
Just Another Show

An object show made by a paw and his polluted wife.


PAWY! [it/he]
Genderless + bisexual
"Doesn't know how to make proper challenges"
Algebralian paw

CO2! [she/her]
"Makes people suffocate and cough if she's around"
System of 3 alters:
Gas [she/they] {host}
"a very joyous alter"
Jim [he/they] {co-host}
"a bit rude but cool"
Walter [they/them] {emotional protector}
gay mlm
"a very serious and formal alter"
Algebralian mass of carbon dioxide

  • CO2 and Pawy are married.


Oaklei/Oakley! [he/him but not exclusively]
pansexual + female
"Direct reference to PC Principal (south park)"
Oakley glasses

Flag [he/it]
"Could be any flag you want!"
I wonder.

Estoj' [any pronouns]
"Can't really hide anything inside a transparent case!

Choir [he/him]
male + nebularomantic
high support needs autism
"So smily! So joyous..."

Dolly / Dolly.xml [they/he]
"Not an emo, yet very emotional."

Meaty [any pronouns]
"Not edible, don't try to eat."
Meat with an eaten bone

Skrt [he/she]
"Fought in the war and saved many people... Such a manly man!"

Rowbom/Rombow/Rowbow [they/them]
"Rude, yet so colorful!"
Rainbow with clouds

  • Estoj' is Choir's caregiver
  • Choir is non-verbal
  • Choir's special interest is kangaroos and wild life
  • Choir's parents are dead. He doesn't know that, but Estoj' does
  • Choir can do lots of things by himself
  • The creator ships Choir and Estoj' together and has stated that Choir doesn't see Estoj' as a family figure, but the ship is not canon
  • Skrt has a scar in his back because of another show he was in.
  • Skrt is moots with Pawy on twitter
  • Skrt has a "soft spot" for Oaklei
  • Skrt HATES Flag
  • Skrt is very passionate about the history of the world
  • Oaklei can change colors, for some reason
  • Oaklei has been in a relationship many times before, none worked out
  • Dolly.xml is heavily inspired by the creator's old oc, Emo.xml
  • Dolly is an actual file that turned real after a challenge.
  • Dolly's favorite band is MCR
  • Flag was originally supposed to be in love with Rowbom, which was retconned after a while
Pub: 17 Apr 2024 17:48 UTC
Edit: 18 Apr 2024 00:18 UTC
Views: 151