LAST UPDATED 5.25.24 - Updated for new install method changes and for getting some love on (your favorite repackers favorite site) Special thanks to RessourectoR for helping me through some changes and looking through the code and giving their opinion ❤️

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Cs.Rin.Ru Introduction -

Including the Software Audit of the ARMGDDN Browser by CS Rin Admin RessourectoR -


This is the file that can be found in the 7z which can downloaded from GitHub and/or the Telegram

@echo off
set source_path="BrowserUpdate:INSTALL\INSTALL.7z"
set "destination_path=%~dp0"
echo                            _____ __________    _____    ________________  ________    _______   
echo                           /  _  \\______   \  /     \  /  _____/\______ \ \______ \MP \      \  
echo                          /  /_\  \^|       _/ /  \ /  \/   \  ___ ^|    ^|  \ ^|    ^|  \  /   ^|  echo                         /    ^|    \    ^|   \/    Y    \    \_\  \^|    `   \^|    `   \/    ^|   echo                         \____^|__  /____^|_  /\____^|__  /\______  /_______  /_______  /\____^|__  /
echo                                 \/       \/         \/        \/        \/        \/         \/  
echo Setting up the ARMGDDN Browser
echo WARNING: Make Sure You Are Not Using a Problematic Location Such as
echo Your User Dir, Program Files, Steam Folder, Desktop, OneDrive etc.
echo This File May Take 30 Or More Seconds To Start Downloading, Be Patient
install.exe copy "%source_path%" "%destination_path%\" --config install.conf -P
7z.exe x INSTALL.7z -aoa

if exist "INSTALL.exe" (
    ren "INSTALL.exe" "AG.exe"

set "shortcut_path=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ARMGDDN Browser.lnk"
set "icon_path=%~dp0setup.ico"
set "target_path=%~dp0ARMGDDNBrowser.cmd"

echo Creating shortcut...
echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > CreateShortcut.vbs
echo sLinkFile = "%shortcut_path%" >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo oLink.TargetPath = "%target_path%" >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo oLink.IconLocation = "%icon_path%" >> CreateShortcut.vbs
echo oLink.Save >> CreateShortcut.vbs

cscript CreateShortcut.vbs
del CreateShortcut.vbs
echo Installation Completed Successfully.
echo Launch Using the Desktop Shortcut or ARMGDDNBrowser.cmd

del 7z.exe
del 7z.dll
del INSTALL.7z
del ..\SETUP.7z
del INSTALL.conf
del "%~f0"

exit /b

Files inside the ARMGDDN Browser folder after installation


This launches the update bat which updates the config AND launches the browser. Using the desktop shortcut or the start menu shortcut points to the cmd:

@echo off
start "" /MIN /D "%~dp0" cmd /c "update.bat & start "" /WAIT "ARMGDDNBrowser.exe""


This just grabs the current config from the rclone remote BrowserUpdate which is also on the browser:

@echo off
echo                            _____ __________    _____    ________________  ________    _______   
echo                           /  _  \\______   \  /     \  /  _____/\______ \ \______ \MP \      \  
echo                          /  /_\  \^|       _/ /  \ /  \/   \  ___ ^|    ^|  \ ^|    ^|  \  /   ^|  echo                         /    ^|    \    ^|   \/    Y    \    \_\  \^|    `   \^|    `   \/    ^|   echo                         \____^|__  /____^|_  /\____^|__  /\______  /_______  /_______  /\____^|__  /
echo                                 \/       \/         \/        \/        \/        \/         \/ 

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

rem Set the source file path in the remote storage
set source_path="BrowserUpdate:AG.conf"

rem Set the destination path to the same directory as the batch file
set "destination_path=%~dp0"

rem Run the rclone command to copy the rclone.conf file
AG copy %source_path% "%destination_path%\" --config update.conf


For some reason when using the ARMGDDNBrowser.cmd to launch the browser and update at once the bat file freezes after updating, showing the ARMGDDN ascii art. Closing the update.bat has no ill effects or it will close automatically once you close the browser. Its doing nothing, just cant get it to close for whatever reason. Any change i made that had it close stopped the update.bat from working at all or failed to ALSO launch the browser. Its a little suspicious so i attempted to fix it to no avail. Its not harmful though and this in part (also some claims from some jackass that our installer is malicious) prompted me to post this.

Files that are different from the "stock" rclone browser:

NOTE we are now using a lesser known fork of the more popular rclone browser, it has more features though and is more advanced. You can choose to use a different rclone browser if you want, just takes a bit or renaming, anyone interested in this for whatever reason can change this on their own, the important parts to keep it working as the "ARMGDDN Browser" inclue renaming the rclone browser exe to ARMGDDNBrowser.exe and taking the AG.exe, AG.conf, ARMGDDNBrowser.cmd, Update,bat, Update.conf, setup.ico and the ARMGDDNBrowser.ini to make it portable and have the correct settings, anything else is the Rclone Browser and is interchangeable.

  • removed:
    • Licenses.txt | general info about allowed uses of rclone browser blah blah
    • | info about the changes from the GitHub
    • | info about rclone browser from the github
  • added:
    • ARMGDDN Telegram.url | link to our telegram
    • ARMGDDNBrowser.cmd | what our shortcuts point to, updates and launches the browser
    • AG.conf | the encrypted config that connects you to our remotes, what makes it ARMGDDN Browser instead of Rclone Browser
    • ARMGDDNBrowser.ini | what makes the browser "portable" and saves the settings that work best for our needs
    • setup.ico | the icon for our shortcuts and browser installer, now used for all the exes and not included in the folder
      - uninst.exe | the uninstaller for our ARMGDDN Browser installer
    • update.bat | the bat that updates the config automatically, the .cmd points to this
    • update.conf | the remote that the update.bat uses to update the config
  • added + customized:
    • rclone.exe | renamed to AG.exe ... compiled from the official source. Main changes, Disabled "config" and mount commands (in the past i had removed them entirely. Disabling keeps it closer to stock and makes it not be flagged by antivirus. Its also to help keep our config and mirror info safe from most users. Hardcoded the password to the two configs (using a new method this time which is harder to penetrate but also doesnt flag) , rclone.conf (renamed to AG.conf) and update.conf , so that rclone browser will show the remotes without decrypting the config or asking for the password. Added a custom icon and changed a few files, heres a list of files i changed or added into the source BEFORE building the custom exe and WHY
  1. Rclone\bin\resource_windows.go - This i changed some of the info the shows on hover and that icon during build
  2. Rclone\cmd\all\all.go - I commented out the commands i didn't want available, config ones, mount ones, a few others,
  3. Rclone\fs\config\crypt.go - Hardcoded the password
  4. Rclone\graphics\logo\ico\setup.ico - This is the ARMGDDN Icon that we use on ARMGDDNBrowser.exe (RcloneBrowser.exe) and AG.exe (rclone.exe).

    • RcloneBrowser.exe | renamed to ARMGDDNBrowser.exe, also renamed the RcloneBrowser.ini to match, i didnt change this file besides the name and then i also used resource hacker to change the icon to the ARMGDDN Setup.ico. Unfortunately this makes Microsoft (ONLY!) flag this as a virus. Its upsetting that i cant change the icon without it thinking its a virus but its one flag and ONLY MS - which is a lot better than in the past our rclone.exe, ARMGDDNBrowser Installer, custom RcloneBrowser.exe (which we dont use anymore anyways), and the Bat2Exe file i used to download from the Github (we dont use this either its now a 7z) only which brought the 50 some off flags down to 0 virus flags lol). We are down to 1 flag which id prefer its zero but alot better than the combined 60 some off flags of the past. I can live with it.

I think the changes I made are positive and help update or otherwise facilitate the change from a personal program to view your own remotes to a program used to share pirated material. Some people haven't liked these changes or don't understand them, so the purpose of this pastebin is to be as translucent as possible about our changes and the reasons for them. We will not cater to anyone, if you don't trust our Browser installer why trust our repack installers? Just move on. No disrespect intended - just keep it movin'

❤️ Always

The owners of ARMGDDN - DeliciousMeatPop, George Jefferson, Miss Tulip and the rest of the AG Staff and Family

Any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me on telegram, either in our channel or slide into my DMs

Pub: 15 Jan 2024 07:38 UTC
Edit: 30 Jun 2024 04:05 UTC
Views: 49101