Timestamps / Soundclips from


video thumbnail

  • = noted/timestampped but not clipped
  • = has been clipped (If there's no clip link, either the other anon clipped it or I clipped but haven't uploaded it yet)
  • 🎵 Clip = link to mp3 (clipped by me)
  • 🎶 Clip = link to mp3 (clipped by other anon)
  • (00:00:00) = video timestamp

🎵 Download all* my clips from this stream:
🗃 https://files.catbox.moe/y0rxgo.zip (3.25 MB) (uploaded Sep 23, 2022)
*NOTE: Does not include 3 clips done after this date (marked with asterisk)
My other clips: https://rentry.org/tempussounds

🎶 Clips from this stream already done by Altyume soundanon:
Their other clips: https://rentry.org/maglomaniac / https://rentry.org/leaderlover / https://rentry.org/grampireclips

  • (00:08:25) 🎶 Clip 1 (full) 🎵 Clip 2 (last line only) [flirty] "Oh myy~ [tch] Hello! ♪ Ey-ey-ey~♪ Keeper of the ruins, oh~? [tch] Alriiiight~" [chuckle] "'Come!' ....think I will~"
  • (00:13:36) be good, alright?
  • (00:16:38 - 00:16:46) 🎵 Clip [moaning]
  • (00:18:33) mouselike lip suck noises
  • (00:19:52) 🎶 Clip "Just for you, pumpkin!"
  • (00:20:43) 🎶 Clip [mocking voice] "Yeah, yeah, totally, that sounds good!" [normal voice] "Tsk, garbage!"
  • (00:21:54) flirting with ghost:
  • 30m oh….mommy c:
  • (00:31:19) thinking about doing handcam art stream except with feet, in pantyhose
  • (00:36:34) [babytalk] I'm hurt! / proud of you little one yessir / more babytalk
  • (00:37:16) 🎵 Clip [sharp inhale] [moaning] "Mm~"
  • (00:37:27) another surprise for me? ayo? are you…where're you leading me? where you takin' me?
  • (00:38:37) bonely
  • (00:40:41) 🎵 Clip "I think everyone—especially the older you get, the more beat down by life you get, right? Everyone pines to be taken care of like this...coddled, right? No matter how badass we want to seem. This is nice."*
  • (00:41:17) yo this kinda sussy
  • (00:41:37) kinda sus
  • (00:43:16) I'll be a good boy, mama~
  • (00:43:38) lip suck noises
  • (00:44:45 - 00:45:00) sock drawer
    🎵 Clip "Oh, mama! Are these Toriel's, uh, AHEM" [gasp, quivering breath, intense sniff, grunt]
    🎵 Clip [gasp, quivering breath, grunt]
  • (00:48:01 - 00:48:05) 🎵 Clip "Oh~ Kinda feels nice, though, not gonna lie..."
  • (00:48:14) wait this doesn't feel good at all
  • (00:48:42 - 00:48:53) I'm sowwy mama
  • (00:50:28 - 00:50:36) role reversal
    🎵 Clip "You'd better listen to what I say. The role reversal is about to happen. I'm the mommy now!"
    🎵 Clip "You'd better listen to what I say. The role reversal is about to happen."
  • (00:50:52) poke her, brand her
  • (00:52:31) she lures you in with those big honking…..pies?
  • (00:53:18 - 00:53:24) cuddle
    🎵 Clip "Wouldn't you just wanna just…cuddle in bed? And give me more pies?"
    🎵 Clip "Wouldn't you just wanna just…cuddle in bed?"
  • (00:53:41) maybe I need to loosen her up a bit…
  • (00:54:06) don't make me do this!!
  • (00:54:57) mama!
  • (00:56:50) alright, you thiccass goat mama; I'm coming back for you
  • (0:58:08) 🎶 Clip "Agh! Please don't do this, mama..."
  • (0:58:20) 🎶 Clip "Please!!" [high pitched] "Ahー!"
  • (1:01:30 - 1:01:46) take care of me 4evr
    🎵 Clip "Man I'd love for you to just take care of me forever. Isn't that what we all want? Just to be taken care of? Yaknow, shown some love? Think so. If only everyone could have that in their life, yaknow?"
    🎵 Clip "Man I'd love for you to just take care of me forever"
  • (1:04:19) 🎶 Clip "Where is she?" [baby voice] "...mama?"
  • (1:06:09) [singing] I love you…and I miss you….HUNNGH 😭
  • (1:07:12) 🎶 Clip "'Selfish brat'?! ...Fuck you!"
  • (1:07:26) wait that doesn't make me feel good…that doesn't make me feel good at all
  • (1:08:48) [scared hyperventilating]
  • (1:09:20) woah, what is he sticking out at me?
  • (1:10:57) what do you mean, like, who would I want to hold hands with?
  • (1:11:46) he's like me! / get all the things I utterly deserve / join holostars / ask to be friend / bathe in a shower of kisses every morning
  • (1:12:14) 🎵 Clip "I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning."*
  • (1:12:47) why does someone as great as me have to do so much just to get some recognition. Papyrus, brother…I can't tell you how much I resonate with that statement [rant about hard work/luck perception]
  • (1:17:22) oH~ I know undyne
  • (1:24:16) 🎵 Clip "Ooh! I wanna pet YOU!"
    (shortly after^) wait, what did he…chat, what did he just say? something about his wife?
  • 1:24:23 oh, AH!
  • (1:26:36 - 1:26:41.7) woah who's this hunk of meat
  • (1:34:36) 🎶 Clip [intense sniff] [flirty voice] "What's that smell~?" [intense sniff] "Where's that smell~? ...If you're a smell...Identify yoursmelf."
  • (1:35:24) 🎵 Clip "I'll pet you!"
  • (1:40:33 - 1:40:50) moaning about pasta again
    🎵 Clip "I~love~pasta~" [moans] "I LOVE pasta so—I love saucy stuff, like creamy stuff, like a fettuccini alfredo, a—" [sharp inhale] "a nice sphagett—" [grunt] "I love sp—I love pasta"
    🎵 Clip "I~love~pasta~" [moans]
  • (1:42:37) beatboxing/rapping
  • (1:43:54 - 1:44:00) make me smell delicious? mmh~ ohh~kay
    🎵 Clip "Orange scented? It'll make me smell delicious? Mm~...Oh~okay"
    🎵 Clip "Mm~...Oh~okay"
  • (1:45:37 - 1:45:39.3) 🎵 Clip [flirty] "Hello~"
  • (1:50:00 - 1:50:10.2) eh? n'aww. It's cute
  • (1:50:41 - 1:50:45.2) cute…it's huge tho
  • (1:51:10) 🎶 Clip "I think, you know, so far, if they seem...if they seem cute, then, you know what? Then I'll spare them. But if I don't like the way that they're looking at me...I'll kill them."
  • (1:54:42 - 1:54:45.9) 🎵 Clip [flirty] "Hello~"
  • (1:56:46 - 1:56:48.6) 🎵 Clip [flirty] "Hello~"
  • (1:57:28 - 1:57:36) treat nice / hold hand
    🎵 Clip "You're treating me nice. That kinda makes me wanna hold your hand. Lemme get back there, lemme get back there, LEMME GET BACK THERE!! Ok, haha, have a good day..."
    🎵 Clip "You're treating me nice. That kinda makes me wanna hold your hand."
  • (1:57:57 - 1:58:09) flirt @ booty shorts
    🎵 Clip "Your shorts are a little short for how cold it is. It's a little cold out, a little chilly! You got some booty shorts on, huh? But you don't care~ Because you lookin' good~"
    🎵 Clip "But you don't care~ Because you lookin' good~"
  • (1:58:16) 🎶 Clip " 'Something about her disturbs—Yeah, you know? She's wearing the booty shorts when it's—Wait, also, her pet is a bunny? 'Bunbun...' But she's a bunny! What kind of sick—What kind of sick shit is this? Huh? She's got her kid on a leash! ...I wish I was that bunny."
  • (1:58:25 - 1:58:29) 🎵 Clip "What kind of sick shit is this?!"*
  • (1:59:23 - 1:59:28) low sigh
  • (1:59:53) 🎶 Clip "'I want new drinks and h-h-h-HOT GUYS!' Dude!"
  • (2:00:02) 🎶 Clip "WHOA! What that mouth do, though, Je-sus!"
  • (2:01:41) 🎶 Clip "'I'm thinking of getting a spiked collar to show off my personality,' ah, 'Makes a statement like, attach a leash to me and take me for a walk, please'?" [inhale through teeth] "I'm thinking of getting a spiked collar to make a statement...telling people, 'take me for a walk, please'? Hel~lo??"
  • (2:02:51) kinda nasty, brother
  • (2:06:27) woah, you're a strong looking fella! awoo!
  • (2:08:33) soon we will take over the world. you and me, the magmites
  • (2:08:57) woah, what's goin on here? I can't see, huh?
  • [idk timestamp, somewhere around here]: [inhale] mh~
  • (2:09:22) [gasp] I love pasta! [slurp] Mm-mm-mmm!
  • (2:09:42) [sigh] ok, uh, I hope we have—hm… "I don't ever wonder what having lots of friends is like," true…[sigh] I, the Great Magni Dezmond will be your…
  • (2:10:08) [gasp] he wants to be fwiends!
  • (2:10:36) loopstation (BGM starts 2:10:36, beats start 2:11:28, rap starts 2:12:45, ends 2:13:23)
  • (2:13:48) ey—a-aghh! nani?? wha?
  • (2:13:59 - 2:14:06) hey baby~ aw, c'mon with that…"let's date later?"
  • (2:14:56) I'm a thicc boi
  • (2:16:22) how will I know if people sincerely like me? man. papyrus, I really relate to you, man. it's true. everyone just wants something. ohh, all the time, all the time. fakest people I've ever met in my life. and the moment you do something that's good for yourself, that's when they call YOU selfish
  • (2:18:15 - 2:18:24.2) 🎵 Clip [panting] [gasp] "OH my gosh!"
  • (2:18:55 - 2:19:20) I-u-o-ahhh uwo-woAHHH! are you kidding? [pain/exertion noises]
  • (2:20:06) "Ha! What a loser!" Imagine? Nah, nah, I'll be your friend, bruh. Yeah, I like having friends. C'mon, we've only got one life to live here. Spend it hanging out with people that appreciate you, that you have a fun time with, yaknow?
  • (2:21:42) string of "c'mon man dude c'mon….."
  • (2:22:00) should I continue? [while yawning] idk I guess so
  • (2:22:24 - 2:22:50) have fun / feel emotions
    🎵 Clip "D'you have a fun time~n'aw? D'you have a fun time~? I had a fun time. I'm glad - this was actually really fun~ I didn't expect to feel some of these emotions that I've been [drops to sultry voice] feeling during this stream~ [tch] Yeah, yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah…"
    🎵 Clip "I didn't expect to feel some of these emotions that I've been [drops to sultry voice] feeling during this stream~ [tch] Yeah~"
  • (idk timestamp) 🎶 Clip "Eh? Ohh!" [feminine] "Ah~!"
Pub: 24 Sep 2022 03:23 UTC
Edit: 12 May 2023 19:37 UTC
Views: 701