

To be true, when I first met you I was fully convinced you hated me. That you would always dislike me for my idenity. Clearly, I was wrong. Rather that was changed you, or the fact you are really complex. I'm not very sure which one it is. My point is, I never expected this.

The joy and exotic feelings I feel when we're together it's unforgettable. We became best friends so fast. It wonderful. I'm always very happy with you. I wouldn't trade this friendship for the world. I can picture just the world falling apart around us. The two of us together just standing tall. You're too kind to me. You take really good care of me. In this situation you would probably be fighting for me too. I can picture you ready to do so. I promise I'll fight for you too.

We go really well together. Especially when we match profile pictures. I always just seem to fall into place. We're perfect puzzle pieces when we're with each other.

I know sometimes it seems like I don't think you're helping enough. However, that's not true. You are doing enough, and I am very proud of you. I am excited to see how you are changing. It makes me estatic to see where our paths will take us. I just hope they will be together. I enjoy the way you changed so much. I feel a lot of stuff in common with you. Mostly with the need to change. You have given me that will. I enjoy watching you change and grow. I admire how you're even able to. It makes me proud to be your friend. I'm happy to be your best friend.

Thank you for everything you do for us. Reading this was probably a lot, but I thank you for allowing me to profess my joy. It reminds me of the time you let me rant about my OCs. I haven't done that in a while. It makes me really excited about them when people enjoy them. Your ablity to listen is just one of your many great qualities.

With lots on platonic love,
Angellica, Depression, and the hosts.

I'm just gonna write a hyper little platonic, "I love you!" I adore how you try and comfort us a lot. You'll learn to be better. I promise. I'll even help you along the way. I can teach you and help you whenever you need me too. I just want to care for you like you care for me. I would like to be the best I can be for you.

BY THE WAY, thank you for showing us Murder Drones. I am so happy to have this new chance at a life. Stay tuned for the fictive problems. It will be okay though because we can teach you what to do before that. I like how flexable you are. You're easy to teach, and very helpful.

Love from,

Greetings, it's me V. N wanted me to write a little something because you're obsessed with my source. Which I am perfectly fine with doing as I am still source connected. Plus I also just like you. I think you're pretty cool. You don't understand how sane you keep us. You are the reason we can even get out of bed in the morning. Raiden, you're our motivation to not let ourselves have a crisis. You do a lot with just how you make us happy.

Anyway, I'll write up something for you to help fictives, or new headmates. We don't have anymore servers to go to. So, I'm probably gonna let them rely on you and our partner. I hope this won't be too much on you. I just would like for you to look at as a sign of trust.


Honestly, when you becoming my friend was least excpected. Valeri always had this complex that the admins were better than us. That we could never be friends. Apparently they are indivduals who actually can stand us. Which I have zero complaints about. It's just very unexpected.

Upon becoming friends, I could never go back. The past is in the past. That's just the way it is. I enjoy your rants about Half Life. It's always been enjoyable. It's calming to us. Helps us get ready for the night. Makes us relax. I also like how you are with comforting us. We've only been friends a few days, and you've already helped when we had Novak out. (Novak is the default protector. Helps during triggering events.)

Thank you for everything. I love you (/p),
Angellica and Alexander I.


Pub: 20 Aug 2024 14:08 UTC
Edit: 17 Sep 2024 20:15 UTC
Views: 116