; This looks better on pc! Not sure about how it will appear on mobile.

And with the rate of the ringing comes yearn for descent

Dirk. He

My main personality trait is liking cowboys. I also listen to alot of music and consider myself to be a collector (of cds, vinyls, dvds, and also garfield related things.) Everything else that i do is pretty inconsistent.
And, to whomever it may concern, i'm English
Still a fictionkin/coping link, or whatever else you want to call it. You can read 'bout it here!

Interests; Media & General
· The only things i really like right now are;
Red dead redemption, history, homestuck, puppets and writing.

· Sometimes i also like to dabble in;
Plants vs zombies 2 & GW2, faith: the unholy trinity, don't hug me i'm scared,
moral orel, religion/philosophy, film, Disco Elysium (i'll finish it eventually..)

Interests; Music
· (Current) Favourites in italics.
· Artists i'm relatively nerdy about in bold too. (because i thought it was necessary.)
Silver jews, car seat headrest, Elliott Smith, black country new road, the mountain goats,
the cure, purple mountains, smog, pavement, frog, jeff buckley, jack johnson, heatmiser, Greg Mendez,
songs: ohia, MJ Lenderman, pulp, mount eerie, the microphones, carissa's wierd, KGC, Bill Callahan, KMFDM,
the garden, grandaddy, neutral milk hotel, modest mouse, death cab for cutie, cocteau twins, beck, westside cowboy,
lullaby for the working class, Neil Young, califone, wilco, brave little abacus, Cameron Winter, geese
^ (to name a few..)

Favourite song as of writing

Before you interact; notes
· Fyi, i don't have a dni. I'll just block you if i don't like you. Shrug.
I'm not the greatest at interacting with people. If you do try to contact me,
i will probably not answer if we aren't close; or I will take days to respond, don't take it personally.
· Do not use they/them for me.

Letterboxd, Bandcamp, Stats.fm/spotify, Musicboard

Pub: 02 Mar 2025 14:01 UTC
Edit: 09 Mar 2025 18:05 UTC
Views: 6001