🪶 M.E.S. (Mumei (is) Everywhere System) 🪶

This is the list of all the collabs, M.E.S. and easter eggs with all the JP & ID members during Mumei's second year (August 22nd 2022- August 23rd 2023)

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M.E.S. Seasons

Branch Season
EN & Official Year 1 - Year 2
JP & ID Year 1 - Year 2
Megacollabs & Misc. Year 1 - Year 2
Annexes HoloCure - RUST - Japan Arc 1 - Japan Arc 2 - Minecraft New Server

JP & ID M.E.S. Year 2 (August 23rd 2022-August 23rd 2023)


Date Title Link Nature
2022-09-08 【Rust】RUST3日目⚡悪魔は素材王になりたい【ホロライブ/癒月ちょこ】 Timestamp Short interactions
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2022-12-21 Xmas MEAT PARTY🎄🎅🍖【HAACHAMA EN WED】 Timestamp Continuation of the College Girl War arc. Made another report card as counter to Mumchama. Haato also tweeted it.
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2022-09-03 【#生スバル】復活のツイッター探偵!おはスバ雑談しゅばああああああああああああああああ!!!!/Free Talk【ホロライブ/大空スバル】 Timestamp Breakdown & aftermath on Mumei's last participation of S2 Rust [1][2] - part of the transcript
2022-09-16 【#大空スバル4周年】4周年ってマジ?!?!?!?!?!!??!!??!: oozorasubaru 4 anniversary Timestamp Drawings
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2022-08-27 【グルーヴコースター ワイワイパーティー!!!!】僕の曲が音ゲーに…⁉⁉すごい!!!!【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】 Timestamp Easter egg - playing A New Start. The stream promoted a Groover Coaster collab with Okaya and Mumei and their songs on the Nintendo Switch
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2022-10-15 【グルーヴコースター ワイワイパーティー!!!!】わためぇとポルちゃんのカバー曲!入ったっぽいな?!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】 Timestamp Easter egg - playing A New Start on Groover Coaster
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2022-08-25 【#トワとムメイの仲良くなりたい!】第二回:FPSで使える言葉を覚えよう!/Let's learn some FPS vocabulary!【常闇トワ・七詩ムメイ】 Link Collab
2022-08-31 【APEX】#トワとムメイの仲良くなりたい  先週勉強した単語を使って実際のゲーム! Link Collab
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2022-09-02 【パワプロ2022】春2連覇なるか⁉ID2期生・Council・総帥と幹部が入学!/全ホロメンで行く栄冠ナイン6年目~!【鷹嶺ルイ/ホロライブ】 Character & Stat attribution - Character customization - Late substitution for Reine in the 9th inning of her first game Easter-egg - In her current series of Pro Power Baseball 2022 streams, Lui builds her roster and the team management with the other members of Hololive (in the same fashion Fauna made her party and the NPCs in Miitopia). This stream marks the debut of ID2 and Hololive Council. - Timestamps
2022-09-11 【パワプロ2022】残り1年半!夏の甲子園大会いくぞ!!/全ホロメンで行く栄冠ナイン6年目~! Subbing-in for Reine on the 9th inning during the first game she was sent to the bench Easter egg - same as above
2022-09-16 【パワプロ2022】秋神宮制覇して最後のメンバーゲットしにいくぞ!!/全ホロメンで行く栄冠ナイン6年目秋~! Subbing-in for Reine on the 9th inning during the first game of the stream - Personality evaluation event giving a stat boost for Mumei and giving her the 'shy' personality, allowing her to be a permanent bench player over Fauna (due to the defensive build) - Subbing-in for Kiara on the 9th inning during the third game of the stream - Subbing-in for Ame on the 9th inning during the fourth and final game of the stream (before going out almost instantly and being subbed by Reine) Easter egg - same as above
2022-09-18 【パワプロ2022】残り1年!最終メンバー入学!!/全ホロメンで行く栄冠ナイン7年目~! Pinch-hitting for Kronii during the 7th inning of first game of the stream also very first at-bat - Pinch-running for Anya during the second game and contributing to Lamy's 3 run HR - Position of catcher locked-in for Fauna in the future (Mumei was one of three choices of that stat boosting event along with Koyori) - Pinch-hitting for Ina during the 8th inning of the third game (preseason game) and getting a hit - Pinch-hitting for Sana during the 7th inning of the fourth game (another preseason game) Easter egg - same as above
2022-09-24 【パワプロ2022】ラストの甲子園大会!優勝なるか!?/全ホロメンで行く栄冠ナイン7年目夏~! Subbing-in for Ina during the 7th inning of the third game of the stream. - Defensive substitution for Kaela during the 9th inning of the fifth game - Gains of reliability / confidence (信頼度) at the end of the first round of the Summer Koshien tournament. - Mumei gets a stat increase factor in the form of 'Chance A' - Mumei is now a starting LF (5th in the batting order) for the Fall Tournament. Easter egg - same as above
2022-09-25 【パワプロ2022】最終回‼感動のラスト⁉秋と春の大会必勝!!!!!/全ホロメンで行く栄冠ナイン7年目秋~ 1st game of the Fall tournament - 2nd game before the early elimination - Getting passives for the hitting average special abilities (アベレージヒツター). Easter egg - same as above
2023-01-03 【EN&JPオフコラボ】3人が日本にやってきた✨初ヴィーガン料理をふるまう‼【ホロライブ】 Link Off collab meal in Lui-nee's home. Cooked some vegan meals for MuFauBae, Subaru's also there.
2023-06-11 【3DLIVE】重大告知あり‼ゲスト多数の音楽番組『MUSIC GARDEN』🎤略してMガデ! Link First 3D live appearance outside of Fes. Performance with other Holotori members. Segment starts here and singing here.
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2022-10-10 【#朝こよ】90回目!!火曜日のおはこよ~!! #90 Timestamp Easter egg - Segment on AyaKoyo showing Mumei's drawing of Koyori during the fifth installment of the 'Mumei draws Hololive' series
2023-01-30 【#朝こよ】火曜日だよ!おはこよーーー!!!☀ #113 Timestamp Easter egg - Segment on AyaKoyo talking about the Twitter Space incident. Featuring statements on what happened from Mumei.
2023-05-03 【 #こんこよ24 】GWだよ!24時間配信2枠目!~ミリしら・学力テスト・ぶっちゃけholoX・深夜ゆる凸待ち・デュエットカラオケ・ENと遊ぼう!~ Link Clubhouse 51 1-on-1 collab as a part of Konkoyo24 special. Ina and Gura had some issues so Mumei went first in the end.
2023-08-09 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!新1年生もくるよ! #3 Character naming - Stats and customization Easter egg. Same game as the one Lui-nee played.
2023-08-11 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!2年目秋の大会、絶対に負けられない! #5 First game - Delivering the last throw Easter egg.
2023-08-13 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!3年目新入生ガチャから! #6 Second game Easter egg.
2023-08-14 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!3年目夏の地区大会2回戦~! #7 Third game Easter egg.
2023-08-15 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!遂に3年目夏の甲子園‼‼ #8 Summer Koshien first game - Summer Koshien second game Easter egg.
2023-08-16 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!3年目甲子園優勝目指せ‼ #9 Summer Koshien Semi finals - Autumn fist game - Autumn second game Easter egg.
2023-8-18 【 #こよなつ甲子園 】ホロメンでいく⚾パワプロ栄冠ナイン!3年目春の甲子園優勝するぞ‼ #10 Spring Koshien first game - Spring Koshien second game - Spring Koshien quarter finals - Spring Koshien semi finals - Spring Koshien finals Easter egg.
2023-08-24 【朝雑談】金曜日は朝雑!こんこよ高校のその後やholoX新曲裏話などなど~!with translation✨【博衣こより/ホロライブ】 Timestamp Easter egg. Epilogue of Mumei the pitcher, invited to rep Japan in highschool matches.
Date Title Link Nature
2022-11-26 【カメラ】ホロ×ヴァイス30箱カード開封して沙花叉当てたい!【沙花叉クロヱ/ホロライブ】 Timestamp #1, Timestamp #2 & Timestamp #3 Easter egg - Unboxing of Hololive cards and pulls of Mumei's card (3 times)
2023-04-05 【検証】突発アポなし凸待ち!ホロメンってこの時間に起きてるの? Link Invited to Chloe's totsu zatsu stream
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2023-04-27 海外ホロメンが選ぶ変な日本語Tシャツ 【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン・Pavolia Reine】 Link Voice message. Game where they make EN and ID members chose a shirts with weird kanjis they like the most. List for what the shirts means.


Date Title Link Nature
2022-11-22 【Minecraft】Join da force【#MoonArchitect】 Link Impromptu collab with Fauna & Kaela - Complementary to Mumei's own POV.
2023-02-14 【#MoonaBirthdaySeason3】Totsumachi call! Call me!!!【Moona hololive ID】 Link Call-in and drawing sent by Mumei during birthday totsu
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2022-09-09 【#Reine2ndMEPtember】REINE MERAKETING ACADEMY!!! WHO WILL CALL? Timestamp Call-in
2023-08-17 【PUMMEL PARTY】REINE POV - FUN WITH HOLOTORI! (with ANNOUNCEMENT) Link First Holotori collab after a while. Announced their first orisong.
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2022-08-29 【RUST】Server Wipe is Approaching... Link Collab - Complementary to Mumei's own POV.
2023-07-28 【3D SHOWCASE】SHARPLY Unsheathed. Here I Go! 3Dお披露目配信!これが古代兵器の本気。 Timestamp Guest apperance in Anya's 3D showcase with Zeta and Miko.
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2022-10-03 『APEX』with my cute senpais Link Collab with Ame - Complementary POV to Mumei's
2022-11-07 【Birthday Call-In】With my friends!! #ZETANISM2022 Timestamp Call-in and drawing sent during Zeta's birthday totsu
2022-12-15 Drawing everyone from Birthday Totsu #ZETANISM2022 Timestamp Drawing Mumei as a pigeon (like what she said during Zeta's birthday totsu)
2023-05-02 🐟 SEA CREATURES TIER LIST w/ @NanashiMumei🐟 Link Tier list collab. Lot's of mating habit facts and owltism.
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2022-08-30 【#KaelemaoDay2022】so, what we have today? 🎂🎉 Timestamp Easter egg - drawings
2022-11-22 【Minecraft】oh, long time no see Logging into the HoloServer, Joins the Vchat & Reaches Fauna's village Impromptu collab with Fauna & Moona - Complementary to Mumei's own POV.
2022-12-02 【Phasmophobia】this gonna be fun 😇 Link Collab with Fauna & Bae - Complementary to Mumei's own POV.
2022-12-20 【Pokemon Scarlet】Shiny Ralts Day ❓❓ Link Easter egg - Showing off some shinies she named after Mumei.
2022-12-21 【Pokemon Scarlet】Get Some Shiny ✨🧂 Link Easter egg - Apperance in chat, Keala named a shiny after her chat message.
2022-12-23 【Minecraft】choosing gifts!! (part 2) 🎄🎁 + explore new places!! Link Easter egg - Preping Christmas presents for everyone, including Mumei. Timestamp #1, Timestamp #2 & Timestamp #3.
2022-12-26 【Need for Speed™ Unbound】first try?🏎️ Link Talking about her favorite kind of bird. Another one into the harem.
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2022-12-12 【#KOBORNDAY2022】You have been invited to my ROYAL BIRTHDAY BALL! ✨ Link Call-in & drawing
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2022-01-05 【HOLOLIVE QUIZ】TIME FOR THE EN AND STARS QUIZ!! I'M NOT SURE I CAN Link Easter Egg. Some questions (No. 2, 8, 12, 18 & 19) are about or related to Mumei.
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2023-01-15 【hololiveID】BIRTHDAY CALL (TOTSUMACHI) : EPIC THIEF EDITION【Ayunda Risu】 Link Birthday call-in
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2023-02-16 【 GeoGuessr 】Wait? What? Where? Exploring The World With MUMEI! Link GeoGuessr collab on Loafy's channel

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Pub: 31 Aug 2023 05:27 UTC
Edit: 28 Mar 2024 19:15 UTC
Views: 1065