What is KIPD?

KIPD (Kai Ig Personality Disorder) is a mental disorder that impacts a person to properly communicate with others of their desires and be aware of what is right and wrong. People with KIPD tend to experience higher sensitivity to remarks of their behavior, and impulsivity, frequently acting on impulse rather than rationality.


Kai Ig personality disorder may affect your behaviour to other people is like.

  • Impulsivity. A person with KIPD may lack self-control and tend to act on immediate desires, such as making big purchases, engaging in risky behaviors, or speaking without thinking.
  • Lack of emotion/difficulty expressing themselves. People with KIPD mostly have poor social skills, self-centeredness and blaming others.
  • Sensitive/Easily offended. They may take any actions that is not expressed clearly as an act of trying to provoke them.
  • Controlling and protective. Individuals with KIPD with usually have someone they see as their own property. People with KIPD believe they are in charge in their relationships.
  • Doesn't want to get involved with people unless they are sure of being liked.
  • Self harming/destructive behavior. Most common behaviors are suicidal acts/threats to make others feel guilty for them or gain attention.
  • Lack of empathy and/or remorse. They have no reason to empathize with others or feel remorse at all. They usually are narcissistic individuals who think they are on top of the world, and are the only ones who see the right and wrong in the world.
  • Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others. They often use tactics such as: gaslighting, love-bombing, projection and victimizing.
  • Constantly disinterested in stuff unless involving a person they like. They have no interest in conversations where they're unable to use a test subject/person to defend them.
Pub: 01 Apr 2024 21:45 UTC
Edit: 06 May 2024 09:16 UTC
Views: 770