
You walk into a room, much similar to Storme's old room. There are 2 kids in the middle of the room, a younger Storme and a younger Charon. This seems to be a memory.

Charon walks to the two, sitting down and watching.

Storme: "Hey, do you remember your name? I think I've forgotten mine.."
Charon: "No, I don't remember mine either. I don't think I liked my old name, anyways."
Storme: "Oh.."
Charon: "Hey, I had an idea! What if we named each other?"
Storme: "That seems like a good idea, how about you go first?"
Charon: "Oh, alright! Well, how about Storme, with an 'e' at the end! Like the storm in your eyes!"
Storme: "Alright, I like that name, now for you.. Oh, I know, Charon, Charon Styx."
Charon: "I like that, I like that a lot! Thank you Storme, really."
Storme: "Of course, and thank you for my name, Charon."

The two fade, it was only a memory. A bittersweet memory.

Back to the hallway

Pub: 30 Nov 2022 15:34 UTC
Edit: 30 Nov 2022 15:46 UTC
Views: 82