🪶 Megacollabs M.E.S. - Year 1 (August 22nd 2021- August 23rd 2022) 🪶

Self-explainatory: This is the list of all the megacollabs (whatever it is only with EN members or cross-branch) during Mumei's first year (August 22nd 2021- August 23rd 2022). The rule for being deemed a megacollab is that the collab should have more than 4 person participating

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M.E.S. Seasons

Branch Season
EN & Official Year 1 - Year 2
JP & ID Year 1 - Year 2
Megacollabs & Misc. Year 1 - Year 2
Annexes HoloCure - RUST - Japan Arc 1 - Japan Arc 2 - Minecraft New Server

Megacollabs M.E.S. - Year 1 (August 22nd 2021- August 23rd 2022)

  1. EN Megacollabs
    1. Minecraft Megacollab during the JP Portal Arc (w. Baelz, Fauna, Amelia, Ina, IRyS, Sana - on Baelz's & IRyS respective channels).
    2. Dead by Daylight (w. Gura, Mori, IRyS & Kronii - complementary to Mumei's own POV).
    3. 2021 HoloEN Among Us.
    4. Holoween VRChat (most recommanded : Fauna's)
    5. Minecraft Megacollab - Gingerbread House with Fauna, Kronii, Sana, Gura & Amelia (all timestamps)
    6. Christmas VRChat (most recommended : Sana's)
    7. Terraria Megacollab (with Gura, Mori, Ame, Kronii & Fauna)
    8. Guest appearance in Vchat during other people streams during the Jump King Race before her own stream (Bae, Mori, IRyS & Fauna)
    9. 1st OverWatch Megacollab (with Gura, Amelia, Kronii, IRyS & Ina )
    10. Minecraft Megacollab - Bunkeronii renovation, stables and tunnel under Bunkeronii shenanigans with Gura, Fauna, Kronii, Sana & briefly Amelia (all timestamps)
    11. Minecraft Megacollab : shenanigans in Bunkeronii part II & JP server visit with Bae & Gura, Amelia and Ina in Vchat (timestamps)
    12. Minecraft Council and Project:HOPE's expedition against the Ender Dragon (all complementory to Mumei's own POV)
  2. EN Conventions
    1. Hololive SUPER EXPO 2022 (Segments involving Council and IRyS)
  3. EN Offcollabs
    1. Offcollab karaokes on Ame's channel (with Ina, Kronii & Fauna) and the individuals breakdown streams (all complementory to Mumei's own breakdown stream)
    2. Offcollab on Bae's channel (with Mori, Kronii & Fauna) and the individuals breakdown streams (all complementory to Mumei's own breakdown stream)
  4. EN Cooperative projects
    1. Smol Adventures: Link your Wish on Ame's channel
  5. Multi-branches (EN, JP, & ID) Megacollabs and Special events
    1. 2021 Hololive Sports Festival with Red Team C (w. Moona, Mori, Ollie, Reine, Anya, IRyS, Kronii & Fauna)
    2. 2022 Hololive Mario Kart Tournament
    3. Gartic Phone Megacollab ENxIDxSTARS (with Bae, Ollie, Iofi, Roberu, Shien, Oga & Aruran)
    4. Pokemon ThrowDown - En x ID MiniTournament (with Mori, IRyS, Sana, Ollie & Reine) - All complementary to Mumei's own POV
    5. HoloTori Gartic Phone Megacollab (with Subaru, Kiara, Reine & Lui ) - All complementary to Mumei's own POV
    6. 2nd OverWatch Megacollab (with Towa, Gura, Amelia, Mori & IRyS)
    7. 2022 AmongHolo - All complementary to Mumei's own POV - G1 G2 G3 H&S 1 H&S 2 H&S 3 H&S 4.
    8. 1st EN&JP RUST Megacollab (with Gura, Ame, Mori, IRyS, Bae, Lamy & Kanata) - All complementary to Mumei's own POV
  6. EN - Conventions
    1. Full Council Panel @Anime NYC 2021
    2. SNOT skit @ Hololive CR Expo 2022

EN Megacollabs

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Minecraft Megacollab during the JP Portal Arc (w. Baelz, Fauna, Amelia, Ina, IRyS, Sana - on Baelz's & IRyS respective channels).

Note: IRyS POV was originally privated and a vast portion of the VOD was nuked.

Date POV Title Link
2021-09-29 Bae ≪MINECRAFT≫ new friends + more portal building - part 1 Link
2021-09-29 IRyS 【MINECRAFT】Building stuff for Portal!! (finally?) Magnet Entire stream Timestamp
Dead by Daylight (w. Gura, Mori, IRyS & Kronii - complementary to Mumei's own POV).

These are timestamps - they all start at the preparations of Mumei's killer run.

Mumei's killer run (G4)

Other games

Annotations: G1 was Gura's killer game, G2 = IRyS, G3 = Mori & G5 = Kronii

POV Timestamps
Mori G1 G2 G3 G5
Gura G1 G2 G3 G5
IRyS G1 G2 G3 G5
Kronii G1 G2 G3 G5
2021 HoloEN Among Us.

Imposter run with Ina (3rd game).

These are timestamps as they all start at the preparations of Mumei's killer run. The most recommended alternative POV for Mumei's killer run is Fauna's. The lack of Sana POV was justified as she was on a break during that time while still participating.

Date POV Title Link
2021-10-24 Gura [ AMONG US ] among us Timestamp
2021-10-24 Mori 【AMONG US - EN COLLAB】I WILL BE IMPOSTER.. Timestamp
2021-10-24 Amelia 【HoloEN】Among Us FULL EN COLLAB~ Timestamp
2021-10-24 Ina 【Among Us】 Mirror Mirror on the WAH Who Is the Most INAcent of Them All Timestamp
2021-10-24 IRyS 【HoloEN Among Us】IT'S ULTIMATE SUS TIME Timestamp
2021-10-24 Fauna 【HoloEN Among Us】 It wasn't me (◕‿◕) Timestamp
2021-10-24 Kronii 【Among Us EN Collab】Finally, My Trust Issues Are Valid Timestamp
2021-10-24 Bae ≪HOLO EN AMONGUS≫ SUS!? Timestamp

During Mumei's crewmate runs (1st, 2nd and 4th-and-final game)

Recommended POVs for game 1 : Fauna, Bae
Recommended POVs for game 2 : Fauna, Mori
Recommended POVs for game 4 : Kronii, IRyS

POV Game
Gura 1, 2 - Be careful: loud start & 4
Mori 1, 2 & 4
Amelia 1, 2 & 4
Ina 1, 2 & 4
Kiara 1, 2 & 4
IRyS 1, 2 & 4
Fauna 1, 2 & 4
Kronii 1, 2 & 4
Bae 1, 2 & 4

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Holoween VRChat (most recommanded : Fauna's)
Date POV Title Link
2021-11-01 Fauna 【HoloEN】 HAPPY HOLOWEEN Link
2021-11-01 Bae ≪HOLO EN≫ first halloween with holoEN FAMILY! Link
2021-11-01 Ame 【HoloEN】HIC OR TREAT Link
2021-11-01 IRyS 【HoloEN】Spoopy Party with the Whole Crew! Link
2021-11-01 Ina 【COLLAB】 Happy Holoween with HoloEN!!! Link
Minecraft Megacollab - Gingerbread House with Fauna, Kronii, Sana, Gura & Amelia (all timestamps)
Date POV Title Link
2021-12-20 Gura [MINECRAFT] a Timestamp
2021-12-20 Sana 【Minecraft】MERRY CRAFTMAS Timestamp
2021-12-20 Amelia 【MINECRAFT】MINERY CRAFTMAS (joinin l8) Timestamp
Date POV Title Link
2021-12-21 Ame 【HoloEN】Christmas Party~ Link
2021-12-21 Sana 【HoloEN Xmas!】HOlo HOlo HOlo Link
2021-12-21 Kiara 【HOLOEN XMAS】HoHoHoHoly Phoenix POV Link
Terraria Megacollab (with Gura, Mori, Ame, Kronii & Fauna)
Date POV Title Link
2022-01-26 Mori 【TERRARIA】Adventuring With My Friends in a New World?! Link
2022-01-26 Gura 【TERRARIA】terraria with frends Link
Guest appearance in Vchat during other people streams during the Jump King Race before her own stream (Bae, Mori, IRyS & Fauna)
Date POV Title Link
2022-03-13 Bae ≪JUMP KING≫ i can feel it. I want to get the babe. today. Timestamp
2022-03-13 IRyS 【JUMP KING】Jumpity jump Timestamp
2022-03-13 Mori 【JUMP KING】ENDURANCE! JUMPING! Timestamp
2022-03-13 Fauna 【GOLDEN POT ENDURANCE】 Streaming until I get the golden pot! with CHALLENGES & BATSU GAME Timestamp
1st OverWatch Megacollab (with Gura, Amelia, Kronii, IRyS & Ina )
Date POV Title Link
2022-04-09 Gura 【OVERWATCH】full stack cute girl team Link
2022-04-09 Ame 【OVERWATCH】FULL HoloEN Team~ Link
2022-04-09 IRyS 【OVERWATCH】HoloHeroes!! (embed) Link
2022-04-09 Ina 【Overwatch】 Full Team Under My Watch!....'Cause It's Over...Under...Okay...Haha...ha Link
Minecraft Megacollab - Bunkeronii renovation, stables and tunnel under Bunkeronii shenanigans with Gura, Fauna, Kronii, Sana & briefly Amelia (all timestamps)

Recommendation: watch the Sana's POV first until she logs out then switch for Gura's.

Date POV Title Link
2022-05-10 Gura 【MINECRAFT】wow! what this game? Timestamp
2022-05-10 Sana 【Minecraft】BUILDING DANGO Timestamp
Minecraft Megacollab : shenanigans in Bunkeronii part II & JP server visit with Bae & Gura, Amelia and Ina in Vchat (timestamps)
Date POV Title Link
2022-05-16 Bae ≪MINECRAFT≫ bae the rat builder can we build it? ft. Open VC First call and joining.
Minecraft Council and Project:HOPE's expedition against the Ender Dragon (all complementory to Mumei's own POV)
Date POV Title Link
2022-07-18 IRyS 【MINECRAFT】ENDER DRAGON is DOOMED bc CouncilRyS Link
2022-07-18 Sana 【Minecraft】COUNCIRYS WILL DECIDE YOUR FATE Link
2022-07-18 Fauna 【ENDER DRAGON FIGHT】 where were you when ender dragon is kill Link
2022-07-18 Kronii 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon With Council Link
2022-07-18 Bae ≪MINECRAFT≫ ENDER DRAGON BOSS BATTLE ft. best friends Link

EN Conventions

Hololive SUPER EXPO 2022 (Segments involving Council and IRyS)

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Date Title Link
2022-03-20 Limit Break - Who is the queen of parliament? Debate Contest Timestamp
2022-03-20 Karaoke Party Timestamp

EN Offcollabs

Offcollab karaokes on Ame's channel (with Ina, Kronii & Fauna) and the individuals breakdown streams (all complementory to Mumei's own breakdown stream)


Date Title Link
2022-02-26 [Off-Collab Karaoke] EN MEETUP! ft. Ina, Fauna, Kronii, Mumei Link
2022-02-26 [2022-02-26] [UNARCHIVED] [Hololive EN - Watson Amelia] 【KARAOKE】Off COLLAB (Fauna, Mumei, Ina, Kronii) IKZ Magnet


Date POV Title Link
2022-02-28 Ina 【Chat】 Baaaaaack Link
2022-03-01 Fauna 【Sucker For Love: First Date】 Eldritch Cutie Simulator Timestamp
2022-03-01 Kronii 【Just Chatting】Heya Link
2022-03-05 Amelia 【APEX】Chattin' and SHOOTIN Timestamp
Offcollab on Bae's channel (with Mori, Kronii & Fauna) and the individuals breakdown streams (all complementory to Mumei's own breakdown stream)


Date Title Link Nature
2022-07-05 ≪CHAT≫ RAT WENT TRAVELLING! Timestamp Offcollab appearance along with Fauna - timestamp
2022-07-06 ≪OFF COLLAB≫ ecskdee Link Actual offcollab stream with the addition of Mori and Kronii


Date POV Title Link
2022-07-08 Mori 【【CHATTING】Sit. Take a Load Off. Timestamp
2022-07-08 Fauna 【chat & superchats!】 how ya been? Timestamp
2022-07-09 Bae ≪CHAT≫ just chatting mukbang off collab hotel room bad internet hi Link

EN Cooperative projects

Date Link
2022-03-19 Link

Multi-branches (EN, JP, & ID) Megacollabs and Special events

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2021 Hololive Sports Festival with Red Team C (w. Moona, Mori, Ollie, Reine, Anya, IRyS, Kronii & Fauna)

Red Team C's POV

Date POV Title Link

General view

Secondary POVs

Date POV Entire Stream Timestamps
2021-11-06 Pekora 【本番】赤組優勝いくぞおおおおおおおおおおお!!!ぺこ!【#ホロライブ大運動会2021 】 Appearance in the background with the rest of Red Team C - Red Team C Entrance - Mio signaling the start of the Ball Toss practice run for the C groups - Mio asking if the teams are ready then Pekora camera-panning on the Red Team C participants - Start of the group C match - Red Team A joining the bleachers - Multiple small appearances in Pekora's POV before the Group Bs official runof RLGL - Group C getting on the starting line for their practice run of RLGL & interactions with Anya - Mio signaling the start of the practice run for RLGL - Mio signaling the start of a second practice run for RLGL - Mio signaling the start of the first qualifying round (rigged) for RLGL - Second qualifying round for both Group C for RLGL - Multiple short appearances during Red Teams postgame interviews for RLGL - Beginning of the Red Team C dance shenanigans during the PvP practice runs - Short Appearances during the 'scummy survival tactics' bit before the first Team Bs runs - Start of the 'Cheering dance' bit - Team Red A joining the 'Cheering dance' bit - 3rd person view (Mumei joining the 'Cheering dance' bit) - Start of the Honey block ('Nuru Nuru') bit - Class photo after the closing speech
2021-11-06 Fubuki 【本番/赤B】カブトムシだ!そう!俺たちはカブトムシだ! Short appearance before Red Team B entrance - Red Team C Entrance - Strategy discussion & first instance of Red Team C's dance - Mio signaling the start of the Ball Toss practice run for the C groups - Red Team C's participants (Mumei, Ollie & Mori) on the starting block - Start of the group C match - Red Team B & C on the bleachers for the Birdman Darts Competition - Small interactions with Fubuki - Joining back the bleachers for more small interactions - Group C getting on the starting line for their practice run of RLGL & interactions with Anya - Mio signaling the start of the practice run for RLGL - Mio signaling the start of a second practice run for RLGL - Mio signaling the start of the first qualifying round (rigged) for RLGL - Second qualifying round for both Group C for RLGL - Multiple short appearances on Fubuki's POV during the PvP practice run for Group A - Beginning of the Red Team C dance shenanigans during the PvP practice runs - Mumei joining the 'Cheering dance' bit - Interactions with Towa before the Group C race - Mumei joining Red Team B on the bleachers to watch the Group C race
2021-11-06 Bae ≪MINECRAFT HOLO SPORTS FESTIVAL≫ MAY THE BEST TEAM WIN! First appearance after an initial stream freeze - Mio signaling the start of the Ball Toss practice run for the C groups - Strategic talk and evaluation of strength of their opposition - Start of the group C match - White C & Red C 'staring stonily' at each other on their opposite bleachers - Bae crashing in Red Team C's vocal chat after Ollie got to theirs during the valley girl bit in Red Light Green Light after the Group A run - Mio signaling the start of the practice run for RLGL - Mio signaling the start of a second practice run for RLGL - Mio signaling the start of the first qualifying round (rigged) for RLGL - Second qualifying round for both Group C for RLGL - Mumei watching the races at the top of the tower since he won't participate - Gathering the holomems for a class photo after the closing speech
2022 Hololive Mario Kart Tournament

General view

>Group A (against Okayu, Kanata, Roboco, Ayame, Flare, Lamy, Mel, Amelia, IRyS & Chloe).
Date POV Title Link
2022-01-07 Roboco 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】 ビリは嫌だびりは嫌だ曲がれええええええ🚗 Link
2022-01-07 Flare 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】Aブロック予選!楽しもう! Link
2022-01-07 Lamy 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】進めラミィ!負けるなラミィ! Link
>Zako Cup (against Mio, Bae, Kiara, Lamy, Flare, Koyori, La+, Mori, Nene, Noel & Choco)
Date POV Title Link
2022-01-07 La+ 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】これは夢【ラプラス・ダークネス/ホロライブ】 Link
2022-01-07 Noel 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】ざぁこ...♥ざこ♥...杯【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 Link
2022-01-07 Choco 【マリオカート8DX】元祖ザコ杯王悪魔のマリカ大会⚡【ホロライブ/癒月ちょこ】 Link
Gartic Phone Megacollab ENxIDxSTARS (with Bae, Ollie, Iofi, Roberu, Shien, Oga & Aruran)
Date POV Title Link
2022-01-21 Oga 【 Gartic Phone 】みんなで楽しめたらいいな あのとき俺たちは確かにそう思っていたんだ【ホロスターズ hololive-ID hololive-EN】 Link
Pokemon ThrowDown - En x ID MiniTournament (with Mori, IRyS, Sana, Ollie & Reine) - All complementary to Mumei's own POV

*IRyS was convalescent, thus explaining the lack of POV. The only way to watch her matches is throught the stream of the other participents

Date POV Title Link
2022-01-27 Mori 【POKEMON TOURNAMENT】HoloEN x HoloID! The Final Throw-Down! Link
2022-01-27 Sana 【Pokémon ENxID Tournament】EGGSupremacy Link
2022-01-27 Reine 【POKEMON TOURNAMENT】HoloENxHoloID! Reine Fishing Association POV Link
>Preparations and matches
Opponent's POV Mumei's POV
Mori Mumei
Ollie Mumei
Sana Mumei
Reine Mumei
IRyS* Mumei
HoloTori Gartic Phone Megacollab (with Subaru, Kiara, Reine & Lui ) - All complementary to Mumei's own POV
Date POV Title Link
2022-04-10 Subaru 【HOLOTORI】みんなでお絵描き伝言ゲームするしゅばああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!:Gartic Phone Link
2022-04-10 Kiara 【HOLOTORI】Big Birbs Gathering! Kiara POV✨ #kfp #キアライブ Link
2022-04-10 Reine 【Gartic Phone】HOLOTORI NOW DRAWING Link
2022-04-10 Lui 【HOLOTORI】ワールドワイドなお絵描き伝言ゲーム!Gartic Phone Link
2nd OverWatch Megacollab (with Towa, Gura, Amelia, Mori & IRyS)
Date POV Title Link
2022-04-19 Towa 【OverWatch】ホロライブでフルパOWってマジ!?passionEnglish IKZ! Link
2022-04-19 Gura 【OVERWATCH】ults you Link
2022-04-19 Mori 【OVERWATCH】I'm Reaper. Link
2022-01-19 IRyS 【OVERWATCH】Nerf Bastion! 【Full Stack Collab】 Link
2022 AmongHolo - All complementary to Mumei's own POV - G1 G2 G3 H&S 1 H&S 2 H&S 3 H&S 4.

Annotation: G (normal game), H&S (Hide-and-Seek), (sus) (imposter)




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1st EN&JP RUST Megacollab (with Gura, Ame, Mori, IRyS, Bae, Lamy & Kanata) - All complementary to Mumei's own POV
Date POV Title Link
2022-08-21 Gura 【RUST】BIGFISH?? Timestamp 1 & 2
2022-08-21 Ame 【RUST】NEW AGE TECHNOLOGY Timestamp 1 , 2, 3 & 4
2022-08-21 Mori [RUST test] how dare people have fun without me Timestamp 1 & 2
2022-08-21 IRyS 【RUST】Ima SurviRyS Timestamp 1 & 2
2022-08-21 Bae ≪RUST≫ I have but one purpose. Beginning of the collab part
2022-08-21 Lamy 【 RUST -Season 2- 】初ギャンブル!豪運を見せろラミィ Timestamp

EN - Conventions

Full Council Panel @Anime NYC 2021
Date Title Link
2021-11-19 hololive English -Council- Anime NYC Special Panel (Cronched by Youtube x1) lQZFzSDC#jB_6Y-MsMGm-fZZ2yfDlmOcwpdfL689ZVJBm4U3kmcA
SNOT skit @ Hololive CR Expo 2022
Date Title Link
2022-08-05 SNOT skit @ Hololive CR Expo 2022 (fixed video) YUhSMGNITTZMeTlqZVdKbGNtWnBiR1V1YVhNdlR6Qms=

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Pub: 22 Apr 2023 05:25 UTC
Edit: 31 Aug 2023 05:49 UTC
Views: 838