INTERESTS: enstars, milgram, paradox live, twst, mahoyaku, csm, pokemon (TCG + GAMES), alien stage, a3!, handead anthem, vs ambivalenz, tgcf, heveheli, helios heroes, unsettling media/args, limbus company, link click i am also a big fan of sea animals faves of ALL TIME: arashi narukami, sebek zigvolt, kuko harai, bradley bain, nero turner, mithra, visty, savanaclaw misc faves: (MILGRAM): mahiru, muu, kotoko (PARADOX LIVE): anne, itsuki, akyr (MAHOYAKU): rutile, chloe, cain, faust, rustica (A3!): natsugumi(esp kumon and misumi), juza, taichi, chikage, azuma (HELIOS): jude, will, faith, gast, gray, leo (LIMBUS): don, ryoshu, ishmael, gregor, rodya


Edit Report
Pub: 23 Apr 2023 16:45 UTC
Edit: 21 Jul 2023 09:06 UTC
Views: 508