mLink to Class 1-D Prompts 50+:
Link to Everyone else's Prompts:

  1. Prompts
    1. Social Media Presence
    2. How do you feel about your quirk?
    3. Acts of Heroism / Favorite Pro Hero / Thoughts on Potential
    4. Ultimate Moves / Gadgets / Willpower/ Night Parade
    5. Internship Ideas / Villains Hanging Out / Supporter Investments
    6. What kind of Hero you want to be / Your biggest moment / Prison Break / Your greatest desire / Coffee
    7. Home Base
    8. Hobbies
    9. Biggest Personality Flaw
    10. Biggest Personality Strength
    11. Hidden Talents
    12. Misc. Sports Festival Questions
    13. Most Significant Person in Your Past
    14. Prized Possession
    15. Regrets
    16. Blowing Off Steam
    17. Happiest Memory
    18. Your Hero/Villain Name
    19. Guilty Pleasures
    20. /tg/
    21. Clubs
    22. Favorite Place
    23. Lottery
    24. Parental Warmth
    25. Parents' Quirk/Quirk Origin
    26. Greatest Fear
    27. Would You Change Your Quirk?
    28. How to get you mad
    29. Motivation/Goals?
    30. How to get on your good side?
    31. Most effective insult against you
    32. Fighting Style
    33. Traditions and Rituals / Missionary at your front door
    34. Different Career Path / Motivation
    35. Student Rival / Pro School Days / Villain Education / >>>Supporter
    36. Baggage / Not-obvious Side-effects
    37. Team-up / New Strategy or Skill
    38. Party / Superstition
    39. Drunk
    40. Food
    41. Diary
    42. Typical Schedule
    43. Lost Quirk
    44. Favorite Media Genre
    45. Meteor
    46. Historical Figure
    47. Pizza
    48. Motto
    49. Streetfood
    50. Camping and Survival
  2. Fun-posting Prompts
    1. Fighting Game
    2. Breakfast
    3. Can you Shred?!
  3. Class 1-D
    1. Soujyuuro Imai HN "Wise Eye Hero, Mahoudeva"
    2. Christopher Cain HN "Mirror Devil"
    3. Noah Abrams HN "Archangel"
    4. Sandatsu Owari
    5. Son Jugo HN "Aspara"
    6. Yui Sagara HN "The Binding Hero, Capture Cloth"
    7. Chihiro Mitsurugi HN "Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako"
    8. Ashleigh Katsuragi HN "Blackout"
    9. Sally McCathy HN "Last Rite"
    10. Kaylee Suzuki HN "Flying Force"
    11. Shinkan Sen HN "Crazy Train"
    12. Sora Tanaka HN "The area master hero, Orbit"
    13. Takara Tame HN "Android"
    14. Spherethirst's Builds
    15. Minerva Kim HN "Spark"
    16. Hailey Chang HN "Recoil"
    17. Faith Kang HN "Drone"
    18. Maxine Nguyen HN "Radius"
    19. Edith Lee HN "Arena"
    20. Hifumi Takeda HN "Warp Blade Hero: Challenger"
    21. Bobby Samson HN "Sunlight Man"
    22. Inigo Myoga HN "Dragon Hero Ryu-kishi"
    23. Kyoda Hiro HN "Overdose"
    24. Atsushi Orochi HN "Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero - Yamata"
    25. Nyoro Hoge HN "Maru"


Social Media Presence

Does your MHA have a social media presence?
Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?
What do they post? Who do they follow?
Have you been a good hero today?

How do you feel about your quirk?

How do you feel about your quirk, fellow... uh... [name pending]?
Is this what elevates you above the rest of the bozos? Is it a curse you wish you never had? Is it just a tool you happen to own?
If you had the chance, would you trade your quirk in for another random one?

Acts of Heroism / Favorite Pro Hero / Thoughts on Potential

What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?
Who is your favorite Pro Hero?
Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?
What's your favorite snack?
Do you jaywalk?

Ultimate Moves / Gadgets / Willpower/ Night Parade

Have you done anything to help others today?
What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?
Do you plan to commission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?
Do you have exceptional Willpower?
What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

Internship Ideas / Villains Hanging Out / Supporter Investments


Which of the Pro Hero PCs would your character most want to intern under (I'll even let you pick a teacher if you want since there's not many choices otherwise)? Which would you personally want your character to intern under?


Which Hero Student would your character want to intern under them the most? Which would you personally want to intern under your character?


Who would your character want to hang out with if you weren't at risk of getting arrested (like if you were suddenly pardoned of all of your crimes)?


Who does your character have their eye on in terms of business opportunities?

What kind of Hero you want to be / Your biggest moment / Prison Break / Your greatest desire / Coffee


What kind of hero do you want to become? When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think? Do you want admiration? Reverence? Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?


Your biggest crime-busting or people-saving moment. The kind of thing where you get a newspaper of that day and frame it in your office. What was yours? Or, if you haven’t had one of those moments yet, what would you want it to be? Stopping a giant underground crime ring? Rescuing a hundred civilians from a burning building?
And piggybacking off of the Students’ question… what kind of hero are you?


You got got, and you’re in jail now. Luckily, they’ve got you stuck in a normal holding cell for now, no considerations for your quirk, the idiots (if you’re an S-rank threat they’re prepping you for transfer to Tartarus). Still, there’s guards and bars. It might not be looking good… but no great villain is without at least a dozen escape plans. How are you getting out? Outside help, or just yourself?


Heroes and Villains… they’re ambitious by nature. They want to be number one. They want fortune and fame… but Supporters don’t necessarily need to want those things. So tell me, what is your greatest desire? Maybe you want a quiet life where you do your job, go home to a family, and enjoy peaceful days. Maybe you’ve got your sights set higher, and you want your face known around the world, as much as any big hero or villain. Or maybe you’re just happy with the day by day.
What do you want most out of life?


What kinda coffee do you like? Doin’ some market research, gotta stay ahead of the competition.

Home Base

Let's talk residencies and bases of operation. What does yours look like? How is it decorated? For most folk this could be their actual house or apartment, but for the heroes who run their own agencies it could be their office building, or a villain's secret hideout, a supporter's workshop, etc. What's yours like right now?
What would you want it to be like?


You got hobbies outside of doing school/heroics/villainy/whatever? We can't be all business, all the time, right? What do you do for fun?

Biggest Personality Flaw

What do you think your biggest flaw is?
Not in terms of strength, but in personality.
Where do you fall short as a person?

Biggest Personality Strength

We've learned your flaws and your fears. Now I wanna see some big egos. What's your greatest strength?
Personality-wise, that is.

Hidden Talents

What are your hidden talents? Things that people wouldn't expect you to be talented at, but you are. Maybe you're secretly a good singer, or a great chef? Could be anything.

Misc. Sports Festival Questions

What are you going to be up to during the Shiketsu sports festival? Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason?


Who do you think is your biggest threat to winning the festival? Any plans on how to take them out? Maybe you're hoping to eliminate them on an earlier round, or maybe you've got a "surefire" strategy for the duels.

Pro Heroes

Which young hero do you think is worth keeping an eye on? Anyone you're interested in taking as an intern?


Are you going to show up to probe for the Next Generation's weaknesses, or are you going to be taking the opportunity to do a little tomfoolery while the heroes aren't as alert? Or maybe you just like watching the festival. I don't judge.

Most Significant Person in Your Past

Aside from family or friends, what person would you say has positively impacted your life the most? It could be your idol who you strive to follow, or it might be some random guy you never got the name of who gave you some sagely advice. Could be anything, really.

Prized Possession

What would you say is your most prized possession? Is it a keepsake from your family? A gift from a first friend? A weapon that's carried you through all your dangerous situations?


It's natural to regret things in your life. Whether it's something big like never being able to make amends with a family member, or something tiny like selling a collector's item right before it skyrocketed in value, we've all got things we wish we could do better.
So a 2-for-1 today, friends. What is your biggest regret, and what's a really trivial one you still think about?

Blowing Off Steam

Something's got you mad. Maybe it was a lot of little things building up throughout the day or it's something you brought on yourself, but the important thing is that this isn't something physical you can punch in the face to make go away.
So how do you blow off steam? Do you break things? Channel your seethe into something productive? Relax with a game?

Happiest Memory

What is your happiest memory? A single moment you remember to this day, that reminds you of good times (whether that makes you feel better or worse about where you're at now).
Maybe it's a crowning accomplishment, or maybe it was just hanging out with some friends you don't keep up with anymore, or getting to meet your idol.

Your Hero/Villain Name

How did you come up with your hero name? Is it something that is deeply personal to you or is it something that you could care less about. Would you ever want to change it if you had the opportunity?

Guilty Pleasures

We all have guilty pleasures that we indulge in from time to time, whether it be food, activities, or something else. What's yours? Maybe you like to sneak out to concerts for some embarrassing band, or you like trashy romance novels, or you eat ice cream right out of the carton.


Does your character play /tg/? It can be a trpg, a tcg, or even a board game. What's your character's poison if any?


Do you participate in any clubs, and if so, how do you feel about how they are run?
Graduates in the extended cast, (are there any?) feel free to answer if you feel you made history or reputation that might have lingered.

Favorite Place

Aside from the obvious answer of "your home," what's your favorite place to go? Whether to calm yourself down or cheer yourself up, what's a place you find yourself returning to often to feel better?
It could be a cliff with a nice view, an arcade where you hold the high score on the dance game, or that restaurant with great sushi.


You've won the lottery! Whether you bought a ticket on the whim, found it on the ground, or just have a crippling addiction to scratch cards, you've found yourself in possession of a large (yet finite) sum of money.
What are you doin' with it?

Parental Warmth

How's your relationship with your parents, both right now and when you were younger? How did they raise you?

If they're dead, do you have any unresolved regrets involving them? An argument that never got cleared up, some decision of yours they never approved of, stuff like that.

Parents' Quirk/Quirk Origin

What were your parents' quirks? It's always interesting to me to see how quirks would combine.

And since that isn't really enough for a prompt on it's own, another question.
How and when did your quirk first come in? What did you (and your family/friends) think of it at the time? Is that different from how you feel now?

Greatest Fear

What is something you're especially afraid of? Is it an irrationally fear of bugs? Is it a hero or villain that you're terrified of? It might be something that you're scared of losing. Something in your past resurfacing to shatter your life.

How would you react if you came face-to-face with that fear right now? Do you cower and lose yourself in despair, flee from the problem, or rise above it and come out better?

Would You Change Your Quirk?

To all students, heroes and villains, if you could change one thing about your quirk what would it be?

If you could choose the quirk of another character over your own, who's quirk would you take? Provided you know everything about their quirk. After a 30-day trial, would you want to switch back or keep the new quirk?

How to get you mad

What's the fastest way for someone to get on your bad side with minimal effort? Do you really hate people who move your stuff without telling you, hate having your parents insulted, something else?
How do you deal with people who do those things?

How much would someone have to do for you to actually see them as an enemy, rather than just "someone you don't like"? Short of straight up doing criminal acts to you, that is.


What's your motivation to do what you do? Why do you want whatever your goal is? (For example if you wanted to become the Number 1 hero, why? Would being Number 1 let you do something that you couldn't otherwise, or is it just a simple drive to be the best)
When your back's up against the wall, what do you think of to drive yourself forward?

How to get on your good side?

Opposite of the prompt from two threads back which is missing from this prompt comp, what small things do people do that make you think of them more favorably?
What would you say is the easiest way for someone to become your friend?

Most effective insult against you

What’s the absolute cruelest, most character-destroying thing someone could say to you? The kind of thing where, however you brush it off (because we wouldn’t be great heroes or villains if some words were all it took to take us down), it’ll stay in your mind for a long, long time afterwards. The words that draw on your deepest fears and insecurities and use them as fuel for a precise verbal annihilation.

Fighting Style

MHA, what is your go-to strategy in battle? Against multiple foes? Against one big powerful enemy?

Switching it up, what is your go-to move when you want to befriend someone? Do you talk their ear off in class? Do you bring them gifts? Stalk them until they relent?

Traditions and Rituals / Missionary at your front door
For MHA, do you have a tradition or ritual that you observe? Like washing your hands for 20 minutes after a fight. Or visiting your parents each month? Maybe you migrate south every winter (birds)?

Bonus question, what would you do if a Mormon-like missionary rang your doorbell?

Different Career Path / Motivation
If your current career path doesn't work out, what other profession would you be interested in? Assuming you had the resources to pursue it. Do you fall back in with your family's business? Or would you rather be a hobo living under a bridge?

Name one or two things that motivates you daily. Perhaps it's your desire to leave crushing poverty? Do you have something to prove? Or is there someone special that keeps you going?

Student Rival / Pro School Days / Villain Education / >>>Supporter
For the students who took rival, who do you think is the best fit, narratively?

For pros, how did you act during your school days? Were you a delinquent? Model student? Recommended?

For villains, how educated are you? Did you finish high school? College?

Baggage / Not-obvious Side-effects
What do you carry with you all the time? What's in your pockets / bag?

What are some not-so-obvious side-effects of your quirk? Do you buy specific clothing, or consume more calories than average? Have you never gotten sick? Maybe you used to be fat, because your quirk just moved things for you?

Team-up / New Strategy or Skill
If you were assigned to a team-up for a mission/patrol, what kind of teammates would you want to work with? What would make you leave a team-up?

Do you have a new strategy or skill that you've been training? Maybe it's something that you've been thinking about and haven't yet developed? Perhaps it's done and you're saving it as an ace for when things get heavy.

Party / Superstition
You're at a big party, what are you doing?

How superstitious are you?

How does your MHA act when they're drunk?

How does your character cook their steak? Are they a picky eater in general, or are they a human garbage disposal?

Does your character keep a diary? Whether they do or not, what kind of stuff would they write in it? Asking for a friend.

Typical Schedule
What does your character do in a typical day? From waking up to going to bed, they don't just go to class/patrol/do villainy/vigilantism for the 16-18 hours they're awake, do they? How is their day broken up?

Lost Quirk
Heros/villains/vigilantes/quirked up people - let's say that your character permanently loses their quirk/mutation(s).

What are they feasibly going to do for the rest of their natural life? Still fight crime? Still commit crime? Fall back into a profession and just do their best that way? Become a quirkless hero supporter? Enter a state of despair or desperation and spend the rest of their life trying to find a method to regain their quirk? Become NEETs?

Favorite Media Genre
Heroes/villains/vigilantes/students, what is your character's favorite genre of movie/show/anime?

Heroes, villains, vigilantes, students, supporters. A world-renowned clairvoyant with an accuracy rate of 80% has just dourly announced that in a week a large meteor will make impact with Earth and end all life as we know it...

How does your character react to this news? How do they carry themselves for the duration of this week before doomsday? Do they make amends with those they've hurt? Who do they spend the most time with? Do they go all out on eating, drinking, drugging, and generally imbibing in all kinds of things? Do they try to clean up their act for what it's worth? Do they call BS on the announcement, banking on the clairvoyant's 20% inaccuracy and keep living life as usual? Make confessions? Try to keep up the justice system as the world spirals into chaos? Turn to doing crime or doing even more crime than before?

Historical Figure
Heroes/villains/vigilantes/revolutionaries/teachers/supporters/students, if your character had the chance to meet and speak with one historical figure, who would it be? A famous fashion designer, like Cristobal Balenciaga? A political figure like Teddy Roosevelt? Mansa Musa? Musashi Miyamoto? Sun Tzu? Julius Caesar? Annie Oakley?

Favorite pizza topping(s)? Express your favorite crust, cheese, and even sauce customizations as you please, but everyone loves pizza.

What’s your motto? You have one, right?

Whats your characters favorite street food?

Camping and Survival
We've been to parties and the beach but, how are you at camping? How would you handle a camping trip with others? Are you completely out of your element in the wilderness? Or are you confident in your outdoor survival skills? You'd need a way to deal with all the bugs and bears in the woods. Perhaps you're an avid visitor of Japan's many scenic camping grounds, or are you the type to die in three days without the loving embrace of modern civilization?

Fun-posting Prompts

Fighting Game


Can you Shred?!

Class 1-D

Soujyuuro Imai HN "Wise Eye Hero, Mahoudeva"


Does your MHA have a social media presence? What do they post? Who do they follow?

He follows a lot of heroes online and sometimes posts playlists he's listening to. He does not have followers.

Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?

A nickname based on his real name, "ImaSoujyuuro"

Have you been a good hero today?

Sadly, no. He almost read Mitsurugi's mind when she glared at him after the test, to figure out why she was seemingly mad at him. He didn't actually do it but the temptation was there, which does not spell a bright future for his student life.

What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

He bought ice cream at a parlor for a kid who couldn't afford it.

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?


Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Toss up between Kaylee and Bobby

What's your favorite snack?

Vanilla ice cream

Do you jaywalk?

I can't really see Imai having affinity with any of the heroes so far, but personally I'd like to write him interning under Seiryu.
Imai is a decent actor. He's no good at casual conversation, but can perform when given a script and time to memorize his lines. To some people it can be rather jarring seeing his normally stoic face shift through the emotions a character is supposed to be feeling.
For Imai, it was when he saved enough money to buy his first music player.
Imai likes the aesthetic of card games but never got anyone to play with him because of his quirk, so he bought a few packs when he was a kid, never got to use them, and never bought them again.

He also plays online chess.
Mother was quirkless
Father pretended to be quirkless but actually had a mind control quirk and used it to get with the mother
The Imai flowchart. The process may and will vary depending on outside factors like his connection with an opponent, the battle zone, outside help, etc. I might have been too autistic with this.
Imai was raised by a Buddhist mom, so he believes in concepts like karma and the cycle of reincarnation, but overall he sees Buddhism more as a philosophy than a religion.
Has never gotten near alcohol, but he'd be a weirdly happy drunk. Might lose control of his quirk and learn random stuff coming from the other drunks' heads, only to forget it the morning after.
Imai was really into magical girl anime in his elementary school years, then he got bullied for it during middle school and stopped watching them. Nowadays he likes detective shows, shonen manga, and the occasional drama.

Christopher Cain HN "Mirror Devil"

For Mirror Devil probably Hijack. Their quirks, while different, both revolve around other people's powers. And Chris probably thinks he could learn the most from him.
Mirror Devil lives in either the dorms or at his dad's house. It's decorated with a solid line of corkboard and red lines connecting disparate events.
Mirror Devil loves playing old RTS and stealth games. But he has a bad habit of restarting every time he messes up slightly.
Everything Christopher is talented at would be expected of him unfortunately.
Christopher thinks Hifumi's the biggest threat to him followed by Kaylee. The moment someone gets close Chris's pretty fucked and it's difficult to stop either one of them from getting close. He's probably going to have one slot devoted to Hifumi's quirk going into the festival the second slot would have to be an offensive ranged quirk, which one will probably change depending on the event he'll be facing and whether he's allowed to copy a teacher's quirk or not...

I should point out he's reluctant to change quirks at the drop of a hat due to how I've decided his quirk interacts with his memory. A full explanation will be in the promised writefag which I hope to have finished by Monday.
Christopher's is a plain black notebook he carries with him everywhere.
Christopher's big regret is forgetting his mom. Little regrets are every time he doesn't sleep before school, which is often.
Christopher scribbles furiously in his notebook.
Christopher isn't sure.
I chose Mirror Devil because Mirror Master is a DC character.

IN character, Christopher mirrors his opponent's quirk. That's where the mirror comes from. The devil part of his name is an allusion to the fact that he's bringing an unfair advantage to the fight, the second quirk.
I think Christopher might be one of those guys that plays yugioh, but has never watched the anime. He read a bit of the manga but got confused by the early chapters not being about card games in any way so dropped it.
He'd enjoy trpgs but he's never played one.
Other than that, he probably plays chess at a pretty good rating since he'd have no issue memorizing the openings and the common lines. That alone would put him where? Like a 1350 rating?
For Christopher, probably the nurse's office. He can sleep unmolested there.
Christopher spends weeks upon weeks researching what he's supposed to do with money. Then succumbs to choice paralysis. The money just sits in his bank account for a while as he's terrified of making a wrong decision. Eventually his dad offers him advice. The advice is nothing he hadn't already researched but that it's coming from his dad makes it the obvious thing to do.
Christopher and his dad have a decent relationship. The primary friction is that his dad’s buried himself in work since his wife died. Christopher and his mom’s been covered.
Christopher's mom had true psychokinesis. His dad has a worse version of Christopher's own quirk. Worse in that it actually reverses the effects of the quirks it copies.
Christopher was 4 when he copied his mom's quirk and used it to make his grandma float while giggling. It's unknown if he had it even earlier and just hadn't used it.


No, Christopher please don't send mother-in-law out the window, I beg you.


white noise
Christopher it's his secret getting out. Especially if his dad found out all the details. He'd respond with vicious denial and if he's irrefutably caught he'd probably flee.

What's the fastest way for someone to get on your bad side with minimal effort? Do you really hate people who move your stuff without telling you,

For Christopher it's touching/ taking his stuff. Especially his notebook. A. It's just rude B. The notebook contains important "in case you forget" information.

hate having your parents insulted

Mom? Yes. Mostly out of guilt. Dad? No. Your insults betray your ignorance.

How do you deal with people who do those things?

Loud confrontation. Christopher won't throw the first punch, but he'll yell at you at the top of his lungs. Which is really REALLY loud. Bring ear plugs.

How much would someone have to do for you to actually see them as an enemy, rather than just "someone you don't like"? Short of straight up doing criminal acts to you, that is.

Not much. If you've done enough to elevate yourself into "someone you don't like" for Christopher, you've already done quite a lot. He's genuinely apathetic towards most others, as such the line between "doesn't like" and "enemy" is a thin blurry one.
To prove it's worth it.

small things

I don't think he'd notice small things. Just don't be a complete ass and he'll stay neutral to you. To befriend him? There's not really an easy way.

Befriending the Mirror

Christopher's a weird case to befriend. He's an introvert who's fine being social but wants to be in control of when he talks and what he talks about. To that end, he tries to keep people in boxes, "I talk about this" to person A. "I talk about that" to person B. etc. Your first conversation with Christopher is pretty much all he'll talk about with you and he'll seek you out periodically just to reinforce your shared interest in that subject, whether it's shared or not is irrelevant so long as you stay in the box. Call it weaponized social activity. Yet because he tries to restrict his conversations to one subject per person (heroes/ villains for most of the class) it's impossible to get to know him without genuine effort on the befriender's part.
Kaylee's method is probably the most effective desu. Kidnap Christopher. Force him to play chess. Force him to talk about chess and at the end of the day you've got two subjects to talk about. After you've broken out of the box, and become more than 'person who I talk about subject a' with to him, it's only a matter of time until he thinks of you as a friend, much to his dismay.
Inigo's method is probably non-repeatable.

go-to strategy

Quirk dependent for Christopher. Part of the reason he studies heros and villains so obsessively is so he knows what strategy he's able to go for in likely situations.


Talk to them casually. You'll know he wants to be/ thinks he already is your friend when he talks to you about shit he doesn't know well.


Writing what's happened recently count? IN which case that's it for Christopher. I'd say it's only for practical reasons but he keeps files on mutants too.


He wonders why the fuck he answered the door. Who is he? Where are his pants? Normal internal questions while he closes the door.


He's pretty obsessed with being a hero, so if this doesn't work out he'd probably be an analyst for a government agency, media, or something. Maybe even decide to be a cop as an adjacent career.


Covered in Mirror's Memory.
I've been writing him as if Maru's the 'rival' but it's more of a one-sided "I want you to study harder to actually be my rival baka" on Maru's part. With Christopher trying his damndest to be oblivious to it. Maru's quirk makes that part a little easy. It's breaking the rules since Maru didn't take the drawback, but I find it funny.

Initially, when I first started actually writing for Christopher, I had planned to use Imai but, it was a harsh rivalry and his anon didn't take the drawback, so I dropped the story line. The initial idea also no longer fits what Christopher's character morphed into.
Notebook. Side effects have been covered.
Cursing whomever dragged him here. Eventually mingling so as not to draw attention until he would no longer be a noticeable exit.
Christopher's a secret drunk. Genetics. Dad's black Irish, mom's Japanese. He's four alcoholics worth of tolerance. While he does have a high tolerance if you got him enough alcohol to satisfy a sorority, you'd find him very affectionate.
Medium-rare, no sauces. He's a really bad eater. He'll eat what you put in front of him but he gets disinterested in eating and starts to leave the table if you aren't on his ass about it.
Yes, binders full of shit. He keeps it in a bookcase in his room. He keeps, what he judges as, critical information in a journal he carries on his person, but it's in a progressive cipher.
Wake up. Live life. Record everything a normal person would expect to remember about the day. Go to bed. Don't go to bed because a power combination idea caught your attention and the time is a bitch anyway.
First wonder what the fuck he's going to do with all these binders now. Second, probably transfer to general studies at Shiketsu. Third, find himself with more free time than he has any idea what to do with. His quirk's really strong but the memory drawback makes it more of a pain in the ass than anything for Christopher's day-to-day life.
Action I would guess. Mysteries bore him and he often has trouble following dramas. He does also like good comedies. Though next to action I bet his second favorite is horror.
Bank on the 20% inaccuracy. Try to talk people he gives a shit about out of throwing their lives away on an 80% chance that it doesn't matter. If it really is imminent he comes clean with his dad and tries to learn about his mom.
I can see him wanting to talk to most historical generals, but Moltke and Nathaniel Green would be at the top of his list. If it can be anyone who's dead then, yeah, you know the answer.
Christopher prefers Calzones.
Our Quirk.
It'd be funny.

Noah Abrams HN "Archangel"


Does your MHA have a social media presence?

Keeping up to date with local events is only natural, so yes.

Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?

Noah's is a simple combination of both, @NoAA1633

What do they post? Who do they follow?

Positive messages, you know, facebook mom stuff. "Live, Laugh, Love" and all that. He mostly follows heroes he believes are good inspirations.

Have you been a good hero today?

Every day.
Noah considers his quirk as a gift from his mother, father, and a gift of god, extremely fitting. He would never use it unjustly nor would he ever wish it away, it is a part of him as much as his heart and mind.

What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

Noah doesn't think he deserves praise for heroism he has done, he thinks it's the standard he should uphold.

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?

I don't think he would view any of the current pro-hero builds with any favoritism, so for now, his favorite pro hero is his dad. He frequently watches old news stories about what his dad has done in America.

Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Noah has a fondness for people who want to atone, so if he knew about Imai's issues, he would root for Imai.

What's your favorite snack?

Those wafer sticks, chocolate and vanilla.

Do you jaywalk?

Never! Not even flying over the street!

Have you done anything to help others today?

To live is to serve, Noah is always willing to lend a helping hand.

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?

Glory and Victory! A drop kick where he flies while empowering his legs with as much light!.. Noah has never used it with his powers though, but he trained with his dad and tried doing a drop kick. He couldn't really do the drop kick either but he wants to train to do it.

Do you plan to comission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

I'm curious how a hardlight object would interact with a light absorber, so Nocticula would be my first choice. Maybe Noah can get something like one-time use hardlight blocks so he can fully charge on light instantly.

Do you have exceptional Willpower?

No matter how impossible things seem, Noah will always do his best. Even if it is impossible, he will try anyway, because in trying, he knows he made the world better despite failing.

What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

Varying levels of pity and disappointment, depending on who they are and what they've done. Also triggers his redemption talk-no-jutsu desires.

which of the Pro Hero PCs would your character most want to intern under (I'll even let you pick a teacher if you want since there's not many choices otherwise)? Which would you personally want your character to intern under?

Any of the teachers (aside from the principal) would have a good influence on Noah. Rosethorn is good for the PR boost, become a real poster boy for "good." Ippon is good since Noah's gonna need to learn Martial Arts to get the biggest bang out of his light enhancement. And Hijack is just generally good all around when it comes to teaching how to his quirk.

For non-teachers, Noah would go for Popsy. He 100% believes her story and would do his best to upturn her reputation.

What kind of hero do you want to become?

A virtuous one.

When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think? Do you want admiration? Reverence?

He wants to be an inspiration for people, not really to get them to also become (legit) heroes, but to become a hero in the everyday. Be good to others and all that.

Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?

The latter: he wants everyone to know that they are safe in his hands.


He hasn't tried it before, but he'd like to. Preferably something sweet.
Noah lives in a simple 3 bedroom house, the rooms being his parents', his, and the reading room (which can be used as a guest room when needed). His room is kind of basic, a desk, book shelf, bed, wardrobe, and the only decorations are some motivational posters and a cross. But it is immaculate; not a single unclean area, from the top shelf, to the dusty bottoms of the bed, desk, etc.
Community service.
Too nice. Too soft. Too forgiving. But Noah understands that, it is both his weakness and strength. It may kill him one day, but it could save many.
See 9.
Noah's got a simple wooden cross, lacquered and tied on a string around his neck. His father had it during his baptism and was given it for his birthday. He always makes sure it's well-kept and always on him, or tucked safely in a drawer when he goes to sleep or can't bring it for some reason.
For someone like Noah, he doesn't have many regrets that he couldn't immediately rectify, though with recent events, letting down his team is definitely the new big one. There isn't really a single small regret he thinks about, but multiple ones piled up like "I could have helped that person too" or "If I did this that person would have been happier," but he always answers these with "I'll do better tomorrow."
Every day is happy day for Noah. If there would ever be a time where he feels down, the past may be there to look behind and reminisce, but he would rather look forward to the future for more good times.
Noah wanted something that would be reassuring and comforting to anyone who heard it, so he was gonna go with just Angel. But his dad thought it was too uninspiring, so he added the Arch-.

I chose it because of what I was listening to at the time
Noah likes to play board games, especially cooperative ones. He doesn't mind competitive ones, but he can easily be guilt-tripped into giving winning points to whoever looks sad enough. Or if, god forbid, he plays a bluffing a game, he can't lie or it's really easy to tell when he is lying.
Up in the sky during nighttime for Noah. Being closer among the things that shine light in the vast darkness gives him comfort. Sometimes he activates his quirk and imagines someone looking up and thinking he was a shooting star, makes a wish on him.
Noah hands it to his parents and then they talk about what to do with it. They would probably decide to donate some to local charity and then save the rest for emergencies.
Noah's got two loving parents whom he loves back all the same. They raised him quite well, even without his compulsion he'd probably be pretty close to how he is now. His mom dotes on him a lot, spoiling him often. His dad, meanwhile, treats him like an adult and is the biggest case for why he would be similar to how he is now.
Noah's dad is a mutant with wings, his mom has a quirk that could absorb light and use it to heal another person's wounds, so he got wings that could absorb light. No healing though.

Noah was born with the pair of wings on his head since birth, while it was weak at the time, his parents were happy their union manifested so clearly. The two pairs on his back eventually grew. Since he's always had it, Noah just thinks his quirk is a gift of his parents (and God). He did think it was great when he grew the first pair on his back since it made him more similar to his dad, but the second one he was indifferent since he had to modify his wardrobe again.
It's a recent development, but Noah's become afraid of other people getting hurt as a result of his decisions. He wasn't conscious about it before since the consequences didn't really extend outside of himself and was fine as long as it was only him, but he is starting to become aware that being too soft can lead to another person getting hurt.

How would you react if you came face-to-face with that fear right now?

Noah would probably be indecisive in the moment of someone potentially getting hurt. He wouldn't run, but he would need someone to snap him out of doubting his decisions. After that, whatever the result, he can only learn from the experience and improve in what he was lacking.
It really would take a lot to get on Noah's bad side. The closest he's felt negatively towards someone would be like with the gossip clique, but even then he has a neutral attitude towards them at worst. For Noah to consider someone an enemy, they'd have to consistently break his goodwill and hurt people close to him.
Very basic, Noah just wants to make the world a better place.
"Why couldn't you help/save them?" and any variation of it for Noah. It would devastate him even more if it was directly because of his decisions, like if he let a villain go because they say they would change and he believed them, only for them to go and murder. He really would think those people's blood are on his hands and would fuck him up.

battle strat

Noah uses his flight and speed to stall and gather light before going in with quick strikes powered up by light or blasting their eyes with a flashbang, then going back to stalling if he's in a place with little light to gather, like if it was night or indoors. General tactics are the same with one strong bad or multiple weaker enemies, though he would use flashbangs against multiple enemies more often so that they can't take advantage of their numbers.

This is assuming that there isn't collateral and/or Noah already made attempts to Talk-no-jutsu the bad guy.


You are already Noah's friend. You just don't know it yet (neither does he).


Noah has the usual religious stuff, prayers throughout the day (usually morning, before and after eating, before sleeping), church on Sundays, etc. Outside of that, he has a cleaning day at the end of each month, where he cleans the house (with the help of his parents) and then preens his feathers. Once a year, he might take some time off school when he molts to replace old or damaged feathers and he has to replace a lot of feathers in that cycle (he is not a bird though).

religious missionary

He talks with them in earnest about each other's faiths, holding them up until they feel uncomfortable and have to make an excuse to leave. If they have the misfortune of being Christian-denomination missionaries, then they're held up until his father has to tell him to stop and let them leave.
If he can't become a hero, Noah would still get into something that would save lives, most likely following in his mom's footsteps and become a doctor. Though he'd also wanna try becoming a therapist for inmates, since redeeming villains was his goal for being a hero, except no physical aspect in this path.

Simply being alive on God's green earth is motivation enough for Noah. Also knowing that he makes the world a bit brighter is a good bonus.
Noah's got the wooden cross I wrote down as his prized possession on him almost all the time. He's also got some wafers on him for when he feels like munching on a snack.

As for side-effects, a few things. All his upper-wear needs to be designed for his two pairs of wings. He has to eat more for energy on account of his wings. And then he burns out if he has to molt a lot more feathers than expected, not enough light being absorbed.
Noah wouldn't mind working with just about anyone, but he would leave a team if they end up clashing in ideals. Like if the others were more destructive and gloryseeking, not really looking out for civilians, etc. Very different from him.

He's still beginning his combat training arc, so Noah's still got a lot to learn. He's not sure whether to spec being unarmed or train with weapons though.
Noah would just get strung along by whoever brought him there. He'd keep himself fairly contained with his friend group and have fun with them. Although if it is a "rowdier" type of party, he will pay attention and make sure there aren't any bad actors trying to take advantage of other folk that are intoxicated or unable to think straight.

He prays every day, goes to church, and believes such things make a difference in his life (even if it's just for an extra push).
Like I said last thread, Noah becomes a fluffy type of drunk. Happy, a lot more affectionate (if he were to hug you, expect to be wrapped in his wings too), sleepy, more open about himself. This would be rare though, he'd have to be convinced or tricked into drinking in the first place, and then further tricked into drinking well-past what his temperance limits him.
Noah likes his steak medium-rare/medium. He has his preferences, like sweeter foods, but he is otherwise not picky; he doesn't mind fasting on bread and water for a few weeks.
Aside from a book for keeping schedule and remembering important events, Noah doesn't keep a diary. If he did, he would be writing down what he tells his parents every day, which would just make it an ordinary diary about his day-to-day.

5:30 - 6:00 AM

Wake up, clean himself up, breakfast

6 - 7 AM

Preen feathers, ask parents for hard to reach ones (preferably outside in the sun), get ready for school

7 - 8 AM

Walk to school, help out anyone he sees who needs it

8 AM - 3 PM


3:00 - 4:30 PM

Gym time with /fit/bros

4:30 - 5:30 PM

Head home, help out anyone he sees, do school work if there are any

5:30 - 6:00 PM

Dinner, talk about his day with his parents

6 - 7 PM

Leisure time for himself, usually in the reading room, listening to music on a record player and watching TV

7 - 8 PM

Minor room clean up, bath (including his wings only every few days)

8 - 9 PM

Complete any unfinished work, minor errands, clean up

9 PM

That's a massive crisis of faith moment for Noah. The quirk he's so proud of and happy to have, a blessing from his parents and God, suddenly being stripped away from him. At first he'd be desperate to believe that it's some sort of trial, but that would quickly change to depression thinking he had done something wrong to deserve it. And while he doesn't have his compulsion anymore, he would still hold himself to the same standard as when he had it, but the virtuous living wouldn't come as naturally to him, which just makes a feedback loop of being depressed for being depressed. His parents and friends would still be there to support him, so while suicide is a thought he can have, he wouldn't do it.

If he breaks out of the depression cycle, he'd probably become a doctor still, the dream lives on but his view of the world isn't as optimistic as before; the stars are dimmer, getting further away, and the night is ever darker and colder.
Noah's favorite movie genre are musicals, especially older ones like Les Mis, Hamilton, Phantom of the Opera, though there are some animated films he likes (like Prince of Egypt, go figure). As for everything else, he likes most media as long as it has an optimistic and uplifting tone, although he's also fine with bittersweet dramas. He does dislike stuff with overly gratuitous violence, he's pretty squeamish to media like the slasher genre.
Noah will hope that the 20% inaccuracy happens and will try to continue life as usual. It will stick in the back of his mind though and he would unconsciously spend more time with his parents and friends.
Noah's should be obvious: Jesus Christ. He might get disappointed in seeing how the historical version acted, but he would still like to meet the OG.
Noah likes a classic pepperoni and cheese pizza. He enjoys other toppings too (as long as they're not too spicy). He also likes pineapple pizza too, actually.
"Redemption starts within..."
Noah loves a nice crepe right after a good morning of Sunday service. Usually filled with whipped cream, fudge, and some fruits.
Noah's gone camping once or twice with his family. He didn't really learn any survival skills since everything was prepped. Being stuck in the wilderness isn't much of an issue anyway since he can fly, either finding his way back or resources like water. Otherwise he has no survival sense.

Sandatsu Owari


What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

None, as he hasn't been given any orders yet

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?

We don't have that many builds so far, but out of the current ones I'd say Seiryu

Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Besides himself? Owari thinks mostly in terms of quirks alone, he's still learning to take the personality of others into account

What's your favorite snack?

He ate pudding once

Do you jaywalk?

He's too scared of the law to do even that
Mother absorbed the physical capabilities (strength, speed...) of those that died near her. Father could absorb quirks in an area for a limited time.

His quirk manifested when he got the quirk of his neighbour. Really minor thing that allowed him to change the color of one of his eyes. The neighbour died in his sleep, he was an old guy.
Sandatsu's tolerance is absurdly high, but if you somehow managed to get him drunk he'd probably go full Rambo and switch to ptsd survival mode, scamper into the woods and start a guerrilla war against the shadow people and feds
The enforcers keep detailed reports on all of Sandatsu's movements
Sandatsu already got a writefag relating to survival and bears

Son Jugo HN "Aspara"


What are you going to be up to during the Shiketsu sports festival? Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason?

Jugo will be trying all the festival food and fanatically cheering on his classmates. Picture Endeavor yelling "Shoto!" except replace the ki with flames. Jugo will spend the time between events charging up to full power which will make him stick out like a sore thumb for anyone trying to eliminate strong opponents early on.

Who do you think is your biggest threat to winning the festival? Any plans on how to take them out? Maybe you're hoping to eliminate them on an earlier round, or maybe you've got a "surefire" strategy for the duels.

Chihiro is the obvious answer. She completely shuts down Jugo's primary line of attack. While he could just fly up in the air and use wind blasts instead that would be boring and not really Jugo's style. Instead I think he'll attempt the completely illogical strategy of helping Chihiro absorb as much ki as possible before their fight that way he can fight her at full power. For example he could spend 50 minutes generating ki for her and the last 10 minutes generating ki for himself. The resulting match would be an inverse of the Jugo vs Kaylee matchup where Jugo would be the slow but strong fighter against Chihiro who would be the fast but weak fighter. I think Jugo could learn a lot from a fight like that. Not sure whether or not Chihiro would accept Jugo's offer of donating ki to her though.

I'm also not sure what happens when someone tries to absorb ki from someone else who also has ki absorption. Would the two effects cancel out since one quirk is trying to rip ki out of the body while the other quirk is trying to suck ki into the body?
I'm also not sure what the limits are on partial ki absorption. Jugo may be tempted to test his projection against Chihiro's absorption to see which one is stronger.
Jugo's most prized possession is something that causes him a bit of pain to look through. It's an old binder filled with photos from when he was younger, before he became a martial artist. Looking through it reminds him of how much he's changed.
Secretly part of him realizes his sudden fascination with fighting must have come from his quirk, and he wonders if he really has free will or if he's just doing whatever the quirk compels him to. Just thinking about this terrifies him, so he's never told anyone about it.
Jugo would just immediately confront the person he's pissed off at and tell them exactly what he's mad about, regardless of who it is.
If there isn't a person to confront then Jugo would probably just find some place to be alone and charge his ki to full capacity while thinking of what he could do to fix things.
For Jugo it would be flying for the first time. I know it's cliche, but there's nothing more liberating than soaring through the air with nothing to hold you back. There's a reason why birds are so strongly associated with freedom.
Aspara is short for Asparagus.
Vegetable puns are a family tradition.
No reason to change it.
Jugo hasn't played any games like that in years. He's probably got a shoebox under his bed of old cards from whatever TCG was popular 10 years ago but that's about it.
I don't think Jugo cares about any of the clubs. He would prefer to spend his spare time training or walking through the most dangerous parts of town hoping to get attacked. This also means he has the freedom to drop in on whatever club he wants to on any given day.
For Jugo it would be some stretch of wilderness out of town. Out in nature he can use his quirk without anyone caring. If there's a lake there he might go fishing.
Jugo's parents are retired heroes moved out to the countryside to settle down. He had a pretty normal, wholesome upbringing until his quirk compulsion kicked in and he became obsessed with fighting. His father is a calm, quiet sort who tried to make sure Jugo would use his power responsibly. His mother on the other hand is a fiery personality that was thrilled to be able to train another child. To an outside observer her actions were outright child abuse but city folk just don't understand the Son family traditions. If she didn't knock some sense into Jugo he'd have definitely become an illiterate delinquent and no son of hers would turn out like that.

Oddly enough Jugo feels a stronger connection to his mother despite being repoeatedly beaten to a pulp by her. It's not stockholm syndrome. He's genuinely inspired by her.
Jugo's mom had ki absorption.
Jugo's dad had wind projection.
Jugo's Half of Jugo's siblings wanted to fight him when he got his quirk and the other half were proud of him. It's a very polarized family depending on whether they take after mom or dad.
Jugo hates feds. They're enemies by default.
If someone who was familiar with Jugo's history tried to deconstruct motivations it could seriously fuck with his head. He already knows how odd it was that his fascination with fighting came at the same time he got his quirk. Simply put, quirk compulsion draws into question people's free will. If he were to start believing he was a slave to his quirk Jugo might try to get rid of it by any means necessary to free his mind. Even just referencing the possibility would screw with him, though he would try to hide it as best he could.
Jugo would want to team up with someone who isn't too concerned with the rules.
He would leave a team-up if they seemed like a snitch, or a fed.
Jugo would just find everything increasingly funny and start thinking everyone is his friend.

Yui Sagara HN "The Binding Hero, Capture Cloth"

Yui has one for mostly posting pics of her cat. Started it after stealing someone's phone. Follows other cat posters and some stuff related to villains since they symbolized freedom for her.
There's a non zero chance that some old lady thinks she's going to steal her purse and she threatens her in response.

Is this what elevates you above the rest of the bozos?

Something along these lines. It's what make her, her. What gives her the ability choose for herself. She wouldn't trade it for anything.


Things like feeding strays and recycling are more in her wheelhouse than dealing with people.

Favorite Pro

She thinks they're either slaves or tyrants, so doesn't currently have one.


Wouldn't think much of her peers either since she assumes they already hate her, but she's impressed with the delinquents type and people who follow their gut more so than others.
Of course she'll think most villains are cool for being "free".


Nener really had the money to be picky, but probably enjoys something fishy to share with her cat.


Yui uses her thread to get around spiderman when she can get away with it, so kinda.

Have you done anything to help others today?

Nothing Yui would ever admit to,

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?

Currently doesn't have one but it would probably be called something like 「Sealed Fate」

Do you plan to commission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

She doesn't have anything in mind at the moment, but something like a concoction from Hiro to send her production into overdrive could be useful.

Do you have exceptional Willpower?

Being a bit obsessed with freedom/fate, she tends to get heated about things that interfere with hers.

What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

She's more or less against joining any big group since it would be probably be stifling, especially if it sounds cultish. On the other hand, she'd think a bunch of powerful people doing what they want is something strive for. If they really treat each other like family then that might also be nice despite her resistance to being tied down.
Well Rosethron is basically Yui's handler and they she has the most similar powers to her linking. For obvious reasons she doesn't like her much right now. Not that she likes any heroes, or at least would admit to it at this point. The only one she might have something positive to say about is Popsy due to be entertained in spite of her heroics and not caring about her controversies. They might have even made Yui like her more.

What kind of hero do you want to become?

As a villain Yui just kind of did what she wanted while taking what she needed, so she'd want to sell herself as sort of symbol of shameless freedom. Less at the expense of other obviously, but she'd probably end up encouraging vigilantism.

When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think?

That it's never too late to choose and change their fate.

Do you want admiration? Reverence? Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?

Hype/Comfort, as a proper Hero I imagine her having a small fanbase that she care a lot about.


Yui isn't too picky, but prefers things on the sweeter side so probably a mocha. She'd probably try whatever Nocti recommended outside of that. She comes mostly for the muffins and such anyway that she eats with her drink.
Yui was just squatting in some abandoned building before enrolling (maybe her old orphanage). Just filled with a few pieces of salvaged furniture and things she put together herself, plus some things she stole and random art she made from her thread. I doubt she'd be allowed to live like that while attending Shiketsu, so probably just a dinky apartment with some things brough over now.
Yui likes making things with her thread, playing with her cat, and just running around the city in places where she probably shouldn't be.
Yui would say she has none, but she's got obvious temper and self esteem issues along with her difficulties with authority.


Yui would say something like her "coolness" or maybe try to brag about street smarts. Her actually strength is her willpower and, eventually, confidence. Specifically in the form of being wiling to pursue her own path no matter what.


I don't think I answered this one so I'll do it now. Yui hates the idea of being "stuck". Somewhat physically, but mostly in the sense that she loses control of her life/is unable to make meaningful decisions.
Despite her rough nature, Yui has an affinity for needlework. It's a way for her to express herself in a non delinquent/criminal way so she'll likely be doing it more as time goes on but it's always been a hobby. Though that's probably not too surprise given her powers. More hidden is that she'd probably be a decent dancer due to her agility, but her cat is the only one she's currently willing dance in front of.

Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason?

Yui's a student so she probably couldn't avoid it if she wanted to. Winning's also great way to prove herself.

Who do you think is your biggest threat to winning the festival?

Probably anyone who can easily destroy her thread and also keep up with her physically, so she'd probably hate fighting people like.

Any plans on how to take them out? Maybe you're hoping to eliminate them on an earlier round, or maybe you've got a "surefire" strategy for the duels

Her plans are mostly "be better" and try to tie them down and beat them senseless before they even get to show off their quirk. Though if the opportunity to take someone out early is there, she'll probably take it.
Yui's biggest regret is/was getting caught by Rosethorn, but she's also frustrated with having let herself spend a year moping about it.
As for little things, she doesn't let that kind of stuff bother her. As long she believes she followed her heart in the moment, she won't let herself regret it.
There's a couple a things Yui might do depending on the the cause. An angry run, furiously knitting sweater, maybe smash the lights on some rich dude's car or just vandalize some abandoned building. The last two were more for her as a villain. She's made a lot if stuff in her spare time since enrolling.
Rescuing her cat is easy a fond memory for Yui. It was probably the first time she really won a fight too.
Something that represents her previous life would be the first time she climbed a tall building. It's simple, but the mixture of the difficulty and the fact that she wasn't supposed to be doing it tenacity shows off her kinda spiteful tenacity. "I did this and I didn't need anyone else to do it!" She was pretty small as a kid so being physically above people like that also would feel nice she was always literally being looked down on.
Yui's hero name was suggested by another anon and it made enough sense. In universe she didn't care enough to pick one for herself (because she was just pretty refusing to comply aside from actually appearing in class). Assuming she stays down the hero path she'll want to change it something "cooler".
As a villain she probably went be something more menacing/edgy sounding like "Snare".
Kinda tough to answer for Yui. She doesn't loudly advertise all her interests and tastes, but she's not shy about most of them. Something like setting up her own birthday party using extra cash to have someone deliver a cake to feel less lonely maybe.
Yui is a lot more about physical activity as you'd probably expect. She's also never really had anyone to do that kind of stuff with, though I could see her stealing some card packs to try to fit in with other kids when she was younger.
She'd be big into miniatures once exposed to tabletops though..
Thanks a Latte is one. Kyoto tower or whatever is the tallest thing around would be another. Once she's less shy about it she'll start going to the local arcade.
Right now Yui just pockets the money. She acts on her emotions a lot but she has enough forethought to save it until she knows what do with it/really needs it.
Yui's relationship with her parents is nonexistent and she doesn't really care to change that. Maybe when she was younger she thought they'd come to save her or wanted to seek them out herself, but she's past that. They're not worth getting angry about and she's not gonna beg for their love. She didn't choose them, so they don't have a right to anything about her. In her view, she's "freed" herself of them.
But she's still a teenager, so there's still a bit of resentment no matter how much she says she doesn't care. She does genuinely believe that the people she chooses to bring into her life are more important than whatever crumby relatives she might have.

Parent Quirks

Not sure how well I want to define her parents. I imagine Yui's as either complete nobodies or slight somebodies who threw away their kid because it really puts a damper on your career..
For their Quirks, something like a relatively basic thread manipulation and a more esoteric one related to influencing/manipulating others others seems about right, though maybe with a different split on which does what.

Quirk Manifesting

She just woke up (probably after a nightmare) with with short bits growing out. It wasn't particularly useful to her at first aside from making crappy bracelets to sell so she was pretty frustrated. Since she put the time and effort into training it up and figuring it she takes a lot of pride in it.
Being "stuck" which I think I already talked about for Yui. Losing agency of herself is pretty much the worst thing that can happen in her mind, and she lashes out when when she feels it's happening. Making a bad decision is better than making no decision.
She's also terrified of losing anyone she's attached, whether that's them being killed or trying break off their relationship. In the case of the latter it's even worse it's something wrong with her.
Yui would probably make the threads themselves stronger since they're meant to be sturdy enough when bound up but nothing too special.

She's proud of her quirk and wouldn't want to switch it. If she had to pick, it'd probably be Orochi's. Aside from the coolness factor, it belongs to someone she likes and is similar to herself so she'd feel like it'd just work better. Poison/venom is also a nice way to get people to leave you alone.
Obviously personal attacks won't sit right with her, but she generally doesn't like anyone who she sees as having had it easy and to a lesser extent are taller than her. Trying to tell her what to do also gets under her skin.

To actually make her see you as an enemy, I'm not sure. She already feels most people are against her, but she also tries not to care about others. The closest to enemies would be the Hivemind since from their chart it seems like they've gone out of their way to taunt her. Really, being her enemy (without doing anything criminal) would be about messing with someone she's grown attached. So the Hivemind would qualify as true enemies because they're not just looking down on her, but the people she cares about.

Oh, for her response she barks. Either to scare them off, just show defiance, or get ready for a fight if they keep pushing.
Spite and the desire to keep moving forward regardless of what happens.
Once they're close enough, anything along the lines of Telling Yui that she doesn't belong is going to hurt a lot. Even if she still thinks so herself, hearing it from someone that she was starting to want to be accepted by is going sting more than just anyone treating her like an outsider.


Come at them hard and fast while using her threads to hinder their movements and sling them around. More or less that same for a group while kinda setting up traps and doing things like tying two goons together before decking one. Redirecting damage is the name of the game. For a singular big bad she'll focus on using her quirk to help teammates and play a bit more defensively, like wrapping up her body to dampen blows.


She's the gift giving type once she gets into, but she'll probably just probably just shove whatever she made into their hands without explanation while suggesting that she'd be fine with having them around. Aggressive as she can be without actually addressing what she wants.


Yui probably does something like tie a ribbon around the highest point she's climbed. Maybe making omamori for herself.


She'd try to scare them away. She probably doesn't do much of the shinto/buddhist stuff already and she doesn't like strangers trying to tell her what's good for her.
If they don't leave then she will.
If she can't become a Hero then Yui's more likely to become vigilante than a villain at this point. Aside from that, she could try focusing on a business selling the stuff she makes.

A lot of her motivation comes from refusing to accept her "fate". Desire to be a Hero is partially that, but also because it's becoming what makes sense to stay with her friends.
Yui always carries some change she's scrounged around for in a pocket.

She tends to dress in away that exposes skin since it's more openings to use her Quirk. Also keeps a bit of thread wrapped wrapped around her palm and such in case she needs to use it for something.
Her clothes are usually heavily modified to incorporate her threads since it's easier to repair them herself than buy new ones. It help that what her Quirk produces is pretty high quality.
Yui would want to team with people she's already close and would be pissed if she couldn't be. Aside form that, she doesn't like anyone too strict or snobby and her teammates would ideally have quirks that are easier for her to play off of with her own.

Not a exactly ninja stealth like I think she could benefit from, but she's decent at using her threads in for more subtle stuff like slipping something out of someone's pocket. Improving that for setting up connections would be on her mind and maybe some early testing in the form of seeing how many threads she can sneak on her cat while it's busy eating.
Yui's going to stick whoever she came with/already knows, eat as much as she can, and maybe use her quirk to for some tricks. If it's at a point where she's comfortable/has been goaded into doing so she's and energetic energetic dancers.

Not very religious at all, but she's got some things she does for good luck and such. The best way to put is that she believes in her ability to crate luck/fortune through certain activities, but she doesn't in outside force could take it away.
Yui getting drunk is mostly the cheery and easy going side of her personality coming out more and reinforcement of her free spirit attitude. Other than she gets a lot more touchy-feely as her clinginess comes out. She's naturally passionate and headstrong person so she'll get into a fight even easier than usual if provoked, but generally she won't be able to get hung up little details unless something triggers an episode.
With that said she's a bit of a stealth drunk since it's not too different from how she'd act with close friends more coordinated than most while so.
Yui isn't picky but leans toward sweet and spicy when she has a choice. Would probably want some kind of sauce.
Yui doesn't keep anything like a diary, at most she might keep track of her cat's habits to make sure nothing's wrong. If she had one it would mostly be doodles.
Yui really just does things when she feels like it if someone hasn't invited her somewhere, besides going to school.

Her average day is probably something like:

Cuddle/play with cat
Thanks a Latte
Buy cat food
Arcade (more recent addition)

Obviously school would be slotted in if was a real schedule some would repeat in a day.
If she wasn't stubborn she'd take all her practice and focus on being a seamstress or something. She is though, so Yui'll do her best to stay in the hero program despite it. Not exactly a relapse, but she'd start feel the gap between her and her peers grow. She'd be desperate to stay with her friends but might start preemptively push them away without realizing it.
Even if it's just out of spite, she won't mope too much or let herself stop moving forward. She somewhat sees her Quirk as what allows her to "choose" so it'd feel a bit like her legs were taken though. People sticking by her would be enough for her to mostly go on as normal if extra moody for a bit.
Yui enjoys cheesy action stuff and some slice of life. Sukeban Deka is probably a favorite of hers.
Yui wouldn't let it get her down either way, but she'd probably be a bit more honest about her feelings. If there's an effort to stop it then she'd be a part of it. Otherwise, she'd try to round up some friends for a road trip. No matter what happens, she doesn't want to be alone for it.
Yui would probably pick some dead mangaka she's fond of if anyone. There's some people she remembers from history class that she might think are cool, but there's no one she's going to ask for some kind of sage advice from. She'd just ask them whatever she was curious about or get them to try modern food.
I guess there's the chance she remembers someone as an asshole and just wants a opportunity to beat them up.
Yui isn't too picky, but her "regular" order would probably be something like peperoni, spicey peppers, sausage. Likes thick crusts and lots of sauce..
Something like "No one gets to choose for you" for Yui.
Yui doesn't have much proper wilderness experience but she's taught herself some things to survive the streets. She'd be able start a fire and make a shelter. She could also make traps even if she's never really hunted properly.

Chihiro Mitsurugi HN "Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako"


Does your MHA have a social media presence?
Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?
What do they post? Who do they follow?

Chihiro doesn't have any online presence.

Have you been a good hero today?

Chihiro feels that she flubbed her test, so she would answer 'no.

What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

Not much. Chihiro can't do actual hero work, and if she tried to do nice things around the neighborhood or volunteer work, her bad reputation would cause enough trouble to outpace whatever good she was doing. Maybe she helped another student practice their swordsmanship?

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?

Well, Chihiro wouldn't know any of them, including the top ten. Meanwhile I don't really have an opinion as an anon. Popsy's writefag was pretty good, so I guess she's in the lead?

Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Chihiro wouldn't be sure yet, but I vote Challenger on the basis of his pure and wholesome based energy. If I'm being less bias, I'd say Sora. His kit would give him excellent mobility and a great way to quickly and harmlessly disable villains on top of being fantastic at disaster relief.

What's your favorite snack?

Dried fruits and milk. Or if you're asking me, then just milk.

Do you jaywalk?

Does parkouring across rooftops count? I can't promise that doesn't ever happen with Chihiro.

Have you done anything to help others today?

Not that I can think of.

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?

Let's go with something that sounds more subdued, like 'Spring Blossom Slash', a mixture of Chihiro's enhanced speed and an iai slash, named after the way she trained it- trying to cut an individual cherry blossom. I don't think she's used it yet.

Do you plan to commission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

Funds? What are these funds? Can I eat it? Jokes aside, if the school is offering free gadgets, then she might actually get that grappling hook some day.

Do you have exceptional Willpower?

Chihiro would say she doesn't, but I as her author would say she does.

What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

'Those that prey upon others must accept the consequences of their actions. May they find their peace in prison.'
Chihiro would purely prioritize who had the most to teach her in order to succeed as a Hero. What she lacks the most is the ability to assure the people around her- to convince the civilians that they are indeed safe with her around. So probably either Rescue Ray or Rosethorn, as they are the PR specialists.
Personally, I think it'd be terribly ironic if Chihiro and Popsy teamed up for form team 'PR Disaster'. They could bond over being pariahs.

What kind of hero do you want to become? Do you want admiration? Reverence?

Chihiro doesn't want fame, fortune, or even to clear her reputation (she doesn't think she deserves any of them). She just wants to be a hero that won't let anyone get hurt- something like a perfect attendance record, I guess? But for heroics.

When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think?

"I'm Saved!". She really doesn't ask for much there.

Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?

And on the scale of hype to calming, she'd rather be calming.


Chihiro doesn't have much experience with coffee (hell she barely gets to have tea). So she's blind to different types of coffee. As long as enough sugar or creamer or whatever is added to make the coffee just a little sweet, she'll be content. She is a blank slate, ready to be filled by a certain café owner.

Let's talk residencies and bases of operation.

The Mitsurugi Dojo is a rather impressive and stately property on the outskirts of town, beyond a long stone walkway, nestled into a bamboo grove at the foot of a small mountain. The courtyard even has some sakura trees. The idea is that a century prior, the Mitsurugi family played a vital role in helping vigilantes (there weren't heroes yet) learn martial arts, thus contributing greatly to public safety, so the property itself is rather impressive.
Anyway, despite Chihiro's best efforts, she can't really maintain the place herself. Shion likely helps out sometimes, but it's slowly falling into disrepair, with both roofing and floorboards starting to rot, and recently the utilities started to break down. Only the actual Dojo itself is holding strong (it was built much sturdier, as it was meant to allow the vigilantes to practice their quirks inside). Even so, it's still a very elegant and traditional Japanese building, and more than large enough for a few dozen people to practice martial arts at the same time.
Chihiro would either be foraging for mountain hotpot, or maybe doing some traditional art form like calligraphy.
Chihiro's nothing surprising here. She'd claim that she doesn't put enough effort in, and the reality is that she doesn't care enough for herself. I.E. her personality flaw is extremely low self-esteem. If I had to look beyond that (since it's a fairly obvious answer) I'd say she's gullible- she herself is a serious no-nonsense person, and she tends to project that onto others, mistakenly thinking they're serious about silly things.
Hmm... Now that's something Chihiro would struggle to answer. She'd probably start by insisting she doesn't have one, and if pressed she'd say 'my sense of justice?'. (Specifically with the question mark. That part's important since she isn't confident in her answer.)
While she does have a strong sense of right and wrong, it's also not her greatest strength. The reason being that between justice and friendship, she'd lean hard towards friendship- point in case that even if she some day learns Shion is a vigilante, she'd pretend otherwise, and even willfully let 'Aquarius' escape, despite knowing that it means someone might die as a result some day. Her greatest strength is loyalty, or if you want to be cornier (platonic) love.
I'd like to say Chihiro is good at making mountain veggie hotpot, but really she's middling at best. She hasn't really had any opportunities to hone this talent, but she's actually a good teacher. It showed a little bit back before the dojo closed, as she'd try to help the other young members of the dojo learn the basics. (She was just trying to copy her parents, but she was oddly good at it for an 8 year old!) Sadly, this talent is buried 6 feet under due to her self-esteem issues. It could show up if anyone wants to learn swordsmanship, if she attends any study groups, or maybe during a culture festival event of some kind.
Also she's got pretty handwriting due to years of calligraphy.

What are you going to be up to during the Shiketsu sports festival? Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason?

Chihiro's not going to miss any opportunity to improve herself, so she's definitely going to attend.


Who do you think is your biggest threat to winning the festival? Any plans on how to take them out? Maybe you're hoping to eliminate them on an earlier round, or maybe you've got a "surefire" strategy for the duels.

I don't think we settled on the events, so that's hard so really say. They only thing set in stone seems to be the tournament at the end. Anyway, fliers like Noah and Sora are a pretty big issue for Chihiro to fight, so she'd be stuck trying to rely on the drain to get them, which isn't a very good strategy. She's also not sure if she has the damage output to really take down Orochi, so that's an issue.
I do feel sorry for Jugo (and possibly Kaylee if her quirk works similarly) if he encounters Chihiro in the tournament though, since her quirk literally absorbs the thing he projects. Even with partial absorption, it's still a huge disadvantage.
Now that's a pretty hard one for Chihiro, seeing as she's been living the hermit grindset. Then again, Chihiro needed to hear about Shiketsu from somewhere, and I feel like Shion didn't go out of her way to suggest that. Maybe some random Pro-Hero ended up passing by, hearing out her story, and suggested it to her? It makes enough sense to me.
For Chihiro her most prized possession would be the Dojo itself, probably followed by some things like her mother's practice sword or her father's calligraphy brush.
...I think I'll spare the dead horse on what Chihiro's biggest regret is...
Her smaller regrets would be not learning more from her parents while she had the chance. Just little things like 'Ah, I wish I knew mother's recipes. I miss the flavor'. Stuff like that.
I'm not sure what could even get Chihiro that mad, but she's not supposed to practice her bladework when angry (according to her, it just creates bad habits, and is counterproductive). So really all she's got is angry calligraphy sessions. Or maybe she just finds Shion and calms doing with a very soothing hug.
A guilty pleasure eh... I think Chihiro's guilty pleasure would be walking around town like a normal person. She'd just make people uneasy if she did that after all. Maybe she does it in secret some times, in the dead of night?
I'd say Chihiro knows a couple traditional Japanese board games like Shogi or Go. Though she probably sucks at them, with Shion only losing if she messes around too much.
If the mountains behind her house count, then Chihiro likes the small lake and waterfall back there.
Chihiro would use it on the many overdue repairs to her dojo.
Also feels like beating a dead horse on this one, but Chihiro's parents are very dead, and Chihiro has very deep regrets on that matter. Moving on...
Prior to her quirk awakening, Chihiro had a great relationship with her parents. They were very loving parents, and since they worked at home she was basically never left alone- she never lacked love and firmly believed her parents were the best in the world. Her parents took that strong presence to teach her life lessons by example, leaving behind many little memories about how a person should live their life. That also means they were a bit too involved, and with Chihiro being a very cooperate girl, it left her unskilled at things like sorting out her own emotions or making her own decisions- in a certain sense, she's still just following the things her parents told her, not unlike some robot running old routines left behind by a programmer that won't ever return.
Hmm... Yeah, not much to say here. Chihiro's parents were quirkless. Though it could be fun to let one or both of them secretly have a sleeper quirk, kind of like AfO's brother. Like maybe her mother had a quirk for converting Qi into speed but no way to acquire Qi, and/or her father had a quirk for breathing air in through his pores but never noticed he was doing so. Those kinds of things where the quirk is so minor and irrelevant that they slip past the doctors and get labeled quirkless. What do anons think? Would that be a fun idea?

Also not much to say for quirk awakening. Chihiro was 8 years old, her quirk came in, the population of the dojo went out. And well, her parents never had the chance to know about her quirk.
If she could go back in time Chihiro would happily become quirkless, let alone swap to a different quirk, but sadly the past is the past. In the present, she wouldn't even consider swapping quirks. Random mutation or not, her quirk is something she inherited from her parents, and she's not about to lose that just to make her life easier.
With Chihiro's self-esteem, an attacks on her person wouldn't bother her. It wouldn't even make her feel bad. She'd dislike people that insult or bully the people around her though, from her classmates, to her dead parents, to Shion. Insulting her parents in particular would make her pretty upset.
She'd be very, very upset if she saw someone being forced to work beyond the point of exhaustion, as that would play into her trauma. That's probably as close to 'enemy' status as someone can get for Chihiro without doing outright crime (or legal loopholes that should be considered crime).
Chihiro is motivated almost entirely by guilt and longing for her parents. She wants to do right by her parents and make them happy, and she wants to find an outlet for her guilt- being a hero was an excellent goal for those things. In a certain sense, her goal is just to be able to do good things without causing trouble instead.
When her back's against the wall, she tends to think things like 'I can't stop here. I haven't done nearly enough good yet' or if it's life and death something like 'Get up, Chihiro. You don't deserve death. Not yet. Keep fighting even if it's pointless'.
It's come up before, but Chihiro thinks fondly of people that put effort in. As long as you have something you're passionate about (that isn't distinctly evil), and you really pour your heart out to achieve it, then she has a good opinion of you.
As for friendship, if she doesn't hate you and you're direct enough to just ask, she'll more likely than not be your friend.
I'm honestly not sure what to say here for Chihiro. Saying things like she shouldn't be born or she killed her parents is cruel, but she's beyond used to it- you could say beating herself up over that is already her default state and nothing would change even if someone pointed it out. Probably the disrupting thing you could say is something like 'People will never want help from a murderer like you, if you want to do a good deed than just go kill yourself'. She's sincerely worried that people will reject her aid enough that she'll just be in the way, so that'd cut fairly deep.
For Chihiro, it really depends on the context. If she has the element of surprise and there aren't any bystanders nearby, she's open to silently draining them for a while. Failing that, she's also open to a sudden not!assassination with the blunt side of her sword. If stealth is out (which isn't hard, she isn't trained in stealth), then she'll fight defensively and try to wear the other party out while harassing them with probing attacks just enough that they can't really walk away or focus on thinking. Assuming she's not under any kind of time pressure like enemy reinforcements or something, in which case she'll be more aggressive- but really that applies to everyone. This would apply to an equal enemy or a powerful one.
If she's dealing with a group, her goal is to avoid diving in and getting surrounded, and instead staying outside the group and picking at anyone that strays outside of the group. Basically she's draining them all and waiting until she has enough energy to confidently pick someone off.

On the side of making friends, when she wants to make friends with someone... Well, she doesn't because crippling sense of worthlessness. If that factor is removed, then she'd just directly ask to be friends without sugarcoating it.
Chihiro herself isn't strongly religious. She's relatively familiar with Shinto and Buddhist beliefs, but she doesn't even do the yearly shrine visit for fear of disturbing the people there. She likes to believe the people she killed are somewhere better though.
As for superstitions, she doesn't have much of that at all. More because she doesn't think about it much as opposed to having some other firm belief like science.

Chihiro is the type that would see an actual ghost and just have a conversation with it- or as much of a conversation as can be expected of a kuudere.
Ideally, Chihiro would try (and fail) to make the steak well done. She's fairly aware this would end poorly, so she would aim for medium rare instead to prevent disaster. She's not a picky eater in the slightest, and actually prefers food with minimal spice.
Chihiro might keep some sort of training diary, noting how much she trained that day, how she improved, and how she can do better? I suspect that's not what her senpai was hoping for however.

5 AM: Wake up, wash up, figure out breakfast
6-7 AM: Morning training regimen.
7-8 AM: Clean up again and head to school
8 AM - 3 PM: School Or, if it's a day off, a mixture of more training and some larger chores that need to be done.
3-4 PM: Clean the dojo, rake the sand garden, etc.
4-6 PM: Evening training regimen, ending with a trip to the waterfall.
6-7 PM: Figure out dinner.
7-9 PM: Do any needed schoolwork.
9-10 PM: Calligraphy practice before bed.
10 PM - 5 AM: Sleep

Chihiro would probably want to talk to some kind of philosopher that studied human morality in depth. I've touched on it before, but her emotional development is a bit stunted- she remembers all the things her parents told her were wrong, but she doesn't entirely grasp 'why' they are wrong. Perhaps a wise philosopher like Confucius could clear up her doubts and help her better understand her parents.
Moving on, Chihiro likes the texture of things like vegetables and mushrooms on her pizza. She expressly dislikes spicy things, but likes a hint of bitterness in her food. Not sure what kind of bitter topics there are however.
I've been thinking on it, but I don't think Chihiro has one. Kuudere issues.
For Chihiro, the closest thing she has to experiencing street food is when the festival stalls open and she can sneak in with her fox mask on and no one will really think about it.
So her favourite is Takoyaki.
Meanwhile Chihiro could easily go be a mountain hermit. Foraging and hunting are her special skills. She's a walking pesticide with her quirk. Plus a bear isn't that big of a deal to her- she can pretty easily speed around it and deliver a few quick slices.
The part she'd suffer on is construction and crafting. Her ability to make a shelter for herself would be abysmal, and the same could be said for making tools. She could survive without the skillsets as long as needed, but if she had someone smart and good with the engineer grindset, she could live much easier.

Ashleigh Katsuragi HN "Blackout"

Ashleigh will be looking for a place to stand away from crowds until the festival starts. She will be attending to show that she's serious about becoming a pro hero, and to get herself out of her comfort zone.

Biggest threat to winning?

Ashleigh believes she has a losing matchup to the following students:

Sunlight Man
Flying Force
Capture Cloth
Crazy Train

She has no strategy to deal with them beyond trying to ass-blast them when her quirk gives her an opening. If she's losing, she will use the secret Joestar family strategy until she can properly regroup. She can only hope that these individuals will get knocked out by someone else and that she won't have to deal with them at all.

She should probably be a bit more concerned about Imai, given her anxiety will be through the roof during the whole thing and he could easily take advantage of that if they come into conflict.
For Ashleigh, basically any point in time before middle school. She had friends, her mom was alive, and her dad wasn't working 24/7. All things considered, pretty good compared to what came after she got into middle school.
Shitposting and sappy/girly/poppy music.
Ashleigh used to collect and play with Pokémon cards, but stopped after not having anyone to play with or talk to about them for so long. She keeps her old cards in a shoebox under her bed and takes them out just to look at every now and then.
Any unused classrooms or abandoned building on the school grounds would probably be a prime getaway spot for Ash, provided they're somewhat clean and not full of scary bugs.
Ashleigh wouldn't know what to do with all that money. She'd probably just give it to her dad so he wouldn't have to work so much anymore.
Ashleigh's dad's quirk works this way: if he concentrates on you while you explain something to him or recount an event to him, he has the ability to make you forget whatever it is you were talking about conceptually. If you were to recount to him the memory of your fifth birthday party, it's gone now. A hole is left where that memory was. If you were to explain to him the three basic states of matter, that information would completely vanish from your mind. Works ESPECIALLY well on megalomaniacal villains who like to explain their entire life stories and evil plans when they've got their prey right where they want them; if their lips are loose enough, they'll damn near turn into blank slates when his quirk is through with them. This doesn't prevent people from being able to relearn the information lost. Very ineffective against opponents who just don't or can't speak.

I haven't decided what Ashleigh's mom's quirk was.
Pretty sure it's ground I've already covered, but Ashleigh is scared of most social interaction. In addition to that, she greatly dislikes bugs, particularly arachnids. Weirdly okay with tarantulas for some reason. As for what she would do, she is a fight-and-then-flight person. Say there was a big creepy spider in her room, she'd resolve to try and kill or get rid of it. Until it starts crawling around way faster than she expects, then she's sleeping in the living room for the night.
Ashleigh is immediately finding the quietest area of the party to hide in until a reasonable amount of time has passed so she can leave.
With a proper buzz, Ashleigh would become quite charismatic and outgoing. As her natural inhibitions slowly peel back, she'd become something resembling the cheerful, fun-loving tomboy she once was. Anything past a good buzz though, and she would become a horribly anxious and clumsy drunk. Incredibly unsteady and intensely over-aware of her intoxication. She would probably just sit there and stare at her drink, trying her best to not say or do anything stupid. If she were to fall or drop something, or perceive any of her actions as annoying or obonxious, she would heavily over-apologize.
Ashleigh does NOT keep a diary for obvious reasons. It's a good thing too, because if she did, it'd probably be filled with a whole load of embarrassing stuff. Working strategies for talking to people, "awkward" things (perceived or real) that happened to her during the day, SUPER embarrassing stuff about crushes and cute/attractive peers, doodles and poems, and your average brooding-sad-mopey teen girl stuff. It'd probably be a great outlet for her to write this stuff down, but living with an evil information gremlin makes that a non-option. She is cursed to live with all of these things clouding her mind.
Ashleigh would probably be pretty depressed about it at first, but then resolve to find her confidence elsewhere; she's still a healthy, athletic young woman brave enough to raise her hand and volunteer to fight against evil-doers, and it isn't like she's a total stranger to the idea of fighting essentially quirkless. She'd most likely join up with a local police department, enroll in the military, or get into some line of forensic investigation. Failing that, she may settle for being a pencil pusher for a local hero agency. If she somehow failed at all of these things, she would become a total shut-in and things would not get better from there.
Ashleigh prefers her pizza to be plain cheese, and typically enjoys it with a side of garlic sauce. She'll eat a pepperoni pizza in a pinch, but there's a good chance she'll just pick all the pepperoni off.
Ashleigh does not have a motto or catchphrase because the idea of having one embarrasses her.
Ashleigh would probably greatly enjoy a planned camping trip with a small group of four or five friends. "Wilderness survival" wouldn't be a strong suit of hers, though. She'd know how to start a fire and that's about it.

Sally McCathy HN "Last Rite"
Sally gives a small amount to her parents, and the rest to religiously based charity groups. She's not a greedy person by nature and just wants to help her parents pay off their house before she helps the world at large.
Sally writes weekly emails to her parents on how she's doing overseas, They mostly consist of complaints over the food and vented frustrations about school and Japanese culture.

Sally's daily schedule: Weekdays
Wake up at 7:00 AM
Sit in bed for 5 minutes before getting up and brushing her teeth.
Find a small breakfast somewhere in her apartment.
Get dressed for school, packing her costume in her bag in case the vestments need to come out.
Sometimes forgets to comb her hair as she leaves for school.
Spend the day at school trying to understand Miss Rosethorn as best she can and not get written up for anything.
Come home and check her email/do chores.
Play milsims till 3:00 AM or find a nice place out of town to do some shooting practice: She's not allowed to go villain hunting until she gets her license.

Sally still has her shooting experience, and would learn to fight without it, even if she was way more vulnerable without bullet deflection and on-the-fly arms manufacturing.


No question, Sally loves a good action movie. Even if the plot is barely there, seeing stunts and squibs and all the other stuff makes fictional violence fun.


It's boring, but she unironically watches stuff like "How its Made" and anything related to military history, even if its Encyclopedia channel trash. She doesn't like to watch Christain TV shows, but thinks Bibleman is funny since she watched it as a kid.


She refused to watch anime until someone told her about Black Lagoon, and then stuff like gunsmith cats and riding bean solidified and interest.
Sally sends a last email to her parents and goes on a nonstop prayer vigil until she figures out some way to use her quirk to repel the meteor.
Sally would want to talk to Thomas Jefferson, mostly to understand his views on religion and government.
"Do Unto others as they would do unto you"
Sally likes hotdogs, and has gotten somewhat over her aversion to fish as she picked up a taste for Takoyaki.
Sally knows her way around setting up a tent and lighting a fire, even a bit about skinning game, but beyond that, she's not very experienced in the wilderness.

Kaylee Suzuki HN "Flying Force"


Have you done anything to help others today?

I studied Japanese today. Less translation errors counts as helping others, right?

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?

I punch them really hard! That doesn't work, grab em and slam em. THAT doesn't work, grab, fly up, and drop. None of these have names yet.

Do you plan to commission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

I can't afford anything :(

Do you have exceptional Willpower?

Well I haven't murdered the clique, so yes.

What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

Weirdo thieves. Just because they're poor is no excuse to steal.
Magnum Shrimp is the most fitting. He punches, I punch.
Normal answers are how Kaylee would respond, spoilers are for her subconscious mind. Since everyone seemed to think she had the most capacity for evil, I might as well lean into it. Note that she's not aware of this side of her.

What kind of hero do you want to become?

At the time of joining Shiketsu, Kaylee's goals are rather generic, owing to her living situation demanding it. Saving people, stopping bad guys, that sort of thing. She wants to be more and more powerful, as her innate battle lust grows

When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think?

She hasn't given any thought to being known by the public, but she supposes that she would like them to be happy. She wants them scared, cowering before her.

Do you want admiration? Reverence?

Admiration, acceptance, alliances, all of that sounds nice. Fear. Others to know that she's more powerful than them, and there's nothing they can do.

Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?

Hyped up sounds good, she'd like people to be amazed by her, knowing she can overcome anything.Either running in fear, or cowering like bugs.

What kinda coffee do you like?

She prefers Tea. She has never had coffee.
Kaylee can't do it anymore (for obvious reasons), but when she was younger, she was skilled at getting into places, even through tiny gaps.
There's not a lot of ways for orphans to make money outside of petty crime, after all.
Kaylee regrets she doesn't know anything about her family, or where she comes from. It makes her feel like an outcast her whole life, which she is starting to get past now that she's surrounded by other people with strong powers.
Smaller regrets? That she had to go halfway around the world to get somewhere. There is a fish and chip shop near to where she lived, and when she would have some money, she would get some food from there. She'll not get to eat from there for years, if ever again.
In all honesty, if Hero work falls through for Kaylee, she has nothing to fall back on. Her education outside of Shiketsu is middling, she has no (honest) work experience, no connections, no family, no nothing. If this falls through, she's basically set on the path of villain.
Kaylee doesn’t really hold to any man made faith.
After all, what sure are the faiths of man when you’re an alien?
Kaylee's never gotten drunk, so that info is unavailable. After checking some graphs, her height and physiology make it basically impossible to get drunk, as she would need to be shotgunning them to physically imbibe enough to even feel it. violent drunk tho
Kaylee grew up in a British orphanage, she has next to no clue how good food tastes. So, not a picky eater. Has an opinion that meat is meat, so unless she gets used to eating proper food, she's not going to care.
Kaylee does not have a diary, or really any external record keeping. If Shiketsu gives students planners, then all she'd use it for is homework and classes.
Kaylee doesn't need to sleep more than 4 hours a day, which gives her a lot of free time. She does a lot of morning exercising, varying it between weights, quirk, and swimming, before exploring around Kyoto. She also does her revision/homework, be it classwork or kanji. Depending on how it all works out, with 4 hours sleep, 7 hours school, 2 hours eating, and a few hours of homework, she tends to have several hours a day that are free time. That can be used for hanging out with friends (mostly in the gym), training by herself, or whatever else.
Kaylee likes the battle/action genre. She doesn't have much patience for anything without action and she enjoys seeing if there are any useful moves that she can use for herself. She tends to get distracted by this as the show is ongoing, so hasn't seen many shows to their completion, if any.
Kaylee wouldn't be one to lay down and die, she'd be training to destroy that thing! Either energy blasts or just raw strength, she wouldn't stop until either it was destroyed or she was. Anything less would be a pathetic waste of the time left.
Kaylee doesn't have a set catch phrase/motto, but she tends to say various versions of "Show me you're here to fight!" or "Show me your fighting spirit!" whenever starting a battle, and "Did you honestly think you could win at that level of strength?" when winning.
Kaylee would be fine in the wild. There's no animal that can kill her, she can burn any insects with ki, and being able to fly mitigates a lot of the risk of getting lost or not finding water.
She wouldn't be able to make a shelter (aside from punching trees into the general shape of a shelter), but how much is that needed when you're bulletproof?

Shinkan Sen HN "Crazy Train"


Does your MHA have a social media presence?

Yes, has two accounts: a private one he uses exclusively for following friends and family, and a public one in which he mostly posts pictures of the local cats and about music. This account is surprisingly popular.

Have you been a good hero today?

recently, he saved a cat from being run over.

Sora Tanaka HN "The area master hero, Orbit"


Does your MHA have a social media presence?

Not really, Sora is more of a lurker on most sites.

Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?

Neither, he made up a random username

What do they post? Who do they follow?

Doesn't post, follows anything about Karma, Walpurgis and Rosethorn(he can contain his power level)

Have you been a good hero today?

He decided to buy a game he already pirated, does that count?

What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

Uhh, stopped a little kid from dropping their ice cream? Didn't use quirk, just reflexes.

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?

(Not enough builds to say for Sora but personally it's Popsy.)

Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Myself of course(internally he thinks it's Hifumi since he actually seems to have the drive and desire to achieve greatness)

What's your favorite snack?

Not particular, I like anything sweet.

Do you jaywalk?

No, rooftop hopping safer is safer and faster.

Have you done anything to help others today?

I chose to not make fun of a kid who spilled his juice on his pants and looked like he peed himself. It took a lot of self control and I'm proud of myself for not adding to his shame.

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?

Don't have one yet.

Do you plan to comission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

Some kind of containment tool would help. Going to use the reward money I got from helping someone during a villain attack. Some people just have too much money.

Do you have exceptional Willpower?


What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

I can take em.
Out of the current list Sora would probably want to intern under Popsy the most. She hasn't done any hero work in a while and he thinks she probably won't actually have any work for him to do. Basically he wants to take advantage of her misfortune to deprive himself of a learning opportunity. She's probably blacklisted from getting interns tho so his second choice would be Seiryu under the reasoning that as a newbie on the scene he's most likely to screw up and let him join in general crime fighting despite not having a license yet. These are just his assumptions and are likely wrong.

What are you going to be up to during the Shiketsu sports festival? Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason?

Like all student's he will be competing, he'll mostly just be trying to have fun and enjoy whatever festivities the students are allowed to attend to before or after they compete.


Who do you think is your biggest threat to winning the festival? Any plans on how to take them out? Maybe you're hoping to eliminate them on an earlier round, or maybe you've got a "surefire" strategy for the duels.

Hifumi and the stronger flyers. Also Inigo and Christopher for unrelated reasons. If he remembers she exists than Maru too, also for reason unrelated to the others.
Sora feels Hifumi should honestly worry everyone, good close combat ability combined with the near guaranteed ability to get into his preferred fighting range. The best strategy against melee fighters is to never let them get that close but he doesn't give you that option. The more powerful flyers could be capable of resisting his gravity manipulation so he won't be able to do much against them aside from using their momentum and rapidly changing gravity to slam them into stuff. Inigo's dragon is above the limit of what he can affect so he'd need to somehow get him out while trying not to get hit by an angry dragon. Christopher could decide to become any number of unfavorable matchups so most tactics against him are near worthless until you actually know what he's going to use. Maru, if he remembers her, is the ultimate ninja and as someone else who knows the value of your opponent not knowing where to attack you he'd rate her as a big threat given how well she can hide herself even if her actual combat ability is low.
He wouldn't try to eliminate any of them early since he doesn't really want to win the tournament, that'd put way too much attention and expectation on him. Just do well enough to get a sponsorship.

Takara Tame HN "Android"

Spherethirst's Builds

Should've done this earlier, this is extremely relevant

Does your MHA have a social media presence?

Yeah, they're influencers (minor/major depending on how you want to play it)

Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?

They share a single Instagram and Tiktok account (handle is @hive_offcl) but definitely have their own as well

What do they post? Who do they follow?

TikTok dances, rich girl flexes, occasional link-ups with brands (esp. Hailey's family's company)
They follow anyone and everyone as long as it arouses their interest and everyone agrees
Minnie and Edie treat their quirks as a responsibility and with the appropriate gravitas and thus have somewhat stronger impulse control
Hailey mostly uses her telekinesis to take selfies and has very weak impulse control
Faith and Max also have weak impulse control but dont use their quirk often at all because theyre so eyecatching
None of them would trade their quirks in, mostly because it hasn't occurred to them at all. They're not very deep thinkers
Hailey lives alone in a penthouse owned by her family
Edith and Faith share a messy rented apartment but its pretty big with one room set aside for Faith to mess with tech and take apart random appliances for fun
Max and Minnie share a clean,mostly thanks to Minnie,rented apartment
But they often go to Hailey's place to use her indoor movie theater, her swimming pool, her trampoline, etc etc
Phone for all
They tried D&D once with Minnie GMing
Agreed collectively to stick to vidya
In chronological order
Edies backstory was unanimously voted to be too long and took half an hour to rework
Max got into an argument with Minnie over perceived unfairness a quarter of the way through
Faith got distracted by the dice
Hailey threw a shitfit
Minnie lost her temper and pulled a rocks fall everyone dies
Theyre all members of the intl connections grp as well, specifically the korean division (even Max since shes the only Vietnamese student at Shiketsu and doesnt even have a particular passion for Vietnamese culture)
The Korean clubs budget has suspiciously expanded alot since they enrolled
Mainly crash at Haileys house
Else they hop around upscale places about town like expensive restaurants or to their own respective apartments
Faith speaks to her parents once in a while i would say affectionate but not close is a good descriptor
Maxs parents are deeply involved in the viet hero industry which is why shes a fount of knowledge about hero stuff but still not close
Minnie and Edie have been raised to respect authority and generally just knuckle under when their parents tell them to do something
Hailey has a strained relationship with her parents which started out as distant she was raised by a white nanny who was fired after she made a snide comment at dinner about how the nanny was a better mother than her actual mother
Minnie grandfather demanded to see her quirk at seollal when she was five and she electrocuted him under great duress (he was very pleased)
Hailey tantrum after the nanny was fired which resulted in her entire suite of rooms being refitted with less breakable artwork and decor
Faith was playing with one of her fathers weird metal office decor toys as a toddler and produced a bunch of tiny figurines which marched across the carpet to entertain herself
Max was left on her own for too long and fell from a great height probably would have been seriously injured if not for emergency quirk assist
Edies cousin ran after her with a scary mask when she was six all of a sudden and she teleported him into her dimension instinctively so ended up traumatizing him worse than he traumatized her
Minnie hates people who insult her family but she doesnt retaliate, thats what the rest of the clique is for
She also hates two faced people
Hailey it would be easier to ask what WOULDNT get someone on her bad side she can get set off by any number of things, usually responds by insulting them
Faith hates people who dont ask for permission before doing something that they know will affect other people
Max hates people who dont think like her "wrong opinions"
Edie also dislikes people who insult her family but only in a lukewarm sense and her real pet peeve is people who are too quiet

You know no one likes you right
Do you think anyone would be friends with you if you weren't rich
Everyone around you is just pretending to like you
(completely seriously)You're a terrible person
Your family would be ashamed of you



Strategy is just blast em with electricity until they tap out or go unconscious or make use of her environment which wud ideally have a bunch of machinery to win
Minnies ability to befriend ppl is kinda stunted since shes only ever been with the clique and THEY befriended HER instead of her befriending them so she just chews on it for a long time and never does anything


Strategy is same as ultimate move throw everything at the opponent and surround herself with stuff under her control since she cant be hurt if her opponent cant penetrate the layers of items surrounding her tho shes not good at multitasking
Bc of the way she was brot up she sees befriending ppl as more like currying favor and securing loyalty despite the fact that she has actual friends in the form of the clique
Anw she befriends ppl by spamming them with expensive gifts and getting them invites to exclusive events


Strategy is just spam drones lol and take out the opposition methodically from highest threat to lowest
She can also change the design of her drones to suit the situation
She befriends ppl by showing them cool stuff she made and talking their ear off abt random stuff


Strategy is jump in unexpected directions and climb into inaccessible places then attack or throw stuff from
To befriend ppl she literally just pretends that theyre already friends and expects things to flow smoothly from there


Literally just walk towards them lmao
To befriend ppl she gets their number and texts them random shit until they start responding


Minnie has little affirmations that she likes to say to herself at random moments thruout the day but always at a low enuf volume that no one else hears
If a missionary rang her doorbell shed just not answer bc she doesnt answer the door anyway unless its someone she knows or has made an appointment to meet


Tradition is she makes a shopping pilgrimage to milan paris and new york in that order roughly once a year
If a missionary rings her doorbell shell check the security camera and tell security to get him to fuck off and also complain to the management that the security fucked up by letting him get all the way up to her apartment


Faith has undiagnosed adhd so she usually likes to fiddle with something usually her phone
If a missionary comes in shell have a nice long conversation with him but make no promises or commitments and walk away happy to have made a new friend


When shes in a bad mood she likes to very slightly extrude her extra limbs and count them one by one before retracting them to calm herself rinse and repeat as needed
If approached by a missionary shed just ignore him


Edie is usually last to sleep and first to wake up so she likes to be the first and last message of the day in the groupchat
If approached by a missionary shed just stare at him until he gives up or otherwise ask him how he feels about homosexuals and then keep going into more and more politically incorrect subjects
Minnie and edit hv nowhere else to go if they dont become heroes but theres sort of an unspoken understanding tt hailey will help em if they dont make it n theyll prob end up as wageslaves at her parents company
Motivationwise, its their desire not to disappoint their family also a general lack of imagination re alternatives
Tho minnie has been considering going into teaching n edie recently said she wanted to become a personal shopper
For hailey shell go back to her family and marry whoever they tell her but shes trying to avoid that also doubles up as her motivation to succeed as a hero
Faith will prob go to uni and be a coder or analyst or sth white collar worker like her parents
Shes not rlly that motivated and just does things that take her fancy shes only in shiketsu bc she was sort of swept up by events
Max will prob go back to vietnam and work in the govt as a hero handler or sth
Motivationwise shes also quite laissezfaire n is mostly at shiketsu to network but doesnt rlly network alot in reality
Clique wud choose each other ofc but wudnt object to being placed w others unless that someone pissed them off (see pet peeves prompt
No new strategies or skills bc i dont hv any ideas for that


Follow the others around


If its her party shell prob make an effort at socializing esp with the most popular ppl there
If its not her party shell lead the charge to claim a couch and bitch about everyone else for the next few hours


Laugh loudly and obnoxiously at crazy shit going on around her bc she gets high on being surrounded by lots of ppl sort of like the rave vibe idk


Has very brief conversations with people before going oh sorry my groups moving on catch you later etc


On her phone
Minnie happy drunk
Hailey angry drunk
Faith sleepy drunk
Max affectionate drunk
Edie usually comes off as completely sober until she suddenly collapses at an arbitrary point in time and starts snoring
And yes theyv gotten drunk b4 hailey has champagne and theyr all rich kids
The closest thing to a diary they hv is the groupchat but

Faith has a diary and an absurd collection of multicolored stationery
Edie has a private tumblr blog

They spend most of their time tgt except for nights where theyr not sleeping over at haileys
Lately been resorting more to texting due to haileys gf commitments but they still hv keys to and often crash at her place
Generally theyr more sedentary than wud be expected and only go out to film vlogs and stuff
Minnie will prob become a cop and get electrocuted one night when she gets drunk and gets it into her head to touch a live socket
Hailey will go back to work for her familys corp and seethe about it for the rest of her life might unironically end up becoming a major bankroller of legislation espousing ridiculosly strict curbs on quirk usage
Faith will be very sad abt it for a while but shell adjust and prob go to uni to be a white collar worker or engineer
Max will lapse into denial and prob get herself killed thoughtlessly performing a random stunt that wouldnt be possible without her quirk
Edie will go work as a supporter for one of her family members and develop extreme intimacy issues to compensate for no longer having the option to put anyone in timeout whenever
Clique would be dead in days they can prob find food but the crux is knowledge of what can and cannot be eaten + surviving the elements + food prep


Electricity so only good for starting fires but will prob end up setting the whole forest aflame


TK very useful but will prob j kill random animals via blunt force


No metal in the woods worse than useless


Prob the most helpful due to mobility assist


Might b able to stow animals in her pocket dimension to disorient them so hailey can kill them?

Minerva Kim HN "Spark"



Taught a class of orphans basic multiplication and division (shes the only one patient enough)

Fave Pro Hero

Officially her uncle unofficially she has a whole pantheon of pro heroes from across the globe that she looks up to

Most potential for evil

Kaylee unofficially Yako because a friend of a friend told her something

Most potential for good

Sunlight Man because the kid of the greatest American hero has to be good for something right
WMAFchads take note

Fave snack

Any ice cream except mint chocolate



What kinda coffee do you like?

caramel frappé

  1. I have a weird sense of humor so sometimes I do things that aren't funny to other people but are funny to me
  2. Minnie knows the lyrics to an alarming number of songs (mainly Korean and English but shes working her way through Japanese city pop), also generally athletic but has a flair for tennis
  3. Phone
  4. Minnie watches incredibly sappy romance movies which has led to a somewhat distorted view of relationships in general, in other words she is down bad
  5. Minnie is in tennis but only sometimes shows, she mainly helps out with Shiketsu's International Connections association which is like an overarching body that manages exchange students
    If it comes in ticket form she'll put it on bobby's desk if not she'll find a way to dump all of it on him anonymously and then spend the next few months glancing over her shoulder in the hope that he realizes its her
    When Minnie was very young she was suddenly kicked out of her friend group which then turned on her for seemingly no reason. (Her next friend group was the clique.) This incident left her with a deep rooted fear of the same thing happening again which is why she usually goes with the flow within the clique. But on the flip side she has very stringent criteria for who she interacts with because she doesn't want to befriend someone and then suddenly find something about them that she dislikes. She'd rather have four close friends than a wide circle of acquaintances. Anyway if the clique suddenly turned on her she'd probably self-destruct.
  6. Bobby but onesided cos shes trying to get him to notice her
    There is no problem that cannot be solved with sufficient electricity

    Your Top Songs 20XX

Lost In Japan - Shawn Mendes
serotonin highs - Arden Jones, Allen Haley
The Only Exception - Paramore
just a boy - Alaina Castillo
Warm on a Cold Night - HONNE
American Boy - Estelle, Kanye West

Hailey Chang HN "Recoil"


Deeds of heroism

Treated a whole orphanage to ice cream (it was a publicity stunt with company funds earmarked for such events)

Fave Pro Hero

A made up hero who Hailey has spent entirely too much time refining (literally an OC) but if challenged shell say something like "oh u don't know him? well hes the no 1 hero in Colombia"

Most potential for evil


Most potential for good


Fave food




Helping others

She fetched her friends to school and is uncomfortable with this line of questioning

Ultimate move

Her ultimate move is called "grab as many things in range and fling them at the enemy at maximum speed"
Never used before and exists only in theory

Commission tools when you get the funds




Night Parade

Sounds like a cult

What kinda coffee do you like?

pumpkin spice latte

  1. Hailey likes shopping, coming up with catty shit to say about other people, collecting random stuff (she has the money to buy and store them anyway) and listening to music
  2. Nothing, I'm flawless
  3. Hailey is actually a decent conversationalist from years of coaching and is a fount of general knowledge + current events
  4. Hailey is technically on the broadcasting club because she never stops talking so they sometimes ask her to hang out on the airwaves when they need conversation topics but mysteriously stopped asking after the first few tries because shes insufferable
    "I-its not like i need it, its practically pocket change, you can probably come up with a better way to use it babo-kun"
    Hailey fears loneliness and expects everyone to leave her at some point. The other four girls in the clique are the only people she knows who have stayed. If they were to leave she'd probably act out violently but not try to win them back. Instead she'd likely make use of her wealth to self-destruct colorfully in a variety of expensive ways.
  5. Kaylee since her anon did all the legwork my thanks for that
    Expect disappointment and you'll never be disappointed

    Your Top Songs 20XX

needy - Ariana Grande
Y U Gotta Be Like That - Audrey Mika
Flower - Johnny Stimson
Primadonna - MARINA
Smile - Lily Allen

Faith Kang HN "Drone"



Fixed a broken TV for an orphanage (it was for the same community service initiative as Hailey)

Fave Pro Hero

Mirko bc she makes Faith feel funny but shes straight she swears

Potential for evil

Publicly Kaylee (because the others all say its Kaylee) privately Imai

Potential for good

Imai also, telepathy is a double edged sword

Fave snack




What kinda coffee do you like?


  1. Faith likes taking stuff apart and putting things back together, also sketching and drawing-adjacent stuff. Also inventing random stuff that has a 50/50 chance of blowing up
  2. I find it difficult to be serious
  3. Faith may have a ditzier vibe but is technologically very inclined and probably aces STEM subjects without trying very hard
  4. See Minnie
  5. Faith is a cheerleader (prob played a major role in getting Inigo kicked out) and is technically a member of the swimming club but rarely goes in the water
    Blow it on upgrades to her workshop
    Faith is scared of heights and will freeze up if ever in such a situation. While she's usually a squealer she will fall completely silent and remain rigid until her muscles cramp.
  6. Hiro or goldorado or any other STEM academic weapon
    Don't worry be happy

    Your Top Songs 20XX

Satellite - Lelia Broussard
Calling - Ukiyo, Your Girl Pho
Summer Is for Falling in Love - Sarah Kang, EyeLoveBrandon
this is what falling in love feels like - JVKE
Grapejuice - Harry Styles
deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo

Maxine Nguyen HN "Radius"


What kind of hero do you want to become?

"Someone who knows a lot of other heroes, i like the idea of having the entire community on speed dial"
"But also being someone whom civilians can talk to i guess. approachable?"

When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think? Do you want admiration? Reverence? Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?

"Probably happy i guess. i just do what my parents tell me to"

What kinda coffee do you like?

white chocolate mocha

  1. I can get a little (very) competitive
  2. Max plays the ukulele
  3. Shitposting about quirks on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum
  4. Max is a member of an informal dance crew
    YOLO it on the stock market
    Max is scared of pain in general and will probably tear up if pinched with the intention to hurt.
  5. Imai for fight club
    Always go for the most dramatic exit (climbing up a wall instead of walking out the door like a normal person)

    Your Top Songs 20XX

Say So - Doja Cat
Nevermind - Phoneboy, Justin Magnaye
The Love Club - Lorde
Talk Too Much - COIN
Pink + White - Frank Ocean
MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) - Lil Nas X

Edith Lee HN "Arena"

  1. What kinda coffee do you like?

    hot chocolate ("that's not a coffee order" "yes it is")
  2. Edith likes going on walks/runs, taking photos (not just selfies) and shopping
  3. I'll get back to you on that. (Never gets back)
  4. Edie is very observant and can peg brands in an instant (she's better at recognizing Hailey's clothes than Hailey herself)
  5. Edie is in photog (prob played a major role in getting Inigo kicked out) and occasionally drops in on soccer
    Do what junichi anon said
    Edie is scared of cramped spaces and will have a panic attack if shoved into an enclosed area.
  6. no idea maybe Chris since they were on opposing sides in fight club and he was the opposing team's MVP
    When in doubt put everything and everyone around you in timeout

    Your Top Songs 20XX

    Maple Syrup - The Backseat Lovers
    Pleaser - Wallows
    7 Weeks & 3 Days - yungatita
    Run the World!!! - Dayglow
    Love Affair - UMI
    シンデレラ - Cidergirl

Hifumi Takeda HN "Warp Blade Hero: Challenger"


Does your MHA have a social media presence?


Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?

He used to change it a lot, but now he usually just goes by his hero name.

What do they post? Who do they follow?

Anything cool he does or sees. Follows all top heroes and people that make media he likes.

Have you been a good hero today?

I was true to my hero way, so I think that's cool.

What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

Teach, is this another trick question for answering which I'll get detention as I don't have a license?

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?

Endeavour, duh

Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Well, I gotta say myself. A man's gotta be confident, right?

What's your favorite snack?

I used to this when I helped to run a stall at the festival, I call it "frankoyaki". It's like takoyaki, but instead of octopus you use frankfurters.

Do you jaywalk?

A hero crosses the street precisely where he means to...
Magnum Shrimp is cool and I feel like we would get along well and he might help me work on my attack power as teleporting quirk doesn't do much for it. We could hit the gym and spar, and the put it into practice by proving to the villains that justice is strength.

What kind of hero do you want to become?

The number one of course. Man's gotta dream. "Boys, be ambitious!" and all that.

When you save the day, what do you want the civvies to think?

"How cool, I want to be like him one day... No! I want to be even cooler!"

Do you want admiration? Reverence? Do you want them to get hyped up about your existence or do you want to be a calming presence?

Sure, I want to be admired and revered for my coolness, but in the end I'd like to be a source of motivation. Ya can't be on top forever, ya know. And in the end, I don't want to lose to just growing old. Ya know those passing the torch fights, "beat me to show you're ready" type a deal? If the young one wins only because the old dude is frail from, it's lame and signals that the future will be worse off. I want a proper, fair fight, where I lose to someone who's stronger than I ever was, and know that he reached those heights because my example pushed him to work hard. That would be a true number one legacy, right?

What kinda coffee do you like?

Boss Coffee. I love those commercials with Tommy Lee Jones.
There is this cheap dvd rental place near my home, so I'm a regular there. I love me some good action flick.
Arcades are cool, but a bit too pricy for me to play. If I go with someone, I can cheer them on, and that's still fun.
Sometimes I just hang wih my sisters. Listen to music with Fuji-nee, read books with Mina-nee. That sorta deal.
Museums are also cool. Castles and armours and swords and stuff. Temples are so-so, but some of my favourite movies were shot there, so they are cool by proxy.
If I think something is cool, I'll give it a go.
Well, I'm kinda dumb and tend to rush headfirst into sfuff. That sometimes ends up badly... But overthinking could also end up badly, so I'd rather just stay true to myself and try my best right away. Maybe if I was smarter I'd be able to pick when to rush in and when to think, but it is what it is. It's the efforts that make a man cool, right?
Hifumi is really good at braiding hair (euro style like french braid, rather than afro style like cornrows). People don't expect that from a delinquent but growing up with three sisters he actually did it quite often for them.

Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason?

Of course I'm participating! Why would o skip this?

Who do you think is your biggest threat to winning the festival?

Well, that's s tough question. Everyone is pretty darn cool, afterall without that they wouldn't be in the class. So I think the chances are pretty even. We just have to try to put in that little bit of training extra on top of what the others are doing and hope that the categories are draw favour us, no? If I were to point out one person I think would be the most difficult matchup for me, it'd be Imai.

Any plans on how to take them out? Maybe you're hoping to eliminate them on an earlier round, or maybe you've got a "surefire" strategy for the duels.

I'm not gonna try to undermine anyone. If I get an unfavourable matchup, it's just a bigger challenge that I have to overcome. The more difficult it is, the greater the coolness for achieving it. Adversity is the foundation of virtue, right? So I shouldn't run from it.
When it comes specifically to Imai, I can't really use my Quirk against him like I usually do, cause then he's always a step ahead and that just turns using it into an opening for him. So I'd probably have to just try and fight him straight on using instincts, but he's surprisingly strong so not sure if that'd work either. Basically "don't think, do" mindset and then hope for the best.
Workout is the first resort. Probably the variant where you grab a bokken/stick and go hit a tree/wooden post repeatedly. ( )
If that doesn't work (or is unavailable because the source of the frustration is an injury), the next step would be watching movies. Starting with violent action flicks and slashers, and then toning it down, by choosing pore peaceful genres, in the end probably even romcoms. Hopefully this works, but if it doesn't...
The final step is to go vent to his sisters. Things need to get somewhat desperate for him to go complain, but the option is there.
Hifumi's hero name was chosen after a long discussion in the thread, long before the cyoa actually came out.
Warp Blade Hero, was suggested by some Anon, and it works as the part of the name that somewhat describes his abilities without giving it away too much. Also has a sci-fi feel that matches the costume.
Challenger is relatively short, catchy (even if I still think of Dodge Challenger when I read it, dunno why, I'm not into cars at all), fits his mindset, and is used as an homage name to Endeavour.
Hifumi hangs out a lot on roofs. There already was a school roof mentioned like >>88489207 said, the temple roof in Kyoto on a Budget, and the next chapter will also have a roof scene.
Besides that, school and his uncle's ramen shop, the place he'd probably frequent the most is a nearby dvd rental place. He does tend to wander a lot.
The first part I've already answered in the backstory (honestly, I feel like most of the prompts I have already explained or am about to in my writefags, shit's kinda spooky).
As for the second part, I think it was during a game of hide and seek with his sisters while he was 3yo. Ya know the "if I can't see them, they can't see me" logic? Here it actually worked as he teleported out of the playground and into the closet at home where he used to hide, and he didn't even realise that. His sisters thought he's just ridiculously good at hide and seek, but then one day his mother got surprised by finding him in there while he was supposed to be out on the playground. When she asked him what was going on, he opened his eyes to respond to him and returned to the playground. Later on they consulted a specialist and managed to determine to nature of his Quirk.
Hifumi does the stereotypical 1000 suburi swings every morning. For those he uses a furibo rather than a shinai to build up the power and stamina needed to hang with the quirked monsters. He changes swing style depending on what he feels he's lacking the most at the time, and often incorporates quirk usage into it.
He also assumes the rituals he sees in media, but those usually only stay with him until he finds something new.

As for the missionaries, he'd talk to them, and probably offend them by treating their believes like cool stories rather than something real. ("Oh yeah, cool! What other powers did that Josefu have? What baddies did he beat? Did he have any sick one-liners?")
It'd take something really extreme for Hifumi to abandon his dream of being a hero, but assuming it did happen or just speaking hypothetically, his first alternative choice might be being an actor or a stuntman (or both). There isn't really much to speak of in terms of "family business" but being a kendo coach like his father (being a sidekick would still be being a hero, so he can't follow in that), or working in his uncle's ramen shop full time is possible, though more likely as a second job (especially if the circumstances that forced him to quit heroing mean he needs money.
As for the motivation, it's a mix of wanting to challenge himself, be cool, and help others. And wanting to achieve something to help convince Hailey's family to give their blessing to their relationship.
Hifumi would like to carry a shinai everywhere he goes, but after getting berated for it multiple times, the only thing he probably has at ALL times is his phone, so he has a way to contact his friends and family. Not always but usually, he carries some kind of a manga or light novel on him to read when he gets bored.
As for the side-effects of the quirk, there isn't that many of him, and it's more of a side effect of his practice for it, but he often tends to walk around with his eyes closed.
Hifumi would like to team-up with someone who meets the following criteria (the more the better):
-is cool
-helps Hifumi improve
-Hifumi can help them improve
-they work together well
-they get along well in private
-they enjoy the hero work, or can be guided on the path to finding joy in it
He'd leave if he feels that they have both plateaued, and should go find new team-ups to continue improving.

As for the training, besides the overall improvements, he is working on the aerial combat style. His ultimate style in the future, unless something changes about his quirk, is "eternally falling". Opens by teleporting into the air first, to build the speed from falling, to, after return, leap high into the air, and lead the fight from there, using his quirk to get in range, and continuously build up the momentum to make his strikes more powerful, harder to block etc. It would be a rather risky style, but could make up for his lack of power. Throwing strikes from unexpected angles, while you're moving at over 200km/h (google tells me that's a stable human terminal velocity at belly to earth position, head down can reach up to 290km/h), would be quite scary. Though going max speed like that, would require a lot of build up (~12 seconds normally to reach terminal, here it'd probably be a bit longer), be hard to control, super risky if he fucks up, and the recoil alone from hitting at those speeds would fuck him up, so going THAT fast, would be only in some ALL Might vs AfO tier battle.
I guess if he learned to imagine teleporting into things (would probably getting very used to it, by having stuff set where he returns to), he could somewhat replicate Mirio's style, but copying shit like that is kinda lame.

As for mentioned changes about his quirk (in case the Awakening event happens or something): I've mentioned before the idea, of swapping things around him on a blink. But a big, if simple (and kinda soulless), buff, would be just to let him cancel the return

You're at a big party, what are you doing?

First, try to help get the party going. Like there's an awkward moment where no one knows what to do or doesn't want to be the first to do something, Hifumi would go first. Also, helping people get to know each other (basically playing a matchmaker, but not only for romance, but also just friendship in general). Try to get to know new people himself. Once the party is going well, he knows every person inside, and helped them find people who they look like they'll have a good time with; he'll take time to hang out with his girlfriend and the bros. Dance, talk, play games etc.

How superstitious are you?

Doesn't really believe in them, but will do some rituals just because they look cool.
Hifumi has never been drunk, the only times he has tasted alcohol was when his father or Fuji-nee gave him a sip of theirs (and promptly got berated by mother and/or Kazu-nee).
I imagine he'd have a rather low alcohol tolerance, so some steps might be missed depending on how fast they drink, but I imagine if he got drunk it'd go the following way:
-Light buzz: get's even more friendly and chatty, the tangents that consist of rambling about some random movies get progressively more slurred
-Solid buzz: the "hold my beer" stage where he's looking for (dumb) challenges to take
-Drunk: he goes to say he loves them (and shower them with compliments about what he loves them for the most) to people in the following order: those present at the party from [Hailey, his family, his bros], calls them if they're absent from [Hailey, his family, his bros], pets that are at the party, other people he knew before that are at the party, people at the party he just got to know
-Late stage drunk: In the order as above (but if they are absent he obviously can't call them to do that), he goes find someone to hug and while hugging falls asleep

//note, except for Hailey, he doesn't mean romantic love, and he'll make it clear if needed; he won't cheat on Hailey even if drunk, if someone were to try to use that as an excuse, and he's still not passed out, he'll probably blink away somewhere semi-random where he believes he can hide, and fall asleep there since his eyes are already closed. When he wakes up and opens his eyes, he'll automatically return to the place he teleported from, so that might be awkward.
Assuming he could afford it, Hifumi would probably opt for rare. He's not exactly a picky eater, but there are things he likes more (meat) and things he dislikes (green peppers).
Hifumi keeps a training diary too, but he also scribbles on the side one-liners he came up with or those he particularly liked in movies and such.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

5am -7am: wake up, brush teeth, put on workout clothes, text Hailey good morning, do the morning training
7am - 7:30am: go to the bathhouse to clean himself, change into the school uniform etc
7:30am - 8am: breakfast
8am - 8:25am: run to school
8:25am - 4:10pm: school
4:10pm - 6pm: kendo club
6pm - 6:25pm: run home
6:25pm - 7pm: chores
7pm - 8pm: dinner and family time
8pm - 9:30pm: homework and studying
9:30pm - 10pm: wash up etc
10pm - ~11pm: call Hailey to chat before bed, usually until one of them falls asleep.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (the same until school ends)

5am -7am: wake up, brush teeth, lut on workout clothes, text Hailey good morning, do the morning training
7am - 7:30am: go to the bathhouse to clean himself, change into the school uniform etc
7:30am - 8am: breakfast
8am - 8:25am: run to school
8:25am - 4:10pm: school
4:10pm - 5pm: a quick gym session
5pm- 5:45pm: commute to his uncle's ramen shop, while texting with Hailey
5:45pm - 9:45: part time job, eat dinner while at it
9:45 - 10:30pm - commute home while texting Hailey
10:30 - 11pm: wash up etc
11pm - 11:30pm: do homework haphazardly, text Hailey goodnight, go to sleep


10am -12pm: wake up, brush teeth, put on workout clothes, text Hailey good morning, do the morning training
12pm - 1pm: go to the bathhouse to have a relaxing bath
Rest of the day is highly variable, he'll probably go to meet with someone, eat with them or his family, study, if needed might also help out at the shop, probably watch a movie before bed.
For Hifumi it's the same answer as what he'd do if he can't become a hero, as this would be one of the few reasons it might become impossible.
Movies: mainly action movies with "good" one-liners. Think Schwarzenegger movies for example. Also movies that are more character driven, but still have some action. He has a soft spot for jidaigeki in general. But he'll give other genres a go too. He often picks movies from the discount pile in that DVD rental place he goes to, or gets what the owner recommends him. Lately there was a sale on Korean cinema, so he caught up with some other works of Park Chan-wook. Mostly older movies, cause the cinema is expensive (and I want something I can reference, so he's watching movies from 100+ years ago).
Shows: Outside of dramas which follow the same pattern as above, he likes watching shows that show behind the scenes of movies and interviews with the makers. He likes interviews in general. Also any show that features Endeavour.
Anime: Mostly battle shonen, but he doesn't watch that much of it.
And also in all three categories, he's been watching some romances lately, hoping to find something he could use as an inspiration when he invites Hailey out.

Every man dreams at least once of being the world's strongest...
All truly strong people are kind.
As swift as wind, as gentle as forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as mountain.
The Best Sword Is Kept In Its Sheath.
Nothing personal, kid.
It ain’t about how hard you hit.
I'll be back.
It's your life. Do what you want with it.

Hifumi doesn't have skills in that area, but has the guts and misinformed advice from movies. So probably dead in a couple days but with a smile on his face if he's alone, and pretty decent if he has someone to teach him the proper ways.

Bobby Samson HN "Sunlight Man"


What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?

Outside of battle? Bobby isn't really one to admit his heroic tendencies, so he'll probably play off his good deeds as if they're no big deal. Also probably not the best thing to admit them anyways, since he doesn't have a hero license. But he'll step in without fail to help someone in trouble, so he's probably shoulder checking bullies and sending them a few feet, or jumping up into trees to grab kites for little kids.
When he's actually in battle, he can't help but become a huge showoff as he lets loose his pent up heroism. So if the teacher is watching, he'll probably be showboating and assuming she thinks he's really cool. This might become an issue if it's an actual crisis and not just a sparring match or something.

Who is your favorite Pro Hero?

He has a complicated view of his father, since he resents the shadow he left after his death and the fact that he wasn't around to help during Bobby's rough childhood. But he still looks up to him as the epitome of what a hero should be and aspires to be like him, despite how much he tries to avoid that expectation from others.
As a side note, Bobby's interest in boxing came about when he stumbled upon old training tapes his father made while he was alive- full of cheesy metaphors relating boxing to life. He's never told anyone that he watches those.
As far as current pro heroes go, I'm not sure there's a great fit yet. Pierre might be the closest so far, since he's a dedicated martial artist and a strength based brawler of sorts. Though he seems like a lower level hero right now, so I don't think Bobby would know about him as a foreigner. If Endeavor is around, then maybe he'd be a good fit.

Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?

Potential is something Bobby struggles with a lot. He's been running away from his supposed potential up to this point, using his living situation as an excuse to to get into trouble and work against the expectations others placed on him.
I made him with potential in mind, but picking my own build is a bit lame. So I gotta go with Hifumi for his mindset, support system, etc. His quirk is pretty versatile too, being useful for both combat and evacuation. King Billy is a good bet as well. He's a bit older, but he's got the makings of a good no nonsense hero, even if his approach may not end up being appreciated by everyone in universe.

What's your favorite snack?

Probably potato chips of some sort.


Yeah, but he'd be a fellow roof enjoyer if he had a license to do it in broad daylight. Not much point in doing it at night since he's practically quirkless at that time.

Have you done anything to help others today?

Possibly if someone was in clear distress.

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?

He doesn't have a named technique, but there have been times when Bobby has thrown a punch that was way harder than usual. He's not able to do it intentionally yet; it's only happened during moments of elevated emotion.
The baseline use of his quirk isn't something he has to think about, but he actually absorbs and stores solar radiation in much greater quantities than he realizes. At least for now, he'll have to actively focus if he wants to tap into more energy, as if he's flexing a muscle. The first step to doing sp will be learning to draw the energy to a single point, like his fist. What happens next is self explanatory. The name will probably be something flashy like "Solar Smash" or "Cosmic Clout."

Do you plan to commission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

He doesn't plan on it, since his quirk is pretty straightforward, but there may be use for some sort of solar battery that he could draw from at night. But the logistics of something like that would probably be a headache, and that's assuming his quirk could still absorb it from a battery, and that it'd store enough to not instantly deplete upon use. It's definitely something that'd be way too expensive to have developed right now. If he ever could afford it, it'd be well after he becomes a Pro Hero.

Do you have exceptional Willpower?

Of course. Bobby can do this all day. Specifically all day, since he's only got an hour after the sun goes down before his tank his empty.

What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

He probably knows of its more famous members, but he may not be aware of the group itself. He's new to Japan, so he wouldn't have heard of any crimes that failed to make the world news. I'm sure he'll become familiar with the group soon enough, though.
Bobby would probably want to intern under Ippon, due to him being a dedicated martial artists and an overall direct fighter. His qurik combined with his judo allows him to redirect powerful strikes like the ones Bobby throws, so Bobby would probably see it as an opportunity to correct some weaknesses in his fighting style. Maybe even add some grappling moves to his own repertoire.

Another good pick might actually be the Principal herself. Karaburan is much more of a strategic and tactical hero than Bobby, so there are surely a lot of potential weaknesses he could improve on by interning under her. Things that'd be less obvious to him at first.
Bobby doesn't really want to be a hero. At least, that's what he tells himself. But if he's being honest with himself, the hero he'd want to be is someone who's a shining light in the darkness. Someone who draws the attention of the worst villains to himself and away from others, and who's powerful enough to best any number of foes no matter their strength. Someone who the world trusts to always protect them, but who'd still go out in a blaze of glory if it it was necessary to preserve the safety of everyday people.

Of course, all of those qualities once described a certain someone, so Bobby never lets himself think this way for too long. When people are in trouble, however, his true aspirations leak out, and he can't help but try to embody those qualities himself.
Mostly things I've covered before. Bobby doesn't take things seriously enough, and he can put himself in unfavorable positions in combat when he starts to get too cocky and showboat-y. And while he's a natural hero, he tends to reject that part of himself due to his complex relationship with his father's legacy. He often doesn't put in the effort that he should and even wants to deep down, and he tends to downplay or outright hide when he does work hard in order to lower people's expectations of him. Luckily, Bobby's innate heroism causes him to get in his own way in that department, foiling his attempts to go unnoticed.
He trains at night when his power's drained. But I suppose if he's just taking out his frustration then the timing might not line up perfectly. He might need to find something else to use as a stand-in.


I couldn't think of a sunlight-based name that rolled off the tongue, and I figured if anons thought something generic like Sun Man was stupid, then Bobby having a lame name could just be something funny for the MP. Then I remembered the biggest heroes irl often have names like Super Man, Bat Man, Spider Man, etc. so Sun Man became Bobby's father's name, since it fit well for an ubiquitous, uber-famous American Hero à la Super Man. I know the American naming convention in the source material isn't really any different than Japan's, but I figured that aspect being different in the MP wouldn't hurt anything.

In character

The idea was that it'd kinda seem like something he came up with last minute, but really it's an homage to his father driven by that part of Bobby which does look up to him deep down. And having Man at the end so early on is just practical long-term (even though he supposedly doesn't plan to be a hero.) Basically, it's meant to hint at him secretly wanting to be like his dad despite him generally running from such expectations.
Bobby likes all sorts of board games and dice games, especially ones that allow for a lot of players, though he's only really played the more popular ones.
He didn't grow up playing card games, but he does enjoy poker. He bluffs a lot and often wins. Movies and vidya are his poison otherwise.

Bobby hasn't played any tabletop rpgs, but he'd be willing to try. Though, you'd probably have to start with something more accessible like D&D, and his likelihood of continuing past his first few sessions would depend on the group. He'd most likely roll a fighter first time, but he'd often unintentionally fall into being the party face, since he's good at talking. Outside of him maybe not taking the game seriously enough for certain groups, he'd probably be a GM's dream. He'd be chill at the table, wouldn't rules lawyer, would be cool with his characters' deaths, and would bring snacks and shitty bear to the sessions. A very low drama player who's mainly there to hang out with his friends.
I don't think there's a boxing club, but Bobby would be apart of that if there is. Otherwise he may join something like a body improvement club or maybe the school baseball team.
I imagine Bobby and Hifumi eat lunch on the roof a lot, so that'd probably be a place Bobby finds comforting. Especially as the number of people brought up there grows. This will probably be even more true after everyone has graduated and become pro heroes, as returning to that spot would bring back years of fond memories.

Another place would probably just be the boxing gym at night after most people have long-since left the facility. After a long day of classes and bro shenanigans, some nightly boxing training can be quite meditative.
Bobby has the poorfag mentality of not wanting to spend money, but also having unnecessary expenses due to a lack of financial literacy. He'd make sure his mom is taken care of and then probably just throw it all into savings. He wouldn't spend the money often, but would very slowly waste it on crap
until someone gives him the bright idea of investing it. Then he'd probably just do whatever that person says to do with it or hire someone to manage his portfolio. At that point, he'd just live his life the exact same, as if he doesn't have fat stacks the whole time.

You're at a big party, what are you doing?

Bobby's the one who brought all the cheap, shitty beer, since that's all he can afford. He'll be playing beer pong and trying to get the wallflowers involved. Also dancing, if it's that sort of party. He'll seem pretty unaffected by the alcohol for most of the night, but at some point he'll suddenly start oversharing and getting extra affectionate. That's how you'll know he's drunk.

How superstitious are you?

It's not something he generally thinks about or admits to believing in when it comes up. It's not like he'd avoid petting a black cat. But he'd probably avoid breaking mirrors, walking under ladders, etc. "just in case."
Already mentioned it above, but Bobby's usually pretty normal for a while, until it finally hits him like a freight train. Then he starts oversharing and acting extra affectionate, losing the cool guy persona and becoming a big teddy bear. You might catch him telling Hifumi how happy he is to see him happy with Hailey, even though she seemed like a total bitch before. But she seems nicer now, probably because Hifumi's just that cool. Then you might see him go over and bear hug Inigo or something. Stuff like that.
For a serious answer, Bobby would try to appear unbothered. He'd reassure people he knew that it was probably nonsense, and that freaking out about it wouldn't change anything anyways. Depending on how well he knew of the clairvoyant's accuracy rate, and which things the person had been accurate about in the past, he'd likely start training his quirk harder than ever in private.

Regardless of his preparedness on the day of the meteor's supposed arrival, he'd step out to face it. Whether alone in this or assisted by others, he'd do everything in his power to stop its cataclysmic impact. Sure, he'd be facing almost certain death, but that'd be a given if he did nothing. At the very least, he'd go out in blaze of glory. Wouldn't be the first of his name to do that.
Bobby isn't picky when it comes to pizza. If someone was ordering on his behalf, they couldn't really go wrong. But his go-to would be a meat lover's pizza. The more toppings, the better.

Inigo Myoga HN "Dragon Hero Ryu-kishi"


Have you done anything to help others today?

Hell no but my quirk did. My dragon construct took a cat out of a tree, and helped an old lady cross the street while I wasn't looking.

What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before?

Got a sweet move where I turn Gigan into a giant sword. It only happened once and I attacked brothers with it.

Did it work or fail spectacularly?

I won, but It got me kicked me out of my family. So both. Dunno what happened, my body just moved on its own, before I even had time to think.

Do you plan to comission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?

Some kind of harness so I can ride Gigan into battle. I'm new to Shiketsu, so I'll ask around.

Do you have exceptional Willpower?

I've trained hard, so yeah. Even got tortured by a rival gang once. My pops taught me to be disciplined, so I am, unless cute girls are involved.

What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?

I've been reading up on them. One of the teachers caught me and I told him I was researching enemy tactics. If things don't work out with my family, maybe I can find a new one. Gigan doesn't approve.
"My most prized possession is my heart and you've just stolen it from me."

Something's got you mad. Maybe it was a lot of little things building up throughout the day or it's something you brought on yourself, but the important thing is that this isn't something physical you can punch in the face to make go away. So how do you blow off steam?

Inigo blasts punk/love songs and just flies around in the sky vibing.

Do you break things?

Occassionally. He likes to kick soccer balls as far as he could with dragon-enhanced kicks.

Channel your seethe into something productive?

If he's really troubled. A day at the spa/barber, full treatment plus massage helps. He also shops for new clothes and bling.

Relax with a game?

He plays VN games to relax and improve his technique.
The day after Inigo's quirk manifested, his mother and father spent the day with just him. They went to an amusement park and had icecream.

Inigo's mom disappeared soon after and his father never spoke to him again.

Close second, when he got the date with Maru.

How did you come up with your hero name? Is it something that is deeply personal to you or is it something that you could care less about.

Ryu kishi means Dragon Knight in Japanese. The kind that saves the kingdom and wins the princess' heart. Like in the bedtime stories his mother read to him as a kid.

Would you ever want to change it if you had the opportunity?

Inigo's villain name is Skyterror. He changes to that in Season 4, when he betrays the class and makes his heel turn.
As a guilty pleasure, occassionally Inigo likes to play matchmaker with others. While unlucky in his own journey for love, he's sympathetic to the journey of others, so he'll set things up so two compatible people would bump into each other, or he'll aid someone who just need a push in the right direction.
Growing up in the Dai-Ichi Ikka estate, Inigo played traditional Japanese games like Go and Shogi, though he's not a fan of them due to always losing to his older brothers, despite how much effort he put into practicing.

These days, he plays tcg & tabletop with the hired thugs in his uncle's hideout. The ex-cons there are really into D&D for some reason. He joins them occassionally since his quirk scales off imagination and he's a bit of a fantasy / dragon nerd.
Having been homeschooled his whole life, Inigo jumped at the chance to join as many clubs as he could at the start of the year.

A list of all the clubs that Inigo joined and got himself kicked out of for violating club rules: Track and Field, Swimming, Calligraphy, Photography, Cooking, Dance, Tea Ceremony, Archery, Cheerleading Team, Drama Club

Clubs he's still in: Men's Soccer, Volunteer Club

What's your favorite place to go?

School rooftop. Inigo could sleep and idle around up there with no worries. He also likes watching people go about, and it's a good vantage point for spotting girls.

What's a place you find yourself returning to often to feel better?

He goes to a ramen shop near his home. They got shelves with a nice selection of manga to read while you eat. The owner is an old family friend. Inigo's been building up a tab there. He never pays.
He'd be really happy for winning, but he doesn't need that kind of heat. So he'll take some for snacks, then drop the rest of the money on someone who needs it. Or Gigan would make him donate to a charity anonymously.

What were your parents' quirks? It's always interesting to me to see how quirks would combine.

Inigo was born of a quirk marriage. His dad specifically chose a wife with a strong construct quirk so their legacy could have stronger quirks.

His father is the head of the Yakuza, he has an Ouroboros construct quirk. His dragon construct has a weather controlling aura and could eat itself to regenerate health. His quirk wasn't permanent, and relied on concentration.

Inigo's mother was a famous surgeon. She abandoned them and disappeared when he was six. Her construct's name is Shield Lizard, which resembled a size-shifting Ankylosaurus. Her quirk was permanent and didn't rely on concentration.

How and when did your quirk first come in?

His quirk first materialized the day his mother disappeared.

What did you (and your family/friends) think of it at the time?

The main family celebrated and welcomed Inigo when they realized he was born with a quirk. They treated him like shit before that, then when they realized that his quirk only worked for good and actively worked against family affairs, they went back to treating him like shit.

Is that different from how you feel now?

He can control his quirk better, and his family learned to work around him so things are a little better.

What is something you're especially afraid of?

He's afraid of ending up like his father, in a loveless marriage with a cold home full of kids and people that fear him. He vowed to be different.

He's also constantly afraid of getting found out as a villain legacy/syndicate member. It would mean getting kicked out of the Shiketsu and losing all his new friends.

How would you react if you came face-to-face with that fear right now?

If he's caught it's a toss up between ditching the school and falling back in line with his family to become a villain, or going independent and trying to make it on his own, turning vigilante. In either outcome, he'd be obsessed with 1-D and the school in some way, and would be a thorn/ally in their journey.

if you could change one thing about your quirk what would it be?

'Sometimes I wish Gigan just did what I say, or maybe if my quirk scaled with libido instead of willpower.'

choose the quirk of another character over your own, who's quirk would you take?

'I'd take either Judo or Kaylee's power. I'd be buff, able to fly faster and shoot blasts of 'chemical energy produced by living beings'. Also can you imagine what my hair would look like. I'd switch back at the end of the trial period. I'd miss Gigan too much.'

What's the fastest way for someone to get on your bad side with minimal effort?

Inigo is pretty used to insults and rejection,and they barely effect him. The fastest way to his bad side is if someone mistreats another for being different. He also gets angry, if someone makes disparaging remarks about someone else's true love.

Do you really hate people who move your stuff without telling you, hate having your parents insulted, something else?

Gigan's always moving his stuff so he's used to it. Insulting Inigo's parents is actually a fast way to get in his good side.

How much would someone have to do for you to actually see them as an enemy, rather than just "someone you don't like"?

Frequent displays of cruelty would quickly make someone Inigo's enemy. Especially if they neglect or bully kids in front of him. He's always been protective of the kids in the lesser families of the clan, who were basically treated like disposable servants. He's received a lot of beatings for standing up for them in the past.

cruelest thing someone could say to you?

Hero Class 1-D: "You were never one of us."

To himself:

"Gigan, you're not really real are you.. I'm just alone and It'll always be that way."


"You're the reason she left."


"There's no girl angel. That was just Noah."

"I know the truth about you. I never want to see you again."

MHA, what is your go-to strategy in battle?

He armors up, flies up and evaluates the situations, which is his "Tactics" coming into play, he'll try to create something useful for the situation. If he thinks he can get a quick win, he'll fly in and do a hammer strike, soccer kick, etc.

Against multiple foes?

Fly Gigan around as a big dragon and let him cleave enemies. If there's water around, Gigan could use Consume on water and do a water dragon breath. He's never tried it with fire.

Against one big powerful enemy?

He'll play even more defensively, if he's with allies, he'll focus on reinforcing their defenses. Against a giant enemy, he'd turn Gigan into a siege weapon, like a catapult / ballista and throw whatever he could find. If things get very bad, his last move is to hop inside his construct, pour all his remaining energy into Gigan and let him go kaiju dragon mode for a short time.

Switching it up, what is your go-to move when you want to befriend someone?

Tell lots of jokes and just hang around the person, almost to the point that it's annoying. Inigo acts like they're already best of friends. He'd focus on learning more about the person, and generally get interested in whatever they're up to. Rinse and repeat, cause he'll keep coming back when rejected if he thinks you're a good/cool person.

When you're his friend, he makes a genuine effort to check up on you constantly to see what you're up to and hang out.

Do you have a tradition or ritual that you observe?

Inigo's family practices a very private and dragon-centric form of shinto. He doesn't take it too seriously but he goes to all the festivals and tries to attend a shrine at least once a month. The festivals hold a special meaning to him because they were the only times he was allowed to hang out with the village growing up, so he goes all out for them. He also does maintenance on his uncle's apartment building every Saturday which is basically repairing/replacing broken appliances, moving furniture, cleaning the pool shirtless, and fixing leaks for the tenants.

Lastly, every month he's supposed to write a report about Shiketsu for the Five Families. He's just been sending them his random musings on the class 1-D girls instead.

What would you do if a Mormon-like missionary rang your doorbell?

He lets them in and hangs out with them for a bit. Then he acts all worried and convinces them to go to Noah or Hoge's place.

If your current career path doesn't work out, what other profession would you be interested in?

Hmm if becoming a hero doesn't work out for him, he wouldn't want to be caught up in the family's business either. One thing he's thought about is becoming a famous male model, on account of his natural good-looks. Glitz and glamour sounds about right, plus they get to hang out with all the celebrity hotties. He could see his face on every billboard and ads, and all the fangirls would be all over him. What's not to like?

Name one or two things that motivates you daily.

Boobs, ass, and thighs. A cute face doesn't hurt. Girls in general. He knows someone that's an A+ in all the categories. Other than that, he's motivated in safeguarding the new life he has now, and never returning to days where he wasn't free and was kept under the thumb of the Family.
He didn't take rival, and doesn't have one. If he had to pick a rival, it would be this kid he met when he took an exam in a grade school. This kid told Inigo that he had banged the moms of everyone in the class, when asked to clarify since Inigo's mom had disappeared, the kid confirmed he even banged Inigo's mom too. So this kid found Inigo's mom, banged her, and refused to tell him where she is. He also banged everyone else's moms at the age of 8. Inigo can't even imagine where that kid is now, all his life he's been trying to find and beat that kid with a mom-banging quirk.

You're at a big party, what are you doing?

He's likely the loudest one there. He's invited everyone he knows to come to this thing so expect some less than reputable sorts to just wander in. "Oh yeah, I'm with Inigo. He told us to set up a keg." "Yeah there's a bunch of people smoking and playing mahjong in the back." "Is that the villain, Midas?"

Inigo's dancing on the ceiling, cracking jokes, and introducing people to each other. His main goal is to make sure everyone's having a good time, and maybe help people find someone special to leave with. As for his quirk; Gigan's a foam sprayer, a disco ball, a bouncy house, a beer pong table, an extra copy of Inigo, or a Wacky Wavy Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubeman, whatever the party needs.

How superstitious are you?

It's not a big part of his personality, but he believes in all superstitions, especially Shinto ones to some extent. He just views them with a more optistic twist and he doesn't see the bad ones as all that bad.

Stepping on the border of a Tatami Mat, just makes your parents itchy (he does this on purpose)
Breaking a mirror isn't a thousand years bad luck, but you'll get bad acne for awhile.
Nure-onnas don't eat people, they're friendly and cute snake girls deserve to have fun too.

He does strongly believe in romantic superstitions.

Blood Type A and AB is a perfect match for a complicated but passionate love.
Catch three flower petals falling from a sakura tree and your wish of love will come true. However, you need to be with someone else at the time (hopefully your crush) for it to have an effect.
Ring the bell of love three times at Koibito Misaki in Shizuoka and your love will vibrate across the land.

Inigo gets progressively chummier, hornier, and more handsy as he gets drunk until Gigan is forced to lock him inside a construct box for the rest of the night. For his and everyone else's safety.
No diary. The closest thing he has is his girls-stats notebook where he keeps information on his ongoing-campaigns and conquests


Inigo does chores at his uncle's apartment.


He's driven out of the city to the family manor and helps out with the family business.


He's trained by his eldest brother in the ways of the legacy dragon



Inigo is driven back, gets home tired, goes to sleep until afternoon


Hang out at the shopping district / beach


Stay up late watching anime / playing video games

Monday to Friday:

Before school

Gigan wakes Inigo up, cooks him breakfast, studies his school schedule so it can guide him around.

At school

He spends most of the school day goofing off, Gigan turns into a pen and takes notes in all his classes for him.

After school

  • Inigo hangs out at the park/cafe/soccer field/outside maru's dorm
  • He eats dinner at a ramen place and vents to the owner.
  • He falls asleep reading manga or watching old movies.
  • While he sleeps Gigan finishes any assigned homework, studies school notes, cleans up the apartment, does the laundry and dishes, makes a shopping list, budgeting, makes lunch for tomorrow, and irons Inigo's clothes
    Inigo would be mad at first thinking Gigan abandoned him. The worst part about it is actually losing his Quirk Compulsion, the bright filter to the world that Gigan provided would be gone. Reality would be less like a romantic harem comedy to him. All the trauma that didn't stick in his childhood with the Yakuza would rush in and the shock would make him depressed for a few months. It'd be a new feeling. He's never been bummed about something for more than a few days. He'd have to learn how to live alone, and he'd miss all the things Gigan did for him.

After some months, he'd just feel relieved that he's free, he'd go back home, show his family he lost his dragon quirk and tell them he's leaving. He'd say goodbye to his friends, maybe ask them to come with him, then he'd cash out his savings, use his connections to get a ID saying he's 18 and fly out of Japan to the US in order to make a new life and maybe find his mother. He's already a dual-citizen and he speaks english fluently. And his family won't follow him anymore to drag him back since he doesn't have a legacy dragon quirk. He'd be quirkless, but he still has his good-looks and charisma. He's also young and fairly fit. He'd be free to lie, cheat, steal, and use all the criminal tricks he learned growing up without his dragon stopping him. He'd con people for fun and profit while he traveled and then become a famous actor or model like he's always wanted. If that doesn't work, he'd try to play the saxophone for a living and be a performing musician.

In quiet nights, he'd sometimes catch himself speaking like Gigan was still there.

What is your character's favorite genre of movie/show/anime?

He enjoys mafia/yakuza, noir, and romantic movies. He prefers older films, a lot of the black and white ones are his favorite.


He watches a lot of soccer and medieval fantasy shows with dragons and knights. Also the occasional rom-sitcom.


He likes harem/comedy romance and mecha. Sometimes ecchi but Gigan just throws those away or blocks the screen.
At the start, Inigo would make a lot of jokes and just not take the meteor seriously. Then as the meteor gets closer and the odds of it hitting increases, he'd come to terms with it and finally confront his father about everything. He'd say good-bye to his friends. Afterwards he'd take someone special somewhere high up, maybe a tall building or up in the mountains. Somewhere were they can watch the meteor fall. He'd quietly propose and slip a ring around her finger, then they'd spend all that time just talking. Just talking about the life they would've had together. How many kids they'd have, their names, and what the little runts would be like. What jobs they'd get, what their house would look like, and how they'd be as grandparents. Then as the meteor hits, he'd do an impromptu marriage ceremony, "I do", then they'd share their first kiss as everything is destroyed.

Also, Gigan turns into a spaceship and flies to another planet.
He'd like to go back in time and meet his mom before she left. He'd try to convince her to stay.
But if he can't do that, he'd like to meet a hot chick like Marilyn Monroe or Cleopatra. Who wants to talk to some boring dead guy anyway? LMAO!
It's kinda hard to make a bad pizza. Inigo will eat just about any kind. If he had a favorite pizza it'd be roasted mushrooms and green chile with chorizo sausage. He likes to get Extra Sausage, cause he thinks it's funny. Occassionally he'd order an incredibly spicy ghost pepper pizza for parties, cut it up into very thin slices, and test people's mettle.

Gigan just likes to chew on the leftover crust.
Inigo lives by a saying he heard a great man once say "All the bad luck in the world shouldn’t make your dream less worth pursuing.” It's a reminder not to let rejection and failures slow you down, it should empower you.

He also likes wise quotes that just rhymes like "Bros before Hoes", but he doesn't believe bros should go over every hoe, there's gotta be a balance, a homie-hoe-stasis or a bro-quivelence. Maybe just one hoe, and then bros, and then all the other hoes.
For Inigo, he eats ramen from street stalls every other night. He likes going out and just chatting up strangers he meets while he eats. He'll eat any street food but his favorites are Grilled Corn and Kakigori, a shaved ice dessert topped with syrups, shiratama dango, and icecream. He has fond memories of eating them during the shrine festivals back in his hometown.

Roasted sweet potatoes act like catnip for Gigan.

how are you at camping?

Inigo's never gone camping, except for the time he ran away from the village as a kid. He had a bag full of snacks and juice boxes. He lived in the woods for about a week, mostly thanks to Gigan keeping him safe. When they were found and dragged back to the clan, they were both severely beaten and punished.

How would you handle a camping trip with others?

According to what he's read, it's a time for playing pranks and campfire bonding. He'd focus on both.

are you the type to die in three days without the loving embrace of modern civilization?

With his quirk, he'd last at least a week before dying.

Kyoda Hiro HN "Overdose"

there aren't many Pros that Hiro could work well wit, maybe Magnum Shrimp so he can learn how to be more charismatic
Hiro stays away from everyone's drinks so they don't accuse him of spiking them with something. If possible he likes to be near windows for some fresh air, and keeps an eye on anyone doing drugs at the party, in case they have an overdose and he needs to save them

Atsushi Orochi HN "Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero - Yamata"

Both Meta and In character: Her name and hero name is a giant pun with Yamata no Orochi, a multi-headed serpent-dragon plus the fact her quirk is based off a Hydra, a multi-headed serpent-dragon.
Yamata lacks the motivation to put up with the effort of making tabletop RPG characters, but she would be willingly to play oneshots or more "WTF" settings and campaigns that allows her to pass her character forgetting important stuff as a mind/supernatural issue. She would be into painting minis or playing more tactical tabletops like W40K or Battletech.
Kaylee for Orochi, no doubts about that. The rivarly write itself.
Probably being a menace in the buffet and enjoying herself, if there is an arcade, she would go there first.

Despite her more free spirit persona, Orochi is actually religious, avoiding most abandoned old buildings and not speaking ill of the dead.
She does not believe in good luck tho The reason why she goes well in any gacha game. RNGod cannot affect you if you don't believe in him
Both sides of Orochi's family are heavy drinkers, needing copious amounts of alcohol to even start dizzing up.
Both her older sister and father would drink from lantern oil to sometimes even cleaning product if they can get away with it.
Orochi has never got drunk but if she ever get drunk, would be like dreaking eight barrels of alcohol.
While drunk she would lose a lot of yer usual exhibitions and be a lot more buzzy, alternating into an overdrive of her normal self, leaning more on the instinct side, and a very sleepy snek.

4 AM: Awakes. Go back to sleep.
5-6 AM: Cuddles with younger sister
6-7 AM: Awakes, takes a bath and puts uniform, swallow breakfast.
8 AM-3 PM: School
3:30 PM-5:30 PM: Goes to Arcade.
5:30 PM-6:30 PM: Goes back home
7 PM: Big dinner
8-9 PM: Family interaction and playing games or training.
10 PM: Sleep
At some point in the night younger sister sneaks in her room and cuddles to steal her warmth.

Feel worthless doing being a failure to her family's name and legacy, spiral into depression and be content in being a house/trophy wife since she would stain the honor of her family by becoming quirkless.

Nyoro Hoge HN "Maru"
Hoge has a plastic whale toy on a key ring. It's quite small and cheaply made, with cartoonish features. It used to seem larger, when she was a little kid. It used to have all of the paint for both eyes.

One day, when Hoge was sitting at daycare among the other kids and ignoring the teacher, one of the others that had been a frequent playmate lately told her a story about how her family had gone to an aquatic park. She explained that she got this whale toy there, and became very shy suddenly. She mumbled that she wanted to give it to Hoge.

Hoge was excited to be given a gift out of the blue. So excited that the teacher noticed the two were distracted and made them sit on opposite sides of the room. It didn't help; Hoge just sat there and played with the whale toy, making it swim near the carpet "kelp forest."

By the end of the week, Hoge's quirk had started to come in. It was happening to most of the other kids as well, with all the attendant excitement and problems. That little plastic whale on a keychain ended up being the last gift that Hoge got out of generosity instead of obligation, the very last gift given from the heart.

Hoge would turn it over and over in-hand, sitting alone in a bedroom with the parental rift widening and no one to turn to. Hoge would whisper secret worries to, when that friend found new friends and everyone found somebody else to belong with. Hoge would keep it dangling from a bag zipper, or in a pocket on important test days, or sitting on the desk to keep company.

Hoge had it during the entrance exam, though it didn't enter the field for the practical. It's in the student apartment where Hoge lives now.

It represents the last tangible link to other people. A plastic whale with a curve for a grin and half an eye missing is the symbol of friendship for Hoge, and the hope for a less painful future. But it's such a small thing. Easily lost. Brittle with age. Worn by time and handling.

It won't last forever.
Maru regrets most of the time she's spoken in a social situation, but especially all of the times he's had a meltdown over being ignored. She likes to think he's better than that but she's really not. (De facto isolation is pretty bad for emotional development. Who knew?)
Marumaru's three names are all references to blankness, undefined values, and placeholders. In character, Hoge probably stared at the sheet for a long time before just drawing in the two big circles seen in ads and on forums constantly. Eventually, it was going to be changed, but now they've gotten attached to the moniker.
Maru plays a very uncreative and plodding game of chess. It's a lot like playing against a computer algorithm or doing exercises out of a book, because all three "think" about the game in the same way. Hoge's also able to card count up to three playing card decks, but finds it taxing and boring since gambling games where that works be useful hold no appeal. If given a fantasy c/tcg, they'd think it was too silly to enjoy playing it. There's probably some very complex and niche board game somewhere that Hoge'd fixate on, but has not seen yet.
Marumaru is a member of the kendo club, and also does photography. Hoge also has been enjoying the gardening club's efforts and does little chores unofficially to help them out, mostly clean up when no one's paying attention. Every day of the week, Maru is on campus afterschool somewhere. There's not anything to look forward to at home.

Unsurprisingly, an easily overlooked freshman is not in the club staff structure nor making much of a splash. I think the only reason Maru is not the worst member of the Kendo group is because that would stand out too much. That, and, there's a few young boys in there that shouldn't have been given access to even wooden swords.
For Hoge, this is unironically the school. Marumaru's been making a point to learn the ins and outs of the buildings, and looking for hidden spots on the grounds. The school is a place of hope for a brighter future, and there's a lot there — the clubs, the library, the sports fields — that hold more appeal than much outside it. Hoge doesn't leave until everyone else does, on most days, and misses being there on days off.
How's my relationship with my parents?

living alone
starved for connection
scared of being persistently overlooked
emotionally stunted from self-raising
refuses to talk about Them and What Happened in specific terms
doesn't have to work for food, board, tuition, and pocket money

... It's fine.
Maru's mother can change the colors of objects she's touching. She uses this for almost nothing in her daily life, except for changing the colors of her outfits and getting more variety out of a smaller wardrobe. She is someone who puts on airs of being kinder and more positive than she actually feels, and is actually an analytical person and a bit conniving.

Maru's father is an executive with the ability to make a room silent. He works at an office building where he keeps the typing noise and other incidental sounds down. He's only so-so as a manager but is highly valued by the company because worker concentration is up and his serious personality makes him dependable. He doesn't actually have his own office and sits at a circle desk in the middle of his accountant's cubicles.

Hoge will be the first Hero in the family line. Father and Mother have a distant relationship with their child, and try to tell themselves that keeping a bank accountant topped up and the occasional email is enough to cover up their feelings of guilt. They haven't physically talked to Hoge in actual years. In spite of this, they are proud to have an academic overachiever in a prestigious program... which for some reason they've only said to their friends and coworkers.

At first, after the powers came in, the technique to communicate was addressing the room in general, hoping the kid was there, and then it was sticky notes left everywhere, and finally just emails and birthday cards and a wall calendar. They feel horrible about how relieved they are that Hoge doesn't live with them anymore, but persistently put that thought out of their minds. After all, they have a son on the way soon.
Maru's greatest fear:
Maru doesn't have a mature sense of morality, but anyone who is cruel to young children (especially if it's neglect) would be unforgivable to them. Maru's more protective of other people than self-protective, and obstructing an ability to protect others would make you a practical enemy, at least for the duration of that conflict. Overall, they equate legal as ethical. Because of this, Maru does not think of themself as an ethical person, because they have a couple hobbies that are — strictly speaking — illegal. There's not a sense of guilt, but there is a fear that they won't be able to "go pro" if it becomes common knowledge.

Hoge's also a judgemental person in general so it's easy to become disliked. The flip side of that is, it's also easy to get Hoge to like you, if you show intelligence, diligence, or just a willingness to give them attention.

Maru sets up situations where people get caught out, or at least annoyed. Their enemy is caught red-handed by an authority figure, or evidence becomes publicly distributed. If it's something very personal, then they take a personal vengeance. Like, say, spraying a lecher with a garden hose when he gets fresh. In the case of a true enemy, it would be about sabotage. To make their ability to act against Maru's desires as small as possible so that normal opposition can defeat them.

Daily Life

"Oh, I forgot it was around. Do you /need/ to be here, Nyoro?"

In a prospective interview

"We just don't think you have the right... presence to be part of our lineup. Heroics are important but a firm has to be able to sell the heros and frankly no one's buying you."

From family

"We've been talking and what with little Hirohito going into preschool soon we just feel it's best if you made your own way. Started your own life, went out alone in the world and see what you're made of, by yourself. What I'm trying to say is, good luck and do your best. Good bye, um, no hang on I can do this, I know it, I'm just tired is all, that is, good bye Hogi. Leave an email so mother can reach you in case of funerals."

From the mirror

"Recite for us how much time you've wasted. Tell us the count for how many broken promises to become somebody. Now give us the number for how many people care that you're alive. My, my. What a gap."

From a stranger

"Hm? Was it the wind?"

"I made a mistake. I think I should try with other people. Later."

what would you do if a Mormon-like missionary rang your doorbell?

Make them wait while she printed off pamphlets about "How to tell if you're in a cult" and "Where to get help for leaving a cult" and "So I'm in a cult! What's the harm in it?" Japan has a big problem with that sort of thing, and Hoge knows that being mean or isolating to them in any way just pushes them further into the cult's control.

Do you have a tradition or ritual that you observe?

Besides the ones for being a good Japanese kid? She likes when things are structured, so much of her life is built around routines with a few intentionally left gaps. She goes to bed at the same time every day, she doesn't try new foods often, and every week she has a scheduled training period that she sticks to religiously. (She isn't aware of it, but she always steps out of her home's front door with her left foot. She does it for leaving any place she feels safe in and stops to stand in one spot before exiting.)
Hoge is a person who gets stuck on ideas. I think the only thing that would stop them from heroing if they've already gone pro is the kind of crippling injury that takes up all of your time to manage it. Especially if there were a fanbase to disappoint, even a small one. In the case of a life-altering injury, they'd do some kind of intensely boring intellectual work that could be done at home.

Because they're a creature of habit, Maru is motivated by inertia more than anything else. But also, as everyone knows by now, a desire to be loved that is tangled up with the idea that worth must be given by others and regularly re-earned, and the belief that being included is very close to being loved. (Honestly, Hoge probably knows so much about cult tactics and red flags because they're a prime victim for one and almost fell into that trap before.)
Hoge carries around a wallet and a decoy wallet, a single kunai with a leather cap, a train card, her room key, two ink pens (black and purple), a rolled cloth with black gloves inside, and a cell phone. And, if it's a bad day or leaving the city is expected, a lighter. Absolutely the kind of person to have a prepper bag and tools hidden in the schoolbag too.

Maru lives the side effect consequences of that Wasuremono quirk, but clothes look less shimmery and less saturated once they're being worn and, yes, she does eat more food (frequently carb-snacking) than average, especially if they've been nervous all day. She also doesn't have a significant presence by default, giving off little scent or heat, which means less need to shower but also has to wear fewer layers in every season. Summer finds Hoge drowsy and eating a lot of ice. If the story ever gets that far, she's going to figure out that her body moving waves in counter-phase to lessen them means that it could be manipulated to move them in phase to heighten them, probably with some Gadget to delay things properly. Then she could do bursts of heat, light, or sound, as weak pseudo-ninja-magic, but also meaning she can finally heat-dump in the height of summer.

are you superstitious

Hoge's a great example of how smart people aren't immune to conspiracy ideas and superstitious thinking, they just come up with more intelligent and complicated reasoning for them. She believes lots of little common superstitions typical of Japanese, and also a couple specific to just her.

If you leave lights and fans on for too long, she's convinced it can cause building fires. Also, food should not be made at night, because it invites disaster and illness. (It's okay to eat food that someone made before the sun set, though.) These are both from a really unlucky event that happened to her family one December and it left a strong impression on her, especially because of how her Quirk endangered her the whole time.

She has an especially strong belief in lucky objects and doesn't like seeing old things destroyed or forgotten. Hoge takes the idea that a 100 year old object gains a soul very seriously, and she won't "get along" with the "personalities" of some antiques.
Maru gets white girl wasted, and her delayed-action quirk makes her louder and more reflective, drawing attention. It's a nightmare for everyone, but no one more than Hoge remembering things the day after. She likely won't find this out until her late 20s because of a fixation on keeping control.
Once I get all the mad cackling out of my system, I suppose I'll transfer to a pure mathematics program and see if I can make a career in music take off.
I can still get everyone to love me if I give them good tunes. And maybe I can earn an Able or a Fields! F-finally my hard work won't be overlooked....

...You've asked me something pretty unkind actually.
Documentaries. It feels like a waste of time if there isn't something real to learn.
I'll never admit it's fluffy romance stories! Never!!
Hoge continues on completely as normal, assuming that if the 80% happens then nothing anyone does will matter anyway so there's no reason to change her patterns, and that if the 20% happens she won't have fucked up her life when the meteor misses. She might even gain ground on the people who lost their momentum and started goofing off. Who doesn't love a bet with no penalties or risk? Besides, if Hoge doesn't stay busy, she might remember that death comes for everyone and mortality is best forgotten if you're going to accomplish anything outside of histrionic crying under a duvet.

Doing anything else is for suckers and dummies. She ends up getting mad at the grocery because nobody's working and she had to overpay by leaving cash and a note by a cashier station.
Hoge is a pizza maximalist. She likes to test new pizza places, topping combinations, and regional styles. There's many things that she would not eat normally that suddenly become okay if it's on a pizza. She can't give you a straight answer on favorites because she insists that it's dependent on her mood, and the weather, and the place or person making it. Hoge's favorite way to have pizza is to make sure there's as many ingredients as she can get piled on so that every bite is a different experience.

But this part is very important. Crucial. Defining. She wouldn't touch the best pizza in the world from her favorite pizza artist on the best day of her life if they didn't follow her one essential pizza rule: no cheese.
Oh Hoge 100% doesn't know what she's doing. She way overpacks with camping equipment and gimmicky survival tools and is anxious the whole time about getting stranded or eaten by wild animals. She brought at least three reference books and one of them is about ultralight backpacking, which she is absolutely not doing in the least.

Pub: 27 Mar 2023 16:35 UTC
Edit: 18 Mar 2024 17:05 UTC
Views: 2740