Kronii Is Top

~3000 words (40% porn)

TAGS: TimeRyS, (You), but you are IRyS because everyone has the same pronouns, gender horseshit, feminine penis, penis envy, cute sex, rough sex, coaching, sexual surrogacy, sex therapy, porn with plot, shipping, when do they fuck, horny for character development, original character do not steal

DISCLAIMER: This story is a fantasy full of my own self-indulgent gender horseshit based on experiences and people I know from my own life. (Yes, even the sexy parts ;) I am projecting. Don't take it too seriously.

"It's gonna get hot, Kronii. You're gonna have to take that off."
Kronii glares at you, then grudgingly wriggles out of her sweatshirt. She's wearing a baggy black t-shirt underneath. In your opinion, it's still not great attire for a dance class-- you prefer to wear a tank top, so that your underarms can breathe-- but Kronii is too modest for even that.
"IRyS, I can't believe you convinced me to do this. We're the only couple here that's just girls," Kronii says while tying her sweatshirt around her waist.
"Oh? Are we a couple, Kronii?" you tease.
"You know what I mean. Don't make it weird."
On one wall of the dimly-lit studio is a large mirror. You look at it and point to a gay couple in the back. "It's fine. See?"
"Don't point!" Kronii chides, slapping your hand away. "It's rude."
You roll your eyes. "Don't worry about it, Kronii. Dance classes usually have more girls than boys anyway."
"Doesn't one of us have to be the 'boy', though?"
"Yeah. Would you like to lead or follow?"
"I'll follow, I guess."
That probably makes the most sense. You're a Vsinger, not a Vdancer, but you do have more experience than Kronii.
The music begins, and you hold out your hands and Kronii takes them. Kronii's hands are slender and dainty, but her grip is much too tight. The two of you start with the basic steps, simply moving back and forth while you get used to the clave-- the Latin rhythm. Kronii mirrors your steps, staring down at your feet all the while. That won't do, you think.
"Whatcha looking at, Kronii? You couldn't be... oh my, are you looking down my...?"
Kronii turns her face up with a start. "No! I was looking... at your feet..."
"I don't mind if you look at me. You can look at me all you want!"
She catches on that you're messing with her and pouts. "Whatever!"
You smile at her. "Don't use your eyes. Dance with your heart, Kronii, your heart!"
You tug on her hands with a little more force, to better lead her. You can sense the weight of her body now, a small yet comforting inertia. Feeling emboldened, you raise her left arm, let go of her right hand, and turn her outward... but you graze her scalp and muss up her hair.
"Oops! Sorry!" you say.
"Ack! What are you doing?"
"Sorry, you're taller than me. I have to lift my arm higher."
"I'm not that much taller than you."
You continue to practice various outward and inward turns. Noticing that the song is nearing a conclusion, you lead Kronii to walk in front of you, then, without letting go of her hands, you pull her into an inside turn, following her motion, until you're behind her, clasping her own arm around her waist.
"Holy-- where'd you go?" she asks.
"I'm right here beside you, silly." You squeeze her hands firmly.
You take a few steps in this position, then return to normal by turning in the opposite direction.
"That was wild. You had me all tied up." Her voice was monotone, but she was smiling.
"It's fun, right?"
"Yeah. I'm getting kind of dizzy, though."
"Oh! Sorry, let's take a break."
You disengage and Kronii wipes her brow on her sleeve. "Thanks. I suppose being a follower means that you have to go in circles a lot," she says.
"True. Maybe you'd like being a leader better."
"I don't think so."
"Why not?" you ask.
She hesitates, then answers with another question. "How do you know what move to do next?"
"There's no rules. You just make it up on the spot."
"Oh, that sounds awful."
You laugh. "Yeah, I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't be into that."

You decide to treat Kronii to Korean BBQ after the dance class, so that the both of you can refuel.
"Really? You'll pay for everything? In that case..."
Like a woman possessed, Kronii orders a ton of different types of meat and tosses them on the grill. She ignores the complimentary vegetable dishes. As you eat the conversation turns to otaku interests.
"Did you ever read any fanfiction?" you ask.
"Oh yeah, sure. I might have even... written a little..."
"Really? What kind?" you try to remember the weirdest fanfiction you've read. "Did you ever write about, like, K-pop idols?"
"No way!" she recoils. "Real person fanfiction is cringe."
"It sure is." You both take a sip of your drinks. "So what did you write?"
"Well... I kind of wrote... slash fiction..."
"You did? Well, now you have to tell me all about it, Kronii! What pairing?"
She shrinks into her seat, and with tremendous effort, in a tiny voice, she finally mumbles, "Levi/Eren..."
You almost snort out your drink. "That's so basic! Why are you so ashamed of that?"
"I don't know, man! Fanfics are just kind of... personal..."
"Fumu, fumu," You nod sagely, even though you don't really get it. "What about femslash? Did you write any of that?"
"Not really. It's not that I don't like it, but..." She trails off. "It's complicated? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a boy?"
Kronii is usually pretty reserved, but she occasionally drops conversational bombs like this out of nowhere. You're careful to take it in stride. "Doesn't everyone?"
"No, you don't get it. I mean, what it would be like to have a boy's... 'equipment'."
"Yeah, no, I got you the first time, Kronii."
She stares at you for a moment, as though she's wondering if you still don't get it and she needs to be even more explicit. You decide to preempt her. "So, why were you more interested in writing about... 'clocks'?"
"They just seem more honest, I guess. They're like this undeniable signal of passion and desire and... intent." She's speaking more quickly now, like she's rehearsed it. Lines from her fics, maybe? "You can be so much more assertive and expressive with a boy's thing, compared to a girl's."
You ruminate on that for a bit while Kronii picks at her food. "Do you wish you were born a boy?"
"Not really? But I kind of wish I could try it out sometimes."
"Have you considered dating someone who would be interested in seeing you that way?"
That startles her. "What? No... I mean, I don't think I can handle even a normal relationship right now..."
Your inner matchmaker is starting to awaken. "You don't have to commit to anything serious. Come on, you have to let me set you up. I'll find someone perfect for you! It'll be for fun. Just for fun."
"You really shouldn't bother on my account..." she tries to protest.
"Don't be ridiculous! What are friends for?"
At a loss for words, she just nods. "Okay, if you insist..." she says.
"Awesome! You won't regret this, I promise." You say, grinning from ear to ear.
You probably made Kronii a little uncomfortable just now. You know that she's anxious, that she has a hard time trusting people, and she doesn't like to let herself get excited about promises that might soon be broken. And because of that, she rarely ventures outside of her comfort zone. But you like to think that this time, maybe, just this once, she might be a little excited.

Your friend Lindy is soft, sweet, and petite-- a girl's girl among girls, at least on the outside. You've never been romantically involved with her, but she does owe you a favor, and you know her to be of an open-minded and adventurous sort. She also expressed an interest in Kronii, after you showed her a photo. Right now, Lindy has her hair done up in a princess crown braid, a style that is typically more trouble than it's worth. You're not sure whether Kronii will notice or appreciate the effort, but maybe it will resonate with her subconsciously.
"It's nice to meet you... Linda?" Kronii says.
"Please, call me Lindy." She holds out her hand. This is a perfect opportunity for a flirty hand kiss, so naturally Kronii passes it up in favor of a stoic, professional handshake. Lindy goes on: "I like your hair. It's very pretty." Kronii's hair isn't in a complex style like Lindy's, but it is thick and silky, and is a frequent object of compliments toward Kronii.
"Oh! Thank you," Kronii responds, and does not elaborate further.
You cut in. "Don't you think that Lindy's outfit is cute, Kronii?"
Even though Lindy is fully clothed for the winter, she's fashion conscious and chooses clothing that actually fits her, so she has an attractively feminine silhouette. She's wearing a fuzzy fleece zip-up that looks very huggable. You low-key want to squeeze and cuddle her like a teddy bear, but you restrain yourself. She's supposed to be Kronii's date, not yours.
"Um. Yeah. I like your jacket, Lindy."
Lindy just smiles awkwardly. It's a bit of a rough start, but you're determined to make this work out. Your reputation depends on it, after all.

"Please, IRyS. This was a mistake. I can't do this by myself."
"Do you not like her?"
"No, of course she's fine! You have... very good taste. But this is too fast. You know how I am with awkward silences and stuff. She's going to think that I'm weird."
"Kronii, she's weird. I'm weird. We're all weird here."
"Please? You're so much better at keeping a conversation going than me."
Shaanai na~. "Okay, I guess we'll all go out together... again."
"Thank you so much! I won't forget this."
"Sure thing, Kronii. But you really should get used to being alone with her. You know that I can't accompany you for everything, right?"

Lindy kneels on the bed, completely nude except for a blindfold and gag. The blindfold is for Kronii's benefit, but you're the one who wanted the gag. Kronii, too, would soon be entirely undressed, as soon as you're able to get her panties off... and there we go. You're certain that if you weren't here, Kronii would try to get through this whole experience fully clothed. You sidle up behind Kronii and start to play with her hair, drawing it back and out of the way.
"You should kiss her," you suggest.
"She's wearing a gag, though."
"Then kiss her... here." You move forward, pressing your bare breasts against Kronii's back, and nibble at the side of her neck, causing her to shiver against you.
Lindy can hear you talking and cocks an eyebrow, but waits quietly. Kronii dutifully leans over Lindy and plants a kiss just above her collarbone. "Mmph," Lindy says with a muffled giggle, and Kronii sits back up.
Cute, you think. You nuzzle the back of Kronii's head, inhaling the scent of her conditioner. It stirs your predator instincts, and you suddenly have a profound urge to conquer and devour Kronii... but this isn't supposed to be about you right now.
Still, what's the harm in playing with your food just a little?
You slide one hand along Kronii's inner thigh, and she reflexively closes her legs, bringing her knees together. So you latch onto her shoulder with a little bite. You squeeeeeze... until "Ah, ah," she lets out a small gasp, and parts her knees again. You slip your fingers between her legs and feel her heat. Kronii's sensitivity is on another level, and she bucks slightly against your hand. "Haa-ah..." she breathes raggedly as your fingers stroke and dance.
It is clear to you now that Kronii is enjoying this quite a lot. Like, a lot a lot. You decide that you want to tease her, so you lean in close, you hold her tight, and you whisper in her ear... "Nuru-nuru."
She reacts instantly. Her squeal of embarrassment is earsplitting, and she squirms so violently that she actually knocks you down. Lindy turns her head in alarm.
"Sorry..." Kronii says sheepishly, hands covering her face. She is mortified.
"No, no..." you say between fits of laughter. "That one's on me. My bad."
You pull Kronii into a hug and give her a reassuring kiss on the cheek. She deflates completely in your embrace, and you're sure that she'd like to stop time and sit right here and cuddle forever. And yes, her body weight is very nice against you. But...
The three of you had prepared an item-- a toy-- for this occasion. You bring it out now, and Kronii's eyes widen in recognition. "We can't keep Lindy waiting," you say as you fasten it around Kronii's hips and waist. You return to your position behind Kronii, wrap your arms around her, and say, "Now you should let her know what you intend to do to her." At that, Lindy raises her head in anticipation.
Kronii swallows nervously, takes hold of Lindy's hand, and guides it to her shaft. Lindy's small fingers wrap around it and she fondles it slowly, gauging the size and shape. Then, Lindy reaches back and undoes her gag. Hey, you think, but you hold your tongue and watch. Lindy delicately tucks a lock of stray hair behind her ear, leans forward, and takes the head of Kronii's cock into her mouth.
"Hahaha... Holy shit," Kronii mutters.
"How does it feel, Kronii?" You sweep your hands up Kronii's chest and caress her bosom, cupping her breast in one hand. Her erect nipple presses into your palm.
"Weirdly... good... like my brain is filling in the blanks for me," she says.
"If it feels good, then you should reward her."
Kronii places her hand on Lindy's head, and pets her hair. She scritches her behind the ear lovingly. Lindy continues to work the shaft, running her tongue across every inch of it. When she feels she's done enough, she pulls away and replaces her gag.
"Wasn't that diligent of her, Kronii? She did it without even being told to. She deserves praise for her good behavior."
"Uh, yeah. She was very, um, proactive, and, uh, eager to please," Kronii says. Lindy appears to choke back some laughter, but cannot hide her smirk.
"She did remove the gag though. She should be punished for that."
"Hmm? Oh, uh, okay." Kronii hesitates for a moment. Then, to your surprise, she says, "Lindy, please turn around and put your hands against the wall."
Lindy obliges, sitting on her knees and gripping the headboard with both hands. Kronii's breath quickens and her heart begins to race. "Don't worry, Kronii, I'm right here with you." You rub her shoulders encouragingly. "Go for it."
Kronii nods. She grabs hold of Lindy's waist, then pushes up and into her. "Hmph-mm-mrmph," Lindy moans as she is penetrated. She rocks backward to meet Kronii, burying her cock to the hilt. Kronii gently moves her hips back and forth, and Lindy tries to match her.
"There you go," you say. "Pace yourself." You press your own hips against Kronii's rear, guiding her motion and helping to keep the rhythm. You occupy yourself by toying with her breasts, kneading them with both hands.
"IRyS... I just realized something..." Kronii says absently, her gaze still transfixed. She is starting to pant now, even from this light exertion.
"What's that, Kronii?"
"You're kind of like... a devil... on my shoulder..."
"You mean angel on your shoulder, right?" You tweak her nipple to drive the point home.
"Ow-ow!" Kronii jerks in pain. It briefly breaks her rhythm, to Lindy's dismay.
"If you have time to talk, then you're slacking on the job." You clutch at Kronii's breasts and drive her hips forward with greater force than before. Lindy mewls and responds with great enthusiasm as Kronii begins thrusting at increased speed.
"Good girl," you murmur. "Now pull her hair." Kronii wraps Lindy's tresses around her hand and tugs softly. Lindy's movements become more desperate, more forceful as she slams against Kronii's pelvis. But Kronii is panting heavily now, her stamina waning.
"Fuck her," you command, mashing and clawing at Kronii's tits. Kronii grunts, but the pain seems to trigger her adrenaline, and she finds her second wind. The motion becomes automatic, mechanical, pistoning at an even more rapid pace than before, and Lindy's mewling increases in pitch.
"Harder," you demand, so Kronii pounds Lindy's sweat-slick body relentlessly, and Lindy expels a sharp yelp with each violent thrust. Kronii's eyes are penetrating, and her hair clings to her brow and neck. She looks like a crazed woman, her consciousness fully sublimated into this act of lust. She now knows nothing and is aware of nothing except the expression of her basest, most primal instincts. You feel something bubbling up inside of you, an overwhelming desire to share in the euphoria of her ego death.
"Kiss me," you beg, as you turn her head and press your lips to hers.

You hear the first sounds of birds chirping that signals the coming of dawn. Lindy, exhausted, has long since turned in for the night, but you and Kronii are still wide awake. Kronii wants to practice her dancing, you see, and you are happy to oblige. You dance before the rising sun, and you cannot tell whether the giddiness you feel comes from holding hands with Kronii, or from being turned in circles for hours.

Pub: 10 Mar 2022 11:52 UTC
Views: 361