One more time, we gonna celebrate. Aw yeah. Dont stop the dancin

watching his hips bounce and sway was almost enough to take my eyes off the screen.
ya know, for all the times we laughed and sang along to "gay Greg likes men, hairy men" during class it was hard not to feel a strange way about Matt
Matt, the cat dancing and swaying to an animated music video we both somehow managed to stay awake enough to watch
his casual nature towards...everything just kind of put me at ease. Even when he was bopping around in his boxer briefs. I couldn't help but chuckle as he finally collapsed in a purring heap next to me, our hips rubbing with that wild tail of his twitching

all and all, it had been a pretty stellar birthday for me. Me, who had really shitty luck with both friends and birthdays all throughout my life.
a group of guys who I can call actual friends
said group actually agreeing and showing up for a "party"
and party being a trip to a rather small but chill waterpark on a hot day.
I was stoked just having a day that made me feel...special, not some weirdo. Though arguably my friends were kind of weirdos themselves.
Greg, Matt, Kevin, me. All squashed together in the backseat on the ride there
I couldn't really pay attention to anything, too busy laughing and having fun
the day was a blur
besides lunch...
I remember eating those stupid snack boxes
offering the last one of those cracker sandwiches to Matt
Matt the cat, who was the first to tease someone for being remotely homo...
I remember his crystal blue eyes as he stared at me
the leaned down and the bare brush of his tongue and lips against my fingers as he took it from me
the double shock and the electric tingle passing from my brain down my spine to my cock as he took it
we didn't talk about it afterwards
but I was left fluttering for hours, staring at the golden cat in a slightly different way

now he surprised me again, feeling his tail tickling my spine
I couldnt help snorting and twitching, clawing at the tingling brush
Matt giggled at my squirming before casually and oh so gently using his claws to scratch my back slowly...heavenly
I couldnt help but groan as he lightly tapped my head with his soft fist "sshh!" He huffed
I completely held my breath, not wanting to ruin...whatever this was?
then legs
his legs sliding over my hips
the signature weight of his body resting against mine
he weighed so little, I dont doubt I could've bucked him into the wall...
but every inch of my skin was electric at that moment, I wouldnt do anything to stop it
soft, warm pads pressing and rubbing along my back to my shoulders
I felt his thighs squeeze my waist
I dared to look up at him
he just tapped my head again "shush, look another one is starting!" With his eyes glued to the large TV screen.
the feeling of his purring was hypnotic passing through his body into mine...
I swear I was trembling
at one point I swear he leaned down to sniff my head...
but before too long, I felt him shift and yawn
"i cant...stay awake" he groaned, maybe I was reading into it but he sounded disappointed.
then he slipped into his sleeping bag and I was left a shivering mess
I can't tell you how much I wanted to pounce on that blonde ball of fluff...but I didn't
instead the adrenaline mixed with the light sunburn finally caught up with me and I passed out

"Greg, Greg likes men, big strong men, hairy men" Matt sang. Greg, punched his arm, smiling but rolling his eyes.
I laughed, just because of the absurd nature of it. I didn't even really know why he started that stupid joke, Greg had a girlfriend (and diabetes). Pretty much the two things I knew about him.
I hadn't really noticed at the time, Matt's eyes sparkling as he looked to me specifically, hell I didn't even really note he was looking towards me. I was too busy kicking the rounder rocks I could find as far as I could while we walked around back of the old school.
We had just suddenly been friends since we all started school. I was the new kid and they were the outcasts. Easy to hop into their little clique.
Greg was some type of hound mutt? I never bothered to ask but sweet guy always worried about others. Matt was some kind of longhair cat breed, looked like he was made of gold-blonde fluff, the one thing I remember most about him was how wild his fur/hair was. It stuck out in every direction in a way he could give a mad scientist a run for their money. He was clearly the manic one. Last but not least was Kevin, he was from Mexico and wanted to be a chef so bad. He always had something in his mouth.

Me? Not much to say. Everyone thought I was either a creep or a weirdo, at least as far as I knew. I just didn't like talking until I had something to say. Lived in my own head is what my teachers used to say.
So we're there, walking along on an eternally grey day. To be honest all the days back then felt grey, dull and cold. But having just moved from down south, maybe that was just me. I hear Greg first "Oh, there's my ma! Gotta go guys, later!" And we wave him off. Kevin finally thinks to check the time and tucks his football under his arm "dang! I gotta go too! Later!" Which left me and Matt. I give him my best dramatic frown "don't tell me you gotta go too?" Half expecting him to run off so not to be left alone with me. Instead he just gives his best goofy grin, making his blue eyes sparkle again. "NOPE! I got like...2 hours to kill, so I don't mind hanging around" he spun on his heel in a full circle and wagged his hands and tail. I just shook my head and hoped no one saw that. He brushes past me and slides down the small hill to the soggy looking playground, immediately hopping around on the monkey bars...was it speciest to call them that? Not being the too athletic sort, I decided to step around the planks and bridges above him.
'Better late than never' I figured and shrugged to myself, leaning down to peer over him. "Hey Matt, can I ask you something?" I cough a little, watching his lithe body twist and swing around on those slick bars. My body tenses watching him, as if I could catch him I case he fell. He continues with his activity as he glances up at me "sure?" He mumbles. Not sure if he was really paying attention but I'm also not sure if I'll get another chance to ask. "So...the other day, on my birthday, that stuff you did-" suddenly my fingers and legs were a lot more interesting than looking directly at him. Trying not to blush recalling the tingling feeling...I look up to see him pause casually. "Yeah? Oh you mean the park and stuff?" He sniffs, uninterested and ears flicking off falling water before he crawled up the metal bars and took a seat in front of me on a corner. " got in trouble for that?" He growls. I just shrug and twist my shoes on the wet plants to hear the squeaking "kinda, not really? Just my stupid uncle, but he's like that--" "Stupid." Matt gruffly huffed in a surprisingly aggressive snarl. Before looking back at me in a sad kinda way. I can't help it and I flick some loose water at him. "Ah don't worry about that, it's nothing really but I wanted to ask...why'd you uh..?" I left the question out, hoping maybe he'd understand or read my mind. Matt shook himself and shrugged, trying to look everywhere but at me "it seemed fun? I didn't think there was a problem" he said softly. Should I say I liked it? No way.
"Those animated music videos were awesome right? If you want to come over sometime, we could watch some similar movies and stuff" I offer instead. He goes quiet. "Yeah, definitely" he nods slowly, I fixate on his nose wiggling as he breathes...then he jerks as a fat raindrop splashes on his ear. "ACK, no rain!" He gasps and I grab his arm to help him launch under the plastic roof with me. Just as a sheet of water comes crashing down all around the playground.

He shivers at the sudden temperature drop and I let his arm go as he tries to find a decent spot to guard against the windblown drops. "Hey, here" I offer, sitting in the giant slide, the only real place with a solid wall around it. He pauses, then shakes again before sitting next to me. We're pressed together from the curve of the slide mouth, his damp fur still holding some fluff as it rubs against my legs. Without even thinking I take off my coat and hold it out. He blinks "you've got skin, you'll get cold" he shakes his head. I push it at him again "fur is harder to dry, you'll stay wet longer if you do" I counter. After another hesitation, he opens his mouth...but I beat him to it.
"Here!" I say, as if it's some stroke of genius, and turn my coat around. Sliding my arm through one hole, pushing his arm through the other. Then we're shoulder to furry shoulder, sharing warmth and staying mostly dry. The light contact is nice, just a shame the seat is slightly wet and uncomfortable. Matt sighs and tries to get as much of his body under my coat as he can. "Shouldn't take too long, big fat raindrops like this, probably a few minutes" I say thinking outloud again. Matt stays quiet with his tail curling back around him, brushing against my arm. I'm too absorbed by watching the usual.

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Pub: 27 Aug 2023 06:26 UTC
Edit: 28 Aug 2023 04:59 UTC
Views: 881