large picture ; drawing by The Ironbird's Lair on Tumblr

divider line double me!! and also me status not closed but heavily selective.


contact and what to do after

windrunner.exe on discord

pop in my DMs, and say you want to make a req I'll ask some questions and if all is good i'll start working on it in the week! (fyi I'm european so depending on timezones I might be asleep && heavy screen filters, my colours differ from yours) .co/iicaro is my source hub.

what I do

!!! all my works are done on dark mode I can and will refuse any rentry theme I do not enjoy making. These are mainly for free I will do what I desire.

for free singular link simple rentrys any 'simple' theme (including gore) boundaries or interests or intro or hoards custom pixels (animated) a link hunt (I search links that fit ur theme) & for some type of payment !! I take art, currency, links, trades idc all of above up to five link rentrys animated banners (+ custom) harder / complex themes (Kidcore ; Scene ; etc) other stuff can be discussed upon talking & for friends / close m8s if I offer, ya'll get whatever you ask or want bruh.

requested examples

.co/theresasnakeinmyboot Woody (Toy Story) simple intro [ inspo okay , do not copy ] xx .co/Kick Kick (CoDG) complex intro [ inspo okay , banner off limits , do not copy ] xx .co/CircleofKnowledge Miss Circle (FPE) simple intro [ inspo okay , do not copy ]

divider line double


template usage rules

any edits are fine as long as it stays recongisable creds for both me and artists must stay as they are can be used for singlets / sys / roleplay IRLs do not use if theme is your delusion endo sys / basic dni pls avoid my banners may be used but credit me and artists + link to this rentry ask 04 inspo , absolutely no reposts

existing templates

.co/driftemperor ; non-team centric F1 intro temp. .co/security_breach ; Monty Gator intro temp. .co/LordKonig ; König (CoD) simple intro temp. .co/PapyrusLetters ; Egyptian / Books brown intro temp. .co/WeatheredBooks ; boundaries matching above. reworking !! .co/rabies4her ; Rebbeca (CyEd) simple intro temp. .co/deadwilson ; Deadpool intro rentry. .co/AndTillTheEnd ; Ghost (CoD) complex matching rentry. .co/YoureMyVeryBestFriend ; Roach (CoD) complex matching rentry. .co/WellBeBestFriends ; Soap (CoD) complex matching rentry. .co/OrangeTakeda ; Takeda Takahashi (MK) simple rentry. stay close more are coming!

template ideas (wips)

MotoGP alter temp + extras? CoDM game maps temp / aes Kapkaan and Glaz (R6) matching temps need to rework that CyEd one its HORRID

Pub: 03 Nov 2023 22:52 UTC
Edit: 28 Aug 2024 21:17 UTC
Views: 1478