED VIOLIN KARAOKEăwith cute guests! for CCWeek! yay [2024/11/17 4:00AM JST] - Dark Souls 3 Marathon:
- Part 1: ăDark Souls 3ăLet's play! ALL DAY!!!! Marathon for CCWeek! (game spoilers)
- Part 2: ăDark Souls 3ăPART 2!! since too long!!!! Marathon for CCWeek! (game spoilers)
- Part 3: ăDark Souls 3ăMarathon I WILL FINISH (game spoilers) [Not part of CC week proper]
- Handcam Sewing Otomo Pouch:
ăSEWINGăOtomo pouch making (ATTEMPT!!! I guarantee no success okay) - CCWeek 2024 Recap:
ăBIRTHDAY TALKSăCCWeek chats with you and me! [Not part of CC week proper]
- ăThanksgivingă VR Chat stream:
ăVRCHATăBut it's just me laying around in different VR Worlds (Happy Thanksgiving?) - ăAdvent Calendară HoloEN Advent Calendar Day 2:
#holoENadventcalendar Day 2 - ăChristmas Eventă Cecilia's Casual Christmas Celebration C.C.C.C. :
[CHRISTMAS EVENT] holoEN casual christmas celebration!!! - ăChristmas VRChată Christmas VRChat:
[VR CHAT] Let's look at pretty places and eat SNOW!!!! Merry christmas! - ăChristmas Watchalongă CC's Annual Christmas Watchalong. :
THE GOLDEN COMPASS - the perfect christmas movie -ăWATCHALONGă - ăNew Year's Partyă CC's New Year Countdown. :
ăNEW YEAR'S PARTYăLet's hang out and ring in the new year together!!!!!
- ăCCGG Karaokeă:
[2025/01/11 4:00AM JST] ăUNARCHIVED KARAOKEăCCGG Duo singing! with @holoen_gigimurin
Last Edited: 2024/01/11 3:40PM JST