A Letter

I'm Sorry. i'm sorry for leaving you both like this. without warning. but i really didnt have a choose.. Charon took me to Remy's apartment and.. i dont have the heart to leave them again. im safe dont worry, these two still care about me and i care for them.. but they arent the same anymore. their not the same people and im afarid that if i leave. wrost things will come. Again i know what i did was wrong, i lefted you without telling and i also feel so guilty for that, you dont have to forgive me yet i have still written this to apoglized for what ive done, but please for everything that i love. DONT COME LOOKING FOR ME it'll make things so much worst. i dont want any of you to get hurt. i dont want You to get hurt in the silghtest. i miss you both so much but its for the safey for all of us to stay put for now. again i miss you both and i love you with my life. i hope you two stay safe out there, and if you write me a letter, please send it late at night. love you both.

.- Sheriff

Pub: 30 Apr 2023 22:05 UTC
Views: 74