Name: Matthias Herdorum

Face: Often hidden by a white porcelain mask with a neutral expression, most that would be seen in other contexts is his chin and mouth. Lips are on the fuller side. Eyes often have dark circles around them, if he takes his mask off any way.

Hair: Soft Sliky Black hair parted in the middle, (think Ocarina of Link), could be described as medium length, a little long in the back. This however, often covered by a black bowler hat.

Eyes: Brown

Height: Medium

Bodytype: Exceedingly average, he’s not exactly unfit, but it’s not something you would describe at length. His arms are a bit more toned but aside from that, average.

Complexion: On occasion you may find dark oval like marks around his neck, it’s up to you to decide what exactly those are.

Uniform variation: if he’s in his uniform for any reason it is most likely that black got tired of his lounging around in alternative clothing. It would most likely be the unifying with the red vest, sleeve buttoned at the wrist, pin-stripped pants.

Misc: likes to tap his fingers on tables or walls if he’s in one place for a while.

Voice: Definitely loud, but not too fast. Tends to speak in big overblown sentences. If he’s drunk a bit of his Irish side will come out, but aside from that no real accent.

Body language: Very big on “speaking with his hands” very frantic body movements. Walks in bold strides, in crowded areas tends to shrink into himself at first.

Social: Decently known, by the staff, much more for his misdoings. He’s not a mischief maker or prankster so much as he generally does things he shouldn’t. He had detention after using Depulso on another student after losing in Summoner’s Court. Hecat doesn’t appreciate the amount of questions he asks on how to use dark arts related spells. He can usually be seen hanging around with Alice and the other people in the Supply and Demand Club. He will sometimes be found drawing in the courtyard areas with or without Cora. He can also be seen walking the halls with Maria, sometimes even holding hands.

Visibility: Due to his odd attire he kind of sticks out in most given situations. If he doesn’t want to be seen, he’ll actually take off his mask and change clothes in some places so that he won’t be recognized.

Engagement: very reserved in his own common room, but once he mingles about he can get pretty rowdy. Certain people make him talk more. Outside of Hogwarts he’s very loud and excitable.

Quirks: Very theatrical and boastful. Likes to make a show of things.

Things your character wouldn't do: Wouldn’t be unabashedly mean spirited towards any of the other students.

Animals: He likes animals far more than he lets on. He’s very partial to cats and Nifflers, having a pet Niffler named Jaleel that he doesn’t mention so as to not be made fun of. He also adores thestrals and will often stop doing whatever he’s doing in the forest to stare at them. This is a ritual that can take hours to complete.

Misc information that might be useful: He likes drawing and music but is less open about the music part. Is very open to anything involving dark arts.

Matthias would love to teach the dark arts to more people.
Can be found in the forbidden forest or in Hogsmeade at the Hog’s Head, or his grandfather’s potion stand.
Visibly uncomfortable around gatherings of families.

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Pub: 10 Apr 2023 17:11 UTC
Views: 465