hi u can call me lee or maca. i use he/she, i'm 17 and a bipoc (afro-carib) ⭐
my typology is istp 9w8 (953) sp/sx, true neutral, RCUEI, phelgmatic-dominant FLEV (4341)
i'm an androgyne achillean guy who uses any terms (mainly femmasc) but no nonhuman ones..
i like anything thats listed here im critical of all my interests

please don't use any sort of tone tags on me even if i'm struggling and i'd appreciate it if you
acted we are like strangers and not best friends if we just have just met. don't flirt with me either
i find it very weird and strange especially if you're in a relationship (i dont give a fuck if you got
'permission' from your partner, you're just weird)/we are friends/in any other case.

i am very blunt with my words and says things the way they are so please don't call me rude. i find
it kinda hard to talk to sensitive folk since i have a hard time sugarcoating words so iwc if you're like that.
i also use nicknames for my friends so feel free to let me know if you're uncomfortable. ok ty ^_^

Pub: 04 Apr 2019 09:58 UTC
Edit: 13 May 2024 01:47 UTC
Views: 814