Things about me Cat

this looks better on light mode!

Stamps!: Malk

My memory sucks ass! I'm childish! Idgaf! Nightime! I'm a weirdo! I ramble a lot! I chew ice cubes! I like to play games and other stuff on my computer or laptop lolz :333333 Yea, I support pants >_<

Blinkies!!: Malk

silly! i hate life I'm a glow stick :3 I wasn't born blind (i mean i need glasses, not born blind :3) blinkie bug :3 agender pride! aro pride! ace pride! i luv my computer/laptopn :3 I garden sometimes :p


  • I feel aesthetic and emotional attraction!
  • If you say shit about my friends than that's an instant multiple reports and mute
  • I have lived through a life of trauma
  • I have possible PTSD and Autism

Cheering animals!

Click me to go back!

Edit Report
Pub: 23 Nov 2023 16:50 UTC
Edit: 26 Nov 2023 00:01 UTC
Views: 124