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J/ope/C Week 6 Next batch of saved pages : 17/09/2023 - there will be a new .zip file every week

Image description July 2023 (1-14)
Date Where? Nature
27/07/2023 1 - Creation of the first version of the Library / Creation of the Collabs & Mentions and Music pages
27/07/2023 2 Mentions & Collabs Additions of Koyori's first impressions during her AsaKoyo podcast
29/07/2023 3&4 Music Change of aesthetics
29/07/2023 3&4 Mentions & Collabs Change of aesthetics
29/07/2023 5 Mentions & Collabs Creation of a section for the Advent Fullgen Collabs in the Collabs page & placeholder
29/07/2023 6 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the Watchalong stream link of Nerissa's debut from the HololiveEn channel
29/07/2023 7 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming second Advant full-gen collab
30/07/2023 8 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming 'Untitled Goose' collab with Bijou
30/07/2023 9 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a frame for the upcoming second Advant full-gen collab
31/07/2023 10 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp about Mori's first impressions during her 24 hours marathon breakdown stream
31/07/2023 11 Music Addition of the Love Me, Love, Love Me cover
31/07/2023 12 Music Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming Japanese Songs Karaoke
31/07/2023 13 Music Addition of Rebellion
31/07/2023 14 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a mention from Marine during a zatsudan and a brief summary from an anon about the timestamp.

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Image description August 2023 (15-124)
Date Where? Nature
01/08/2023 15 Music Addition of a placeholder for an upcoming cover (announced during the Unpacking stream).
02/08/2023 16 & 17 Mentions & Collabs Deletion of the placeholder for the upcoming 'Untitled Goose' collab with Bijou - Nerissa is streaming on her channel
02/08/2023 16 & 17 Mentions & Collabs Addition of subsection for the collabs specifically on Nerissa's channel
02/08/2023 18 Main page Creation of a dedicated page about merch
02/08/2023 19 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp from the TOTK #1 stream from Bijou
02/08/2023 20 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp from FUWAMOCO MORNING #1 stream from the Fuwamoco Twins
02/08/2023 21 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a 3 minutes sound clip from Ollie's Twitterspace about her first impressions about Nerissa
02/08/2023 22 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a 3 timestamps for the major interactions or mentions done by Kiara during her zatsudan
02/08/2023 23 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Ina's Drawing stream
02/08/2023 24 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for Shiori's Virtual Sleepover stream
02/08/2023 25 Mentions & Collabs Additions of Koyori's first impressions during her AsaKoyo #139 podcast
03/08/2023 26 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a 11 timestamps (!) and a picture of the entire timeline for the major streamer-chat interactions done during Kiara's Pizza Tower stream
04/08/2023 27 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the Neriisa's POV and 3 alternative POVs (Shiori, Bijou & FUWAMOCO Twins) for the Left4Dead 2 Fullgen Collab.
04/08/2023 28 Changelog J/ope/C Week 1 backup .zip file uploaded
04/08/2023 29 Music Addition of a placeholder for an announced unarchived Western Songs Karaoke
05/08/2023 30 Music Addition of the archived Monetization Karaoke link
05/08/2023 31 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the probable collabs with Bijou and Shiori next week / in the next weeks
05/08/2023 32 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp of a back-and-forth Streamer-Chat interaction with Kiara
06/08/2023 33 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a placeholder for the Earth Defence Force 6 fullgen collab
06/08/2023 34 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming HoloTalk with Advent.
06/08/2023 35 Music Addition of the archived Monetization Karaoke setlist
08/08/2023 36 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Shiori's POV for the Phasmaphobia collab
08/08/2023 37 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Nerissa's POV for the Phasmaphobia collab
08/08/2023 38 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 3 timestamps containing a mention or a streamer-chat interactions between Nerissa and Bijou during Bijou's Marika stream
10/08/2023 39 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps containing a mention or a streamer-chat interactions between Nerissa and Bijou during Bijou's second Elder Ring stream
10/08/2023 40 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for the aftermath of Nerissa's raid on Shiori's ASMR/Reading stream
10/08/2023 41 Music Addition of the God-ish / 神っぽいな cover
10/08/2023 42 Music Addition of 2 placeholders for upcoming covers
10/08/2023 43 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for what could be an implied mention during Fauna's 'WHAT! YOU WANT "THOSE GAMES" RIGHT?' stream
11/08/2023 44 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a 5 timestamps and a picture of the entire timeline for the major streamer-chat interactions done during Kiara's Minecraft HoloID Cup Practicing stream
11/08/2023 45 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the HoloTalk with Advent podcast stream with Kiara.
12/08/2023 46 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 6 timestamps with mentions from Kaela's Minecraft stream.
12/08/2023 47 Changelog J/ope/C Week 2 backup .zip file uploaded
13/08/2023 48 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp with a mention from Kiara about the upcoming Kiara Compatibility collab.
13/08/2023 49 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming Kiara Compatibility collab with Kiara.
13/08/2023 50 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming Powerwash Simulator collab with Bae.
13/08/2023 51 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the upcmong fullgen collab on Apex Legends.
13/08/2023 52 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the first Terraria stream as an accidental collab.
14/08/2023 53 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamp from Mumei's HoloCure Early Access streams containing mentions and Chat-Streamer interactions.
14/08/2023 54 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the Kiara Comptibility collab.
14/08/2023 55 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp from the sixth MWMC MORNING.
15/08/2023 56 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp from Kobo's New Outfit Reveal.
16/08/2023 57 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp from FUWAMOCO's HoloCure stream.
16/08/2023 58 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp from FUWAMOCO's seventh FUWAMOCO MORNING stream.
16/08/2023 59 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the link for the Powerwash Sim collab with Bae.
17/08/2023 60 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the link of Nerissa's POV of the Advent APEX Legends collab.
17/08/2023 61 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the link of the 2 oalternative POV of the Advent APEX Legends collab.
18/08/2023 62 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 5 timestamps with mentions from Kiara's HoloCure stream from 16/08/2023.
19/08/2023 63 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 7 timestamps with mentions from Kiara's GTA4 stream from 19/08/2023.
19/08/2023 64 Changelog J/ope/C Week 3 backup .zip file uploaded
19/08/2023 65 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for possible Nerissa's POV and alts for the Baldur's Gate 3 collab with Kiara, Mori & Bijou
19/08/2023 66 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for a mention during Bijou's Elden Ring stream from 19/08/2023
20/08/2023 67 Music Probable date for the upcoming third cover
20/08/2023 68 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Terraria VC collab with FWMC.
20/08/2023 69 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Phasmophobia collab with Advent
20/08/2023 70 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Splash Party! Sunshine! with Advent
20/08/2023 71 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Splash Party! Night! with Advent
20/08/2023 72 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for a mention done by Suisei during her Mr. Driller Encore stream from 01/08/2023
20/08/2023 73 Frontpage Slight change of aesthetics
20/08/2023 74 Mentions & Collabs Addition of comeback buttons for ergonomic purposes
20/08/2023 75 Music Addition of comeback buttons for ergonomic purposes
20/08/2023 76 Changelog Addition of comeback buttons for ergonomic purposes
20/08/2023 77 Music Slight change of aesthetics
20/08/2023 78 Mentions & Collabs Slight change of aesthetics
20/08/2023 79 Changelog Slight change of aesthetics
20/08/2023 80 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 3 timestamps with mentions from Kiara's GTA4 stream from 20/08/2023.
20/08/2023 81 Music Addition of a torrent link and a temporary MEGA link for Unarchived Karaoke #1 : Singing 2000's bops!
20/08/2023 82 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Mori's POV from the BG3 collab.
21/08/2023 83 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Nerissa & Kiara POVs from the BG3 collab.
21/08/2023 84 Mentions & Collabs Addition of FWMC's POV from the Terraria collab.
22/08/2023 85 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Bijou's POV from the BG3 collab.
23/08/2023 86 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 5 timestamps with mentions from Kiara's solo BG3 stream from 23/08/2023.
23/08/2023 87 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp with a streamer-chat interaction with Fauna during her 3D beach stream from 23/08/2023.
24/08/2023 88 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 3 timestamps with streamer-chat interactions with Shiori during her Amanda the Adventurer stream from 23/08/2023.
24/08/2023 89 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps with streamer-chat interactions with Bijou during her 4th Elden Ring stream from 23/08/2023.
24/08/2023 90 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Fuwamoco's POV for the Advent Phasmophobia collab.
24/08/2023 91 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Nerissa's POV for the Advent Phasmophobia collab.
24/08/2023 92 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Shiori's POV for the Advent Phasmophobia collab.
25/08/2023 93 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Bijou's POV for the Advent Phasmophobia collab.
25/08/2023 94 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the stream link to Advent's HoloSummer Splash Party Night watchalong on FWMC's channel.
25/08/2023 95 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 5 timestamps for the segment during the HoloSummer Splash Party Night pre-show on the main Hololive channel.
25/08/2023 96 Music Placeholder for a probable fifth cover
25/08/2023 97 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps for the segment during Shiori's NSO stream.
25/08/2023 98 Music Placeholder for a future karaoke. Probably set in 3 weeks from that update
25/08/2023 99 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp containing a mention during Bijou's 4th HoloCure stream.
25/08/2023 100 Music Placeholder for a probable sixth cover
25/08/2023 101 Music Addition of the cover of Magia from Kalafina
26/08/2023 102 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp containing a mention during Lui's Minecraft stream.
27/08/2023 103 Frontpage & Recommendation Activation of the Stream curated page.
27/08/2023 104 Changelog J/ope/C Week 4 backup .zip file uploaded
27/08/2023 105 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps containing streamer-chat interactions during Kiara's second solo BG3 stream.
27/08/2023 106 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the second part of the BG3 collab.
27/08/2023 107 Mentions & Collabs Addition of placeholders for the Advent collab on Pico Park.
28/08/2023 108 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps for mentions during Bijou's membership opening stream.
28/08/2023 109 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps for streamers-chat interactions during Reimu Endou's RE:Village stream from 27/08/2023.
28/08/2023 110 Music Deletion of the 6th placeholder, as it could be a bug as per Nerissa's explanation during the closing parts of her second Mad Father stream
28/08/2023 111 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for a segment talking about the Magia cover during Fuwamoco Morning #12 from 28/08/2023.
28/08/2023 112 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for the impromptu collab with Kiara during her HoloCure stream from 28/08/2023.
29/08/2023 113 Recommendation Addition of the third Terraria stream.
29/08/2023 114 Mentions & Collabs Addition of the second and third Terraria stream.
29/08/2023 115 Mentions & Collabs Addition of FWMC's POV for the second Terraria stream.
30/08/2023 116 Frontpage & Membership Activation of the Membership page.
30/08/2023 117 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Mori's POV for the second BG3 group collab.
30/08/2023 118 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp containing a mention during Fuwamoco Morning #13.
30/08/2023 119 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp containing a surprise appearance during Kaela's burstday marathon.
30/08/2023 120 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Nerissa's POV for the second BG3 group collab.
30/08/2023 121 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Bijou's POV for the second BG3 group collab.
30/08/2023 122 Mentions & Collabs Addition of 2 timestamps containing a mention during Mumei's new L2D model stream.
30/08/2023 123 Membership Addition of a placeholder for a possible ASMR stream as the first membership stream next week.
31/08/2023 124 Mentions & Collabs Creation of a rentry page for all the collabs from August 2023.

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Image description September 2023 (125-?)
Date Where? Nature
01/09/2023 125 Mentions & Collabs Addition of what should be the unique POV (Shiori's) for the Advent Pico Park Collab.
01/09/2023 126 Mentions & Collabs Addition of a timestamp for a borderline mention by Ame evoking a VC incident between her and Kiara & Nerissa during the closing parts of her Pizza Time stream from 02/08/2023.
01/09/2023 127 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Bijou's POV for the Advent Pico Park Collab.
01/09/2023 128 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Fuwamoco's POV for the Advent Pico Park Collab.
01/09/2023 129 Recommendation Addition of Papers Please as a recommendation for the One-Off streams.
01/09/2023 130 Recommendation Addition of the second BG3 collab as a recommended collab.
01/09/2023 131 Mentions & Collabs Addition of Nerissa's POV for the Advent Pico Park Collab.
02/09/2023 132 Recommendation Addition of the Pico Park collab as a recommended collab.
02/09/2023 133 Frontpage & Collab pages Activation of the 'Collab on Nerissa's channel' page.
02/09/2023 134&135 Lover of Idols pages Change of aesthetics.
02/09/2023 136 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 3 timestamps containing a mention from Kiara's third solo BG3 stream.
02/09/2023 137 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Minecraft Advent Collab.
02/09/2023 138 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming Japanese Classroom stream on FUWAMOCO's channel.
03/09/2023 139 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp from the ASMR Fanfic Reading stream by Shiori from 10/08/2023 when she was reading a fanfic regarding Nerissa's broken horn.
03/09/2023 140 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a video uploaded on Shiori's channel about the same fanfic above.
03/09/2023 141 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming collab with Ollie.
03/09/2023 142 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 2 timestamps for streamer-chat interactions with Kiara during the closing parts of her Hotline:Miami 2 stream from 3/09/2023.
03/09/2023 143 Changelog J/ope/C Week 5 backup .zip file uploaded
04/09/2023 144 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of the stream link for the upcoming collab with Ollie.
04/09/2023 145 Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel Addition of 2 placeholders for the upcoming collabs on Minecraft and Terraria.
04/09/2023 146 Recommendation Addition of the Wedding collab with Ollie as a recommended collab.
04/09/2023 147 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a segment featuring Nerissa from AsaKoyo #144.
04/09/2023 148 Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming collab on Minecraft with Kiara.
04/09/2023 149 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming collab on Minecraft with Kiara.
04/09/2023 150 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp containing a reaction for the raid by Polka durung her karaoke stream.
04/09/2023 151 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 5 timestamps containing interactions and mentions from Bijou's 6th Elden Ring stream.
04/09/2023 152 Recommendation Addition of a placeholder for the third SOS : A Wonderful Life stream.
05/09/2023 153&154 Recommendation Addition of the link for the third SOS : A Wonderful Life stream + minor fixes.
05/09/2023 155 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 5 timestamps containing mentions and breakdown of behind-the-scenes from the Wedding collab on Ollie channel. These timestamps were taken from ollie's HoloCure stream from 05/09/2023.
05/09/2023 156 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 2 timestamps containing mentions from Kiara's GTA4 TLAD stream from 05/09/2023.
06/09/2023 157 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of Shiori's POV for the Advent Minecraft collab of 06/09/2023.
06/09/2023 158 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of FUWAMOCO's POV for the Advent Minecraft collab of 06/09/2023.
06/09/2023 159 Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel Addition of both Shiori and FUWAMOCO POVs for the upcoming collab on Minecraft with Advent.
06/09/2023 160&161 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Bijou's POV for the Advent Minecraft Collab of 06/09/2023.
06/09/2023 162 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp from a Understanding segment from FWMC Morning #16.
06/09/2023 163&164 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Nerissa's POV for the Advent Minecraft Collab of 06/09/2023.
06/09/2023 165 Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel Addition of Nerissa's POV for the upcoming collab on Minecraft with Kiara.
07/09/2023 166&167 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Kiara's POV for the Advent Minecraft Collab of 07/09/2023.
07/09/2023 168 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of the link for the FUWAMOCO's Japenese Lesson with Advent collab of 08/09/2023.
08/09/2023 169 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 2 timestamps from Kaela's Minecraft stream of 07/09/2023.
08/09/2023 170 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 5 timestamps from Kiara's 4th solo BG3 stream of 08/09/2023.
09/09/2023 171 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 6 timestamps from Shiori's SOS: A Wonderful Life stream of 09/09/2023.
10/09/2023 172 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp from ReGloss first fullgen collab with the reaction of Nerissa's prediction card.
10/09/2023 173&174 Recommendation & Lover of Idols I Addition of the fourth Terraria stream.
10/09/2023 175 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a placeholder for the upcoming collab with Iofi.
10/09/2023 176&177 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Minecraft
10/09/2023 178&179 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of placeholders for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Mario Kart
10/09/2023 180 Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel Addition of placeholders for the upcoming third group collab on BG3.
10/09/2023 181 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a placeholder for a possible drawing during Mumei's drawings of Advent stream of 10/09/2023.
10/09/2023 182 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of the link for Mumei's drawings of Advent stream of 10/09/2023.
10/09/2023 183&184 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Nerissa's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Minecraft
11/09/2023 185 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of the link for Iofi's IoSalon of 11/09/2023.
11/09/2023 186&187 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of FUWAMOCO's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Minecraft
11/09/2023 188 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 2 additional timestamps for Mumei's drawings of Advent stream of 10/09/2023.
11/09/2023 189 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamps from Ina's Minecraft stream of 08/09/2023.
11/09/2023 190&191 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Bijou's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Minecraft
11/09/2023 192&193 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Shiori's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Minecraft
12/09/2023 194 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of the stream link for the upcoming drawing collab with Iofi.
12/09/2023 195 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 2 timestamps containing mentions from Kiara's second Hotline Miami 2 stream from 11/09/2023.
12/09/2023 196 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of 2 timestamps containing mentions from Bijou's sixth Armored Core 6 stream from 11/09/2023.
12/09/2023 197 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp containing a mention from FUWAMOCO Morning #16.
12/09/2023 198 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp containing a mention from FUWAMOCO Morning #18.
12/09/2023 199 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp containing a mention from FUWAMOCO during the closing parts of their streamed POV of the Advent Minecraft collab of 12/09/2023.
12/09/2023 200 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a timestamp containing the totsu call-in during Mori's 3rd Anniversary stream.
13/09/2023 201 Membership Addition of the link and the thumbnail or the first members only stream.
13/09/2023 202 Changelog J/ope/C Week 6 backup .zip file uploaded
13/09/2023 203 Membership Addition of a provisory note for the first members only stream.
14/09/2023 204&205 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Nerissa's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Mario Kart 8
14/09/2023 206&207 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of FUWAMOCO's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Mario Kart 8
15/09/2023 208&209 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Bijou's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Mario Kart 8
15/09/2023 210&211 Lover of Idols Pages Addition of Shiori's POV for the upcoming Advent fullgen collab on Mario Kart 8
15/09/2023 212 Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel Addition of placeholder for an upcoming collab with Bijou..
15/09/2023 213 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of a placeholder for a possible JP Learning Class collab with Lui on 20/09/2023.
15/09/2023 214 Lover of Idols II - OHC & Mentions Addition of the link and 2 additional timestamps for the second Mumei's drawings of Advent stream of 15/09/2023.

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Pub: 28 Jul 2023 16:18 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2023 07:06 UTC
Views: 1147