
  • Basic dni criteria
  • use the r slur/think it's reclaimable
  • think the fb slur isn't a slur
  • genshin impact fans (unless I follow first)
  • danganronpa fans
  • Harry Potter fans
  • South Park fans
  • dreamsmp fans
  • NSFW accounts
  • mspec lesbians/gays + supporters
  • proship or neutral on it
  • toothpasteflag/any recolor/variation of it users
  • you speak on minority issues despite not being a part of said minority (ex. Saying something isn't racist when you aren't even a part of that race/ethnicity)
  • endo systems
  • transmeds
  • don't support neogenders/pronouns and xenogenders/pronouns
  • Omocat supporters
  • vivziepop supporters/fans
  • boyfriends webtoon fans/supporters
  • Terf's
  • aphobics
  • Peter x Andy shippers (the pumpkin and the apple from Andy's apple farm)
  • meta susie shippers
  • Pro life
  • don't support BLM or ACAB (all cops are bad)
  • blueycapsules fans
  • Cavetown fans (cavetown is an antisemite)
  • you call Nemona a "yandere" or dislike her
  • Use Ai (I don't care if it's for memes)
  • Battington supporters
  • Martin Walls supporters
  • Harry styles fans
  • The last of us fans (it's one of those shows that you cant just watch and be critical of it at the same time)
  • Melanie Martinez fans/supporters
  • strangerthings supporters/fans
  • zionists/people who are "Nuetral" on the Palestinian genocide, you guys are all monsters

    • if you just like the characters of Omori or just like the game then you can follow but you're on thin ice
    • fnf fans can follow but you're also on thin ice (unless you're an oomf/moot <])
    • Poppy playtime fans can follow if you don't support the creators (by that I mean you like to draw/look at fanart or just like the characters and story)

If you have questions about why something you like is on my dnfi you can dm me and I can explain

ASK 2 FOLLOW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (unless I follow first) Alloallo's,adults,allistics (especially nuerotypicals),amphibiatwt,cisgender, alloallo cishets

Or your a priv account then I guess you don't have to, or I go on priv then a request would count as asking

(there are no expectations to my a2f or dnfi If I don't say there are)
If you're my mutual and I find out you're in my dnfi I'm softblocking you, unless its an exception
I block freely as well


  • please softblock to unfollow
  • Please use tone tags for me (you basically only have to use /srs & /nm)
  • I make Kys jokes to my close moots if your uncomfy with being told that then please tell me
  • may not follow back if we don't have 1 or more common interest (or If none of my mutuals are following you)
  • If you see me call an adult character my mom or dad don't be weird about it please (I am really attached to that character and see them as a parental figure I know they are not my actual parents but I like to see them as that)
  • Please tell me if I said or did something bad or if I'm following someone bad (I don't mind if you tag me I prefer dm but if you don't have time that's ok :])
  • don't be afraid to set boundaries if I make you uncomfy in any way
  • I may not follow back if you dislike any of my big comforts (unless the character has done bad things, however if you dislike Marx (Kirby) I WILL NOT follow back
  • I tend to retweet a lot especially if it's important or my special interests/hyperfix's
  • I sometimes rt art of The owl house that I like and interact with posts about the characters sometimes I have a few oomfs that are part of the fandom but I'm not into the show & fandom anymore
Pub: 04 Jul 2023 21:50 UTC
Edit: 18 May 2024 22:29 UTC
Views: 213