Wanderer of Faith

(A playthrough of Monsterboy - Arachne)

Note: This playthrough is from the old original version of this prompt from November, not the December update.

On the secluded island of Velkim, within its strange jungles and beautiful beaches, lies as world of monstergirls. It's a place far from the rest of the world, a single spot of blissful tropical isolation in a glittering blue expanse of ocean. With a single human settlement and scores of monstergirls lying in wait within the untamed wilds, you are a very odd exception to everything around you. In fact, you're neither a human nor a monstergirl, but something equally strange and fascinating; a monsterboy. A male Arachne of the Tarantula subspecies, to be specific. Arachne—like the rest of the monstergirls on Velkim—are usually an exclusively female race that mate with human males, but your existence is a strange wrinkle in this pattern.

It's quite clear that you're a Tarantula Arachne, with a large and fuzzy arachnid lower body possessing six multi-segmented spider legs and two forelegs at the front of your lower half with a vaguely human shape that only possess a single knee-type joint each. Just above your forelegs is where your upper body begins, resembling a thin and pale human male fused with the rest of your body at the waist. Your facial features are sharp, with eight red eyes freckled across the front of your face and hidden behind loosely kempt black hair. Your resting expression is best described as irritated, and your personality isn't far behind.

Your strange nature has always caused unwanted attention, and the moment you reached maturity your left your village to live on your own within the depths of the jungle. You're a reclusive, but content creature, living in your silk-lined burrow beneath the jungle floor. It's cold, damp, and quiet; just how you like it.
Just as you're enjoying a quiet afternoon, the distinct vibration of a human female treading on your silk netting across the surface above reaches your legs. With an upset grumble, you lift your body up from its resting position and pull on a few threads to listen closer to the vibrations.

You're instantly greeted by the sight of a beautiful human woman with long hair, dressed in a billowing white dress that seems to be extremely thin and flowing without the help of any wind. She appears to be struggling against your webbing, but her strength is already fading. Your body stirs in strange ways at the sight of her caught in your webbing, but you do your best to push those feelings down for the moment and observe things a little closer.

There's a long, horizontal pad of webbing running across the opening of your burrow, acting as a kind of door to your home. You pull on it with one of your legs to open the way for this wanderer, before tugging on a few line threads attached to the webbing wrapped around her that quickly drag her inside. You pull the thread tight against her arms and legs from behind, keeping her restrained and unable to move.

You sit back and look at her once she's inside, admiring the strange creature that seems to have wandered into your burrow. You've never seen anything like her before. You've seen birds, lizards, other monstergirls, and even a few other humans, but nothing quite like this. It's nice and dark inside your burrow, so she can barely make out the outline of you resting on your haunches a few feet away from her, but you can see perfectly. Your vision is adapted better for perfect darkness than broad daylight, in fact.

"Uh... hello there..." She says with a quivering voice. She looks to be in a state of confusion and panic, struggling against her tight restraints. "You're an Arachne, right? I'm really sorry, Miss... I didn't mean to get lost near your burrow! Please don't eat me... I'm just lost, I didn't mean any harm!"

"I can see that," you remark in a deep, amused voice.

The minute she hears your voice, she stops struggling your restraints. Her demeanor changes to one of shock, and then of mild confusion.

"You... you speak Common Tongue."

"Yes. I do," you respond, mildly amused by her shock.

"Are you going to eat me?" she asks in a quivering voice, "I know an Arachne's primary source of nutrients is the animals they catch and kill for food... but..."

"Why would I eat you?" you ask, confused, "I don't eat people. That wouldn't be any fun!"

Her reaction makes you laugh. She seems so confused and surprised by your answer, as if she's met so many people who've wanted to eat her before that someone actually refusing to eat her is surprising to her.

"But... you're an Arachne," she says, "Aren't you hungry?"

"Not particularly, no. I had some lovely fruits this morning," you reply with a deep chuckle.

The woman shakes her head for a moment, before looking back up at your silhouette in the darkness. "Wait a minute, you're... male?"

"Oh, you're just now putting that together?" you ask with another laugh. It seems she glossed over that in her panic. "Indeed I am. I find it rather odd you didn't notice sooner, to be quite honest."

"Y-you're an Arachne, but you talk, you laugh, you say you don't eat people... you're not like the stories I've heard," she says.

"It seems you've been fed lots of strange stories. We're raised in small groups that all speak common tongue, so the idea that we're all nonverbal beasts is a little offensive. I will say that while eating people is something our culture doesn't exactly frown upon, it doesn't go for all of us." You pause, before adding, "My name is Atticus."

You see her nod in the darkness, as if trying to see you from the shadows. "Atticus. I'm Cassandra, but I usually just go by Cassie." There's a small pause as Cassie seems to think, before speaking up again. "Aren't Arachne all female?"

"Typically, yes. The group I was raised with was all female," you say, "but males do happen, though they're rare. Every so often one of an Arachne mother's children will end up male instead of female, and different groups of Arachne treat the birth of such a child with varying levels of reverence or revulsion."

"How come you're out here by yourself then? What happened to your group?"

"I left them," you state flatly, "Arachne are naturally matriarchal, and my group treated a male like dead weight. Arachne are always expected to become solitary at some point, I just took my shot at some peace and quiet a little earlier than most."

"You seem pretty well spoken for a savage spider monster," she says, "Where did you learn Common Tongue?"

"Some of us are actually semi-intelligent," you state with some irritation, "My group already knew some, and I learned the rest from travelling merchants and adventurers that I've encountered over the years. Most people don't take much notice of a large spider lurking in the shadows, as long as you don't act hostile."

Cassandra takes some time to think, before you realize your burrow is still pitch black.

"Ah, where are my manners. You can hardly see," you say with another small chuckle as you skitter across your burrow.

Jutting out from the sides of the silk-covered underground walls of your burrows are large magic crystals, a common occurrence beneath the soil of Velkim. They have a variety of uses, but you like to use them for lighting, when it's needed. With the quick rap of your knuckles, a few of the large crystals come to life with a soft amber glow, and your burrow is at last illuminated.

"Ah, there we go. Now we can see each other. That's better, isn't it?" you ask, turning to Cassandra. You flash her a slight smile, and your eight eyes sparkle in the glow of the crystals.

She seems to be studying your fuzzy arachnid body with a kind of fascinated focus, and it's difficult to read the expression on her face as her eyes wander across your body. Despite the fact that you're wearing one of your ornate silk robes, you can't help but feel a little naked under Cassandra's gaze.

"I've... never seen an Arachne before," she admits after a while, her voice almost a whisper, "The Church always told us how horrible and monstrous you were. They showed your mangled corpses in pamphlets, told us how you attacked without reason and the like... but you're not scary at all..."

You chuckle a little, "Chalk it up to island tameness, I suppose."

After a few moments, Cassandra seems to remember herself, and sits up a little straighter.

"Island tameness?" she asks.

"It's named phenomenon in nature. Island creatures tend to be more docile than their mainland counterparts thanks to the absence of more hostile predators. I don't have any predators to begin with, but life here on Velkim has definitely made me a little more laid back than my more carnivorous sisters," you say with a smile as you return to resting a few feet away from her.

"So... you're a vegetarian?" she asks.

You scratch a sharp finger beneath your chin. "Hmm, not exactly. I still catch and eat smaller creatures from the undergrowth that wander into my webbing, but fruit is a large part of my diet now, yes. The stuff that grows on this island is delicious. But to ease your concerns, no; I do not eat people. Nothing larger than some of those lemurs you see in the trees from time to time."

Cassandra appears to be a little relieved by that. You can understand. When you first heard of humans yourself, you were told to kill on sight, as they were vicious and deadly beasts. You understand that humans and Arachne still don't get along very much, but you find it hard to hate them as a whole, especially not the humans in the village near your burrow. You leave them alone, and they leave you alone. It's a nice and peaceful arrangement.

"So what's a woman like you doing out here in the wilds, with nothing on her but a flowing white dress?" you ask, admiring the craftsmanship of her dress. "Fine piece of fabric there, I must say."

She doesn't answer immediately, and the way she's looking at you makes you feel self-conscious. Her eyes dart around your body, as if searching for something.

"I was on my... I was on a journey of faith," she says.

"A journey of faith?" you snort indignantly. "Are the holy men of Velkim really just tossing women into the jungles now? Are they that bored?"

"No, no! I was... exploring... abandoned shrines... far from home..." she says, her words faltering. She seems to be struggling with each sentence, and you're not sure if it's due to the rules of her faith or just her uncertainty.

"Far from home? That would explain why you're such a lightly shaded thing. Your skin is almost as deathly pale as mine, and I live in the dark!" you remark with another soft laugh.

Cassandra bites her lip, and then begins to writhe a little. Her eyes glaze over, as if deep in a trance. You're about to ask her what's wrong when she finally lets loose what's been bothering her.

"I have sinned," she says in a low voice.

You frown. "We all have, sister. What makes you special?"

She shakes her head. "I have sinned… a lot."

You hum for a moment, thinking to yourself. "I see. That's why you're on this journey of faith then, hm? A quest for redemption? So, what did you do, exactly?"

"I- I've had intimate contact with... myself."

You raise an eyebrow. "I thought you said you had sinned."

"I have!" she cries, her voice hoarse. "I'm not proud. I'm not even ashamed. But I've done it. And it feels so good..."

She begins to lean towards you, and it takes all your willpower to maintain eye contact. It's like her eyes are dragging you in, promising pleasure beyond compare. She opens her mouth, licking her lips.

"So they tossed you into the jungle for being a harlot?" you ask in the same amused tone, trying to maintain your cool.

"No. I sought out the jungle," she whispers. "I wanted to be rid of my sins."

She wiggles closer in her bindings, and you can feel her hot breath on your face.

"What did you do?" you ask, a little more interested in this topic than before.

"I—" she pauses, her eyes fluttering for a moment. "I pleasured myself. In the night. Many, many times. I wanted it. I yearned for it. I needed it."

"You needed it?" you ask, your breath starting to quicken.

"Mm... I touched myself," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "And it was good."

Something about the way she says it, the way her voice dips down at the end of the sentence, makes you shiver.

"I was able to hide it, for a while. But they caught me one night. With..." she trails off, and her face flushes deeply.

"With—?" you ask in a leading voice.

Her voice is barely audible, but your keen hearing picks it up nonetheless. "With ropes around me. While I did it."

The silence that follows is broken by her deep, guttural moans as she begins to writhe on the floor, twisting and turning, unable to escape from her own desires and the feeling of your restraints against her skin.

"I knew it," you say, unable to hide a smile. "You found this place on purpose. You were morbidly curious the moment you saw some sticky webbing lying around."

"It feels so good... why does it feel so good?" she moans, before biting her lip. Her eyes dart up to meet yours, and then dart away again. "Am I going to like what you do to me?"

"I don't know, dear," you say, skittering forward to close the gap between the two of you, "do you like me?" you ask, cupping her chin with a slender hand.

She looks up at you, her face slack with desire. "I think- I think I'll find out."

You lean down and kiss her on the lips. Her eyes widen, and she seems to be gasping for breath.

"Oh, please," she whispers, as you slide a hand around her waist and onto her thigh. "Please, don't stop."

You pull back with a growling chuckle, your eyes glowing an iridescent red in the amber light. "What a nasty little freak of a human you are! Women of the mainland aren't supposed to find spider monsters like me attractive, you know," you say as you stretch out your forelegs to wrap them around her waist.

"Why do you say that?" she asks, tilting her head to one side. "You're not a monster, are you?"

"Of course, I am!" you say with a laugh. "I'm an Arachne! We're all monsters."

She shakes her head slowly. "No. You're not a monster. Monsters are ugly, and mean, and... disgusting. But you?" She smiles shyly. "You look... cuddly."

"Cuddly?" you repeat indignantly.

"Well, you're soft and covered in fluffy hair," she says, leaning back into your forelegs. "Even your eyes are big and pretty."

"I don't think I like that word," you say, raising an eyebrow.

She bites her lip. "What word?"

"Pretty. Nobody's called me that before. It makes me sound like a girl."

"I makes you sound starved for compliments."

"What? No!" you reply a little too hastily, dropping her from your forelegs.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"No! It's fine," you say hurriedly. "Just... fine." You can feel your abdomen twitching in agitation. Why is everything with humans so confusing?

With some grumbling, you decide to release Cassandra from her restraints to try and defuse some of the sexual tension in the room. With the quick tug of a few threads, the silk ropes binding Cassandra's arms and legs together go slack and fall off her body. She seems almost disappointed.

"Thank you," she whispers, slowly moving her limbs to make sure they still work.

There's a long pause as she looks at you expectantly, before you sigh, relenting. "What is it?"

"Do you like me?" she asks, placing one hand on your furry foreleg.

You start to snap at her, but find yourself hesitating. "I-I don't know how to feel about you. Or humans in general, really."

"You don't need to think about it! Just answer!"

"Well, you're rather striking," you say reluctantly. You can feel your abdomen twitching more violently now, and you really need to focus. "But I don't see why you're attracted to me."

"I like your eyes," she admits, reaching out to touch your face. "I feel like they see right through me. I like your hair, too. It's so fluffy."

Her hand comes closer to your face, and you're so paralyzed by her words that you don't move to stop her.

"I like your fur, too," she says, gently touching the patch of fur on your foreleg. "It's very soft. I like your fangs, and your claws. You're a beautiful monster." She gently touches your lips with her index finger. "Especially these... I like how you move them while you're thinking. I like how they feel on my skin." She slowly moves her finger away from your lips, and you watch as she trails it down your chin, down your neck, and down to your collarbone. She gently presses down on the soft skin there, and you involuntarily suck air in quickly through your teeth.

"It felt good," Cassandra says, looking into your eyes. "Do it again."

"I- I don't want to hurt you," you stammer, feeling a strange hunger building inside you. It's different from an appetite from food though, a feeling that's brand new and bewildering to you.

"You won't. Do it again," she says, gently touching your lips with her index finger once more.

You move your lips back and forth slowly over her soft finger, sucking gently each time as she slowly slides it in and out of your mouth. She bites her own lip gently, and you feel yourself stiffen slightly as her scent grows stronger. She bites her lip harder, and you take it as a sign that you can move a little faster. You run your tongue along her index finger ever so gently, and then softly graze her third knuckle against one of your fangs. A powerful thrill runs through her body as your fang delicately traces her skin, and it's enough to clearly make her worked up.

She bites down on her lower lip harder still and closes her eyes, as if she's trying to fight off a wave of ecstasy. You pull your head back slightly to look at her while she breathes heavily, and you can't help but feel slightly hungry. Not for food, but for something else. You slowly move your face closer to Cassandra's as she holds her breath, and then outstretches her neck to graze her lips against yours. Her arms take you by surprise, as she slings them across your shoulders and places her palms on the back of your head. With a gentle pull, she brings your upper body down towards her, and forces your lips tight against hers.

You run your fingers through her long blonde hair as you kiss, and you can feel something rising within you. The passion is uncontrollable, and the hunger even more so. You push her back against the silk-lined floor, pinning her under your body as you continue to kiss. The predatory look in your eyes is unmistakable, and it's enough to tell Cassandra that's finally going to get what she wants.

She pulls her lips away from yours with a heavy breath, pressing her forehead against your own as she stares into two of your eyes. "Follow your instincts, Atticus. Just do what feels good. What feels right. You think I don't want this? I want this more than anything."

You look at Cassandra, who stares back with a mixture of desperation and lust in her eyes. You feel the hunger within you—and, well—you're not quite sure about what you're feeling. You aren’t sure what it is. Is it really love? Part of you feels like it must be, but there's no way that can be right. Can it? It's more a strange and powerful mixture of attraction and lust—and it's very hard to keep under control right now. Your resolve crumbling, your hide your face in Cassandra's neck with a sound that's somewhere between a hiss and a moan.

"Cassandra," you mumble into her neck, "I feel really strange right now. Like I could hurt you with how strange I feel."

"It's okay, baby," she whispers. "Just let go."

You shake your head rapidly, trying to ignore how good it feels to have her skin on your lips. It feels so smooth, so soft and so warm. You could just melt into her right now—you feel like you could do anything with how good she tastes on your lips.

The tips of your fangs cut into her skin ever so slightly. You could easily bite down and puncture her neck, or you could pull away. You've never fed from a human before, and you're not sure if you'd like the taste. Sure, you've drank the blood of a few animals, but they don't compare to human blood. Human blood is the richest and most pure, especially when drunk directly from the source. The scent of her blood fills your nostrils, and you feel a powerful thirst well up inside of you. It's really tempting to give in to it. Cassandra's fingers run through your hair as she gently pets your head, almost pressing you into the crook of her neck. Your stomach growls, and you feel a primal urge to bite.

No. You refuse to be some monster. You don't want this. You fight back, pushing yourself away from Cassandra with a whimper. She looks up at you, and you try to get a grip on yourself as the scent of her warm blood fills your nostrils. You stare at her neck, seeing how red and swollen it is.

Cassandra smiles tenderly at you as she touches her fingers to her neck, almost in a caressing manner. "It's okay, Atticus. I know what you need. I need it, too."

Her eyes flutter closed and she leans her head back, exposing the length of her bare neck to you once again. She exhales slowly and gently, giving herself over to you. You stare at her neck as a wave of heat washes over your body. Holy fuck, you want this.

Cassandra sighs softly, opening her eyes and looking at you from underneath her thick black lashes. Her lips are parted ever so slightly as she exhales, "I trust you."

You lean into her, pressing your lips to hers and breathing in the scent of her skin. You wrap your arms around Cassandra's shoulders as she wraps hers around your back. Her lips are warm and soft against your own, and the taste of her mouth is sweet as honey. Guided by instinct, your forelegs wrap themselves around Cassandra's waist, and she lets out little noises of enjoyment as she feels your furry legs curl around her body and press up against her. Her hands move from your back to your head, gently wrapping themselves up in your long black hair.

You pull your lips away from Cassandra's mouth, kissing down the side of her face and down her neck as she slowly rocks her head back, exposing more and more of her elegant pale throat to you. You breathe in, smelling the scent of her blood rising to the surface. Her veins pulse with each beat of her heart, and you feel your instincts boiling at the edges.

"I trust you," she breathes again, as though she can sense the conflict within you. "Do what feels good. I know you'll be gentle."

She leans her head back, letting it fall limp as she looks at you with half-lidded eyes. Her breathing is soft and even, and she seems to be surrendering herself to you completely. You part your lips, gently pressing your sharp teeth against the side of her neck. You can almost feel her pulse throbbing against the edge of your jaw as you stretch your tongue out, lightly lapping at her skin with your sticky purple tongue. The sweet, clean taste of her glides over your tongue and fills your senses.

You part your jaws slightly wider, gently pressing your teeth against her neck as you stretch your tongue out to its full length. You slide your tongue slowly forward, running it up from her throat to the very edge of her chin. She exhales softly, "Th-that feels... nice..."

The muscles in her neck are bulging against the pressure of your jaws, but you're being careful. Slowly, ever so slowly, you push your teeth against her neck. The skin and flesh of her throat is giving way to the inexorable pressure of your bite. Slowly but surely, your teeth sink into her neck.

Her breaths are coming faster now, her chest rising and falling in quick succession as the blood rushes through her veins. "Ah—" she lets slip, a sudden intake of breath. "Ah, please continue..."

You pause, mentally checking her pulse to see if she is experiencing any discomfort. You can sense that she's still feeling pleasure from what you're doing to her, so you continue. You close your jaws a little more to push your teeth further into her neck. Then, at last, there's blood. It's just a few flecks, escaping from beneath your fangs as they bite down, but the taste of even just those minute pearls is almost enough to make you pass out right then and there. Cassandra's neck vibrates as you let out a deep moan and hug her close with all eight of your legs. She hugs you back, squeezing you tightly as you continue to suck.

The blood is just beginning to flow freely now, and you lap it up quickly, letting the sweet nectar wash over your pallet. The iron taste fills your mouth and soaks your tongue as you suck harder, drinking in her essence. You can feel her feeding you her energy, and it's almost enough to make you reach your peak then and there. Almost.

Cassandra pulls you closer, and you can feel her hot breath on your chin as she whispers, "Bite now." You bite down gently where her neck and shoulder meet, feeling the skin and flesh tear under your fangs. She lets out a sharp breath as the pain courses through her body, but that's quickly replaced by a moan.

"Do it," she pants. "Drink."

You lower your head and lap up the blood welling in the wound, and can feel her growing even warmer as she emits a low moan. You reach one hand down to caress her right breast, while the other continues to hug her close. Her heart beats strongly under your hand, and you can feel its power surging through your lover's chest.

With each breath, with each beat, you can feel yourself growing closer to your peak. The blood is warm on your lips, the taste filling your mouth and running down your throat. It warms your insides like no fire ever could. You close your eyes, and for an instant you can feel everything experienced by this woman who is now in so much ecstasy that she's almost unconscious.

You sink your teeth in deeper, and she screams in ecstasy as she begins to climax. That's all it takes to push you over the edge, and you moan in ecstasy as you release into your silk clothing. You take a deep breath, and let go of her, grabbing the garment to clean yourself off.

You sigh contentedly, and she lays there with her eyes closed and a dopey grin on her face. "Best... hic... night... ever," she slurs, and then starts giggling.

"Are you going to be okay?" you ask, some of your concern for her well-being returning as the afterglow softens your brain.

"I'm f-fine," she says, struggling to sit up. She takes a deep breath, and then looks around. "Wow. I forgot where I was for a second there." She shakes her head and stands, pulling her torn dress off completely.

You can't help but inhale slightly at the sight of her pale, naked body. You're so starstruck you don't even notice her slipping back into your arms until her breasts are pushing up against your chest, and her head is resting on your shoulder. "That was great," she says.

"That... that was amazing," you say, wrapping your arms around her. She nuzzles into your shoulder.

"Mmm, yes it was. I think I'm ready to keep going now."

"K-keep going?" you ask, suddenly very aware of the fact that you're both without clothes and she's hugging you tightly.

"I think you know what I mean," she whispers in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. "I want you to take me. I'm ready."

"Are you sure? Are... are you really sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

You pull back from her slightly, looking into her eyes with mixture of amusement and concern. "You are the strangest human I've ever met. I'm lucky they make perverts like you."

"Same to you, spider-boy." She kisses you on the lips, a long and deep one. Her body presses against yours, and your hands move down her back to her ass, which you grab ahold of and squeeze. She lets out a small yelp into your mouth, before she pushes you away. "Not yet. I need to taste you first."

She drops to her knees and looks up at you with those hungry green eyes.

"What are you— Fuck!"

You let out a sharp moan as Cassandra takes your entire cock inside her mouth in a single greedy motion, sucking it back to life as her hands fondle your waist and forelegs. Arachne only ever use their mouths to feed, so even kissing a little strange to you. This? This is something else. Your mind goes blank as the pleasure surges through you. You're about to warn her again, but then she starts moving, and all you can do is moan her name in ecstasy.

She begins to pick up speed, swirling her tongue around your head and sucking as loud, wet noises emanate around you. Her hands move under your balls, cupping them slightly and sending waves of pleasure through your body. Her other hand moves to the base of your member, and you let out a shuddering moan.

"Cassandra... oh, fuck..."

She lets out a muffled moan as she takes more and more of your length down her throat, until it feels like you're thrusting into her esophagus. She then suddenly releases your cock with a pop, letting it swing free.

"I want you inside me," she whispers. "I need you inside me."

Your mind is an electrified haze of instinctual need, completely overwhelmed by her actions. All you can muster is a predatory growl as a fresh length of sticky silk manifests in your hands.

"Get over here," you demand breathlessly as your body springs into action and begins wrapping her up against you.

You bind her arms to her sides, and pin her to the wall as you force your tongue into her mouth. Your body grinds against hers, stroking your trapped member against her body.

"I need... I need you. Please," she begs. "Take me now."

She struggles in her bindings, but she only succeeds in tightening them against her struggling form. Her breasts heaving against the thin wrapping around them, her breath catches in excitement and anticipation.

"You're mine," you hiss, sadistic instincts drawing the words out of you.

"Yes! Take me! I'm yours!" she cries, arousal deepening at your sudden and carnivorous aggression.

She's putty in your hands, and you've never felt so powerful. With a little effort, you can wrap her up in silk and do whatever you want to her. You're in control, and she's desperate for it. You've never known this sort of power before, and it's an intoxicating feeling that feeds your base urges in ways you didn't think were possible.

Every movement of her body, every little breath and quiver and shudder only makes you want her more. All of your instincts are telling you to mount her right now, but the human half of you is still a bit hesitant. An unfamiliar sensation to be sure, but a welcome one. You want this to be perfect. You want this to be special. You want to draw out every moment and make it last. Your bestial instincts and human desires come to a compromise on this point; that the best of both worlds involves plenty of teasing, for her pleasure and yours.

You begin to work on her bindings, loosening the knots so you can unwrap her. You slowly peel the silk off of her body, revealing her inch by inch. You stop to kiss and suck wherever you see exposed flesh, and the intensity of your gaze makes her squirm with need.

"Please, please, just take me," she begs.

"Patience." The word escapes your lips in a low growl. Her begging sends bolts of arousal through you, and you know you have to hear more.

"I need you," she says.


"Please—!" she cries.

You keep your face stoic as your lips curl upwards in a faint grin, and you continue to remove her bindings with little kisses and suckles. Her chest heaves with anticipation, and you can see the moisture building in her slit. Your own member is hard as a rock, but you're trying to keep yourself in check.

"I want to take you somewhere," you breathe into her ear, "somewhere deeper in my burrow. Somewhere comfortable, and special."

"Yes, please, somewhere special," she says, her voice laced with desperation and lust.

"I'm going to lift you up now. Are you ready?"

"Please be careful, I—mmph!"

You silence Cassandra by the force of your sudden kiss, picking her up in an embrace and slowly carrying her deeper into your burrow. The best part about having eight legs is that you can keep two wrapped around her waist, while the other six walk. You can feel her warmth through the fuzz on your forelegs, and feel her smooth legs tightly wrapped around yours, giving you a sense of security that she's not going anywhere.

After a bit of walking, you finally reach your destination, your web. Unlike the entrance of your burrow, which is an unobstructed silk-lined room, this part of your burrow is covered in threads that crisscross the entire thing, strung up in strange patterns and held aloft with a mixture of their own strength and a bit of tension. It's your version of a bed, with plenty of surfaces that make for comfortable places to rest on. Your back legs idly tap a few crystals as you enter, ensuring Cassandra can still see thanks to the soft amber glow they provide in the darkness of the underground. The light also gives a soft, romantic mood to the otherwise dark and foreboding cave.

Cassandra stares in amazement at the sight of your bed, and then back at you. Her eyes dart back and forth between you and the bed a few more times as she tries to decide where she wants to go.

"I... I've never seen something so..." she says, trailing off.

"So intricate?" you ask, a smile on your face

A moment later, she jumps into your web and finds herself floating above you as you lift her into the air. Her lips part as she stares at you with wide eyes, her body held aloft in your silk threads. She's so close that you could just lean in and kiss her.

"I've never felt so helpless," she says, closing her eyes.

Your body effortlessly slides onto your web, and you pull a few threads to bring her face closer to yours. "And you like that feeling, don't you?" you whisper in a seductive voice.

She gulps nervously, but doesn't answer. Her silence answers your question all too well, and you lean in to kiss her as her cheeks redden. Just before your lips touch hers, she closes her eyes and holds her breath, waiting for the moment with heavy anticipation. Your lips finally make contact with hers, giving her a long, wet kiss. Her face turns an even deeper shade of red as you pull her forward and wrap your arms around her body.

"I want you," you whisper in her ear, as she holds onto you tightly. "If you want me as well, I'll give you the most pleasure you've ever felt in your life." You gently nibble and suck on her earlobe as she gives a shuddering breath, and she squeezes her legs together. Her eyes are still closed, but she opens her mouth to gasp for air.

Cassandra pulls away and stares at you. "I-I…" she stammers, but trails off.

"It's alright if you want to stop," you say reassuringly.

Cassandra's eyes flicker back and forth as she thinks, still not saying anything. Finally, she sighs. "I can't. I want this." She blushes once more and smiles shyly at you. "I really want this."

"Then show me," you say, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

You both slowly pull away from each other as you focus on maneuvering her into position. You twist and pull on a few lines, and the silk threads move to gently spin her around in the air. She looks so fragile held up only by the threads. Once you're confident she's stable, you let go of the web and turn your attention back to her. She gives a start as if she almost fell, but you grab her and hold her steady. Her body shivers as the thrill overwhelms her, and she can't help but bury her face in the fluff of your neck with a melting moan.

"Is this your first time?" you ask.

"Yes..." she says softly, as you feel her tense up a little.

You cup her chin in your hands and tilt her head back, gently kissing her on the lips. She holds the kiss for a long moment, but eventually she breaks away to breathe. She opens her eyes, looking at you with an expression of desire mixed with apprehension.

"That's good. It's mine, too," you say with a gentle smile. "Now, just close your eyes and enjoy the sensation." You lean in and give her a slow, deep kiss to distract her from any potential fear. The silk threads under her adjust her position slightly, moving her hips closer while the ones on her back and shoulders support her weight to keep her from falling. She gives a little squeak of surprise that turns into a moan as you slide your hands up her body, gently kneading her breasts with your dexterous hands.

She's sensitive, shuddering at your every touch. You slide one hand down her stomach and gently slide a finger inside her, and she gasps in surprise. You work her diligently, but not too fast. Her body writhes gently as she winds her hips in circles against your hand. Every now and then, you give a little teasing pinch to her nipple, causing her back to arch and a cute squeak to escape her lips.

"Ah... ah..." she starts to moan as you quicken your pace. You feel her tighten around your finger, and you gently lay a hand on her stomach to keep her from squirming too much. Her body goes tense for a moment, and she lets out a long sigh of relief as it passes. She slumps down against the silk restraints, panting heavily. You rub your hand across her stomach in soft circles, letting the heat of your palm mix with her smooth skin as you pepper her face with little wet kisses.

"Did you like that?" you ask, whispering into her ear as you nibble on it.

"Mmh... yes. I want more." she says, gently tilting her head away to give you better access to her neck. You oblige and continue lavishing attention on her pale, smooth skin.

Her body is wracked with a shiver as you gently caress her clitoris, and you decide it's time to introduce another element into the equation. You carefully position yourself over her, being mindful of your sharp fingernails, and gently part her legs. You lay your length against her vulva, and give her a gentle stroke across her lower lips.

She lets out a soft moan, and her hips slowly rock against yours as you gently grind against her. Her right hand grabs at your shoulder, while the left one slowly strokes your face. Her legs quickly go from being spread to locking around your waist, threaded beneath your forelegs that are quickly being put into a similar position. A happy sigh escapes her lips as she feels the familiar felted fuzz of your forelegs against her back, and she tenderly pets your face with a look of desire in her eyes.

She locks her gaze onto yours as your hips slowly rock together, and you gently press your lips against hers. They're warm and smooth, and you savor the feeling as the pair of you gently sway in the current position. She breaks the kiss with a gasp, and her tongue darts out to lick her lips.

"F-fucking tease," she says, half-growling, half-moaning.

"You have no idea," you say with a smirk.

You gently pin her arms above her head with your free arm and shift your hips forward. The head of your cock pushes ever so lightly against her folds, and you watch her every facial expression as you do so. Her face melts into an unrestrained mask of lust, and she stares deep into your eyes.

"Are you ready?" you ask, questioning yourself as much as you're questioning her.

She nods eagerly, and you accept her answer.

You slowly begin to push your hips forward, as her lips open up to accept the head of your cock. She's as wet as you'd expect her to be, but she's also incredibly tight. The head of your member struggles to pass her threshold, and it takes a fair amount of concentration on your part not to let an involuntary wince show on your face.

"Mmh, good... hrngh—!" Cassandra groans, her legs instinctively tightening around your waist.

You resist her trying to pull you in faster, taking your time to ease ever last millimeter of yourself into her at a languid pace. She's desperate for a cock-slamming, but your strength and silk bindings make her coaxing fruitless. You force yourself to remain slow, no matter how much either of you would like to see things through to their natural conclusion.

"Fuck, Cassandra... your body is intense," you say, grunting with effort as more and more of your shaft is swallowed by her velvet grip.

You can feel the sweat drip down your back as you finally bottom out inside her, and you opt to just hold yourself there to savor the sensation. Cassandra moans and thrashes, desperately trying to buck her hips and force you to start thrusting, but your restraints keep her down to a useless wiggle that only serves to pleasure both of you further.

You feel her pussy walls quiver slightly around your member, and you groan in response, prompting her to do it again. You begin to pull out of her, and she whimpers at the loss of your cock. A thin stream of translucent white drips out of her and splatters onto your thighs as soon as you exit her fully. The slow-burn pace of your motions has your cock drooling with sexual fluids, which are already adding to the wetness that's seeping out of her.

Cassandra's whimpers and groans escalate as you continue to play a game of push and pull with her, and your balls are beginning to tighten in preparation for what lies ahead. You grit your teeth, stifling a groan of your own as you try to hold back from finishing just yet.

"F-fuck... nngh... harder..." Cassandra manages to sputter out between pants, but you decide to tease her a bit.

You pull out of her once more as she lets out a pathetic, heaving whimper, and you rest your soaking cock on her stomach to break for a moment.

"You want it harder, huh?" you ask, dragging out your words as you play with her.

Cassandra slowly nods her head, desperately trying to thrust her hips upwards to meet your own, but the silk restraints hold her down.

You smile and lean back in, still stroking her stomach with your oozing cock. She gasps and moans as your hot member brushes against her sensitive spots, and you bring your mouth down to her ear.

"Beg for it," you whisper.

You pull back and watch as her hips continue to writhe in desperation, and you wait patiently for her to comply.

"...please..." she manages to get out, but you're unsatisfied with the level of desire in her voice.

"The harder you beg, the better it's going to feel. Don't you want to feel really, really good with me?" you ask in a voice dripping with desire.

"Please, fuck me harder... I need it so badly." she answers, and you can tell she means it this time.

You smirk and lean in, your lips meeting hers as you begin to thrust inside of her. She lets out a cry of pleasure with each thrust as you continue to kiss her, the wet sound of skin slapping filling your ears. You run your hands down her stomach, slowly making your way towards her pussy. You begin to tease her clit as you're still sliding in and out of her, and it's not long before she's shaking in orgasm.

"H-harder... please. C-cum inside of me." she begs.

Content with around round of teasing, your push your body weight against her to drive your cock as deep into her insides as you can, before holding it there as her entire body erupts in a fresh, violent orgasm. You can feel her gripping tightly around your length as she begins to shudder.

"C-come inside..." she continues to beg, wanting to feel you release your warm semen deep into her womb.

You simply greet her pleas with a light chuckle, before gently petting her head with soft noises of sadistic delight.

"Mmmh, you want it bad, don't you? I can feel it. The way your greedy insides squeeze around me while you cum… It feels good, doesn't it?" you ask in a rich, warm voice. "You want me to fill you up, so that you can feel the warmth and thickness of my seed inside you. Would you like that? Does my little human want me to fill her up?"

She manages to nod in between her heavy breaths and moans. You smirk, rubbing your fuzzy forelegs against her waist, and squeezing them against her ass.

"I want to hear you beg for it. I want to hear you beg me, to tell me everything you love about me." you command.

"I-I love the way you make me feel. You're so- so powerful, and I can't resist it. I love it when you talk dirty to me. It makes me want you even more. I w-want you to fuck me until I can't walk straight."

You chuckle softly, giving her a short, deep thrust in response. She lets out a heavy gasp, and quickly makes the connection, before her words continue.

"I want you. I want everything about you. I love your body, and the way you make me feel. I love your colorful eyes, and how they sparkle when you look at me. I love your deep, rich voice, and how it could spellbind me if you wanted it to. And most of all... I love how you're fucking me right now."

You increase your pace, and the visceral noises of your soaked genitals slapping together begins to fill the room. You pull her closer against you with your silk threads and bring your lips to her ear again.

"Keep talking," you say, somewhere between commanding and begging.

"I want every part of you inside every part of me," she says. "I want to feel your thick, hard cock deep inside me. I want it filling every inch of my tight, wet pussy. I want to feel your strong hands gripping my ass, and your thick lips kissing my skin. I want you everywhere..."

"That's right... Tell me more. Tell me everything," you say.

"I want you holding me down and taking me in every way possible. I want you to make me beg for your magnificent cock. I want you to fuck me until I'm filled with your seed. I want you to fill me up inside, and flood me with your cum. I want you to flood every hole you can force yourself into! I want you to mark me with your seed, and leave me dripping from both ends... I want you to fill me up with your thick warmth, and I want to cover you in my love. I want to be slathered in your cum, and have it leak out of my pussy for days."

You bury your face in her neck and groan as she speaks, every word sending a new wave of excitement through you. Her words are dirty, and sweet, and you're almost overwhelmed by the moment.

"That's right... That's how you do it..." Cassandra coos as the pace of your fucking grows more frantic.

"More... more..." you breathe into her neck, trailing off into another moan as you beg for her filthy words to fill your ears.

"I want you to fill me with it. Your cum, your love —I want you to give it to me over, and over, and over again. I want you to fill me up inside, again and again and again. I want you to flood me with every last drop of your sweet cum until it's dripping out of me."

Your thrusts grow wild, and the pair of you begin to moan in unison as the both of you move together as one. Your thrusts become harder and faster as the pair of you climb towards a mutual orgasm.

"I want you to pump me full of your cum until it's pouring out of my body... I want you to mark me with your scent, claim me as your mate, your woman, your fucktoy… I want you to take me like an animal, I want you to ravage me, fill me, fuck me!"

"Cassandra... I—!" you begin to moan, your entire body shivering and pounding into her.

"Yes... Give it to me! Fill me up! Do it! Pump me full!" Cassandra says, sweating and breathing heavily as the pair of you rapidly near your peak.

You feel the tension in your body rise, and the pleasure hits its peak.

"Oh!" Cassandra yells, as you hold her tightly.

"Cassandra!" you shout in return, as you begin to cum deep within her.

You moan loudly, breathing heavily and pumping into her as she clings onto you for dear life. The pair of you lean in and hug each other tightly as the mutual orgasm tears through your bodies. You pant and groan into her shoulder as the orgasm hits new depths, and she does the same as the feeling of your hot cum surging against her insides overwhelms her body.

"Atticus! Oh... Fuck! Yes—! Take me! Fuck me, baby! YES!" she screams, as you keep on thrusting into her.

"Mmmm, Cassandra! Take- Take it. Take it! I can't hold back anymore!" you cry out as you feel your cock unload a fresh wave of semen inside her.

Cassandra can barely even muster another boiled moan, nearly passing out from the raw pleasure electrifying her body at the sensation of you exploding inside her again.

The pair of you keep on cumming, as sweat drips from your body and the fur on your forelegs becomes matted from how tightly you're gripping her heaving and equally sweaty body. As your orgasm begins to subside, you slowly pull out and collapse onto the webbing, breathing heavily and feeling completely drained.

Cassandra reaches over to cuddle up against your side as she moans and huffs softly.

"That was- That was amazing, baby," she says, smiling and looking into your eyes.

"That really was something else."

You nod your head and smile back at her, feeling utterly exhausted but beyond satisfied. You lean in and hold Cassandra tightly for a moment as you try to catch your breath.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts," you say.

"What do you mean?" she asks, confused.

You snuggle her a bit tighter and wrap two of your lower legs against her own, while you keep your forelegs nuzzled into her waist. "Well, you'll leave soon. Isn't that how this goes?"

Cassandra breaks out into a bright laugh and rubs her face against your neck as she giggles. "Absolutely not! I'd have to be blind and stupid to leave you behind. I couldn't possibly find a better fit, partner, lover —or whatever you want to be called."

"So, this is happening? You're really going to stay here with me?" you ask.

"Of course I am. We've got something great here, why not see it through?

"Well, because humans don't usually pair with monsters," you say.

Cassandra gives you a firm squeeze before bringing her lips to your ear. "I don't usually get fucked that good. I'll need more of that, you know." She nibbles on your ear a bit and you shudder in response, licking your lips.

"I'm okay with that."

"Mmmh, good. I'll make sure you enjoy yourself just as much. You can even feed on my blood, if you want. I'll make it just for you."

Cassandra moves her lips back to yours, and the pair of you engage in another kiss for a long while. You can feel the warmth in your chest again.

"I'll always be here for you," she whispers in your ear.

You sink her into your fluffy embrace, and gently rub her back with your hands. "And I'll always be here for you. I'll keep you safe and warm. Right here with me."

Thanks for reading.

Check out the rest of my stuff here.

Pub: 01 Nov 2020 01:49 UTC
Edit: 31 Dec 2020 00:34 UTC
Views: 215