"Deadringer rats swinging in the trees
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Immaculate conception
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Bury me an angel God
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I need some inspiration."

A circular image of N from murder drones in the pilot doing a V sign with his hands with white text with a black outline that says Mizo! on the bottom right, on the bottom left is a black and white stamp icon that has a white heart that goes darker on the inside until it reaches black, on the upper left is a star doodle with a small star doodle both white with black outline to the left of the star doodles are white dots surrounded by black outline that get bigger the more upwards they go. to the right of the star doodles are two decorative squiggly lines, by the squiggly lines are big and small white dots surrounded by a black outline

Glittery star divider the black stars have white skulls in them and are surrounded by tinier white stars.

Mizo/Ezmiko/Taz !! placeholder Ask for my pronouns gothic lolita like black umbrella opening and closing pixel 15 // 🇵🇷/🇲🇽   left simplified angel wing right simplified angel wingSys Host + ADHDistic/Dyslexic bi pride flag heart Arospec + Aspec pride flag heart / Genderfluid pride flag heart

Left colored in angel wing About me Cat listening to music while dancing pixel DNI 2 black hearts one smaller than the other switching places pixel BYF Black and white maid dress that changes to a white maid headband with two black bows that changes to two black roses Other socials! Right colored in angel wing

Black divider that has a hanging, open winged bat that moves side to side

Pub: 24 Jun 2023 02:23 UTC
Edit: 05 Jul 2023 11:22 UTC
Views: 44