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Kanata Shinkai (Idol Story) - Original "Kanji"

Author: Kanata Haruka

Characters: Shinobu, Souma, Kanata

Proofread by: @mika_enstars

Shinobu: Gokugoku...Puha~. The tea that Kanzaki-dono brews was delicious as always~

A warm cup of freshly brewed tea will warm you up from the inside out in the middle of winter.

Souma: Today is a particularly cold day. I hope you will keep your body warm.

If you’d like another, just let me know. I have some good tea leaves I got from "Kaori" activities the other day.

If Sengoku would like some, I could try brewing some of those tea leaves as well.

Shinobu: Are you sure? Then I'll have another one!

But first, let me enjoy this one thoroughly.

Souma: Mhm. There is no need to rush. I want you to savor it and drink it well.

Kanata: Fufufu. You both seem to be in a very warm and cozy "mood."

Shinobu: Ah, it's Shinkai-dono! Have you just returned?

Souma: In that case, I will brew a pot of my green tea right now, and I want you to drink it to warm you up.

Of course, the temperature will be lukewarm for Shinkai-dono's sake, so don't worry.

Kanata: Thank you, Souma. But I'd like you to wait a minute.

If you want to make some "tea", it’d be perfect if you could pour it into this.

Shinobu: Ah, you see teacups like this at sushi restaurants sometimes!

Souma: Fumu. It's a teacup with kanji characters with the radical for fish.

Now, to pour some tea... Here you go.

Kanata: Goku, goku ♪ Phew. I must say, The “tea” that Souma brews is delicious as always.

The "temperature" was just right and my body feels warm and comfortable.

Souma: I’m glad to hear that. Now, Shinkai-dono. Why did you bring this teacup all of a sudden?

Kanata: Fufu. I found it by chance and made an "impulse purchase”~

I also thought it would make a great "showcase" for the "AOUMI Aquarium" and "reference" for some new "goods"~.

Shinobu: I see. This teacup would certainly be a good way to learn names of different fish!

Souma: Fumu. However, this gives me a stronger impression that it is a sushi restaurant rather than an aquarium...

Kanata: Yes, that's right~ I'm not so sure about using it as it is.

That’s why, by using it as a "reference", I should be able to think of a good "idea".

Shinobu: An idea, that it is. I hope you can find some good ideas, that you can....

But still, there are so many kanji characters for fish.

I remember that the teacups I saw at a sushi restaurant before had kana for reading, but this one doesn't.

Oh, this is Tuna (maguro). I can read Salmon (sake) and Cod (tara), at least! [1]

But how do you read the kanji characters with the Ura (浦)? [2]

There are fish with simple characters like "念"(nen) and "花"(hana). I can't read these characters at all. [3]

Kanata: Fufufu. The "Kanji" that Shinobu just mentioned, is a creature from the "sea" that is not a fish~

Shinobu: Not fish!? I thought they were all fish, that I was mistaken.

Souma: Kanji containing the radical for fish are rarely taught as commonly used kanji. It is not surprising that Sengoku does not understand them.

Shinobu: Mumu… Kanzaki-dono looks so relaxed. By any chance, Kanzaki-dono, does understand them?

Souma: Fufu, well I am a member of the Marine Biology Life Club.

I have acquired a general knowledge of fish under the teachings of Shinkai-dono ♪

Kanata: it's okay~, Shinobu. Souma also didn't understand a single thing at first.

I still remember it. Souma called this "Kanji" as "uoura-dono" (魚浦殿).

Shinobu: Uoura-dono? Haha, isn't that too much?

Souma: N-Now I can't make a mistake again! The radical "甫" (haji-me) next to the "魚"(sakana) radical is read as "いるか" (iruka or Dolphin) in Japanese! [4]

Shinobu: Hee... So you read this as dolphin.

It's true that dolphins are mammals, not fish.

Kanata: By the way, the fish with the "Kanji" with the "nen" radical is read as "Namazu" (鯰 or a giant catfish). [5]

Souma: And the one with "花"(hana) is "Okhotsk atka mackerel/Arabesque greenling" (𩸽 or hokke)

Shinobu: Ohh, both Shinkai-dono and Kanzaki-dono are very knowledgeable~ I’m learning a lot.

But, if there are so many kanji for fish, I wonder if there’s a kanji with the radical for "Shinobu"(忍) next to a “Sakana”(魚) radical..

If there is, I'm curious what kind of fish it is!

Kanata: Hmm. Maybe I’m just not aware, but I don't think there’any fish with a “Kanji” like that.

Shinobu: Is that so... What a shame.

Souma: Hmm. Then why doesn't Sengoku make that kanji character on his own?

After all, it's just a game for self-satisfaction, but it shouldn't be a problem if you're just enjoying it on your own.

Shinobu: A self-made Kanji character... Ohh, that has a cool ring to it! ♪

Kanata: ....That "idea" of Souma’s. It might be exactly what I’m looking for.

Everyone makes an “original” "Kanji" character for their favorite fish and make it into "Goods"...

It might be possible to make "goods" of "memories" only for those who came to "AOUMI Aquarium" ♪

Shinobu: Oh! That sounds really interesting, Shinkai-dono!

Souma: Mhm. It sounds like it’d be fun to write the "orijnaru" kanji on clothes, hand towels, etc.

Shinobu: How should the fish kanji with the “Shinobu” radical be written and read?? How about "Nin-gyo"? (人魚 or "mermaid")

Souma: I think it's good. But for something to be read as "Ningyo", then why not "fish"(魚) and "blade"(刃)?

Shinobu: No no. You're forcing the reading too much, Kanzaki-dono!

Kanata: To begin with, there are no "Ningyo" in the "AOUMI Aquarium"~

However, I think it will be a good “opportunity” for people to get to know each other through “talking about” fish.

I can have fun “talking about” fish with everyone as well, I’m sure this will be a great “plan” ♪


[1] The emphasis on some words are Hiragana characters for the Kanji in the original text. I added them just in incase to keep it for the original text.
[2] The Kanji character means "seashore" or "beach"
[3] I didn't translate the Kanji characters for these because they can mean different sorts of things when translated so I kept it in.
[4] Kanata was joking about how Souma called the Kanji for fish as "fish-dono"
[5] Namazu is a yo-kai and giant underground catfish that causes earthquakes according to Japanese Mythology.

Pub: 14 Sep 2023 03:07 UTC
Views: 443