Shahzade Khosrow Rustamzade Spandiyadhi

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Note: -zade means son of and -dokt means daughter of.

Sex: Male
Race or Species: Human
Lifespan: June 7th, 1097 VTE
Birthplace: Spahan, Spahan

Native Culture: Spahani (of the Maghatashi Group)
Main Religion: Marzubanism
Native Language(s): : Maghatashian
Known Languages: Greater Tupai (Fluent), Infinitium (passable), Tsukigo (basic), Moriji (basic), Hooman (basic)
Father: Marzoban Routam Ardashirzade Spandiyahi (b. 1071)
Mother: Yasaman Perozdokht Sarbadari (b. 1073)
Siblings: Shapurdukhtak Rustamdokht Spandiyadhi (b. 1099), Bahram Rustamzade Spandiyadhi (b. 1102), Djamasp Rustamzade Spandiyadhi (b. 1104)
Wife: Shapurdukhtak Rustamdokht Spandiyadhi (b. 1099, sister as per holy tradition.)
Children: Ardashir Khosrowzade Spandiyadhi (b. 1112), Shahrbanu Khosrowzdokht Spandiyadhi (b. 1114), Darya Khosrowdokht Spandiyadhi (b. 1117), Rustam Khosrowzade Spandiyadhi (b. 1121), Shahrbanu Khosrowdokht Spandiyadhi (b. 1121), Shahrbaraz Khosrowzade Spandiyadhi (b. 1125), Salomeh Khosrowdokht Spandiyadhi (b. 1129)

Occupation: Son and heir of the powerful Spandiyadhi family in the lands of Spahani people. De facto leader of the expedition considering his family helped fund it and that he personally has experience as a leader of men in great perils.

Friendly Factions: Rishamate, Tupai Besar, Pertengahan, House of Spandiyadhi, House of Sunpadhi, Adurbadagan, Spahan
Neutral Factions: Infinitium (I don't think this area would be swept up in love of them, he thinks they are decent but not the heroes they are in Pertengahan or villains in Tupai Besar.), The Witches (He thinks they are antiquated and questions their methods but values them as well. It's complicated.), Imperial Tsukinode Navy, Black Fleet, Serene Republic, Saplings.
Disliked Factions: Republic of Owl (Not a fan of these arrogant "banks of knowledge and enlightenment")
Enemy Factions: House of Farahmandi and House of Mahabadi (Rivals to his house in his homeland), Ayundites
Friends: Joyo Cahya, Mobad Vishtasb, Dariush
Rivals: Hamadani

Silver tongue, natural leader. Extremely convincing. Skilled Warrior in all ways: Top tier Archer, Excellent Equestrian, Great Swordsman, Great with the lance. Assertive and dominating with his presence.
5 foot 9
Heterochromia eyes, Blue and Brown
Strong as "an ox" and quick as "a rabbit".
Wears fine clothing, or his armor. Carries around his sword all the time.
Curly hair and beard.

Notable personality traits:
Noble blood
Vocal about his ideas and unafraid to challenge, not insubordinate, however.
Zealously religious.
Natural leader that leads from the front.
Generous and caring.
Not easily impressed by outsiders
Steadfast in his beliefs
An ardent believer in the idea of Philosopher Warriors, or the Balanced Man.

Dreams and Goals:
Becoming a hero and leader of his people.
Finding legitimate ways to stop the potential terror from Vijaya that grips his people
Unify the lands of his people (Maghatashians) in the future under his house's banner
Seeks to use magic in ways that are truly beneficial.
Seeing his enemies triumph
Seeking knowledge, from which power believes will come to him.
Engineering, Architecture
Horse Riding and Martial Arts
Poetry, Gardening, Reading
Character traits: Honesty, humility, self-sacrifice, dutifulness, bravery, open mindedness, piety, and generosity.
Wine, Many types of fruits, steak, chocolate, coffee
Football (soccer)
Family and Friends
Hunting: His favorite past time.

Status Quo, which resembles an unwillingness to adapt.
Weak leaders and cowards.
An unbalanced lifestyle (for those that have the option not to live such a life style.) What this means is he dislikes people that with the opportunity, make their life solely about one thing and do not develop themselves in other fields.
Unnecessary bureaucracy
Degenerates (Which applies mostly to his own ethnic group rather than other nations and even other Risuners. Albeit, he is still distainful of it even then.)
Passive Aggressiveness

Brothers Bahram and Djamasp. Cousins Yazdegerd, Shahrokh, and Hazarasp.
Son Ardashir and his Daughter, the sister wife of Ardashir, Shahrbanu.
Friends Vishtasb (Mobad) and Dariush (Childhood friend and servant).
10 Bodyguards.
Two other servants.

Per religious tradition (Water and Fire are holy agents of purity.)

  • Must bathe once per day on land (Sea wasn't factor in)
  • Fire Ritual once per day as part of the religious service.

Polishing his sword and armor regularly

Fine clothes
Shamshir Sword, of Fine Steel.
Fine chainmail armor
Large Composite Bow


Khosrow, after Sherah, is the most important person in the expedition to the Saplings. His family played a major role in funding this expedition from their own coffers, and Khosrow had to do a lot of talking to get this whole thing to work. He was the one, along with the Risham, that organized this. He originally thought he would lead it but was undermined by Hamadani, who forced him to accept Sherah and Hamadani as the leaders; the former because of her being a witch and the latter because she had experience. Not wanting to undermine the whole expedition, he begrudgingly accepted this but has usurped Hamadani along the way to be the "secular" leader of the expedition.

His presence, charisma and status are unmatched by all others in the Risuner camp, and he is unafraid to challenge Sherah's authority. He does not hate Sherah and in fact does like her, but his personality and background may give off the other appearance. He is not insubordinate, but he truly is the de facto leader of this entire expedition by the time they set out on foot for the saplings, as he thinks he should be.

Personally, he thinks Sherah has the potential to change the Order of the Witches into something more useful and wants to see her grow as a person.

He has a great distain for the Hoomen, that came from the stories of them along the way from others. It was only reinforced by their demeaning behavior towards his people and him personally. He blames that damn moronic fool who didn't bother to properly inform others of what was going on, and furthermore thinks the whole affair with switching to the BF was a waste of time and money. Starting to think this whole expedition is a waste of time and money.

He is a friend of Joyo Cahya, fighting alongside him when he was younger after meeting him with Maumigny. Sent to the South with 500 Heavy Cavalry to join the fight against the Ghazis. Fought in the Battle of Tigaraska, leading the Spahani Heavy Cavalry (Only Risuner Cavalry at the battle.) Still, he has much to prove and wants to be the Joyo Cahya of his people.

Plans for Character:
I would like him to be friendly with Louis and the other boys. This man will be the eventually Ruler of the Spandiyadhi Shahdom or Padshahi Spandiyadhi. This Shahdom is not the first in the region.

Writing notes:

Light the Fires (His own story.)
Chronicles of Joyo Cahya the Great
The Marquis of Maumigny: Hero of Oiseau and Tupai Besar.
The Scourge of Ayunda
Lord of the Seas: Louis d'Avranches

Pub: 17 Oct 2022 11:51 UTC
Edit: 17 Oct 2022 19:04 UTC
Views: 302