if you ever played mikmak hmu rn you hot fuck
also scroll all the way down.

i fucking hate hiccups!!
mikmak sent me an email with these pngs so now im using them here
rei or omen!! he/thou/prince+ nonhuman
transmasc demiboy bisexual aaspec <33
audhd &&& unlisted otherkin + delulusional!!
silly hoarder xenogenders ++ neopronouns user

tryna fuck?
hii erm welcome to my little thingy thing...
byi!! i am inconsistent + dry texter at times,
i do kys jokes & say slurs i can reclaim (tell
me if youre uncomfy), extreme mood swings
and social anxiety (even online).

dni.. basic dni crit, shifters, support AI "art",
think digital art isnt real art, cringe culture
believers, reality checkers, anti recovery +
otherkin + fictionkin + irl, weirdos.

other useful links!! from yours truly (me)
my url hoard
my 1st main rentry
my 2nd main rentry
my 3rd main rentry
link directory
extended about me

Pub: 16 Aug 2023 19:19 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2023 14:46 UTC
Views: 206