• Our fictive's aren't their source don't treat them like it(being more hostile towards them/making fun of them bc of source/making fun of source trauma etc), it makes us really uncomfortable, we don't support any problematic media we may introject from.
  • We talk about our QPPs and friends A LOT we love talking about the people we are attached to.
  • Please be patient we may be a little slow at times/not immediately understand what you mean.
  • Uncomfortable with heavy/directed towards us sexual jokes(No sexual/suggestive jokes near our little's and Partygoer's please)
  • Won't speak in VC's because of our selective mutism so please don't try to force us to.
  • Tonetags/direct communication would be greately appreciated especially if you're serious about something.
  • If any of us upset you in any way please let us know as we won't be able to tell otherwise.
  • We block freely If we weren't close, don't ask us to unblock you by friends or alt accounts, I'll just make us not want to unblock u more.
  • Very mentally unstable might overshare(if we do and it makes you uncomfortable please tell), distance ourselves and engage in dangerous/self destructive behaviors.
  • English Is not our native language.
  • Most of the time we don't feel comfortable/like talking about source memories or personal stuff about the system, please don't pressure us, google is free and you can always research about the subject yourself, we aren't a professional either so we aren't always right/don't know everything about what we have.
  • Our memory can be very bad sometimes we may forget important dates/things/events/stuff we do if not reminded about it, please do remind us though, reminders are greatly appreciated, we don't do it on purpose/to upset you.
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  • basic dni criteria.
  • People who call strangers slurs.
  • Anti recovery people + who glorify any disorders,SH,SA etc.
  • NSFW account's, or just don't bring it anywhere near us.
  • Pro/comshippers(🌈🍖).
  • Please don't use very heavy typing quirks(even if it's not on purpose and ur just fast texting to the point it has a lot of mistake's) (without translations) we struggle reading/deciphering it.
  • Endogenic 'systems' and supporters. (see why)
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Pub: 28 Nov 2022 20:07 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2024 07:47 UTC
Views: 330