This is a directory, not a hoard, as all of these URLs are in use or planning to be used in the near future.
Do not DM me asking for these, my answer will always be no. Please don't take it personally!!!
These URLs are most likely unwanted, so this is just for me to remember what I have lawl
Colour Legend:⠀⠀URL In Use⠀⠀Planning To Use URL soon
Kale ✧ Kales ✧ Beckett ✧ Jaster ✧ Jestakale ✧ Demia ✧ SevenOfSpadez ✧ LeslieGreyscale ✧ LesliesBakery ✧ SeraphinaGreyscale ✧ ScienceFiction ✧ ScienceNonFiction ✧ K-413 ✧ Cybrarian ✧ HuchaHudan ✧ Com_Z ✧ NoeticZoetic ✧ Noetic ✧ Zoetic ✧ NewbieGuard ✧ ColdGaze ✧ GetLancered ✧ TheJonkler ✧ Mailman39851 ✧ MinecraftEndPoem ✧ NerdbobDungpants ✧ ExtraterrestrialWahWahs ✧ TheLastLord ✧ Kinlisted ✧ Miscellanea ✧ TheGoldenGod ✧ BatmanArkham ✧ Joqua ✧ Seriph ✧ PassportGuardian ✧ Steadhone ✧ FakeSMP ✧ Fakulty ✧ BrushyFighter ✧ BrushyFighter221 ✧ FSharper ✧ WarpFSharp ✧ Phillion ✧ WitheredHeights ✧ xxx_underscore_xxx ✧ GurlMinus ✧ HiddenSector ✧ 195Decibels ✧ Nite_Rite_ ✧ Mangochi ✧ MysteriousLocket ✧ Sculked ✧ YesFormat