Hai guys.. heh i love LOVE Pokémon a lot esp gen 1 & gen 5..❤ Tysm Paranoa also omg 🫶🏾
lowkey me & tonya
- Intro
- I go by Ash / Sena or 21. She/It prounouns! If we are close, you can use the names Zura & Honey & He/Him pronouns. More listed here. Taken x3 I luv yu ; Vee , Miles & Tonya. ♡ 14, black, GAD ; Paranoid Syshost + unlist. Introject & Yumejoshi. Also I claim to be the #1 fan of Pokémon sorry not sorry It's my special interest. ❤
- Favortie Pokémon(s)
- My #1 fav is either between Victini or Lucario! I've been in love with Victini since I was a young trainer.. but around 8-9 I fell in love with Riolu / Lucario I love it's so nice and silly!! Other pokémon I love are ; Pikachu, Eevee, Gallade, Scorbunny, Cinderace, Alolan Raichu, Emolga, Pansage, Minccino, Dragonite, Leavanny, Shaymin, Mew & more!
- Favorite Generation
- Okay without a doubt my favorite generation of all time is Gen 5. I grew up playing B&W and I'm obsessed with the B&W anime it's not funny..💔 I think it's the most overhated generation too which I don't get. 😓 It has such an amazing plot and in my opinion, N is probably the best written character tbh.. also my favorite gym leaders are Cilan, Chili & Cress sue me. ALSO I love generations 1, 7 & 8 as well a lot..
- Favorite Character(s)
- This will also include the anime.. ; OKOK So my top favs are Ash, Cilan, Iris. And the rest are Misty, Dawn, Brock, Leon, Prof. Kukui, Emmet, N, Red, Kiawe, Lillie, Blue, Hop, Goh, Chili, Cress, Serena, Barry, Prof. Sycamore, Guzma, Nanu, Musashi, Kojirō (Jessie & James) Meowth, Mallow, Rosa, Hilbert, Nate, Looker, Prof. Oak, Ingo, Raihan, Hilda, Calem, Brendan, May. I think that's like a lot of my favs.. YEA!
- Favorite Antagonist
- Uhm.. wow I hate most of them except N I lava him. ❤ Uhm I don't know who else STOP IT. I suppose Guzma as well but yea..!! .. Moving on
- Favorite Ships
- Imma be honest ; I do love the ships I'll list but, don't except me to always talk about them since that's not the main reason I cherish the franchise but here! TakeDent (OpticShipping ; Cilan x Brock), AmourShipping (Ash x Serena), JourneyShipping, (Ash x Goh), Nameless / OriginalShipping (Red x Blue). Oh yea Emmet x Me, Leon x Me, Kukui x Me, Raihan x Me #Yumejoshi.
- Ending
- Any Pokémon fans, please be my friend! I don't bite I promise! Well, unless you piss me off or are in my dni.. (listed here) but yea! In general, I really adore & love Pokémon a whole lot. I love talking about it as well!!