for mel hiii omg im just writing this on a whim but OUGH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ur literally the realest ever and i love and adore u no matter what i jsut care abt you so much its like that one meme thats just like BUT YEA AHAHHADHFHASFHASDFJ i love you so so so s o so so so Much it drives me crazy sorry <3 youre my bestest friend in the whole wide world and i know that if no one got me U GOT ME like..... i know for a fact if i have a million fans ur #1 and the day i have 0 fans u will be gone but iwant u to know that u mean the absolute world to me and i just... idek man idk what i would do without you bc ur always there when i need u and ur just the funniest loveliest person in the whole fucking world and id set it all on fire just for you

click to go back to main rentry -->

Pub: 25 Oct 2022 16:10 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2023 18:43 UTC
Views: 566