aesop carl

KAMI/EDGAR hello kittty XE/IT lesbian agender thing coffin wasian

kitty DNI!!
[1] YOURE WEIRD! (basic dni (proshippers included)) [2] danganronpa/dsmp/okegom/genshin fans [3] joscarl/weepymargie fans [4] heavy nsfw jokes [5] actively call yourself an irl of a character and expect me to affirm it... i am not going to be encouraging your delusions!!! [6] extremely white ponies of idv or genshin characters u genuinely disturb me [6] support/defend azerbaijan, turkey or israel do not talk to me freak

kitty BYI!! [1] dont use she/her or he/him on me..!!1! [2] im autistic + mentally ill so that affects my behavior... [3] i might be awkward if you randomly approach me, but ill try my best to talk yaey [4] english isnt my first language so i can make mistakes...

kitty PT STUFF!!
[1] im usually off-tab so whisper if you need anything!! and if i dont respond dont take it personally PLZ!!! I PROBABLY JUST SAW IT TOO LATE cause i am probably palying idv..........!!! [2] dont copy my ponies but its okay to take inspo!! yaya. [3] im usually either in the rhythm game or idv area , and im also usually sitting with remy Hi remy waves,, [4] this shld go without saying but plz dont cover me HELP. always feel free to talk to me + sit w me!!!

Pub: 08 Jan 2024 22:39 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2024 03:11 UTC
Views: 477