(Lancer) Ishtar's Blessing

You are the Master of Chaldea, a mage that has summoned many legendary heroic spirits to aid in the fight to save humanity. Between missions however, you live with your "servants" in Chaldea's spacious complex. With so many superpowered living legends under one roof, there is always something less than normal going on. A great example of this was last week's Valentine's Day, where nearly every servant in Chaldea was caught in a mad dash to give or get increasingly ludicrous chocolates, with you taking the brunt of it. Over the past week, you and some other servants had managed to go through most of the mountain of chocolate in and around your room. It was somewhat late into the evening, and Mash and the other servants you were talking with earlier had all gone to their quarters to sleep off all the sugar. You find yourself thinking back fondly on all the gifts and visits, but notice that there was one oddly missing.

Despite being a love goddess and one of the most prideful servants in Chaldea, Ishtar hadn't visited you on Valentine's Day. She seemed to be avoiding you otherwise as well, warping away quickly whenever you caught sight of her. Asking around hadn't been fruitful, as none of the other servants had spoken to her either. The exception was Kiara, who said nothing but "Oh, she's just getting up the nerve" before leaving with a smug giggle, so there was a slight concern in your mind, but you figured there had to be a good reason since there weren't any other problems going around.

Your thoughts are quickly interrupted as you hear a familiar sound on the other side of your room. Ishtar materializes, but does not immediately command your adoration, or even say anything. She starts moving towards your bed, and you notice that there is a heavy blush on her face, and while she does look embarrassed about something, there is something else in her expression as well: lust. Before you can ask her what's going on, she creates several golden bands of light around your wrists, ankles, and mouth, restraining you to your bed.

Ishtar finally says "Mast- er, no, Mortal: You have served us well in your pursuit to improve humanity, and so we have deemed fit to reward you with a blessing of ours. We have learned of this Valentine's Day, but have decided to take our own occasion, as is befitting of our status, to bestow the love of a goddess unto you." She somehow gets redder, as you see something begin to shift near her groin. "We, hah... fuck it, I did end up taking a suggestion from a certain nun who also questioned my abilities as a fertility goddess, so this will be a gift like none other have received from me, haah..."

She begins panting slightly as the motion between her legs shows her "divine blessing" into view. As Ishtar reaches and stands upon the end your bed, three hefty cocks continue to grow erect from her groin. While the penises on either side look to be regular human-shaped (despite their immense size), the cock at the middle of her trio is visibly more animalistic. Ishtar's centerpiece is a huge, blunted, pink and brown veiny beast cock, resembling that of a well-bred draft horse. As confusion continues to run through your head, you sort of assume that this is an approximation of her Great Bull of The Heavens, so she must be really serious about the 'fertility' part.

Below Ishtar's cocks lie an immense pair of balls, each near the size of your head, with a strange, vaguely heart-shaped sigil faintly glowing in gold across the front of her ballsack. You can nearly hear it all pulsing and churning as she looks down at you, snapping her fingers to remove your clothes and revealing your own package, which for some reason is beginning to engorge as well. Your command seals still haven't recovered from all of the farming during the Valentines singularity, so you have no choice but to let her demonstrate whatever this "blessing of fertility" is that Kiara dared her to.

Ishtar begins to slowly stroke her main cock as she looks down at you. Her eyes are still, but there is a distinct passion and fire in her gaze. The veins in her cock swell and her pre-cum begins to bead up on the head of her cock. As she grows to full mast, the flow of precum begins to increase and leak off of her cocktip. It appears to shimmer slightly as it falls, and she has positioned her tool to where the drops fall directly onto your cock and balls. As her precum continues to leak onto your package, it begins to tingle where it splashes onto you, the sensation slowly spreading across your entire groin.

Ishtar begins to lower her center tool, sliding it down your slickening shaft, which feels incredible. She drags her wide, blunted cockhead along the length of your shaft, painting it with her juices. As the tingling sensation intensifies, you notice that your cock seems to be expanding. After thoroughly coating your cock, she leaves it to grow while she frots your balls with her bestial tip. All this divine precum is pushing your body to new heights of "fertility", as you watch your cock lengthen and thicken. Your testicles are the size of walnuts, and are swelling and churning as her bullcock does its magic. Ishtar pays special attention to the area where your balls connect to your groin, making sure to liberally apply her precum in multiple coats where the tubes inside of you bridge the gap.

As the tingling sensation intensifies, you feel as if a million tiny fingers are massaging your tissues. You can't tell if this is good or bad... Regardless, her nectar is working its magic; Your cock is expanding to massive proportions, and your balls follow along, though growing more slowly. Eventually, she stands over you as your penis has grown larger than even her central cock. Your balls sit heavy in your sack, filling the space between your legs.

Ishtar looks down at your engorged state with a satisfied buts still lustful expression. "Now that you have been anointed, it is time for you to receive my blessing, bestowed only upon, uh..., my worthiest chosen!", she says. Her libido seems to have gotten to a point to where she can barely think straight, even more so than usual. However, you still feel every bit of the goddess that she is as she begins to bear down on your restrained form.

She snaps her fingers, and four more rings of light appear around you. Two of them encircle your cock near the base and tip and angle your cock towards Ishtar, but the other two appear to be just floating off to either side of your cockhead, not touching you yet. You can barely begin to wonder what they are for when she floats closer and begins to align the tips of her three cocks with yours. Her two side cocks are still dripping precum like her main cock, but as they get close, the drops begin falling towards the rings off to the sides of your tip. When they reach the ring, they don't seem to fall thru, but you do feel a very slight splash somewhere inside your groin as the flow of precum disappears into the rings.

What concern might appear on your brow is quickly replaced by confusion and pleasure as Ishtar lines her three dicks up to you: her broad bullcock pointing directly towards your cockhead and her other two pricks pointing towards the apparently portals that lead somewhere inside of you. Ishtar's breathing quickens slightly in anticipation as she begins to move her hips forward. As her blunted tip makes contact with your cockhead, she continues to move down on you, gradually pressing down on your cock. Eventually, her cockhead manages to gain purchase from the slickness and sheer force, and begins to stretch open your urethral opening.

A slight tingling sensation can be felt as she begins to push her way inside of you, but the real feeling of rapture begins as her large, flared tip begins to fill your urethra. From the pleasure you are getting from having your cumvein stretched and slowly invaded by her cock, you can tell her precum must have modified you not just to be bred, but to enjoy being bred. But, your mind is distracted by a pair of bizarre, pleasurable jolts in your groin. You look up and see that her two side penises have their heads partway into the portals. As your eyes widen, Ishtar grins and continues to very slowly push forward. You feel two points of pressure somewhere behind the base of your cock, slowly becoming more forceful, before something gives inside you. Ishtar's portalled cocks visibly slide forward a bit, and your eyes snap open as you begin to feel an extremely odd, full sensation, similar to some parts of a continuous orgasm. Except this one is not in your head, and feels like an entire orgasm in your groin.

As your cock begins to feel full, the strange feeling is amplified as Ishtar's three dicks slide into your groin. Ishtar's cocks begin to snake their way thru you as your nerves overload with the sensation from places that you've never had touched, much less fucked. In what little bursts of thought you can muster, you realize she must have inserted the pair through the portals directly to your vas deferens.

You begin to feel as if you could cum at any moment, and the sensation in your groin is so intense, you cannot focus on anything else. A stirring near the edge of your testicles confirms your thoughts, as the bulges of two cockheads emerge against your skin, Ishtar still pushing slowly to sink her package fully into you.

She relishes the look of your squirming form, as your body attempts to orgasm but hardly even knows which muscles to contract due to the unorthodox filling your tubes are taking. Eventually, the advance comes to a head: the main cock's fat tip manages to press against and push into your prostate, joining the outlets of the portals. At the same time, the cocks filling your vas deferens complete their journey, each of the cocktips showing a visible bulge in your scrotum.

Ishtar's penises begin to twitch in your groin, her face melting into an enraptured expression as she just allows herself to get used to the heat and tightness of your tubes. Her precum begins to pool inside you, lubricating the passages to prepare them to be fucked properly. She looks forward, grinning as she slowly pulls her bundle of cocks out of your tubes, and then thrusts in again firmly.

Your body gives a loud, low groan of pleasure, as Ishtar continues to pump her cocks inside you. The sound resonates through your chest as it echoes off the walls, your body betraying you as it begins to give in to the overwhelming sensation of being fucked inside and out. The goddess grins, looking up at you with a prideful, lustful expression. With her cocks still deep inside you, Ishtar reaches down to stroke your cock, her strong but dainty hands covered moving over your member as hers continues to move in and out of it.

You are too weak to do anything but lay there and take the experience, focusing entirely on what Ishtar is doing to you. Her assault on your vas deferens is just as strange as her thrusts into your cumvein. While you can't actually orgasm or release in any way, it feels like you are constantly being forced to ejaculate the thickest load of your life, back and forth, over and over. Your mind races as the tingling in your groin builds to a peak, your body giving off a soft, low growl as Ishtar pumps your cocks harder still. Ishtar appears to have gotten into a proper rhythm as she fucks you, leaning into and relishing each thrust. By this point, each time she draws her cocks out of you, your entire groin begins to feel empty as your body begins to crave the filling her diving pillars are giving you.

She looks down at you, grinning, her face flushed and sweaty from her exertion. Her beautiful mane of hair is a mess, her breasts heaving up and down as she continues to rut your cocks. Her eyes dart up to meet your gaze, and you see pure, animal-like lust there. You are her mate, and she intends to breed you full. The goddess of love and lust wants to give you her child. Ishtar continues to fuck you, her face flushed as she grins at you, her modest breasts jiggling in front of you. As she continues to pump you, she lets out a low, rumbling moan, her breath coming faster and faster.

You feel the first tremors running through your system. Her cocks are beginning to twitch and swell inside you. The added sensation in your vas deferens leaves you nearly shivering in your semi-orgasmic state, with your vision starting to blur white around the edges. Ishtar's bestial cock's head even slows down her thrusts as it grows and flares inside your shaft, but the added friction and tightness are overcome by yet more precum and a harder slamming of her hips into your tip.

Your orgasmic tremors build, becoming full shakes as your body tries to cling to her dicks to pull them deeper inside your passages. The deeper and faster thrusts allow her members further into you with each slam against your cockhead. The bulging outlines of her cocks are fully visible now, stretching through nearly all of your deferens, their tips gradually getting closer to the tops of your awaiting testes. Your prostate's opening is nearly sucking on Ishtar's other flared tip, the suction bringing her more rapidly towards the edge. With your hazy vision, you start to see a golden light coming from below. Ishtar's balls are tensing and clenching in her massive sack, preparing even more seed for you, as the sigil on the front begins glowing from the mana running through the air from her nearing orgasm.

Your vision begins to blur, your body starting to shake as an intense orgasm takes you, your face being pulled into a scream as you feel her cocks draw ever closer to exploding out the sides of your torso. With your hazy vision, you start to see a golden light coming from below. Ishtar's balls are tensing and clenching in her massive sack, preparing even more seed for you, as the sigil on the front begins glowing from the mana running through the air from her nearing orgasm. Your mind is going wild with pleasure, your body twitching and shuddering as you reach your climactic release.

Your body convulses in a series of tremors, your mind exploding with the pleasure as Ishtar's seed is released into your awaiting womb. With your hazy vision, you start to see a golden light coming from below. Ishtar's balls are tensing and clenching in her massive sack, preparing even more seed for you, as the sigil on the front begins glowing from the mana running through the air from her nearing orgasm. Finally, things come to a head as she gives you a few final thrusts, as deep and hard as she thinks you can take, and fully hilts herself inside of you. Your prostate is completely filled by her flared tip, likely locked in place by the tightness and suction even if she had any intent to pull out. The biggest shock comes from your sack, as her other cockheads have firmly lodged themselves down deep into your epididymides, the tips essentially pressed against the very entrances of your testes themselves and clearly showing down against the back of each ball.

The combined sensation nearly shatters your mind, and leaves your body unable to do much more than twitch, but then comes the heat.
Ishtar's balls begin to clench and compact themselves, forcing out her cum and flooding it into you on all fronts. The sigil on her sac begins glowing brighter as her orgasm builds up steam, filling the room with a soft golden light as her seed is forced through her shafts. You can feel the sheer volume of the nut moving thru her cocks by the boiling heat and how it distends her cumveins, stretching your tubes even further.

Ishtar groans, and her seed begins flowing into you. Your body convulses and writhes beneath her, your core so sensitive it feels like you're being tickled with hot pokers. All at the same time, you feel Ishtar's blessing begin to reach its destinations. The first jet from her side cocks visibly jolts your balls as it enters, with many more to follow. Each dense gout of her seed rockets almost directly into the middle of your testes, as her tips are pressed right up against your "cervixes". The first waves of her seed begin working their way through your tubules, bulging and swelling your nuts with every spurt as the gushing jets continue to hit your deepest parts. Mere seconds after, the thick, sticky flood finally reaches the end of Ishtar's divine bullcock, spraying out of the fat blunted cockhead that she's firmly locked into your prostate.

The sensation is indescribable, and you can feel Ishtar's cum continuing to pump into you long after your body has given up on its own orgasmic convulsions from the overload. The first few spurts fill your prostate to capacity near-instantly, leaving no other option than to swell it along with your balls.Each clench from Ishtar's glowing orbs bloats your balls and prostate out further, leaving you looking gradually more pregnant in both ways from the bulge that your inflated prostate is making. If you were able to process anything, you could see that Ishtar's eyes have rolled back as well as she loses herself in the pleasure of breeding her master.

The orgasmic flood continues for minutes, your body wracked with pleasure and exhaustion from the intense ongoing pleasure. Ishtar even stops moaning near the end of her orgasm, the relief of finally letting go like this after weeks taking its toll on her energy. By the time her orgasm subsides and the sigil on her balls stops glowing, both of you are asleep. Ishtar's sack has deflated down to a more reasonable (but still massive) size, and her blunted tip eventually deflates enough to soften and slip out of you. You, on the other hand, are going to have your hands (and everything else) full. Your filled testes are each nearly the size of your torso, slowly sloshing at each movement from the sheer volume of of the divine seed within. Her sperm has been hunting and fucking your swimmers into submission right from her first jet, so the cells are already beginning to combine and take root for your little demigods.

Your prostate was plugged by the final glue-like spurts of spunk from the bottom of her balls, so it won't be coming out for awhile even after she's slipped her cock out of yours. While there's nothing to impregnate in there, the reserve in your prostate provides enough magical energy to adjust your body to be comfortable with the coming pregnancy. With Ishtar's side cocks still portalled into your epididymes, you and Ishtar sleep to the morning with her cocks still slowly trickling more precum and leftover sperm into your balls.

--- Several Days Later ---
After the mild panic and frantic explanations upon being found, the Servants and staff of Chaldea were surprisingly fine (if shocked) by Ishtar blessing you (besides the expected jealousy from several servants, both towards you and towards Ishtar). Da Vinci was quickly able to create a space-bending Mystic Code into some underwear to where you weren't immobilized by your immense impregnated balls, in exchange for some promises on later "studies" on interactions between human and Divine Spirit DNA, and things were largely able to go back to normal. Except, now that she had awakened the fertility aspect within her again, Ishtar became eager to dispense her "blessings" to more of the willing servants. But, as you were both her Master and her First-Blessed, you got the special treatment: whenever Ishtar was fucking another servant, her side cocks would still appear in your prostate and push into your vas deferens again, ensuring you got a share of every blessing sprayed straight into your nuts to refill them. Since you'd secretly start feeling empty whenever Ishtar's cocks weren't in you at some way, the nearly constant filling of your tubes was certainly not an arrangement you'd want to change anytime soon.

Pub: 03 May 2022 04:08 UTC
Views: 1366